Blob Blame History Raw
(autoload 'dockerfile-build-buffer "dockerfile-mode" "\
Build an image called IMAGE-NAME based upon the buffer.

If the prefix arg NO-CACHE is set, don't cache the image.

The shell command used to build the image is:

    sudo docker build    \\
      --no-cache         \\
      --force-rm         \\
      --pull             \\
      --tag IMAGE-NAME   \\
      --build-args args  \\
      --progress type    \\
      -f filename        \\

\(fn IMAGE-NAME &optional NO-CACHE)" t)

(autoload 'dockerfile-build-no-cache-buffer "dockerfile-mode" "\
Build an image called IMAGE-NAME based upon the buffer without cache.

\(fn IMAGE-NAME)" t)

(autoload 'dockerfile-mode "dockerfile-mode" "\
A major mode to edit Dockerfiles.

\(fn)" t)

(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist (cons (concat "[/\\]" "\\(?:Containerfile\\|Dockerfile\\)" "\\(?:\\.[^/\\]*\\)?\\'") 'dockerfile-mode))

(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.dockerfile\\'" . dockerfile-mode))

(register-definition-prefixes "dockerfile-mode" '("dockerfile-"))