Blob Blame History Raw
%if 0%{?fedora} > 12 || 0%{?rhel} > 6
%global with_python3 1
%{!?python_sitearch: %global python_sitearch %(%{__python} -c "from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib; print get_python_lib(1)")}

# Define a macro for calling ../configure instead of ./configure
%global dconfigure %(printf %%s '%configure' | sed 's!\./configure!../configure!g')
# transform proper bindir
%global dconfigure_mpi %(printf %%s '%dconfigure' | sed 's!/usr/bin!$MPI_BIN!g')

# The testsuite currently fails only on the buildsystem, but works localy.
# So to easy enable/disable the testsuite, I introduce the following
#   variables:
# * MPD:       if '1' enable mpich2, which requires mpd to start
# * OPENMPI:   if '1' enable openmpi
%global MPD 0
%global OPENMPI 0

Name:           espresso
Version:        3.0.2
Release:        3%{?dist}
Summary:        Extensible Simulation Package for Research on Soft matter
Group:          System Environment/Libraries

License:        GPLv3+
# install fix cherry-picked from upstream git
Patch0:         espresso-install-fix.patch
# BR autotools for patch0
BuildRequires:  autoconf
BuildRequires:  automake

BuildRequires:  tcl-devel
BuildRequires:  tk-devel
BuildRequires:  fftw-devel

Requires:       %{name}-common = %{version}-%{release}

# for the testsuite: 'pwgen' is needed to create a random password
BuildRequires:  pwgen

ESPResSo can perform Molecular Dynamics simulations of bead-spring models
in various ensembles ((N,V,E), (N,V,T), and (N,p,T)).
ESPResSo contains a number of advanced algorithms, e.g.
    * DPD thermostat (for hydrodynamics)
    * P3M, MMM2D, MMM1D, ELC for electrostatic interactions
    * Lattice-Boltzmann for hydrodynamics 

%package common
Summary:        Common files for %{name} packages
BuildArch:      noarch
Requires:       %{name}-common = %{version}-%{release}
%description common
ESPResSo can perform Molecular Dynamics simulations of bead-spring models
in various ensembles ((N,V,E), (N,V,T), and (N,p,T)).
ESPResSo contains a number of advanced algorithms, e.g.
    * DPD thermostat (for hydrodynamics)
    * P3M, MMM2D, MMM1D, ELC for electrostatic interactions
    * Lattice-Boltzmann for hydrodynamics 
This package contains the license file and data files shard between the
subpackages of %{name}.

%package openmpi
BuildRequires:  openmpi-devel
Requires:       openmpi%{?_isa}
Requires:       %{name}-common = %{version}-%{release}
Summary:        Extensible Simulation Package for Research on Soft matter
Group:          System Environment/Libraries 
%description openmpi
ESPResSo can perform Molecular Dynamics simulations of bead-spring models
in various ensembles ((N,V,E), (N,V,T), and (N,p,T)).
ESPResSo contains a number of advanced algorithms, e.g.
    * DPD thermostat (for hydrodynamics)
    * P3M, MMM2D, MMM1D, ELC for electrostatic interactions
    * Lattice-Boltzmann for hydrodynamics 

This package contains %{name} compiled against Open MPI.

%package mpich2
BuildRequires:  mpich2-devel
Requires:       mpich2%{?_isa}
Requires:       %{name}-common = %{version}-%{release}
Summary:        Extensible Simulation Package for Research on Soft matter
Group:          System Environment/Libraries 
%description mpich2
ESPResSo can perform Molecular Dynamics simulations of bead-spring models
in various ensembles ((N,V,E), (N,V,T), and (N,p,T)).
ESPResSo contains a number of advanced algorithms, e.g.
    * DPD thermostat (for hydrodynamics)
    * P3M, MMM2D, MMM1D, ELC for electrostatic interactions
    * Lattice-Boltzmann for hydrodynamics 

This package contains %{name} compiled against MPICH2.

%setup -q
%patch0 -p1
autoreconf -fi

sed -i 's/tclsh8\.4/tclsh/' tools/trace_memory.tcl

mkdir openmpi_build mpich2_build no_mpi

pushd no_mpi
export CC=gcc
export CXX=g++
%dconfigure --enable-shared --with-tk
make %{?_smp_mflags}

# Build parallel versions: set compiler variables to MPI wrappers
export CC=mpicc
export CXX=mpicxx

# Build OpenMPI version
pushd openmpi_build
%dconfigure_mpi --enable-shared --with-tk --program-suffix=$MPI_SUFFIX
make %{?_smp_mflags}

# Build mpich2 version
pushd mpich2_build
%dconfigure_mpi --enable-shared --with-tk --program-suffix=$MPI_SUFFIX
make %{?_smp_mflags}

# first install mpi files and move around because MPI_SUFFIX above doesn't
# work yet (will be fixed in a new version)
pushd openmpi_build
make install DESTDIR=%{buildroot}

pushd mpich2_build
make install DESTDIR=%{buildroot}

pushd no_mpi
make install DESTDIR=%{buildroot}

rm %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/libespressobf.a

chmod +x %{buildroot}/usr/share/espresso/tools/
chmod +x %{buildroot}/usr/share/espresso/tools/trace_memory.tcl
chmod +x %{buildroot}/usr/share/espresso/tools/set_features

pushd no_mpi
make check || cat testsuite/*.err || :

# test openmpi?
%if 0%{?OPENMPI}
pushd openmpi_build
make check || cat testsuite/*.err || :

# test mpd?
%if 0%{?MPD}
# create mpd.conf
#export MPD_CONF_FILE=mpd.conf
#echo MPD_SECRETWORD=$(pwgen -s 50 1) > mpd.conf
#chmod 600 mpd.conf
#mpd --daemon

pushd mpich2_build
make check || cat testsuite/*.err || :


# delete mpd.conf again
#rm mpd.conf

%files common
%doc AUTHORS COPYING README NEWS ChangeLog doc/ug/ug.pdf


%files openmpi

%files mpich2

* Fri Jan 13 2012 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 3.0.2-3
- Rebuilt for

* Wed Oct 26 2011 Thomas Spura <> - 3.0.2-2
- add missing BR autoconf/automake
- use _isa where possible
- use general tclsh shebang
- build --with-tk

* Thu Oct  6 2011 Thomas Spura <> - 3.0.2-1
- update to new version
- introduce configure_mpi

* Sun Sep 25 2011 Thomas Spura <> - 3.0.1-3
- use correct MPI_SUFFIX
- don't install library as upstream doesn't support it anymore

* Sun Sep 25 2011 Thomas Spura <> - 3.0.1-2
- correctly install into _libdir/openmpi and not _libdir/name-openmpi

* Fri Sep 16 2011 Thomas Spura <> - 3.0.1-1
- initial packaging