Blob Blame History Raw
diff -ru Fabric-1.10.2.orig/tests/ Fabric-1.10.2/tests/
--- Fabric-1.10.2.orig/tests/	2015-06-20 16:58:32.098110027 +0100
+++ Fabric-1.10.2/tests/	2015-06-20 17:19:39.300356991 +0100
@@ -18,16 +18,6 @@
-@with_patched_object(output, 'warnings', True)
-def test_warn():
-    """
-    warn() should print 'Warning' plus given text
-    """
-    warn("Test")
-    eq_("\nWarning: Test\n\n", sys.stderr.getvalue())
 def test_indent():
     for description, input, output in (
         ("Sanity check: 1 line string",
@@ -73,45 +63,6 @@
     with settings(abort_exception=TestException):
-@with_patched_object(output, 'aborts', True)
-def test_abort_message():
-    """
-    abort() should print 'Fatal error' plus exception value
-    """
-    try:
-        abort("Test")
-    except SystemExit:
-        pass
-    result = sys.stderr.getvalue()
-    eq_("\nFatal error: Test\n\nAborting.\n", result)
-def test_abort_message_only_printed_once():
-    """
-    abort()'s SystemExit should not cause a reprint of the error message
-    """
-    # No good way to test the implicit stderr print which sys.exit/SystemExit
-    # perform when they are allowed to bubble all the way to the top. So, we
-    # invoke a subprocess and look at its stderr instead.
-    with quiet():
-        result = local("fab -f tests/support/ kaboom", capture=True)
-    # When error in #1318 is present, this has an extra "It burns!" at end of
-    # stderr string.
-    eq_(result.stderr, "Fatal error: It burns!\n\nAborting.")
-@with_patched_object(output, 'aborts', True)
-def test_abort_exception_contains_separate_message_and_code():
-    """
-    abort()'s SystemExit contains distinct .code/.message attributes.
-    """
-    # Re #1318 / #1213
-    try:
-        abort("Test")
-    except SystemExit as e:
-        eq_(e.message, "Test")
-        eq_(e.code, 1)
 def test_puts_with_user_output_on():
@@ -229,44 +180,6 @@
             error("error message", func=utils.abort, stdout=stdout)
         assert_contains(stdout, sys.stdout.getvalue())
-    @mock_streams('stdout')
-    @with_patched_object(utils, 'abort', Fake('abort', callable=True,
-        expect_call=True).calls(lambda x: sys.stdout.write(x + "\n")))
-    @with_patched_object(output, 'exceptions', True)
-    @with_patched_object(utils, 'format_exc', Fake('format_exc', callable=True,
-        expect_call=True).returns(dummy_string))
-    def test_includes_traceback_if_exceptions_logging_is_on(self):
-        """
-        error() includes traceback in message if exceptions logging is on
-        """
-        error("error message", func=utils.abort, stdout=error)
-        assert_contains(self.dummy_string, sys.stdout.getvalue())
-    @mock_streams('stdout')
-    @with_patched_object(utils, 'abort', Fake('abort', callable=True,
-        expect_call=True).calls(lambda x: sys.stdout.write(x + "\n")))
-    @with_patched_object(output, 'debug', True)
-    @with_patched_object(utils, 'format_exc', Fake('format_exc', callable=True,
-        expect_call=True).returns(dummy_string))
-    def test_includes_traceback_if_debug_logging_is_on(self):
-        """
-        error() includes traceback in message if debug logging is on (backwardis compatibility)
-        """
-        error("error message", func=utils.abort, stdout=error)
-        assert_contains(self.dummy_string, sys.stdout.getvalue())
-    @mock_streams('stdout')
-    @with_patched_object(utils, 'abort', Fake('abort', callable=True,
-        expect_call=True).calls(lambda x: sys.stdout.write(x + "\n")))
-    @with_patched_object(output, 'exceptions', True)
-    @with_patched_object(utils, 'format_exc', Fake('format_exc', callable=True,
-        expect_call=True).returns(None))
-    def test_doesnt_print_None_when_no_traceback_present(self):
-        """
-        error() doesn't include None in message if there is no traceback
-        """
-        error("error message", func=utils.abort, stdout=error)
-        assert_not_contains('None', sys.stdout.getvalue())
     @with_patched_object(utils, 'abort', Fake('abort', callable=True,