Blob Blame History Raw
# Provenpackagers are welcome to modify this package, but please don't obsolete
# additional packages without a corresponding bugzilla ticket being filed.

# Please remember to add all of the necessary information.  See below the
# Source0: line for a description of the format.  It is important that
# everything be included; yanking packages from an end-user system is "serious
# business" and should not be done lightly or without making everything as
# clear as possible.

Name:       fedora-obsolete-packages
# Please keep the version equal to the targeted Fedora release
Version:    38
Release:    %autorelease
Summary:    A package to obsolete retired packages

# This package has no actual content; there is nothing to license.
License:    Public Domain
BuildArch:  noarch

Source0:    README

# ===============================================================================
# Skip down below these convenience macros
%define obsolete_ticket() %{lua:
    local ticket = rpm.expand('%1')

    -- May need to declare the master structure
    if type(obs) == 'nil' then
        obs = {}

    if ticket == '%1' then
        rpm.expand('%{error:No ticket provided to obsolete_ticket}')

    if ticket == 'Ishouldfileaticket' then
        ticket = nil

    -- Declare a new set of obsoletes
    local index = #obs+1
    obs[index] = {}
    obs[index].ticket = ticket
    obs[index].list = {}

%define obsolete() %{lua:
    local pkg = rpm.expand('%1')
    local ver = rpm.expand('%2')
    local pkg_
    local ver_
    local i
    local j

    if pkg == '%1' then
        rpm.expand('%{error:No package name provided to obsolete}')
    if ver == '%2' then
        rpm.expand('%{error:No version provided to obsolete}')

    if not string.find(ver, '-') then
        rpm.expand('%{error:You must provide a version-release, not just a version.}')

    print('Obsoletes: ' .. pkg .. ' < ' .. ver)

    -- Check if the package wasn't already obsoleted
    for i = 1,#obs do
        for j = 1,#obs[i].list do
            pkg_, ver_ = table.unpack(obs[i].list[j])
            if pkg == pkg_ then
                rpm.expand('%{error:' .. pkg ..' obsoleted multiple times (' .. ver_ .. ' and ' .. ver ..').}')

    -- Append this obsolete to the last set of obsoletes in the list
    local list = obs[#obs].list
    list[#list+1] = {pkg, ver}

%define list_obsoletes %{lua:
    local i
    local j
    for i = 1,#obs do
        for j = 1,#obs[i].list do
            pkg, ver = table.unpack(obs[i].list[j])
            print('  ' .. pkg .. ' < ' .. ver .. '\\n')
        if obs[i].ticket == nil then
            print('  (No ticket was provided!)\\n\\n')
            print('  (See ' .. obs[i].ticket .. ')\\n\\n')

# ===============================================================================
# Add calls to the obsolete_ticket and obsolete macros below, along with a note
# indicating the Fedora version in which the entries can be removed.  This is
# generally three releases beyond whatever release Rawhide is currently.  The
# macros make this easy, and will automatically update the package description.

# The ticket information is important.  Please don't add things here without
# having a filed ticket, preferrably in bugzilla.

# All Obsoletes: entries MUST be versioned (including the release),
# with the version being higher (!)
# than the last version-release of the obsoleted package.
# This allows the package to return to the distribution later.
# The best possible thing to do is to find the last version-release
# which was in the distribution, add one to the release,
# and add that version without using a dist tag.
# This allows a rebuild with a bumped Release: to be installed.

# Template:
# Remove in F39
# %%obsolete_ticket
# %%obsolete foo 3.5-7

# Remove in F38
%obsolete perl-Verilog-CodeGen 0.9.4-39

# Remove in F39
%obsolete perl-File-Inplace 0.20-32
%obsolete perl-Lingua-EN-Fathom 1.22-12
%obsolete perl-Lingua-EN-Syllable 0.30-19
%obsolete publican 4.3.2-24

# Remove in F39
# Removed packages with broken dependencies on Python 3.10
%obsolete ansible-test 2.9.27-4
%obsolete bugzilla2fedmsg 1.0.0-8
%obsolete chavier 0.7.0-23
%obsolete expliot 0.9.6-6
%obsolete fapolicyd-dnf-plugin 1.1.3-2
%obsolete ipsilon-authfas 2.1.0-24
%obsolete ipsilon-persona 2.1.0-24
%obsolete magic-wormhole 0.12.0-8
%obsolete mkdocs-alabaster 0.8.0-8
%obsolete mkdocs-bootstrap 1.1-9
%obsolete mkdocs-bootswatch 1.1-7
%obsolete mkdocs-cinder 1.0.3-8
%obsolete mkdocs-material 5.0.2-8
%obsolete nmstate-plugin-ovsdb 2.0.0-2
%obsolete noggin-tests 0.0.1^git20210323.3b487ed-4
%obsolete nudepy 0.5.0-8
%obsolete percol 0.1.1-0.24
%obsolete python-proteus 4.0.2-18
%obsolete python3-ECPy 0.10.0-13
%obsolete python3-PyPAM 0.5.0-51
%obsolete python3-aiomodbus 0.3.2-6
%obsolete python3-aioopenssl 0.5.1-6
%obsolete python3-aiosasl 0.4.1-7
%obsolete python3-altgraph 0.17-8
%obsolete python3-angr 9.0.6885-6
%obsolete python3-argh 0.26.1-23
%obsolete python3-asyncio-dgram 1.1.1-6
%obsolete python3-autoclasstoc 1.3.0-2
%obsolete python3-avocado-plugins-glib 82.0-6
%obsolete python3-avocado-plugins-loader-yaml 82.0-6
%obsolete python3-bigsuds 1.0.6-22
%obsolete python3-blackbird 0.5-6
%obsolete python3-bna 5.0.1-5
%obsolete python3-bodhi 5.7.5-2
%obsolete python3-brother 1.1.0-3
%obsolete python3-cachez 0.1.2-20
%obsolete python3-cchardet 2.1.7-6
%obsolete python3-clyent 1.2.2-19
%obsolete python3-cmigemo 0.1.6-24
%obsolete python3-concurrentloghandler 0.9.1-21
%obsolete python3-contextlib2 0.6.0.post1-5
%obsolete python3-discord 1.7.3-2
%obsolete python3-email_reply_parser 0.3.0-20140523git76e9481.MANUAL
%obsolete python3-ezdxf+all5 0.17.2-2
%obsolete python3-fastimport 0.9.13-3
%obsolete python3-first 2.0.2-5
%obsolete python3-google-api-core+grpcgcp 2.8.0-2
%obsolete python3-google-api-core+grpcio-gcp 2.8.0-2
%obsolete python3-graphene-sqlalchemy 2.3.0-5
%obsolete python3-graphql-server 3.0.0-7
%obsolete python3-graphql-server+aiohttp 3.0.0-7
%obsolete python3-graphql-server+flask 3.0.0-7
%obsolete python3-graphql-server+webob 3.0.0-7
%obsolete python3-hkdf 0.0.3-13
%obsolete python3-insteon 1.0.8-6
%obsolete python3-language-server 0.36.2-7
%obsolete python3-libsoc 0.8.2-20
%obsolete python3-libyang 1.0.225-5
%obsolete python3-lrparsing 1.0.16-11
%obsolete python3-luftdaten 0.6.5-2
%obsolete python3-magic-wormhole 0.12.0-8
%obsolete python3-magic-wormhole-mailbox-server 0.4.1-9
%obsolete python3-magic-wormhole-transit-relay 0.2.1-8
%obsolete python3-mox3 1.1.0-6
%obsolete python3-netssh2 0.1.7-13
%obsolete python3-nose-cover3 0.1.0-34
%obsolete python3-nudepy 0.5.0-8
%obsolete python3-ofxparse 0.21-3
%obsolete python3-omnilogic 0.4.5-3
%obsolete python3-opencensus 0.7.13-4
%obsolete python3-opencensus-context 0.7.13-4
%obsolete python3-opencensus-correlation 0.7.13-4
%obsolete python3-opencensus-ext-azure 0.7.13-4
%obsolete python3-opencensus-ext-datadog 0.7.13-4
%obsolete python3-opencensus-ext-dbapi 0.7.13-4
%obsolete python3-opencensus-ext-django 0.7.13-4
%obsolete python3-opencensus-ext-flask 0.7.13-4
%obsolete python3-opencensus-ext-gevent 0.7.13-4
%obsolete python3-opencensus-ext-grpc 0.7.13-4
%obsolete python3-opencensus-ext-httplib 0.7.13-4
%obsolete python3-opencensus-ext-jaeger 0.7.13-4
%obsolete python3-opencensus-ext-logging 0.7.13-4
%obsolete python3-opencensus-ext-mysql 0.7.13-4
%obsolete python3-opencensus-ext-ocagent 0.7.13-4
%obsolete python3-opencensus-ext-postgresql 0.7.13-4
%obsolete python3-opencensus-ext-prometheus 0.7.13-4
%obsolete python3-opencensus-ext-pymongo 0.7.13-4
%obsolete python3-opencensus-ext-pymysql 0.7.13-4
%obsolete python3-opencensus-ext-pyramid 0.7.13-4
%obsolete python3-opencensus-ext-requests 0.7.13-4
%obsolete python3-opencensus-ext-sqlalchemy 0.7.13-4
%obsolete python3-opencensus-ext-threading 0.7.13-4
%obsolete python3-opencensus-ext-zipkin 0.7.13-4
%obsolete python3-parallel-ssh 1.9.1-10
%obsolete python3-pipreqs 0.4.10-5
%obsolete python3-pkgwat 0.13-12
%obsolete python3-pkgwat-api 0.13-12
%obsolete python3-plette 0.2.3-4
%obsolete python3-plette+validation 0.2.3-4
%obsolete python3-plyvel 1.3.0-6
%obsolete python3-power 1.4-25
%obsolete python3-productivity 0.6.0-2
%obsolete python3-profilehooks 1.12.0-6
%obsolete python3-py-gfm 0.1.4-8
%obsolete python3-pycha 0.7.0-23
%obsolete python3-pyduofern 0.34.1-6
%obsolete python3-pyls_black 0.4.7-4
%obsolete python3-pymdown-extensions 7.0-7
%obsolete python3-pystalk 0.5.1-11
%obsolete python3-readthedocs-sphinx-ext 2.1.4-5
%obsolete python3-rpm-head-signing 1.7-3
%obsolete python3-social-auth-core+saml 4.2.0-2
%obsolete python3-sockjs-tornado 1.0.7-5
%obsolete python3-spake2 0.8-13
%obsolete python3-sphinx-testing 1.0.1-13
%obsolete python3-sqlobject 3.9.1-7
%obsolete python3-ssh2-python 0.26.0-2
%obsolete python3-structlog 19.2.0-9
%obsolete python3-thingserver 0.2.1-6
%obsolete python3-txtorcon 21.1.0-3
%obsolete python3-typer-cli 0.0.12-11
%obsolete python3-volvooncall 0.8.12-7
%obsolete python3-wand 0.5.5-10
%obsolete python3-whatever 0.6-8
%obsolete python3-xmlrunner 1.7.7-18
%obsolete python3-yarg 0.1.9-17
%obsolete quasselgrep 0.1-0.15
%obsolete system-config-repo 0-31
%obsolete tryton 5.4.0-9
%obsolete trytond 4.0.4-20
%obsolete trytond-account 4.0.3-18
%obsolete trytond-account-be 4.0.0-18
%obsolete trytond-account-de-skr03 4.0.0-18
%obsolete trytond-account-invoice 4.0.2-18
%obsolete trytond-account-invoice-history 4.0.1-18
%obsolete trytond-account-invoice-line-standalone 4.0.1-18
%obsolete trytond-account-product 4.0.2-18
%obsolete trytond-account-statement 4.0.2-18
%obsolete trytond-account-stock-anglo-saxon 4.0.1-18
%obsolete trytond-account-stock-continental 4.0.1-18
%obsolete trytond-analytic-account 4.0.1-18
%obsolete trytond-analytic-invoice 4.0.1-18
%obsolete trytond-analytic-purchase 4.0.1-18
%obsolete trytond-analytic-sale 4.0.1-18
%obsolete trytond-company 4.0.3-18
%obsolete trytond-company-work-time 4.0.1-18
%obsolete trytond-country 4.0.1-18
%obsolete trytond-currency 4.0.1-18
%obsolete trytond-dashboard 4.0.1-18
%obsolete trytond-google-maps 4.0.2-18
%obsolete trytond-ldap-authentication 4.0.1-18
%obsolete trytond-mysql 4.0.4-20
%obsolete trytond-openoffice 4.0.4-20
%obsolete trytond-party 4.0.2-18
%obsolete trytond-party-siret 4.0.0-18
%obsolete trytond-pgsql 4.0.4-20
%obsolete trytond-product 4.0.1-18
%obsolete trytond-product-cost-fifo 4.0.1-18
%obsolete trytond-product-cost-history 4.0.0-18
%obsolete trytond-product-price-list 4.0.0-18
%obsolete trytond-project 4.0.1-18
%obsolete trytond-project-plan 4.0.1-18
%obsolete trytond-project-revenue 4.0.1-18
%obsolete trytond-purchase 4.0.3-18
%obsolete trytond-purchase-invoice-line-standalone 4.0.0-18
%obsolete trytond-sale 4.0.3-18
%obsolete trytond-sale-opportunity 4.0.1-18
%obsolete trytond-sale-price-list 4.0.0-18
%obsolete trytond-sqlite 4.0.4-20
%obsolete trytond-stock 4.0.3-18
%obsolete trytond-stock-forecast 4.0.0-18
%obsolete trytond-stock-inventory-location 4.0.1-18
%obsolete trytond-stock-location-sequence 4.0.1-18
%obsolete trytond-stock-product-location 4.0.0-18
%obsolete trytond-stock-supply 4.0.1-18
%obsolete trytond-stock-supply-day 4.0.0-18
%obsolete trytond-timesheet 4.0.1-18
%obsolete waiverdb 1.4.0-2
%obsolete waiverdb-cli 1.4.0-2
%obsolete waiverdb-common 1.4.0-2
%obsolete zuul 3.19.1-6
%obsolete zuul-executor 3.19.1-6
%obsolete zuul-fingergw 3.19.1-6
%obsolete zuul-merger 3.19.1-6
%obsolete zuul-migrate 3.19.1-6
%obsolete zuul-scheduler 3.19.1-6
%obsolete zuul-web 3.19.1-6

# Remove in F39
%obsolete elementary-calculator 1.7.2-3
%obsolete elementary-calendar 6.1.1-2
%obsolete elementary-camera 6.2.0-2
%obsolete elementary-capnet-assist 2.4.2-2
%obsolete elementary-code 6.2.0-2
%obsolete elementary-files 6.1.4-2
%obsolete elementary-greeter 6.1.0-2
%obsolete elementary-mail 6.4.0-2
%obsolete elementary-music 5.1.1-5
%obsolete elementary-notifications 6.0.2-2
%obsolete elementary-photos 2.7.5-2
%obsolete elementary-print 0.1.3-9
%obsolete elementary-screenshot-tool 6.0.2-4
%obsolete elementary-settings-daemon 1.2.0-2
%obsolete elementary-shortcut-overlay 1.2.1-4
%obsolete elementary-sideload 6.0.2-3
%obsolete elementary-tasks 6.3.0-2
%obsolete elementary-terminal 6.1.0-2
%obsolete elementary-videos 2.8.4-2
%obsolete elementary-wallpapers 5.4-7
%obsolete gala 6.3.1-4
%obsolete pantheon-agent-geoclue2 1.0.5-4
%obsolete pantheon-agent-polkit 1.0.5-2
%obsolete pantheon-session-settings 35.0-2
%obsolete switchboard 6.0.2-2
%obsolete switchboard-plug-a11y 2.3.0-4
%obsolete switchboard-plug-about 6.1.0-2
%obsolete switchboard-plug-applications 6.0.1-3
%obsolete switchboard-plug-bluetooth 2.3.6-4
%obsolete switchboard-plug-display 2.3.2-3
%obsolete switchboard-plug-keyboard 2.7.0-4
%obsolete switchboard-plug-mouse-touchpad 6.1.0-3
%obsolete switchboard-plug-networking 2.4.3-2
%obsolete switchboard-plug-notifications 2.2.0-4
%obsolete switchboard-plug-onlineaccounts 6.5.0-2
%obsolete switchboard-plug-pantheon-shell 6.3.0-2
%obsolete switchboard-plug-printers 2.2.0-2
%obsolete switchboard-plug-sharing 2.1.5-4
%obsolete switchboard-plug-sound 2.3.1-2
%obsolete wingpanel 3.0.2-5
%obsolete wingpanel-applications-menu 2.10.2-3
%obsolete wingpanel-indicator-bluetooth 2.1.8-3
%obsolete wingpanel-indicator-datetime 2.4.0-3
%obsolete wingpanel-indicator-keyboard 2.4.0-4
%obsolete wingpanel-indicator-network 2.3.3-2
%obsolete wingpanel-indicator-nightlight 2.1.0-4
%obsolete wingpanel-indicator-notifications 6.0.6-2
%obsolete wingpanel-indicator-power 6.1.0-3
%obsolete wingpanel-indicator-session 2.3.0-4
%obsolete wingpanel-indicator-sound 6.0.1-3

# python26-2.6.9-22.fc32 blocks upgrades: python26-2.6.9-21.fc31.x86_64 requires
%obsolete python26 2.6.9-23

# This package won't be installed, but will obsolete other packages
Provides: libsolv-self-destruct-pkg()

This package exists only to obsolete other packages which need to be removed
from the distribution for some reason.

Currently obsoleted packages:


%autosetup -c -T
cp %SOURCE0 .

