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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<component type="desktop-application">
	<summary>Non-linear curve fitting and data analysis</summary>

		<p>Fityk [fi:tik] is a program for data processing and nonlinear curve fitting.</p>
		<p>Primarily used:</p>
			<li>by scientists who analyse data from powder diffraction, chromatography, photoluminescence and photoelectron spectroscopy, infrared and Raman spectroscopy, and other experimental techniques,</li>
			<li>to fit peaks – bell-shaped functions (Gaussian, Lorentzian, Voigt, Pearson VII, bifurcated Gaussian, EMG, Doniach-Sunjic, etc.),</li>
		<p>but it is suitable for fitting any curve to 2D (x,y) data.</p>


	<launchable type="desktop-id">fityk.desktop</launchable>

		<screenshot type="default">
			<caption>Main window with three plots</caption>
			<caption>Automatic peak detection and fitting</caption>
			<caption>Configuring the main plot</caption>
			<caption>Spacing out stacked data sets</caption>
			<caption>Subtracting the baseline of a curve</caption>
			<caption>Plot and data preview when opening files</caption>
			<caption>Fitting functions can be edited and custom ones added</caption>

	<url type="homepage"></url>

