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Index: rtl/powerpc/
--- rtl/powerpc/	(revision 830)
+++ rtl/powerpc/	(working copy)
@@ -203,374 +203,7 @@
 {$endif MACOS}
-                                Move / Fill
-procedure Move(const source;var dest;count:longint);[public, alias: 'FPC_MOVE'];assembler; nostackframe;
-          {  count <= 0 ?  }
-          cmpwi   cr0,r5,0
-          {  check if we have to do the move backwards because of overlap  }
-          sub     r10,r4,r3
-          {  carry := boolean(dest-source < count) = boolean(overlap) }
-          subc    r10,r10,r5
-          {  count < 15 ? (to decide whether we will move dwords or bytes  }
-          cmpwi   cr1,r5,15
-          {  if overlap, then r10 := -1 else r10 := 0  }
-          subfe   r10,r10,r10
-          {  count < 63 ? (32 + max. alignment (31) }
-          cmpwi   cr7,r5,63
-          {  if count <= 0, stop  }
-          ble     cr0,.LMoveDone
-          {  load the begin of the source in the data cache }
-          dcbt    0,r3
-          { and the dest as well }
-          dcbtst  0,r4
-          {  if overlap, then r0 := count else r0 := 0  }
-          and     r0,r5,r10
-          {  if overlap, then point source and dest to the end  }
-          add     r3,r3,r0
-          add     r4,r4,r0
-          {  if overlap, then r6 := 0, else r6 := -1  }
-          not     r6,r10
-          {  if overlap, then r10 := -2, else r10 := 0  }
-          slwi    r10,r10,1
-          {  if overlap, then r10 := -1, else r10 := 1  }
-          addi    r10,r10,1
-          {  if count < 15, copy everything byte by byte  }
-          blt     cr1,.LMoveBytes
-          {  if no overlap, then source/dest += -1, otherwise they stay }
-          {  After the next instruction, r3/r4 + r10 = next position to }
-          {  load/store from/to                                         }
-          add     r3,r3,r6
-          add     r4,r4,r6
-          {  otherwise, guarantee 4 byte alignment for dest for starters  }
-          lbzux   r0,r3,r10
-          stbux   r0,r4,r10
-          {  is dest now 4 aligned?  }
-          andi.   r0,r4,3
-          subi    r5,r5,1
-          {  while not aligned, continue  }
-          bne     cr0,.LMove4ByteAlignLoop
-{$ifndef ppc603}
-          { check for 32 byte alignment }
-          andi.   r7,r4,31
-{$endif non ppc603}
-          { we are going to copy one byte again (the one at the newly }
-          { aligned address), so increase count byte 1                }
-          addi    r5,r5,1
-          { count div 4 for number of dwords to copy }
-          srwi    r0,r5,2
-          {  if 11 <= count < 63, copy using dwords }
-          blt     cr7,.LMoveDWords
-{$ifndef ppc603}
-          { # of dwords to copy to reach 32 byte alignment (*4) }
-          { (depends on forward/backward copy)                  }
-          { if forward copy, r6 = -1 -> r8 := 32 }
-          { if backward copy, r6 = 0 -> r8 := 0  }
-          rlwinm  r8,r6,0,31-6+1,31-6+1
-          { if forward copy, we have to copy 32 - unaligned count bytes }
-          { if backward copy unaligned count bytes                      }
-          sub     r7,r8,r7
-          { if backward copy, the calculated value is now negate -> }
-          { make it positive again                                 }
-          not     r8, r6
-          add     r7, r7, r8
-          xor     r7, r7, r8
-{$endif not ppc603}
-          { multiply the update count with 4 }
-          slwi    r10,r10,2
-          slwi    r6,r6,2
-          { and adapt the source and dest }
-          add     r3,r3,r6
-          add     r4,r4,r6
-{$ifndef ppc603}
-          beq     cr0,.LMove32BytesAligned
-          {  count >= 39 -> align to 8 byte boundary and then use the FPU  }
-          {  since we're already at 4 byte alignment, use dword store      }
-          subic.  r7,r7,4
-          lwzux   r0,r3,r10
-          subi    r5,r5,4
-          stwux   r0,r4,r10
-          bne     .L32BytesAlignMoveLoop
-          { count div 32 ( >= 1, since count was >=63 }
-          srwi    r0,r5,5
-          { remainder }
-          andi.   r5,r5,31
-          { to decide if we will do some dword stores (instead of only }
-          { byte stores) afterwards or not                             }
-{$else not ppc603}
-          srwi    r0,r5,4
-          andi.   r5,r5,15
-{$endif not ppc603}
-          cmpwi   cr1,r5,11
-          mtctr   r0
-          {  r0 := count div 4, will be moved to ctr when copying dwords  }
-          srwi    r0,r5,2
-{$ifndef ppc603}
-          {  adjust the update count: it will now be 8 or -8 depending on overlap  }
-          slwi    r10,r10,1
-          {  adjust source and dest pointers: because of the above loop, dest is now   }
-          {  aligned to 8 bytes. So if we add r6 we will still have an 8 bytes         }
-          { aligned address)                                                           }
-          add     r3,r3,r6
-          add     r4,r4,r6
-          slwi    r6,r6,1
-          { the dcbz offset must give a 32 byte aligned address when added   }
-          { to the current dest address and its address must point to the    }
-          { bytes that will be overwritten in the current iteration. In case }
-          { of a forward loop, the dest address has currently an offset of   }
-          { -8 compared to the bytes that will be overwritten (and r6 = -8). }
-          { In case of a backward of a loop, the dest address currently has  }
-          { an offset of +32 compared to the bytes that will be overwritten  }
-          { (and r6 = 0). So the forward dcbz offset must become +8 and the  }
-          { backward -32 -> (-r6 * 5) - 32 gives the correct offset          }
-          slwi    r7,r6,2
-          add     r7,r7,r6
-          neg     r7,r7
-          subi    r7,r7,32
-          lfdux   f0,r3,r10
-          lfdux   f1,r3,r10
-          lfdux   f2,r3,r10
-          lfdux   f3,r3,r10
-          { must be done only now, in case source and dest are less than }
-          { 32 bytes apart!                                              }
-          dcbz    r4,r7
-          stfdux  f0,r4,r10
-          stfdux  f1,r4,r10
-          stfdux  f2,r4,r10
-          stfdux  f3,r4,r10
-          bdnz    .LMove32ByteDcbz
-{$else not ppc603}
-          lwzux   r11,r3,r10
-          lwzux   r7,r3,r10
-          lwzux   r8,r3,r10
-          lwzux   r9,r3,r10
-          stwux   r11,r4,r10
-          stwux   r7,r4,r10
-          stwux   r8,r4,r10
-          stwux   r9,r4,r10
-          bdnz    .LMove16ByteLoop
-{$endif not ppc603}
-          { cr0*4+eq is true if "count and 31" = 0 }
-          beq     cr0,.LMoveDone
-          {  make r10 again -1 or 1, but first adjust source/dest pointers }
-          sub     r3,r3,r6
-          sub     r4,r4,r6
-{$ifndef ppc603}
-          srawi   r10,r10,3
-          srawi   r6,r6,3
-{$else not ppc603}
-          srawi   r10,r10,2
-          srawi   r6,r6,2
-{$endif not ppc603}
-          { cr1 contains whether count <= 11 }
-          ble     cr1,.LMoveBytes
-          mtctr   r0
-          andi.   r5,r5,3
-          {  r10 * 4  }
-          slwi    r10,r10,2
-          slwi    r6,r6,2
-          add     r3,r3,r6
-          add     r4,r4,r6
-          lwzux   r0,r3,r10
-          stwux   r0,r4,r10
-          bdnz    .LMoveDWordsLoop
-          beq     cr0,.LMoveDone
-          {  make r10 again -1 or 1  }
-          sub     r3,r3,r6
-          sub     r4,r4,r6
-          srawi   r10,r10,2
-          srawi   r6,r6,2
-          add     r3,r3,r6
-          add     r4,r4,r6
-          mtctr   r5
-          lbzux   r0,r3,r10
-          stbux   r0,r4,r10
-          bdnz    .LMoveBytesLoop
-Procedure FillChar(var x;count:longint;value:byte);assembler;
-{ input: x in r3, count in r4, value in r5 }
-{$ifndef FPC_ABI_AIX}
-{ in the AIX ABI, we can use te red zone for temp storage, otherwise we have }
-{ to explicitely allocate room                                               }
-  temp : packed record
-    case byte of
-      0: (l1,l2: longint);
-      1: (d: double);
-    end;
-{$endif FPC_ABI_AIX}
-        { no bytes? }
-        cmpwi     cr6,r4,0
-        { less than 15 bytes? }
-        cmpwi     cr7,r4,15
-        { less than 64 bytes? }
-        cmpwi     cr1,r4,64
-        { fill r5 with ValueValueValueValue }
-        rlwimi    r5,r5,8,16,23
-        { setup for aligning x to multiple of 4}
-        rlwinm    r10,r3,0,31-2+1,31
-        rlwimi    r5,r5,16,0,15
-        ble       cr6,.LFillCharDone
-        { get the start of the data in the cache (and mark it as "will be }
-        { modified")                                                      }
-        dcbtst    0,r3
-        subfic    r10,r10,4
-        blt       cr7,.LFillCharVerySmall
-        { just store 4 bytes instead of using a loop to align (there are }
-        { plenty of other instructions now to keep the processor busy    }
-        { while it handles the (possibly unaligned) store)               }
-        stw       r5,0(r3)
-        { r3 := align(r3,4) }
-        add       r3,r3,r10
-        { decrease count with number of bytes already stored }
-        sub       r4,r4,r10
-        blt       cr1,.LFillCharSmall
-        { if we have to fill with 0 (which happens a lot), we can simply use }
-        { dcbz for the most part, which is very fast, so make a special case }
-        { for that                                                           }
-        cmplwi    cr1,r5,0
-        { align to a multiple of 32 (and immediately check whether we aren't }
-        { already 32 byte aligned)                                           }
-        rlwinm.   r10,r3,0,31-5+1,31
-        { setup r3 for using update forms of store instructions }
-        subi      r3,r3,4
-        { get number of bytes to store }
-        subfic    r10,r10,32
-        { if already 32byte aligned, skip align loop }
-        beq       .L32ByteAlignLoopDone
-        { substract from the total count }
-        sub       r4,r4,r10
-        { we were already aligned to 4 byres, so this will count down to }
-        { exactly 0                                                      }
-        subic.    r10,r10,4
-        stwu      r5,4(r3)
-        bne       .L32ByteAlignLoop
-        { get the amount of 32 byte blocks }
-        srwi      r10,r4,5
-        { and keep the rest in r4 (recording whether there is any rest) }
-        rlwinm.   r4,r4,0,31-5+1,31
-        { move to ctr }
-        mtctr     r10
-        { check how many rest there is (to decide whether we'll use }
-        { FillCharSmall or FillCharVerySmall)                       }
-        cmplwi    cr7,r4,11
-        { if filling with zero, only use dcbz }
-        bne       cr1, .LFillCharNoZero
-        { make r3 point again to the actual store position }
-        addi      r3,r3,4
-        dcbz      0,r3
-        addi      r3,r3,32
-        bdnz      .LFillCharDCBZLoop
-        { if there was no rest, we're finished }
-        beq       .LFillCharDone
-        b         .LFillCharVerySmall
-{$ifdef FPC_ABI_AIX}
-        stw       r5,-4(r1)
-        stw       r5,-8(r1)
-        lfd       f0,-8(r1)
-{$else FPC_ABI_AIX}
-        stw       r5,temp
-        stw       r5,temp+4
-        lfd       f0,temp
-{$endif FPC_ABI_AIX}
-        { make r3 point to address-8, so we're able to use fp double stores }
-        { with update (it's already -4 now)                                 }
-        subi      r3,r3,4
-        { load r10 with 8, so that dcbz uses the correct address }
-        li        r10, 8
-        dcbz      r3,r10
-        stfdu     f0,8(r3)
-        stfdu     f0,8(r3)
-        stfdu     f0,8(r3)
-        stfdu     f0,8(r3)
-        bdnz      .LFillChar32ByteLoop
-        { if there was no rest, we're finished }
-        beq       .LFillCharDone
-        { make r3 point again to the actual next byte that must be written }
-        addi      r3,r3,8
-        b         .LFillCharVerySmall
-        { when we arrive here, we're already 4 byte aligned }
-        { get count div 4 to store dwords }
-        srwi      r10,r4,2
-        { get ready for use of update stores }
-        subi      r3,r3,4
-        mtctr     r10
-        rlwinm.   r4,r4,0,31-2+1,31
-        stwu      r5,4(r3)
-        bdnz      .LFillCharSmallLoop
-        { if nothing left, stop }
-        beq       .LFillCharDone
-        { get ready to store bytes }
-        addi      r3,r3,4
-        mtctr     r4
-        subi      r3,r3,1
-        stbu      r5,1(r3)
-        bdnz      .LFillCharVerySmallLoop
 procedure filldword(var x;count : longint;value : dword);