Blob Blame History Raw
%global pkgname guava

Name:           gap-pkg-%{pkgname}
Version:        3.19
Release:        %autorelease
Summary:        Computing with error-correcting codes

License:        GPL-2.0-or-later
# See
ExcludeArch:    %{ix86}
Source0:        %{vcs}/archive/v%{version}/%{pkgname}-%{version}.tar.gz
# Enable the optional Sonata code.  Upstream says to uncomment this code if
# Sonata is available, and that is all this patch does.
Patch0:         %{name}-sonata.patch
# Patch to fix C compiler warnings that indicate possible runtime problems.
Patch1:         %{name}-warning.patch
# Use popcount instructions where available.
Patch2:         %{name}-popcount.patch

BuildRequires:  gap-devel
BuildRequires:  gap-pkg-autodoc
BuildRequires:  gap-pkg-sonata
BuildRequires:  gcc
BuildRequires:  libtool
BuildRequires:  make
BuildRequires:  parallel

Requires:       gap-core%{?_isa}
Requires:       gap-pkg-sonata

%global _docdir_fmt %{name}

GUAVA is a package that implements coding theory algorithms in GAP.
Codes can be created and manipulated and information about codes can be

GUAVA consists of various files written in the GAP language, and an
external program from J. S. Leon for dealing with automorphism groups of
codes and isomorphism testing functions.  Several algorithms that need
the speed are integrated in the GAP kernel.

The functions within GUAVA can be divided into four categories:
- Construction of codes.  GUAVA can construct non-linear, linear and
  cyclic codes over an arbitrary finite field.  Examples are
  HadamardCode, ReedMullerCode, BestKnownLinearCode, QRCode and
- Manipulation of codes.  These functions allow the user to transform
  one code into another or to construct a new code from two codes.
  Examples are PuncturedCode, DualCode, DirectProductCode and UUVCode.
- Computation of information about codes.  This information is stored in
  the code record.  Examples are MinimumDistance, OuterDistribution,
  IsSelfDualCode and AutomorphismGroup.
- Generation of bounds on linear codes.  The table by Brouwer and
  Verhoeff (as it existed in the mid-1990s) is incorporated into GUAVA.
  For example, BoundsMinimumDistance.

%package doc
# The content is GFDL-1.2-no-invariants-or-later.  The remaining licenses cover
# the various fonts embedded in PDFs.
# AMS: OFL-1.1-RFN
# CM: Knuth-CTAN
# CM-Super: GPL-1.0-or-later
# Nimbus: AGPL-3.0-only
# StandardSymL: GPL-1.0-or-later
License:        GFDL-1.2-no-invariants-or-later AND OFL-1.1-RFN AND Knuth-CTAN AND GPL-1.0-or-later AND AGPL-3.0-only
Summary:        GUAVA documentation
Requires:       %{name}%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
Requires:       gap-online-help

%description doc
This package contains documentation for gap-pkg-%{pkgname}.

%autosetup -p0 -n %{pkgname}-%{version}

# Avoid name collisions in the documentation
cp -p src/ctjhai/README README.ctjhai

export LC_ALL=C.UTF-8

# This is NOT an autoconf-generated script.  Do not use %%configure.
./configure %{gap_archdir}

# Building with %%{?_smp_mflags} fails
make CFLAGS="%{build_cflags} -DLONG_EXTERNAL_NAMES"

# Compress large tables
parallel %{?_smp_mflags} --no-notice gzip --best ::: tbl/*.g

# Build documentation
gap makedoc.g
pushd src/leon/doc
pdftex manual.tex

mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{gap_archdir}/pkg/%{pkgname}/doc
cp -a *.g bin lib tbl tst %{buildroot}%{gap_archdir}/pkg/%{pkgname}

# The documentation tests cannot be run, as they require breaking out of
# infinite loops.  See comments about a user interrupt.
export LC_ALL=C.UTF-8
cd tst
gap -l "%{buildroot}%{gap_archdir};" << EOF
if Test("guava.tst", rec( compareFunction := "uptowhitespace" ) ) = false then GAP_EXIT_CODE(1); fi;
if Test("decoding.tst", rec( compareFunction := "uptowhitespace" ) ) = false then GAP_EXIT_CODE(1); fi;
if Test("hadamard.tst", rec( compareFunction := "uptowhitespace" ) ) = false then GAP_EXIT_CODE(1); fi;
if Test("external.tst", rec( compareFunction := "uptowhitespace" ) ) = false then GAP_EXIT_CODE(1); fi;

%license COPYING
%exclude %{gap_archdir}/pkg/%{pkgname}/doc/

%files doc
%doc src/leon/doc/manual.pdf
%docdir %{gap_archdir}/pkg/%{pkgname}/doc/
