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<!-- Copyright 2014 Parag Nemade <pnemade AT redhat DOT com> -->
<component type="font">
  <name>GFS Baskerville</name>
  <summary>GFS Baskerville Greek font</summary>
      John Baskerville (1706-1775) got involed in typography late in his career but
      his contribution was significant.Baskerville was also involved in the design
      of a Greek typeface which he used in an edition of the New Testament for 
      Oxford University, in 1763. He adopted the practice of avoiding the excessive
      number of ligatures which Alexander Wilson had started a few years earlier
      but his Greek types were rather narrow in proportion and did not win the 
      sympathy of the philologists and other scholars of his time. They did 
      influence, however, the Greek types of Giambattista Bodoni. and through him
      Didot's Greek in Paris.
      The typeface has been digitally revived as GFS Baskerville Classic by Sophia
      Kalaitzidou and George D. Matthiopoulos and is now available as part of GFS'
      type library.
  <url type="homepage"></url>