Blob Blame History Raw
-- wren gayle romano <>            ~ 2019.02.25

-- By and large Cabal >=1.2 is fine; but
-- * >=1.6 gives tested-with: and source-repository:
-- * >=1.8 allows executables to build-depends: on the library
-- * >=1.9.2 allows Test-Suite
Cabal-Version:  >= 1.9.2
Build-Type:     Simple

Name:           bytestring-trie
x-revision:     1
Stability:      provisional
Author:         wren gayle romano
Copyright:      Copyright (c) 2008--2019 wren gayle romano
License:        BSD3
License-File:   LICENSE

Category:       Data, Data Structures
Synopsis:       An efficient finite map from (byte)strings to values.
Description:    An efficient finite map from (byte)strings to values.
                The implementation is based on big-endian patricia
                trees, like "Data.IntMap". We first trie on the
                elements of "Data.ByteString" and then trie on the
                big-endian bit representation of those elements.
                Patricia trees have efficient algorithms for union
                and other merging operations, but they're also quick
                for lookups and insertions.
                If you are only interested in being able to associate
                strings to values, then you may prefer the @hashmap@
                package which is faster for those only needing a
                map-like structure. This package is intended for
                those who need the extra capabilities that a trie-like
                structure can offer (e.g., structure sharing to
                reduce memory costs for highly redundant keys,
                taking the submap of all keys with a given prefix,
                contextual mapping, extracting the minimum and
                maximum keys, etc.)


-- Cf., <>
    GHC ==7.4.1, GHC ==7.4.2,
    GHC ==7.6.1, GHC ==7.6.2, GHC ==7.6.3,
    GHC ==7.8.1, GHC ==7.8.2, GHC ==7.8.3, GHC ==7.8.4,
    GHC ==7.10.1, GHC ==7.10.2, GHC ==7.10.3,
    GHC ==8.0.1, GHC ==8.0.2,
    GHC ==8.2.1, GHC ==8.2.2,
    GHC ==8.4.1, GHC ==8.4.2, GHC ==8.4.3,
    GHC ==8.6.1, GHC ==8.6.2

Source-Repository head
    Type:     git

    Hs-Source-Dirs:  src
    Exposed-Modules: Data.Trie
                   , Data.Trie.Internal
                   , Data.Trie.Convenience
    Other-Modules:   Data.Trie.BitTwiddle
                   , Data.Trie.ByteStringInternal
                   , Data.Trie.Errors
    -- The lower bounds are more restrictive than necessary.
    -- But then, we don't maintain any CI tests for older
    -- versions, so these are the lowest bounds we've verified.
    Build-Depends: base       >= 4.5   && < 4.14
                 , bytestring >= 0.9.2 && < 0.11
                 , binary     >= 0.5.1 && < 0.8.8
------------------------------------------------------- fin.