Blob Blame History Raw
# generated by cabal-rpm-2.1.0

%global pkg_name servant-server
%global pkgver %{pkg_name}-%{version}

# testsuite missing deps: hspec-wai should-not-typecheck

Name:           ghc-%{pkg_name}
Version:        0.19.2
Release:        %autorelease
Summary:        A family of combinators for defining webservices APIs and serving them

License:        BSD-3-Clause
Url:  {pkg_name}
# Begin cabal-rpm sources:
# End cabal-rpm sources

# Begin cabal-rpm deps:
BuildRequires:  ghc-Cabal-devel
BuildRequires:  ghc-rpm-macros
BuildRequires:  ghc-aeson-devel
BuildRequires:  ghc-base-devel
BuildRequires:  ghc-base-compat-devel
BuildRequires:  ghc-base64-bytestring-devel
BuildRequires:  ghc-bytestring-devel
BuildRequires:  ghc-constraints-devel
BuildRequires:  ghc-containers-devel
BuildRequires:  ghc-exceptions-devel
BuildRequires:  ghc-filepath-devel
BuildRequires:  ghc-http-api-data-devel
BuildRequires:  ghc-http-media-devel
BuildRequires:  ghc-http-types-devel
BuildRequires:  ghc-monad-control-devel
BuildRequires:  ghc-mtl-devel
BuildRequires:  ghc-network-devel
BuildRequires:  ghc-network-uri-devel
BuildRequires:  ghc-resourcet-devel
BuildRequires:  ghc-servant-devel
BuildRequires:  ghc-sop-core-devel
BuildRequires:  ghc-string-conversions-devel
BuildRequires:  ghc-tagged-devel
BuildRequires:  ghc-text-devel
BuildRequires:  ghc-transformers-devel
BuildRequires:  ghc-transformers-base-devel
BuildRequires:  ghc-wai-devel
BuildRequires:  ghc-wai-app-static-devel
BuildRequires:  ghc-warp-devel
BuildRequires:  ghc-word8-devel
%if %{with ghc_prof}
BuildRequires:  ghc-aeson-prof
BuildRequires:  ghc-base-prof
BuildRequires:  ghc-base-compat-prof
BuildRequires:  ghc-base64-bytestring-prof
BuildRequires:  ghc-bytestring-prof
BuildRequires:  ghc-constraints-prof
BuildRequires:  ghc-containers-prof
BuildRequires:  ghc-exceptions-prof
BuildRequires:  ghc-filepath-prof
BuildRequires:  ghc-http-api-data-prof
BuildRequires:  ghc-http-media-prof
BuildRequires:  ghc-http-types-prof
BuildRequires:  ghc-monad-control-prof
BuildRequires:  ghc-mtl-prof
BuildRequires:  ghc-network-prof
BuildRequires:  ghc-network-uri-prof
BuildRequires:  ghc-resourcet-prof
BuildRequires:  ghc-servant-prof
BuildRequires:  ghc-sop-core-prof
BuildRequires:  ghc-string-conversions-prof
BuildRequires:  ghc-tagged-prof
BuildRequires:  ghc-text-prof
BuildRequires:  ghc-transformers-prof
BuildRequires:  ghc-transformers-base-prof
BuildRequires:  ghc-wai-prof
BuildRequires:  ghc-wai-app-static-prof
BuildRequires:  ghc-warp-prof
BuildRequires:  ghc-word8-prof
# End cabal-rpm deps

A family of combinators for defining webservices APIs and serving them

You can learn about the basics in the
< tutorial>.

Here> is a runnable example, with comments, that defines a dummy API and
implements a webserver that serves this API, using this package.


%package devel
Summary:        Haskell %{pkg_name} library development files
Provides:       %{name}-static = %{version}-%{release}
Provides:       %{name}-static%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
%if %{defined ghc_version}
Requires:       ghc-compiler = %{ghc_version}
Requires:       %{name}%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}

%description devel
This package provides the Haskell %{pkg_name} library development files.

%if %{with haddock}
%package doc
Summary:        Haskell %{pkg_name} library documentation
BuildArch:      noarch
Requires:       ghc-filesystem
Obsoletes:      %{name}-devel-doc < %{version}-%{release}

%description doc
This package provides the Haskell %{pkg_name} library documentation.

%if %{with ghc_prof}
%package prof
Summary:        Haskell %{pkg_name} profiling library
Requires:       %{name}-devel%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
Supplements:    (%{name}-devel and ghc-prof)

%description prof
This package provides the Haskell %{pkg_name} profiling library.

# Begin cabal-rpm setup:
%setup -q -n %{pkgver}
# End cabal-rpm setup

# Begin cabal-rpm build:
# End cabal-rpm build

# Begin cabal-rpm install
# End cabal-rpm install

%files -f %{name}.files
# Begin cabal-rpm files:
%license LICENSE
# End cabal-rpm files

%files devel -f %{name}-devel.files
%doc example

%if %{with haddock}
%files doc -f %{name}-doc.files
%license LICENSE

%if %{with ghc_prof}
%files prof -f %{name}-prof.files
