Blob Blame History Raw
# the dictionary is a bit limited
addFilter("git.* spelling-error %description .* subpackages")
addFilter("git-subtree.* spelling-error %description .* (subdirectory|subproject|subtree)")

# git-core-doc requires git-core, which provides the symlink target
addFilter("git(-core-doc)?\..*: W: dangling-relative-symlink /usr/share/doc/git/contrib/hooks ../../../git-core/contrib/hooks")

# git-gui requires git, which provides the git binary
addFilter("git-gui.noarch: W: desktopfile-without-binary /usr/share/applications/git-gui.desktop git")

# ignore no binary warning for main git package; making it noarch isn't trivial
# since we have arch-specific subpackages
addFilter("git\..*: E: no-binary$")

# ignore no doc/manpage warnings where we don't expect any documentation
addFilter("git-(all|core|credential-libsecret)\..*: W: no-documentation")
addFilter("perl-Git-SVN.noarch: W: no-documentation")
addFilter("git-core\..*: W: no-manual-page-for-binary")

# nothing provides git-gnome-keyring, it's simply obsolete
# similarly ignore the warning when git-cvs and git-p4 are disabled
addFilter("git.* obsolete-not-provided git-(cvs|gnome-keyring|p4)")

# git-svn has both man and html docs and only a single command
addFilter('git-svn\..*: W: package-with-huge-docs')

# ignore potential "bashisms" in docs
addFilter('git-core-doc\.noarch: W: potential-bashisms /usr/share/doc/git/')

# ignore unused-direct-shlib-dependency for libpcre; while it probably could be
# removed from some binaries, the cost of doing so isn't worth the gain.
addFilter('git-(core|daemon)\..*: W: unused-direct-shlib-dependency .* /lib64/libpcre2-.*')

# ignore duplicate gvimdiff/nvimdiff files; they are only 29 bytes, sourcing the same base
# vimdiff mergetool
addFilter('git-core\..*: W: files-duplicate /usr/libexec/git-core/mergetools/[gn]vimdiff')

# ignore non-standard-dir-in-var for gitweb (#479613)
addFilter('gitweb.noarch: W: non-standard-dir-in-var www')