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summary: Test for bz529997 (assembler implementation of sem_timedwait() on)
description: |
    Bug summary: assembler implementation of sem_timedwait() on x86/x86_64 reveals a bug when invalid nanosecond argument is used
    Bugzilla link:


    Created an attachment (id=365459)
    the reproducer's source code

    Description of problem:

    An assembler implementation of seg_timedwait() for x86/x86_64 wrongly decrements the number of waiting threads stored in block of memory pointed by (sem_t *) when invalid nanosecond value is passed through the second argument. This is caused by jumping over the code, which increments (new_sem *)->nwaiters (because of wrong nanosecond argument) to the end of the seg_timedwait() function, where (new_sem *)->nwaiters is finally decremented. This breaks the subsequent semaphore operations. Please, see the `Additional info' for more details.

    Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):

    RHEL5(2,3,4), Fedora 11, the newest upstream sources from (2.10.1)

    How reproducible:


    Steps to Reproduce:

    1. compile attached reproducer:

      $ gcc -o reproducer reproducer.c -lpthread

    2. run it:

      $ ./reproducer

    Actual results:

    $ ./reproducer
    before sem_timedwait(): new_sem->nwaiters = 0x0
    ERR: sem_timedwait() failed (errno=22: Invalid argument)
    after sem_timedwait(): new_sem->nwaiters = 0xffffffff

    Expected results:

    $ ./reproducer
    before sem_timedwait(): new_sem->nwaiters = 0x0
    ERR: sem_timedwait() failed (errno=22: Invalid argument)
    after sem_timedwait(): new_sem->nwaiters = 0x0

    Additional info:

    The bug was introduced by implementation of private futexes into glibc by a patch:

    this patch relates to the following BZ:

    and was introduced in:
    glibc-2.5-29/RHEL2 (it enables the above patch in spec.file)

    I have attached proposed patch, which fixes the bug and also more real-world reproducer (gcc -o real-reproducer real-reproducer.c -lrt).

    Some details from investigation of the real world reproducer:

    The output:

    $ ./real-reproducer
    main: top of loop: sval = 0
    main: calling sem_timedwait
    thread: calling sem_timedwait with bogus tv_nsec
    thread: sem_timedwait: errno = 22 strerror = Invalid argument
    thread: calling sem_post
    main: sem_timedwait: errno = 110 strerror = Connection timed out  <<< --- it waits here until timeouts, even if the thread calls sem_post()
    main: top of loop: sval = 1
    main: calling sem_timedwait
    main: sem_timedwait: success      <<< --- passes
    main: calling sem_post

    If the value of nanosecond field is greater than 1000000000d, it directly jumps to the end of the function and executes the code which decrements the number of waiters, but remember the number of waiters wasn't incremented at the beginning.

    See the rosponsible code with comments:

    === snip ===
    /* Check for invalid nanosecond field.  */
    cmpq    $1000000000, 8(%r13)
    movl    $EINVAL, %r14d
    jae     6f                 <<< the value is invalid it jumps to 6:

    addq    $1, NWAITERS(%r12) <<< see this incrementation is after jump to 6:

    movq    errno@gottpoff(%rip), %rdx
    movl    %r14d, %fs:(%rdx)
    orl     $-1, %eax
    jmp     10b        <<< jumping to 10:

    10:     LOCK
    subq    $1, NWAITERS(%r12) <<< we shouldn't increment here

    addq    $24, %rsp
    popq    %r14
    popq    %r13
    popq    %r12
    retq               <<< end of sem_timedwait()
    === end of snip ===

    If we move the incrementation of number of waiting threads before checking for the correct value of nanosecond field or change the logic of the code to not decrement the waiters, it works correctly.

    The reason why the sem_post() doesn't work in the func() function is that, the sem_timedwait() decreases the number of waiters as described above and the sem_post() checks this value and if it is zero, it jumps over the code, which would otherwise wake the other threads:

    === snip ===
    cmpq    $0, NWAITERS(%rdi) <<< this makes the call to sem_post() in func() useless
    je      2f                 <<< jump to 2:

    movl    $SYS_futex, %eax
    movl    $FUTEX_WAKE, %esi
    orl     PRIVATE(%rdi), %esi
    movl    $1, %edx

    testq   %rax, %rax
    js      1f

    xorl    %eax, %eax        <<< do exit clearly
    === end of snip ===

    so the sem_timedwait() in main() timeouts and the next call to sem_timedwait() passes immediately.
contact: Petr Muller <>
  - glibc
test: ./
framework: beakerlib
  - gcc
  - glibc
  - simple
  - tier2_mfranc
  - noEWA
  - Tier2
  - not-er15271
  - glibc-buildroot-ready
duration: 30m
  - relates:
extra-summary: /tools/glibc/Regression/bz529997-sem_timedwait-with-invalid-time
extra-task: /tools/glibc/Regression/bz529997-sem_timedwait-with-invalid-time