Blob Blame History Raw
From 580a91b6e15520fef4421ed4000c74098eaa1429 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Nicolas ViƩville <>
Date: Wed, 25 Mar 2020 15:55:47 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Improve fetching values for NVidia GPU usage.

Signed-off-by: Nicolas ViƩville <>
--- | 4 +---
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ b/
index 76ab326..56a5c89 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -29,9 +29,7 @@ checkcommand()
 # This will print three lines. The first one is the the total vRAM available,
 # the second one is the used vRAM and the third on is the GPU usage in %.
 if checkcommand nvidia-smi; then
-	nvidia-smi -i -1 -q -d MEMORY | grep -A4 -i gpu | egrep -i "used|total" | awk '{print $3}'
-	# This line will print the GPU usage in %.
-	sed -e 's#.*=\(\)#\1#;s'/.$//'' <<< $(nvidia-settings -q all | grep -i GPUUtilization | grep graphics | awk '{print $4}')
+	nvidia-smi -i 0,memory.used,utilization.gpu --format=csv,noheader,nounits | sed 's%, %\n%g'
 elif checkcommand glxinfo; then
 	TOTALVRAM="`glxinfo | grep -A2 -i GL_NVX_gpu_memory_info | egrep -i "dedicated" | cut -f2- -d ':' | gawk '{print $1}'`"
 	AVAILVRAM="`glxinfo | grep -A4 -i GL_NVX_gpu_memory_info | egrep -i "available dedicated" | cut -f2- -d ':' | gawk '{print $1}'`"