Blob Blame History Raw
---	2008-09-08 07:21:20.000000000 -0500
+++	2008-09-08 07:21:20.000000000 -0500
@@ -234,15 +234,17 @@
 AC_ARG_ENABLE( sse, [  --enable-sse=TYPE  enable SSE for newer cpus(TYPE=yes,no,cputest, default cputest)], ssecpu=$enableval, ssecpu=cputest)
-if test "$ssecpu" != "no"; then
-        AC_DEFINE(USE_SSE_VECTORIZE,1,Define if you want to compile with SSE support)
-        if test "$ssecpu" = "yes"; then
-                AC_DEFINE(DISABLE_SSE_TEST, 1, Define if you want to disable the SSE cpu test)
-        fi
-        if test x"$GCC" = xyes; then
-                SSE_CFLAGS="-msse"
-        fi
+dnl if test "$ssecpu" != "no"; then
+dnl        AC_DEFINE(USE_SSE_VECTORIZE,1,Define if you want to compile with SSE support)
+dnl        if test "$ssecpu" = "yes"; then
+dnl                AC_DEFINE(DISABLE_SSE_TEST, 1, Define if you want to disable the SSE cpu test)
+dnl        fi
+dnl        if test x"$GCC" = xyes; then
+dnl                SSE_CFLAGS="-msse"
+dnl        fi