Blob Blame History Raw
%global commit_ocamllibs 7a83e902634e1db204f6e3a48c2439f63d83c141
%global commit_haxelib 4fefbd17a2d9a98200b621de801018af3896d68a

Name:           haxe
Version:        3.2.1
Release:        3%{?dist}
Summary:        Multi-target universal programming language

# As described in
#   * The Haxe Compiler - GPLv2+
#   * The Haxe Standard Library - MIT
#   * The Neko Runtime Library - LGPLv2+
# The source files:
#   * All files in the std folder is MIT licensed, except:
#     * std/cs/_std/haxe/ds/IntMap.hx - BSD (2 clause)
#     * std/haxe/xml/Printer.hx - BSD (3 clause)
#   * Ocamllibs in the libs folder:
#     * the zlib headers in libs/extc/zlib - zlib
#     * extc, ilib, javalib, neko, swflib - GPLv2+
#     * everything else - LGPLv2.1+
License:        GPLv2+ and MIT and LGPLv2+ and BSD



BuildRequires:  nekovm >= 2.0.0
BuildRequires:  ocaml
BuildRequires:  ocaml-camlp4-devel
BuildRequires:  zlib-devel
BuildRequires:  help2man
Requires:       nekovm >= 2.0.0
Requires:       %{name}-stdlib = %{version}

Haxe is an open source toolkit based on a modern,
high level, strictly typed programming language, a cross-compiler,
a complete cross-platform standard library and ways to access each
platform's native capabilities.

%package        stdlib
Summary:        The Haxe standard library
BuildArch:      noarch

%description    stdlib
The %{name}-stdlib package contains the standard library used
by the Haxe compiler.

%setup -q
pushd libs && tar -xf %{SOURCE1} --strip-components=1 && popd
pushd extra/haxelib_src && tar -xf %{SOURCE2} --strip-components=1 && popd

# script-without-shebang
chmod a-x std/js/Boot.hx std/js/_std/Type.hx std/php/_std/haxe/ds/StringMap.hx
chmod a-x libs/extlib/

# note that the Makefile does not support parallel building

# Check to see if ocamlopt exists. If not, bytecompile everything.
# It is because ocamlopt may be missing in some architectures.
command -v ocamlopt && make || make BYTECODE=1

# Compile haxelib
make tools

chmod 755 haxe haxelib

mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_bindir}
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/%{name}

cp -p haxe %{buildroot}%{_bindir}
cp -p haxelib %{buildroot}%{_bindir}
cp -rfp std %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/%{name}

# Generate man pages
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_mandir}/man1
help2man ./haxe --version-option=-version --no-discard-stderr --no-info --output=%{buildroot}%{_mandir}/man1/haxe.1
help2man ./haxelib --help-option=help --version-option=version --no-info --output=%{buildroot}%{_mandir}/man1/haxelib.1

%{buildroot}%{_bindir}/haxe -version
pushd tests/unit && %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/haxe compile-macro.hxml && popd

%license extra/LICENSE.txt

%files stdlib
%license extra/LICENSE.txt

* Thu Jun 09 2016 Andy Li <> - 3.2.1-3
- Rebuilt against nekovm 2.1.0

* Wed Feb 03 2016 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 3.2.1-2
- Rebuilt for

* Wed Oct 07 2015 Andy Li <> - 3.2.1-1
- Initial RPM release