Blob Blame History Raw

# Create a second tarball of the autogen'd files in Heimdal.
# It's useful to pregenerate this data before building in mock, because
# GNU autoconf on RHEL 5 is too old to parse the autoconf syntax in Heimdal.


set -e

# Get the tarball
TARBALL=$(ls heimdal-*-$SHORT_COMMIT.tar.gz | tail -1)

# Sanity check that the tarball exists
if [[ ! -f $TARBALL ]]; then
    echo could not find a heimdal tarball for git commit $SHORT_COMMIT
    exit 1

# Untar, and set aside a "pristine" copy
tar xzf $TARBALL
cp -r heimdal-$COMMIT heimdal-$COMMIT-pristine

# autogen
pushd heimdal-$COMMIT

# Get a list of all chagned files from the "pristine" version.
CHANGES=$(diff -qr heimdal-${COMMIT}-pristine heimdal-${COMMIT} \
  | sed "s/^Only in heimdal-${COMMIT}//" \
  | sed "s/: /\//" \
  | sed "s/Files heimdal-${COMMIT}-pristine//" \
  | sed "s/and heimdal-${COMMIT}\/.* differ//" \
  | sed "s/^\///")

# This tarball will contain only the new autoconf-generated files.
# (delete the old tarball if it exists.)
rm $AUTOCONF_TARBALL 2>/dev/null || :

# Append each of the files in $CHANGES onto $AUTOCONF_TARBALL.
while read -r line; do
    tar -f $AUTOCONF_TARBALL -r heimdal-$COMMIT/$line
done <<< "$CHANGES"

# Compress the autoconf tarball.

# We're done.
echo Created ${AUTOCONF_TARBALL}.gz

# Clean up dirs
rm -rf heimdal-$COMMIT heimdal-$COMMIT-pristine