Martin Preisler 3da218b
UNAME=$(shell uname)
Martin Preisler 3da218b
Martin Preisler 3da218b
Martin Preisler 3da218b
Martin Preisler 3da218b
Martin Preisler 3da218b
Martin Preisler 3da218b
# Fedora changes begin
Martin Preisler 3da218b
Martin Preisler 3da218b
Martin Preisler 3da218b
# Fedora changes end
Martin Preisler 3da218b
Martin Preisler 3da218b
# In dist tarballs, the version is stored in the I3_VERSION and VERSION files.
Martin Preisler 3da218b
I3_VERSION := '$(shell [ -f $(TOPDIR)/I3_VERSION ] && cat $(TOPDIR)/I3_VERSION)'
Martin Preisler 3da218b
VERSION := '$(shell [ -f $(TOPDIR)/VERSION ] && cat $(TOPDIR)/VERSION)'
Martin Preisler 3da218b
ifeq ('',$(I3_VERSION))
Martin Preisler 3da218b
VERSION := $(shell git describe --tags --abbrev=0)
Martin Preisler 3da218b
I3_VERSION := '$(shell git describe --tags --always) ($(shell git log --pretty=format:%cd --date=short -n1), branch \"$(shell git describe --tags --always --all | sed s:heads/::)\")'
Martin Preisler 3da218b
Martin Preisler 3da218b
Martin Preisler 3da218b
MAJOR_VERSION := $(shell echo ${VERSION} | cut -d '.' -f 1)
Martin Preisler 3da218b
MINOR_VERSION := $(shell echo ${VERSION} | cut -d '.' -f 2)
Martin Preisler 3da218b
PATCH_VERSION := $(shell echo ${VERSION} | cut -d '.' -f 3)
Martin Preisler 3da218b
ifeq (${PATCH_VERSION},)
Martin Preisler 3da218b
Martin Preisler 3da218b
Martin Preisler 3da218b
Martin Preisler 3da218b
## Generic flags
Martin Preisler 3da218b
Martin Preisler 3da218b
# Default CFLAGS that users should be able to override
Martin Preisler 3da218b
ifeq ($(DEBUG),1)
Martin Preisler 3da218b
# Extended debugging flags, macros shall be available in gcc
Martin Preisler 3da218b
CFLAGS ?= -pipe -gdwarf-2 -g3
Martin Preisler 3da218b
Martin Preisler 3da218b
CFLAGS ?= -pipe -O2 -freorder-blocks-and-partition
Martin Preisler 3da218b
Martin Preisler 3da218b
Martin Preisler 3da218b
# Default LDFLAGS that users should be able to override
Martin Preisler 3da218b
LDFLAGS ?= $(as_needed_LDFLAG)
Martin Preisler 3da218b
Martin Preisler 3da218b
# Common CFLAGS for all i3 related binaries
Simon Wesp c110a5c
# Fedora changes begin
Simon Wesp c110a5c
Simon Wesp c110a5c
# Fedora changes end
Martin Preisler 3da218b
I3_CFLAGS += -Wall
Martin Preisler 3da218b
# unused-function, unused-label, unused-variable are turned on by -Wall
Martin Preisler 3da218b
# We don’t want unused-parameter because of the use of many callbacks
Martin Preisler 3da218b
I3_CFLAGS += -Wunused-value
Martin Preisler 3da218b
I3_CFLAGS += -Iinclude
Martin Preisler 3da218b
Martin Preisler 3da218b
Martin Preisler 3da218b
Martin Preisler 3da218b
Martin Preisler 3da218b
Martin Preisler 3da218b
Martin Preisler 3da218b
Martin Preisler 3da218b
Martin Preisler 3da218b
Martin Preisler 3da218b
## Libraries flags
Martin Preisler 3da218b
Martin Preisler 3da218b
ifeq ($(shell which pkg-config 2>/dev/null 1>/dev/null || echo 1),1)
Martin Preisler 3da218b
$(error "pkg-config was not found")
Martin Preisler 3da218b
Martin Preisler 3da218b
Martin Preisler 3da218b
# An easier way to get CFLAGS and LDFLAGS falling back in case there's
Martin Preisler 3da218b
# no pkg-config support for certain libraries.
Martin Preisler 3da218b
Martin Preisler 3da218b
# NOTE that you must not use a blank after comma when calling this:
Martin Preisler 3da218b
#     $(call ldflags_for_lib name, fallback) # bad
Martin Preisler 3da218b
#     $(call ldflags_for_lib name,fallback) # good
Martin Preisler 3da218b
# Otherwise, the compiler will get -l foo instead of -lfoo
Martin Preisler 3da218b
Martin Preisler 3da218b
# We redirect stderr to /dev/null because pkg-config prints an error if support
Martin Preisler 3da218b
# for gnome-config was enabled but gnome-config is not actually installed.
Martin Preisler 3da218b
cflags_for_lib = $(shell pkg-config --silence-errors --cflags $(1) 2>/dev/null)
Martin Preisler 3da218b
ldflags_for_lib = $(shell pkg-config --exists 2>/dev/null $(1) && pkg-config --libs $(1) 2>/dev/null || echo -l$(2))
Martin Preisler 3da218b
Simon Wesp c110a5c
Martin Preisler 3da218b
# XCB common stuff
Martin Preisler 3da218b
XCB_CFLAGS  := $(call cflags_for_lib, xcb)
Martin Preisler 3da218b
XCB_CFLAGS  += $(call cflags_for_lib, xcb-event)
Martin Preisler 3da218b
XCB_LIBS    := $(call ldflags_for_lib, xcb,xcb)
Martin Preisler 3da218b
XCB_LIBS    += $(call ldflags_for_lib, xcb-event,xcb-event)
Martin Preisler 3da218b
ifeq ($(shell pkg-config --exists xcb-util 2>/dev/null || echo 1),1)
Martin Preisler 3da218b
XCB_CFLAGS  += $(call cflags_for_lib, xcb-atom)
Martin Preisler 3da218b
XCB_CFLAGS  += $(call cflags_for_lib, xcb-aux)
Martin Preisler 3da218b
XCB_LIBS    += $(call ldflags_for_lib, xcb-atom,xcb-atom)
Martin Preisler 3da218b
XCB_LIBS    += $(call ldflags_for_lib, xcb-aux,xcb-aux)
Martin Preisler 3da218b
Martin Preisler 3da218b
Martin Preisler 3da218b
XCB_CFLAGS  += $(call cflags_for_lib, xcb-util)
Martin Preisler 3da218b
XCB_LIBS    += $(call ldflags_for_lib, xcb-util)
Martin Preisler 3da218b
Martin Preisler 3da218b
Martin Preisler 3da218b
# XCB keyboard stuff
Martin Preisler 3da218b
XCB_KBD_CFLAGS := $(call cflags_for_lib, xcb-keysyms)
Martin Preisler 3da218b
XCB_KBD_LIBS   := $(call ldflags_for_lib, xcb-keysyms,xcb-keysyms)
Martin Preisler 3da218b
Martin Preisler 3da218b
# XCB WM stuff
Martin Preisler 3da218b
XCB_WM_CFLAGS := $(call cflags_for_lib, xcb-icccm)
Martin Preisler 3da218b
XCB_WM_CFLAGS += $(call cflags_for_lib, xcb-xinerama)
Martin Preisler 3da218b
XCB_WM_CFLAGS += $(call cflags_for_lib, xcb-randr)
Martin Preisler 3da218b
XCB_WM_LIBS   := $(call ldflags_for_lib, xcb-icccm,xcb-icccm)
Martin Preisler 3da218b
XCB_WM_LIBS   += $(call ldflags_for_lib, xcb-xinerama,xcb-xinerama)
Martin Preisler 3da218b
XCB_WM_LIBS   += $(call ldflags_for_lib, xcb-randr,xcb-randr)
Martin Preisler 3da218b
Martin Preisler 3da218b
# Xlib
Martin Preisler 3da218b
X11_CFLAGS := $(call cflags_for_lib, x11)
Martin Preisler 3da218b
X11_LIBS   := $(call ldflags_for_lib, x11,X11)
Martin Preisler 3da218b
Martin Preisler 3da218b
# Xcursor
Martin Preisler 3da218b
XCURSOR_CFLAGS := $(call cflags_for_lib, xcursor)
Martin Preisler 3da218b
XCURSOR_LIBS   := $(call ldflags_for_lib, xcursor,Xcursor)
Martin Preisler 3da218b
Martin Preisler 3da218b
# yajl
Martin Preisler 3da218b
YAJL_CFLAGS := $(call cflags_for_lib, yajl)
Martin Preisler 3da218b
# Fallback for libyajl 1 which did not include yajl_version.h. We need
Martin Preisler 3da218b
# YAJL_MAJOR from that file to decide which code path should be used.
Martin Preisler 3da218b
YAJL_CFLAGS += -idirafter $(TOPDIR)/yajl-fallback
Martin Preisler 3da218b
YAJL_LIBS   := $(call ldflags_for_lib, yajl,yajl)
Martin Preisler 3da218b
Martin Preisler 3da218b
Martin Preisler 3da218b
LIBEV_CFLAGS := $(call cflags_for_lib, libev)
Martin Preisler 3da218b
LIBEV_LIBS   := $(call ldflags_for_lib, libev,ev)
Martin Preisler 3da218b
Martin Preisler 3da218b
# libpcre
Martin Preisler 3da218b
PCRE_CFLAGS := $(call cflags_for_lib, libpcre)
Martin Preisler 3da218b
ifeq ($(shell pkg-config --atleast-version=8.10 libpcre 2>/dev/null && echo 1),1)
Martin Preisler 3da218b
Martin Preisler 3da218b
Martin Preisler 3da218b
PCRE_LIBS   := $(call ldflags_for_lib, libpcre,pcre)
Martin Preisler 3da218b
Martin Preisler 3da218b
# startup-notification
Martin Preisler 3da218b
LIBSN_CFLAGS := $(call cflags_for_lib, libstartup-notification-1.0)
Martin Preisler 3da218b
LIBSN_LIBS   := $(call ldflags_for_lib, libstartup-notification-1.0,startup-notification-1)
Martin Preisler 3da218b
Martin Preisler 3da218b
# Pango
Martin Preisler 3da218b
PANGO_CFLAGS := $(call cflags_for_lib, cairo)
Martin Preisler 3da218b
PANGO_CFLAGS += $(call cflags_for_lib, pangocairo)
Martin Preisler 3da218b
Martin Preisler 3da218b
PANGO_LIBS   := $(call ldflags_for_lib, cairo)
Martin Preisler 3da218b
PANGO_LIBS   += $(call ldflags_for_lib, pangocairo)
Martin Preisler 3da218b
Martin Preisler 3da218b
# libi3
Martin Preisler 3da218b
LIBS = -L$(TOPDIR) -li3
Martin Preisler 3da218b
Martin Preisler 3da218b
## Platform-specific flags
Martin Preisler 3da218b
Martin Preisler 3da218b
# Please test if -Wl,--as-needed works on your platform and send me a patch.
Martin Preisler 3da218b
# it is known not to work on Darwin (Mac OS X)
Martin Preisler 3da218b
ifneq (,$(filter Linux GNU GNU/%, $(UNAME)))
Martin Preisler 3da218b
as_needed_LDFLAG = -Wl,--as-needed
Martin Preisler 3da218b
Martin Preisler 3da218b
Martin Preisler 3da218b
ifeq ($(UNAME),NetBSD)
Martin Preisler 3da218b
# We need -idirafter instead of -I to prefer the system’s iconv over GNU libiconv
Martin Preisler 3da218b
I3_CFLAGS += -idirafter /usr/pkg/include
Martin Preisler 3da218b
I3_LDFLAGS += -Wl,-rpath,/usr/local/lib -Wl,-rpath,/usr/pkg/lib
Martin Preisler 3da218b
Martin Preisler 3da218b
Martin Preisler 3da218b
ifeq ($(UNAME),OpenBSD)
Martin Preisler 3da218b
I3_CFLAGS += -I${X11BASE}/include
Martin Preisler 3da218b
LIBS += -liconv
Martin Preisler 3da218b
I3_LDFLAGS += -L${X11BASE}/lib
Martin Preisler 3da218b
Martin Preisler 3da218b
Martin Preisler 3da218b
ifeq ($(UNAME),FreeBSD)
Martin Preisler 3da218b
LIBS += -liconv
Martin Preisler 3da218b
Martin Preisler 3da218b
Martin Preisler 3da218b
ifeq ($(UNAME),Darwin)
Martin Preisler 3da218b
LIBS += -liconv
Martin Preisler 3da218b
Martin Preisler 3da218b
# Darwin (Mac OS X) doesn’t have librt
Martin Preisler 3da218b
LIBS += -lrt
Martin Preisler 3da218b
Martin Preisler 3da218b
Martin Preisler 3da218b
ifneq (,$(filter Linux GNU GNU/%, $(UNAME)))
Martin Preisler 3da218b
Martin Preisler 3da218b
Martin Preisler 3da218b
Martin Preisler 3da218b
Martin Preisler 3da218b
ifeq ($(COVERAGE),1)
Martin Preisler 3da218b
I3_CFLAGS += -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage
Martin Preisler 3da218b
LIBS += -lgcov
Martin Preisler 3da218b
Martin Preisler 3da218b
Martin Preisler 3da218b
V ?= 0
Martin Preisler 3da218b
ifeq ($(V),0)
Martin Preisler 3da218b
# Don’t print command lines which are run
Martin Preisler 3da218b
Martin Preisler 3da218b
Martin Preisler 3da218b
# echo-ing vars
Martin Preisler 3da218b
Martin Preisler 3da218b
V_POD2HTML = echo POD2HTML $@;
Martin Preisler 3da218b
V_POD2MAN = echo POD2MAN $@;
Martin Preisler 3da218b
V_A2X = echo A2X $@;
Martin Preisler 3da218b
Martin Preisler 3da218b
Martin Preisler 3da218b
# Always remake the following targets
Martin Preisler 3da218b
.PHONY: install clean dist distclean
Martin Preisler 3da218b