Blob Blame History Raw
Doc build targets brought back from upstream 3.2.3 source tarball.

--- build.xml.orig	2010-09-28 08:10:42.000000000 +0300
+++ build.xml	2011-05-20 00:13:42.133223006 +0300
@@ -26,6 +26,12 @@
              possible locations of the tools.jar file. -->
         <pathelement location="${java.home}/lib/tools.jar"/>
         <pathelement location="${java.home}/../lib/tools.jar"/>
+        <!-- Cocoon docs.  The directory is set as it is so the build will work when
+             the cocoon files are not available. -->
+        <fileset dir="${basedir}/tools/">
+            <include name="cocoon-${cocoon.dist.version}/lib/*.jar" />
+        </fileset>
     <path id="test.class.path">
@@ -732,6 +738,39 @@
         description="default development build task"/>
     <!-- =================================================================== -->
+    <!-- Documentation target                                                -->
+    <!-- =================================================================== -->
+    <target name="doc-src-test" depends="init:msg">
+       <available file="${src.dir}/documentation/english.uris" property="doc-src.present"/>
+    </target>
+    <target name="doc" depends="doc-src-test" if="doc-src.present"
+       description="generates the Wrapper documentation">
+        <mkdir dir="${build.dir}"/>
+        <mkdir dir="${build.dir}/work"/>
+        <mkdir dir="${doc.dir}"/>
+        <fixcrlf eol="lf" destdir="${context.dir}/xdocs/english" srcdir="${src.dir}/conf">
+            <include name=""/>
+        </fixcrlf>
+        <java classname="org.apache.cocoon.Main" fork="true">
+            <jvmarg value="-Xmx256M"/>
+            <arg value="-c${context.dir}/"/>
+            <arg value="-d${doc.dir}"/>
+            <arg value="-w${build.dir}/work"/>
+            <arg value="-uINFO"/>
+            <arg value="-f${context.dir}/english.uris"/>
+            <classpath>
+                <path refid="tools.class.path"/>
+            </classpath>
+        </java>
+        <copy tofile="${doc.dir}/english/index.html" 
+              file="${doc.dir}/english/introduction.html"/>
+    </target>
+    <!-- =================================================================== -->
     <!-- Release (Common)                                                    -->
     <!-- =================================================================== -->
     <target name="release-common" depends="test">