Blob Blame History Raw
diff -ruN a/doc/juliadoc/juliadoc/ b/doc/juliadoc/juliadoc/
--- a/doc/juliadoc/juliadoc/	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ b/doc/juliadoc/juliadoc/	2014-09-16 21:28:29.352868875 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+import os
+def get_theme_dir():
+    """
+    Returns path to directory containing this package's theme.
+    This is designed to be used when setting the ``html_theme_path``
+    option within Sphinx's ```` file.
+    """
+    return os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "theme"))
+def default_sidebars():
+    """
+    Returns a dictionary mapping for the templates used to render the
+    sidebar on the index page and sub-pages.
+    """
+    return {
+        '**': ['localtoc.html', 'relations.html', 'searchbox.html'],
+        'index': ['searchbox.html'],
+        'search': [],
+    }
Les fichiers binaires a/doc/juliadoc/juliadoc/__init__.pyc et b/doc/juliadoc/juliadoc/__init__.pyc sont différents
diff -ruN a/doc/juliadoc/juliadoc/ b/doc/juliadoc/juliadoc/
--- a/doc/juliadoc/juliadoc/	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ b/doc/juliadoc/juliadoc/	2014-09-16 21:28:29.416869546 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,889 @@
+import re
+import sys
+import time
+import codecs
+    import StringIO as sio
+except ImportError:
+    import io as sio
+from os import path
+import traceback
+import doctest
+from doctest import *
+from doctest import _SpoofOut, _indent, TestResults, _exception_traceback
+from doctest import OPTIONFLAGS_BY_NAME
+from subprocess import Popen, PIPE, STDOUT
+from docutils import nodes
+from docutils.parsers.rst import directives
+from import Builder
+from sphinx.util import force_decode
+from sphinx.util.nodes import set_source_info
+from sphinx.util.compat import Directive
+from sphinx.util.console import bold
+from sphinx.util.pycompat import bytes
+from sphinx.ext.doctest import TestDirective, TestGroup, TestCode, \
+        TestsetupDirective, TestcleanupDirective, DoctestDirective, \
+        TestcodeDirective, TestoutputDirective
+class DocTestParser:
+    """
+    A class used to parse strings containing doctest examples.
+    """
+    # This regular expression is used to find doctest examples in a
+    # string.  It defines three groups: `source` is the source code
+    # (including leading indentation and prompts); `indent` is the
+    # indentation of the first (PS1) line of the source code; and
+    # `want` is the expected output (including leading indentation).
+    _EXAMPLE_RE = re.compile(r'''
+        # Source consists of a PS1 line followed by zero or more PS2 lines.
+        (?P<source>
+            (?:^(?P<indent> [ ]*) julia>[ ] .+)    # PS1 line
+            (?:\n    (?P=indent)? [ ]{7,13} .+)*)  # PS2 lines
+        \n?
+        # Want consists of any non-blank lines that do not start with PS1.
+        (?P<want> (?:(?![ ]*$)              # Not a blank line
+                     (?![ ]*julia>)         # Not a line starting with PS1
+                     .+$\n?                 # But any other line
+                  )*)
+        ''', re.MULTILINE | re.VERBOSE)
+    # A regular expression for handling `want` strings that contain
+    # expected exceptions.  It divides `want` into three pieces:
+    #    - the traceback header line (`hdr`)
+    #    - the traceback stack (`stack`)
+    #    - the exception message (`msg`), as generated by
+    #      traceback.format_exception_only()
+    # `msg` may have multiple lines.  We assume/require that the
+    # exception message is the first non-indented line starting with a word
+    # character following the traceback header line.
+    _EXCEPTION_RE = re.compile(r"""
+        # Grab the traceback header.  Different versions of Python have
+        # said different things on the first traceback line.
+        ^(?P<hdr> Traceback\ \(
+            (?: most\ recent\ call\ last
+            |   innermost\ last
+            ) \) :
+        )
+        \s* $                # toss trailing whitespace on the header.
+        (?P<stack> .*?)      # don't blink: absorb stuff until...
+        ^ (?P<msg> \w+ .*)   #     a line *starts* with alphanum.
+        """, re.VERBOSE | re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL)
+    # A callable returning a true value iff its argument is a blank line
+    # or contains a single comment.
+    _IS_BLANK_OR_COMMENT = re.compile(r'^[ ]*(#.*)?$').match
+    def parse(self, string, name='<string>'):
+        """
+        Divide the given string into examples and intervening text,
+        and return them as a list of alternating Examples and strings.
+        Line numbers for the Examples are 0-based.  The optional
+        argument `name` is a name identifying this string, and is only
+        used for error messages.
+        """
+        string = string.expandtabs()
+        # If all lines begin with the same indentation, then strip it.
+        min_indent = self._min_indent(string)
+        if min_indent > 0:
+            string = '\n'.join([l[min_indent:] for l in string.split('\n')])
+        output = []
+        charno, lineno = 0, 0
+        # Find all doctest examples in the string:
+        for m in self._EXAMPLE_RE.finditer(string):
+            # Add the pre-example text to `output`.
+            output.append(string[charno:m.start()])
+            # Update lineno (lines before this example)
+            lineno += string.count('\n', charno, m.start())
+            # Extract info from the regexp match.
+            (source, options, want, exc_msg) = \
+                     self._parse_example(m, name, lineno)
+            # Create an Example, and add it to the list.
+            if not self._IS_BLANK_OR_COMMENT(source):
+                output.append( Example(source, want, exc_msg,
+                                    lineno=lineno,
+                                    indent=min_indent+len('indent')),
+                                    options=options) )
+            # Update lineno (lines inside this example)
+            lineno += string.count('\n', m.start(), m.end())
+            # Update charno.
+            charno = m.end()
+        # Add any remaining post-example text to `output`.
+        output.append(string[charno:])
+        return output
+    def get_doctest(self, string, globs, name, filename, lineno):
+        """
+        Extract all doctest examples from the given string, and
+        collect them into a `DocTest` object.
+        `globs`, `name`, `filename`, and `lineno` are attributes for
+        the new `DocTest` object.  See the documentation for `DocTest`
+        for more information.
+        """
+        return DocTest(self.get_examples(string, name), globs,
+                       name, filename, lineno, string)
+    def get_examples(self, string, name='<string>'):
+        """
+        Extract all doctest examples from the given string, and return
+        them as a list of `Example` objects.  Line numbers are
+        0-based, because it's most common in doctests that nothing
+        interesting appears on the same line as opening triple-quote,
+        and so the first interesting line is called \"line 1\" then.
+        The optional argument `name` is a name identifying this
+        string, and is only used for error messages.
+        """
+        return [x for x in self.parse(string, name)
+                if isinstance(x, Example)]
+    def _parse_example(self, m, name, lineno):
+        """
+        Given a regular expression match from `_EXAMPLE_RE` (`m`),
+        return a pair `(source, want)`, where `source` is the matched
+        example's source code (with prompts and indentation stripped);
+        and `want` is the example's expected output (with indentation
+        stripped).
+        `name` is the string's name, and `lineno` is the line number
+        where the example starts; both are used for error messages.
+        """
+        # Get the example's indentation level.
+        indent = len('indent'))
+        # Divide source into lines; check that they're properly
+        # indented; and then strip their indentation & prompts.
+        source_lines ='source').split('\n')
+        self._check_prompt_blank(source_lines, indent, name, lineno)
+        self._check_prefix(source_lines[1:], ' '*indent, name, lineno)
+        source = '\n'.join([sl[indent+7:] for sl in source_lines])
+        # Divide want into lines; check that it's properly indented; and
+        # then strip the indentation.  Spaces before the last newline should
+        # be preserved, so plain rstrip() isn't good enough.
+        want ='want')
+        want_lines = want.split('\n')
+        if len(want_lines) > 1 and re.match(r' *$', want_lines[-1]):
+            del want_lines[-1]  # forget final newline & spaces after it
+        self._check_prefix(want_lines, ' '*indent, name,
+                           lineno + len(source_lines))
+        want = '\n'.join([wl[indent:] for wl in want_lines])
+        # If `want` contains a traceback message, then extract it.
+        m = self._EXCEPTION_RE.match(want)
+        if m:
+            exc_msg ='msg')
+        else:
+            exc_msg = None
+        # Extract options from the source.
+        options = self._find_options(source, name, lineno)
+        return source, options, want, exc_msg
+    # This regular expression looks for option directives in the
+    # source code of an example.  Option directives are comments
+    # starting with "doctest:".  Warning: this may give false
+    # positives for string-literals that contain the string
+    # "#doctest:".  Eliminating these false positives would require
+    # actually parsing the string; but we limit them by ignoring any
+    # line containing "#doctest:" that is *followed* by a quote mark.
+    _OPTION_DIRECTIVE_RE = re.compile(r'#\s*doctest:\s*([^\n\'"]*)$',
+                                      re.MULTILINE)
+    def _find_options(self, source, name, lineno):
+        """
+        Return a dictionary containing option overrides extracted from
+        option directives in the given source string.
+        `name` is the string's name, and `lineno` is the line number
+        where the example starts; both are used for error messages.
+        """
+        options = {}
+        # (note: with the current regexp, this will match at most once:)
+        for m in self._OPTION_DIRECTIVE_RE.finditer(source):
+            option_strings =',', ' ').split()
+            for option in option_strings:
+                if (option[0] not in '+-' or
+                    option[1:] not in OPTIONFLAGS_BY_NAME):
+                    raise ValueError('line %r of the doctest for %s '
+                                     'has an invalid option: %r' %
+                                     (lineno+1, name, option))
+                flag = OPTIONFLAGS_BY_NAME[option[1:]]
+                options[flag] = (option[0] == '+')
+        if options and self._IS_BLANK_OR_COMMENT(source):
+            raise ValueError('line %r of the doctest for %s has an option '
+                             'directive on a line with no example: %r' %
+                             (lineno, name, source))
+        return options
+    # This regular expression finds the indentation of every non-blank
+    # line in a string.
+    _INDENT_RE = re.compile('^([ ]*)(?=\S)', re.MULTILINE)
+    def _min_indent(self, s):
+        "Return the minimum indentation of any non-blank line in `s`"
+        indents = [len(indent) for indent in self._INDENT_RE.findall(s)]
+        if len(indents) > 0:
+            return min(indents)
+        else:
+            return 0
+    def _check_prompt_blank(self, lines, indent, name, lineno):
+        """
+        Given the lines of a source string (including prompts and
+        leading indentation), check to make sure that every prompt is
+        followed by a space character.  If any line is not followed by
+        a space character, then raise ValueError.
+        """
+        n = len("julia>")
+        for i, line in enumerate(lines):
+            if len(line) >= indent+n+1 and line[indent+n] != ' ':
+                raise ValueError('line %r of the docstring for %s '
+                                 'lacks blank after %s: %r' %
+                                 (lineno+i+1, name,
+                                  line[indent:indent+n], line))
+    def _check_prefix(self, lines, prefix, name, lineno):
+        """
+        Check that every line in the given list starts with the given
+        prefix; if any line does not, then raise a ValueError.
+        """
+        for i, line in enumerate(lines):
+            if line and not line.startswith(prefix):
+                raise ValueError('line %r of the docstring for %s has '
+                                 'inconsistent leading whitespace: %r' %
+                                 (lineno+i+1, name, line))
+parser = DocTestParser()
+class SphinxDocTestRunner(object):
+    """
+    A class used to run DocTest test cases, and accumulate statistics.
+    The `run` method is used to process a single DocTest case.  It
+    returns a tuple `(f, t)`, where `t` is the number of test cases
+    tried, and `f` is the number of test cases that failed.
+        >>> tests = DocTestFinder().find(_TestClass)
+        >>> runner = DocTestRunner(verbose=False)
+        >>> tests.sort(key = lambda test:
+        >>> for test in tests:
+        ...     print, '->',
+        _TestClass -> TestResults(failed=0, attempted=2)
+        _TestClass.__init__ -> TestResults(failed=0, attempted=2)
+        _TestClass.get -> TestResults(failed=0, attempted=2)
+        _TestClass.square -> TestResults(failed=0, attempted=1)
+    The `summarize` method prints a summary of all the test cases that
+    have been run by the runner, and returns an aggregated `(f, t)`
+    tuple:
+        >>> runner.summarize(verbose=1)
+        4 items passed all tests:
+           2 tests in _TestClass
+           2 tests in _TestClass.__init__
+           2 tests in _TestClass.get
+           1 tests in _TestClass.square
+        7 tests in 4 items.
+        7 passed and 0 failed.
+        Test passed.
+        TestResults(failed=0, attempted=7)
+    The aggregated number of tried examples and failed examples is
+    also available via the `tries` and `failures` attributes:
+        >>> runner.tries
+        7
+        >>> runner.failures
+        0
+    The comparison between expected outputs and actual outputs is done
+    by an `OutputChecker`.  This comparison may be customized with a
+    number of option flags; see the documentation for `testmod` for
+    more information.  If the option flags are insufficient, then the
+    comparison may also be customized by passing a subclass of
+    `OutputChecker` to the constructor.
+    The test runner's display output can be controlled in two ways.
+    First, an output function (`out) can be passed to
+    ``; this function will be called with strings that
+    should be displayed.  It defaults to `sys.stdout.write`.  If
+    capturing the output is not sufficient, then the display output
+    can be also customized by subclassing DocTestRunner, and
+    overriding the methods `report_start`, `report_success`,
+    `report_unexpected_exception`, and `report_failure`.
+    """
+    # This divider string is used to separate failure messages, and to
+    # separate sections of the summary.
+    DIVIDER = "*" * 70
+    def __init__(self, checker=None, verbose=False, optionflags=0):
+        """
+        Create a new test runner.
+        Optional keyword arg `checker` is the `OutputChecker` that
+        should be used to compare the expected outputs and actual
+        outputs of doctest examples.
+        Optional keyword arg 'verbose' prints lots of stuff if true,
+        only failures if false; by default, it's true iff '-v' is in
+        sys.argv.
+        Optional argument `optionflags` can be used to control how the
+        test runner compares expected output to actual output, and how
+        it displays failures.  See the documentation for `testmod` for
+        more information.
+        """
+        self._checker = checker or OutputChecker()
+        self._verbose = verbose
+        self.optionflags = optionflags
+        self.original_optionflags = optionflags
+        # Keep track of the examples we've run.
+        self.tries = 0
+        self.failures = 0
+        self._name2ft = {}
+        # Create a fake output target for capturing doctest output.
+        self._fakeout = _SpoofOut()
+    #/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    # Reporting methods
+    #/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    def report_start(self, out, test, example):
+        """
+        Report that the test runner is about to process the given
+        example.  (Only displays a message if verbose=True)
+        """
+        if self._verbose:
+            if example.want:
+                out('Trying:\n' + _indent(example.source) +
+                    'Expecting:\n' + _indent(example.want))
+            else:
+                out('Trying:\n' + _indent(example.source) +
+                    'Expecting nothing\n')
+    def report_success(self, out, test, example, got):
+        """
+        Report that the given example ran successfully.  (Only
+        displays a message if verbose=True)
+        """
+        if self._verbose:
+            out("ok\n")
+    def report_failure(self, out, test, example, got):
+        """
+        Report that the given example failed.
+        """
+        try:
+            out(self._failure_header(test, example) +
+            self._checker.output_difference(example, got, self.optionflags))
+        except:
+            raise Exception(example.want, got)
+    def report_unexpected_exception(self, out, test, example, exc_info):
+        """
+        Report that the given example raised an unexpected exception.
+        """
+        out(self._failure_header(test, example) +
+            'Exception raised:\n' + _indent(_exception_traceback(exc_info)))
+    def _failure_header(self, test, example):
+        out = [self.DIVIDER]
+        if test.filename:
+            if test.lineno is not None and example.lineno is not None:
+                lineno = test.lineno + example.lineno + 1
+            else:
+                lineno = '?'
+            out.append('File "%s", line %s, in %s' %
+                       (test.filename, lineno,
+        else:
+            out.append('Line %s, in %s' % (example.lineno+1,
+        out.append('Failed example:')
+        source = example.source
+        out.append(_indent(source))
+        return '\n'.join(out)
+    #/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    # DocTest Running
+    #/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    def __run(self, test, out):
+        """
+        Run the examples in `test`.  Write the outcome of each example
+        with one of the `DocTestRunner.report_*` methods, using the
+        writer function `out`.  `compileflags` is the set of compiler
+        flags that should be used to execute examples.  Return a tuple
+        `(f, t)`, where `t` is the number of examples tried, and `f`
+        is the number of examples that failed.
+        """
+        # Keep track of the number of failures and tries.
+        failures = tries = 0
+        # Save the option flags (since option directives can be used
+        # to modify them).
+        original_optionflags = self.optionflags
+        SUCCESS, FAILURE, BOOM = range(3) # `outcome` state
+        check = self._checker.check_output
+        # Process each example.
+        for examplenum, example in enumerate(test.examples):
+            # If REPORT_ONLY_FIRST_FAILURE is set, then suppress
+            # reporting after the first failure.
+            quiet = (self.optionflags & REPORT_ONLY_FIRST_FAILURE and
+                     failures > 0)
+            # Merge in the example's options.
+            self.optionflags = original_optionflags
+            if example.options:
+                for (optionflag, val) in example.options.items():
+                    if val:
+                        self.optionflags |= optionflag
+                    else:
+                        self.optionflags &= ~optionflag
+            # If 'SKIP' is set, then skip this example.
+            if self.optionflags & SKIP:
+                continue
+            # Record that we started this example.
+            tries += 1
+            if not quiet:
+                self.report_start(out, test, example)
+            # Run the example in the given context, and record
+            # any exception that gets raised.  (But don't intercept
+            # keyboard interrupts.)
+            got = ""
+            try:
+                # Don't blink!  This is where the user's code gets run.
+                src = example.source.strip().encode('utf-8').replace('"""',r'\"""')
+                # restore ans cleared by the separator println
+                self.julia.stdin.write('ans=_ans;')
+                # run command
+                show = 'true' if src[-1] != ';' else 'false'
+                cmd = 'Base.eval_user_input(Base.parse_input_line(raw""" ' \
+                    + src + ' """),' + show + ');'
+                self.julia.stdin.write(cmd)
+                # save ans, and make sure no more output is generated
+                self.julia.stdin.write('_ans=ans; nothing\n')
+                # read separator
+                sep = 'fjsdiij3oi123j42'
+                self.julia.stdin.write('println("' + sep + '")\n')
+                got = []
+                line = ''
+                while line[:-1] != sep:
+                    got.append(line)
+                    line = self.julia.stdout.readline().decode('utf-8').rstrip() + '\n'
+                got = ''.join(got).expandtabs()
+                exception = None
+            except KeyboardInterrupt:
+                raise
+            except:
+                exception = sys.exc_info()
+            #got = self._fakeout.getvalue()  # the actual output
+            self._fakeout.truncate(0)
+            outcome = FAILURE   # guilty until proved innocent or insane
+            # If the example executed without raising any exceptions,
+            # verify its output.
+            if exception is None:
+                if check(example.want, got, self.optionflags):
+                    outcome = SUCCESS
+            # The example raised an exception:  check if it was expected.
+            else:
+                exc_info = sys.exc_info()
+                exc_msg = traceback.format_exception_only(*exc_info[:2])[-1]
+                if not quiet:
+                    got += _exception_traceback(exc_info)
+                # If `example.exc_msg` is None, then we weren't expecting
+                # an exception.
+                if example.exc_msg is None:
+                    outcome = BOOM
+                # We expected an exception:  see whether it matches.
+                elif check(example.exc_msg, exc_msg, self.optionflags):
+                    outcome = SUCCESS
+                # Another chance if they didn't care about the detail.
+                elif self.optionflags & IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL:
+                    m1 = re.match(r'(?:[^:]*\.)?([^:]*:)', example.exc_msg)
+                    m2 = re.match(r'(?:[^:]*\.)?([^:]*:)', exc_msg)
+                    if m1 and m2 and check(,,
+                                           self.optionflags):
+                        outcome = SUCCESS
+            # Report the outcome.
+            if outcome is SUCCESS:
+                if not quiet:
+                    self.report_success(out, test, example, got)
+            elif outcome is FAILURE:
+                if not quiet:
+                    self.report_failure(out, test, example, got)
+                failures += 1
+            elif outcome is BOOM:
+                if not quiet:
+                    self.report_unexpected_exception(out, test, example,
+                                                     exc_info)
+                failures += 1
+            else:
+                assert False, ("unknown outcome", outcome)
+        # Restore the option flags (in case they were modified)
+        self.optionflags = original_optionflags
+        # Record and return the number of failures and tries.
+        self.__record_outcome(test, failures, tries)
+        return TestResults(failures, tries)
+    def __record_outcome(self, test, f, t):
+        """
+        Record the fact that the given DocTest (`test`) generated `f`
+        failures out of `t` tried examples.
+        """
+        f2, t2 = self._name2ft.get(, (0,0))
+        self._name2ft[] = (f+f2, t+t2)
+        self.failures += f
+        self.tries += t
+    def run(self, test, out=None):
+        """
+        Run the examples in `test`, and display the results using the
+        writer function `out`.
+        The output of each example is checked using
+        `DocTestRunner.check_output`, and the results are formatted by
+        the `DocTestRunner.report_*` methods.
+        """
+        self.test = test
+        save_stdout = sys.stdout
+        if out is None:
+            out = save_stdout.write
+        sys.stdout = self._fakeout
+        try:
+            return self.__run(test, out)
+        finally:
+            sys.stdout = save_stdout
+    #/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    # Summarization
+    #/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    def summarize(self, out, verbose=None):
+        """
+        Print a summary of all the test cases that have been run by
+        this DocTestRunner, and return a tuple `(f, t)`, where `f` is
+        the total number of failed examples, and `t` is the total
+        number of tried examples.
+        The optional `verbose` argument controls how detailed the
+        summary is.  If the verbosity is not specified, then the
+        DocTestRunner's verbosity is used.
+        """
+        string_io = sio.StringIO()
+        old_stdout = sys.stdout
+        sys.stdout = string_io
+        try:
+            if verbose is None:
+                verbose = self._verbose
+            notests = []
+            passed = []
+            failed = []
+            totalt = totalf = 0
+            for x in self._name2ft.items():
+                name, (f, t) = x
+                assert f <= t
+                totalt += t
+                totalf += f
+                if t == 0:
+                    notests.append(name)
+                elif f == 0:
+                    passed.append( (name, t) )
+                else:
+                    failed.append(x)
+            if verbose:
+                if notests:
+                    print(len(notests), "items had no tests:")
+                    notests.sort()
+                    for thing in notests:
+                        print("   ", thing)
+                if passed:
+                    print(len(passed), "items passed all tests:")
+                    passed.sort()
+                    for thing, count in passed:
+                        print(" %3d tests in %s" % (count, thing))
+            if failed:
+                print(self.DIVIDER)
+                print(len(failed), "items had failures:")
+                failed.sort()
+                for thing, (f, t) in failed:
+                    print(" %3d of %3d in %s" % (f, t, thing))
+            if verbose:
+                print(totalt, "tests in", len(self._name2ft), "items.")
+                print(totalt - totalf, "passed and", totalf, "failed.")
+            if totalf:
+                print("***Test Failed***", totalf, "failures.")
+            elif verbose:
+                print("Test passed.")
+            res = TestResults(totalf, totalt)
+        finally:
+            sys.stdout = old_stdout
+        out(string_io.getvalue())
+        return res
+class DocTestBuilder(Builder):
+    """
+    Runs test snippets in the documentation.
+    """
+    name = 'doctest'
+    def init(self):
+        # default options
+        self.opt = doctest.DONT_ACCEPT_TRUE_FOR_1 | doctest.ELLIPSIS | \
+                   doctest.IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
+        # HACK HACK HACK
+        # doctest compiles its snippets with type 'single'. That is nice
+        # for doctest examples but unusable for multi-statement code such
+        # as setup code -- to be able to use doctest error reporting with
+        # that code nevertheless, we monkey-patch the "compile" it uses.
+        doctest.compile = self.compile
+        self.type = 'single'
+        self.total_failures = 0
+        self.total_tries = 0
+        self.setup_failures = 0
+        self.setup_tries = 0
+        self.cleanup_failures = 0
+        self.cleanup_tries = 0
+        date = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
+        self.outfile =, 'output.txt'),
+                                   'w', encoding='utf-8')
+        self.outfile.write('''\
+Results of doctest builder run on %s
+''' % (date, '='*len(date)))
+    def _out(self, text):
+, nonl=True)
+        self.outfile.write(text)
+    def _warn_out(self, text):
+, nonl=True)
+        if
+            self.warn(text)
+        if isinstance(text, bytes):
+            text = force_decode(text, None)
+        self.outfile.write(text)
+    def get_target_uri(self, docname, typ=None):
+        return ''
+    def get_outdated_docs(self):
+        return self.env.found_docs
+    def finish(self):
+        # write executive summary
+        def s(v):
+            return v != 1 and 's' or ''
+        self._out('''
+Doctest summary
+%5d test%s
+%5d failure%s in tests
+%5d failure%s in setup code
+%5d failure%s in cleanup code
+''' % (self.total_tries, s(self.total_tries),
+       self.total_failures, s(self.total_failures),
+       self.setup_failures, s(self.setup_failures),
+       self.cleanup_failures, s(self.cleanup_failures)))
+        self.outfile.close()
+        if self.total_failures or self.setup_failures or self.cleanup_failures:
+   = 1
+    def write(self, build_docnames, updated_docnames, method='update'):
+        if build_docnames is None:
+            build_docnames = sorted(self.env.all_docs)
+'running tests...'))
+        for docname in build_docnames:
+            # no need to resolve the doctree
+            doctree = self.env.get_doctree(docname)
+            self.test_doc(docname, doctree)
+    def test_doc(self, docname, doctree):
+        groups = {}
+        add_to_all_groups = []
+        self.setup_runner = SphinxDocTestRunner(verbose=False,
+                                                optionflags=self.opt)
+        self.test_runner = SphinxDocTestRunner(verbose=False,
+                                               optionflags=self.opt)
+        self.cleanup_runner = SphinxDocTestRunner(verbose=False,
+                                                  optionflags=self.opt)
+        self.test_runner._fakeout = self.setup_runner._fakeout
+        self.cleanup_runner._fakeout = self.setup_runner._fakeout
+        def condition(node):
+            return isinstance(node, (nodes.literal_block, nodes.comment)) \
+                    and node.has_key('testnodetype')
+        for node in doctree.traverse(condition):
+            source = node.has_key('test') and node['test'] or node.astext()
+            if not source:
+                self.warn('no code/output in %s block at %s:%s' %
+                          (node.get('testnodetype', 'doctest'),
+                           self.env.doc2path(docname), node.line))
+            code = TestCode(source, type=node.get('testnodetype', 'doctest'),
+                            lineno=node.line, options=node.get('options'))
+            node_groups = node.get('groups', ['default'])
+            if '*' in node_groups:
+                add_to_all_groups.append(code)
+                continue
+            for groupname in node_groups:
+                if groupname not in groups:
+                    groups[groupname] = TestGroup(groupname)
+                groups[groupname].add_code(code)
+        for code in add_to_all_groups:
+            for group in groups.itervalues():
+                group.add_code(code)
+        if self.config.doctest_global_setup:
+            code = TestCode(self.config.doctest_global_setup,
+                            'testsetup', lineno=0)
+            for group in groups.itervalues():
+                group.add_code(code, prepend=True)
+        if self.config.doctest_global_cleanup:
+            code = TestCode(self.config.doctest_global_cleanup,
+                            'testcleanup', lineno=0)
+            for group in groups.itervalues():
+                group.add_code(code)
+        if not groups:
+            return
+        self._out('\nDocument: %s\n----------%s\n' %
+                  (docname, '-'*len(docname)))
+        for group in groups.itervalues():
+            self.test_group(group, self.env.doc2path(docname, base=None))
+        # Separately count results from setup code
+        res_f, res_t = self.setup_runner.summarize(self._out, verbose=False)
+        self.setup_failures += res_f
+        self.setup_tries += res_t
+        if self.test_runner.tries:
+            res_f, res_t = self.test_runner.summarize(self._out, verbose=True)
+            self.total_failures += res_f
+            self.total_tries += res_t
+        if self.cleanup_runner.tries:
+            res_f, res_t = self.cleanup_runner.summarize(self._out,
+                                                         verbose=True)
+            self.cleanup_failures += res_f
+            self.cleanup_tries += res_t
+    def compile(self, code, name, type, flags, dont_inherit):
+        return compile(code, name, self.type, flags, dont_inherit)
+    def test_group(self, group, filename):
+        j = Popen(["../julia"], stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT)
+        j.stdin.write("macro raw_mstr(s) s end\n")
+        j.stdin.write("_ans = nothing\n")
+        self.setup_runner.julia = j
+        self.test_runner.julia = j
+        self.cleanup_runner.julia = j
+        def run_setup_cleanup(runner, testcodes, what):
+            examples = []
+            for testcode in testcodes:
+                examples.append(doctest.Example(testcode.code, '',
+                                                lineno=testcode.lineno))
+            if not examples:
+                return True
+            # simulate a doctest with the code
+            sim_doctest = doctest.DocTest(examples, {},
+                                          '%s (%s code)' % (, what),
+                                          filename, 0, None)
+            old_f = runner.failures
+            self.type = 'exec' # the snippet may contain multiple statements
+  , out=self._warn_out)
+            if runner.failures > old_f:
+                return False
+            return True
+        # run the setup code
+        if not run_setup_cleanup(self.setup_runner, group.setup, 'setup'):
+            # if setup failed, don't run the group
+            return
+        # run the tests
+        for code in group.tests:
+            if len(code) == 1:
+                # ordinary doctests (code/output interleaved)
+                try:
+                    test = parser.get_doctest(code[0].code, {},,
+                                              filename, code[0].lineno)
+                except Exception:
+                    self.warn('ignoring invalid doctest code: %r' %
+                              code[0].code,
+                              '%s:%s' % (filename, code[0].lineno))
+                    raise
+                    continue
+                if not test.examples:
+                    continue
+                for example in test.examples:
+                    # apply directive's comparison options
+                    new_opt = code[0].options.copy()
+                    new_opt.update(example.options)
+                    example.options = new_opt
+                self.type = 'single' # as for ordinary doctests
+            else:
+                # testcode and output separate
+                output = code[1] and code[1].code or ''
+                options = code[1] and code[1].options or {}
+                # disable <BLANKLINE> processing as it is not needed
+                options[doctest.DONT_ACCEPT_BLANKLINE] = True
+                # find out if we're testing an exception
+                m = parser._EXCEPTION_RE.match(output)
+                if m:
+                    exc_msg ='msg')
+                else:
+                    exc_msg = None
+                example = doctest.Example(code[0].code, output,
+                                          exc_msg=exc_msg,
+                                          lineno=code[0].lineno,
+                                          options=options)
+                test = doctest.DocTest([example], {},,
+                                       filename, code[0].lineno, None)
+                self.type = 'exec' # multiple statements again
+  , out=self._warn_out)
+        # run the cleanup
+        run_setup_cleanup(self.cleanup_runner, group.cleanup, 'cleanup')
+        j.kill()
+def setup(app):
+    app.add_directive('testsetup', TestsetupDirective)
+    app.add_directive('testcleanup', TestcleanupDirective)
+    app.add_directive('doctest', DoctestDirective)
+    app.add_directive('testcode', TestcodeDirective)
+    app.add_directive('testoutput', TestoutputDirective)
+    app.add_builder(DocTestBuilder)
+    app.add_config_value('doctest_global_setup', '', False)
+    app.add_config_value('doctest_global_cleanup', '', False)
Les fichiers binaires a/doc/juliadoc/juliadoc/jldoctest.pyc et b/doc/juliadoc/juliadoc/jldoctest.pyc sont différents
diff -ruN a/doc/juliadoc/juliadoc/ b/doc/juliadoc/juliadoc/
--- a/doc/juliadoc/juliadoc/	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ b/doc/juliadoc/juliadoc/	2014-09-16 21:28:29.397869346 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+import codecs
+from os import path
+from docutils import nodes
+from import TextBuilder
+from sphinx.writers.text import TextTranslator
+from sphinx.writers.text import TextWriter
+from sphinx.util.osutil import ensuredir
+from sphinx.util.console import bold, purple, darkgreen, term_width_line
+def jl_escape(text):
+    # XXX: crude & fragile
+    return text.replace('\\',r'\\').replace('$',"\\$").replace('"',"\\\"")
+class JuliaHelpTranslator(TextTranslator):
+    def __init__(self, document, builder):
+        TextTranslator.__init__(self, document, builder)
+        self.in_desc = False
+    def add_text(self, text, escape=True, force=False):
+        if self.in_desc or force:
+            etext = jl_escape(text) if escape else text
+            self.states[-1].append((-1, etext))
+    def visit_title(self, node):
+        raise nodes.SkipNode
+    def visit_desc(self, node):
+        if node.attributes['objtype'] == 'attribute':
+            return
+        self.in_desc = True
+        self.new_state(0)
+    def visit_desc_signature(self, node):
+        self._current_module = node.attributes.get('module', None)
+        self._current_class = node.attributes.get('class', None)
+        TextTranslator.visit_desc_signature(self, node)
+    def visit_desc_name(self, node):
+        self._desc_name = node.astext()
+        TextTranslator.visit_desc_name(self, node)
+    def depart_desc(self, node):
+        if node.attributes['objtype'] == 'attribute':
+            return
+        self.add_text('"),\n', escape=False)
+        if self._current_module is not None:
+            module = self._current_module
+        else:
+            module = ''
+        name = self._desc_name
+        if self._current_class:
+            name = self._current_class
+        self.end_state(first='("%s","%s","' % ( \
+            jl_escape(module), \
+            jl_escape(name)))
+        self.in_desc = False
+class JuliaHelpWriter(TextWriter):
+    def translate(self):
+        visitor = JuliaHelpTranslator(self.document, self.builder)
+        self.document.walkabout(visitor)
+        self.output = visitor.body
+class JuliaHelpBuilder(TextBuilder):
+    name = "jlhelp"
+    out_suffix = ".jl"
+    def write(self, *ignored):
+        # build_all
+        docnames = set([doc for doc in self.env.found_docs if doc.startswith("stdlib")])
+'preparing documents... '), nonl=True)
+        self.prepare_writing(docnames)
+        # write target files
+        warnings = []
+        self.env.set_warnfunc(lambda *args: warnings.append(args))
+        outfilename = path.join(self.outdir, + self.out_suffix)
+        ensuredir(path.dirname(outfilename))
+        try:
+            f =, 'w', 'utf-8')
+            try:
+                f.write('# automatically generated from files in doc/stdlib/ -- do not edit here\n\n' +
+                        '{\n\n')
+                for docname in self.status_iterator(
+                    sorted(docnames), 'processing... ', darkgreen, len(docnames)):
+                    doctree = self.env.get_and_resolve_doctree(docname, self)
+                    self.writer.write(doctree, f)
+                    f.write("\n")
+                f.write('\n}\n')
+            finally:
+                f.close()
+        except (IOError, OSError) as err:
+            self.warn("error writing file %s: %s" % (outfilename, err))
+        for warning in warnings:
+            self.warn(*warning)
+        self.env.set_warnfunc(self.warn)
+    def prepare_writing(self, docnames):
+        self.writer = JuliaHelpWriter(self)
+def setup(app):
+    app.add_builder(JuliaHelpBuilder)
Les fichiers binaires a/doc/juliadoc/juliadoc/jlhelp.pyc et b/doc/juliadoc/juliadoc/jlhelp.pyc sont différents
diff -ruN a/doc/juliadoc/juliadoc/ b/doc/juliadoc/juliadoc/
--- a/doc/juliadoc/juliadoc/	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ b/doc/juliadoc/juliadoc/	2014-09-16 21:28:29.352868875 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+# Julia domain for Sphinx
+import re
+ = re.compile(
+    r'''^ ([\w.]+\.)?            # class name(s)
+          ([^\s(]+)  \s*         # thing name
+          (?: \((.*)\)           # optional: arguments
+           (?:\s* -> \s* (.*))?  #           return annotation
+          )? $                   # and nothing more
+          ''', re.VERBOSE | re.UNICODE)
+class JuliaDomain(
+    """Julia language domain."""
+    name = 'jl'
+    label = 'Julia'
+JuliaDomain.directives['type'] = JuliaDomain.directives['class']
+def setup(app):
+    app.add_domain(JuliaDomain)
Les fichiers binaires a/doc/juliadoc/juliadoc/julia.pyc et b/doc/juliadoc/juliadoc/julia.pyc sont différents
diff -ruN a/doc/juliadoc/juliadoc/theme/julia/layout.html b/doc/juliadoc/juliadoc/theme/julia/layout.html
--- a/doc/juliadoc/juliadoc/theme/julia/layout.html	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ b/doc/juliadoc/juliadoc/theme/julia/layout.html	2014-09-16 21:28:29.381869179 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
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diff -ruN a/doc/juliadoc/juliadoc/theme/julia/static/julia.css_t b/doc/juliadoc/juliadoc/theme/julia/static/julia.css_t
--- a/doc/juliadoc/juliadoc/theme/julia/static/julia.css_t	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ b/doc/juliadoc/juliadoc/theme/julia/static/julia.css_t	2014-09-16 21:28:29.372869085 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+@import url("css/theme.css");
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diff -ruN a/doc/juliadoc/juliadoc/theme/julia/static/julia-logo.svg b/doc/juliadoc/juliadoc/theme/julia/static/julia-logo.svg
--- a/doc/juliadoc/juliadoc/theme/julia/static/julia-logo.svg	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ b/doc/juliadoc/juliadoc/theme/julia/static/julia-logo.svg	2014-09-16 21:28:29.372869085 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
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