Blob Blame History Raw
Name:       lector
Summary:    Ebook reader and collection manager
Version:    0.5.1
Release:    1%{?dist}
BuildArch:  noarch

# Lector uses GPLv3, the bundled Rarfile library uses the MIT license.
License: GPLv3 and MIT


BuildRequires: desktop-file-utils
BuildRequires: libappstream-glib
BuildRequires: python3dist(beautifulsoup4) >= 4.6
BuildRequires: python3-devel >= 3.6
BuildRequires: python3-poppler-qt5 >= 0.24.2
BuildRequires: python3-PyQt5 >= 5.10.1
BuildRequires: python3dist(setuptools)
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(Qt)

Requires: hicolor-icon-theme
Requires: python3 >= 3.6
Requires: python3dist(beautifulsoup4) >= 4.6
Requires: python3dist(lxml) >= 4.3
Requires: python3-poppler-qt5 >= 0.24.2
Requires: python3dist(pymupdf) >= 1.14.5
Requires: python3-PyQt5 >= 5.10.1
Requires: python3dist(xmltodict) >= 0.11

Recommends: python3dist(python-djvulibre) >= 0.8.4
Recommends: python3dist(markdown) >= 3.0.1
Recommends: python3dist(textile) >= 3.0.4

Lector is an ebook reader and collection manager. It offers a
full-screen distraction-free view, document highlighting and
annotations, a built-in dictionary, bookmarks, and multiple profiles for
changing the way the books are presented. Lector can also edit metadata,
so you can correct information about the books, and add keywords to make
them easier to find.

It supports the following file formats:

* DjVu
* FictionBook (.fb2)
* Mobipocket (.mobi)
* Amazon Kindle (.azw, .azw3, .azw4)
* Comic book archives (.cbr, .cbz)
* Markdown

%autosetup -n Lector-%{version}
# These files contain a Python shebang, but seem to get installed by upstream's without an executability bit set, so there's a mismatch in whether it's supposed to be executable...
chmod -x ./lector/KindleUnpack/
chmod -x ./lector/KindleUnpack/
chmod -x ./lector/KindleUnpack/
chmod -x ./lector/
chmod -x ./lector/rarfile/
# Non-executable Python files don't need a shebang line.
find ./  -type f  -iname "*.py"  '!' -executable  -exec sed --regexp-extended 's|^#! */usr/bin/env python[[:digit:]._-]*$||g'  --in-place '{}' ';'
# For executable Python files, don't use env python.
find ./  -type f  -iname "*.py"  -executable  -exec sed --regexp-extended 's|^#! */usr/bin/env python[[:digit:]._-]*$|#!%{__python3}|g'  --in-place '{}' ';'

mv  ./lector/rarfile/LICENSE  ./LICENSE-rarfile

# NOTE: Upstream hasn't merged the .metainfo.xml file nor renamed the .desktop to match, yet.
mkdir -p %{buildroot}/%{_metainfodir}/
cp --archive  %{SOURCE1}  %{buildroot}/%{_metainfodir}/
mv  %{buildroot}/%{_datadir}/applications/lector.desktop  %{buildroot}/%{_datadir}/applications/io.github.BasioMeusPuga.Lector.desktop

desktop-file-validate %{buildroot}/%{_datadir}/applications/io.github.BasioMeusPuga.Lector.desktop
appstream-util validate-relax --nonet %{buildroot}/%{_metainfodir}/io.github.BasioMeusPuga.Lector.metainfo.xml

%doc      AUTHORS
%license  LICENSE  LICENSE-rarfile

* Thu Aug 6 2020 Andrew Toskin <> - 0.5.1-1
- New package.