Blob Blame History Raw
Name: libcap
Version: 1.10
Release: 8
Summary: Library for getting and setting POSIX.1e capabilities
License: BSD-like and LGPL
Patch: libcap-1.10-ia64.patch
Patch1: libcap-1.10-userland.patch
Patch2: libcap-1.10-shared.patch
Patch3: libcap-1.10-alpha.patch
Group: System Environment/Libraries
Prefix: %{_prefix}
BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-root

%{name} is a library for getting and setting POSIX.1e (formerly POSIX 6)
draft 15 capabilities.

%package devel
Summary: Development files for %{name}
Group: Development/Libraries
Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}

%description devel
Development files (Headers, libraries for static linking, etc) for %{name}.

%{name} is a library for getting and setting POSIX.1e (formerly POSIX 6)
draft 15 capabilities.

Install %{name}-devel if you want to develop or compile applications using

%ifarch ia64 s390 s390x
%patch -p1 -b .ia64
%ifarch alpha
%patch3 -p1 -b .alpha
%patch1 -p1 -b .userland
%patch2 -p1 -b .shared
perl -pi -e "s,^COPTFLAGS=.*,COPTFLAGS=$RPM_OPT_FLAGS,g" Make.Rules
perl -pi -e 's,^man_prefix=.*,man_prefix=\$\(prefix)/share,g' Make.Rules

make prefix=/usr

make install prefix=%{_prefix} FAKEROOT=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT
mkdir $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib
mv $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/* $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib
rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}

%post -p /sbin/ldconfig
%postun -p /sbin/ldconfig


%files devel

rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT $RPM_BUILD_DIR/%{name}-%{version}

* Fri Nov  9 2001 Bernhard Rosenkraenzer <> 1.10-6
- Fix sys/capabilities.h header (#55727)
- Move to /lib, some applications seem to be using this rather early

* Mon Jul 16 2001 Trond Eivind Glomsrød <>
- Add post,postun scripts

* Tue Jul 10 2001 Jakub Jelinek <>
- don't build with ld -shared, but gcc -shared

* Wed Jun 20 2001 Trond Eivind Glomsrød <>
- Rebuild - it was missing for alpha

* Wed Jun 06 2001 Florian La Roche <>
- add s390/s390x support

* Thu May 17 2001 Bernhard Rosenkraenzer <> 1.10-1
- initial RPM
- fix build on ia64