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This patch is to fix bug #137863

The problem arose when the SELinux security policy detected mailman
attempting to open files under /usr/src/build (i.e. the buildroot
where the RPM is created). It was a bit of a mystery what in mailmain
was causing access to a hardcoded absolute path that only exists on
the machine mailman was built on and doesn't exist on the machine it
was installed on. It was finally determined the path had been embedded
in the .pyc files when they were compiled during the build
process. These path names are used as debug output when exceptions
occur in the .pyc file (e.g. file, line number in stack traces). The
SELinux security violations occurred only after a python exception
occurred in mailman. The solution to supply the "ddir" parameter
(debug directory) in the compile_dir function call. Given that mailman
expects to build on the machine and in its install directory it was
never necessary to suppy a "ddir" parameter in addition to "dir"
because they were the same. But when building for an alternate
installation it is necessary to supply both parameters because they
are different. Note in the default case of building on the target both
$(DESTDIR)$(prefix)" and "$(prefix)" will evaluate to the same value
and the original behavior will be retained.

The compile_dir command used to recurse from the $(prefix)/Mailman
root to find .py files, but this missed .py files also located here:


In particular it missed $(prefix)/pythonlib. When $(prefix)/pythonlib
was added a new problem was observed, that path contained pre-compiled
.pyc files that are unpacked from a codecs tar file and since the .pyc
files already existed in the tar file the compile_dir command skipped
compiling them. This resulting in leaving the wrong debug path in the
.pyc file (the ddir arg to compile_dir). Therefore we added "force" to
the compile_dir command and started the directory recursion one level

diff -u -r mailman-2.1.5.orig/ mailman-2.1.5.pyc/
--- mailman-2.1.5.orig/	2003-03-31 14:26:57.000000000 -0500
+++ mailman-2.1.5.pyc/	2004-11-09 12:49:42.000000000 -0500
@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@
 	do \
 	    (cd $$d; $(MAKE) DESTDIR=$(DESTDIR) install); \
-	$(PYTHON) -c 'from compileall import *; compile_dir("$(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/Mailman")'
+	$(PYTHON) -c 'from compileall import *; compile_dir("$(DESTDIR)$(prefix)", 20, "$(prefix)", 1)'
 # Only run bin/update if we aren't installing in DESTDIR, as this
 # means there are probably no lists to deal with, and it wouldn't