Blob Blame History Raw

Name:           mingw-SDL2_ttf
Version:        2.0.15
Release:        2%{?dist}

%global  pkg_summary  MinGW Windows port of the TrueType font handling library for SDL2
Summary: %{pkg_summary}

License:        zlib
Source0:        %{URL}release/SDL2_ttf-%{version}.tar.gz

BuildArch:      noarch

BuildRequires:  mingw32-filesystem >= 95
BuildRequires:  mingw32-freetype
BuildRequires:  mingw32-gcc
BuildRequires:  mingw32-SDL2

BuildRequires:  mingw64-filesystem >= 95
BuildRequires:  mingw64-freetype
BuildRequires:  mingw64-gcc
BuildRequires:  mingw64-SDL2

%global  pkg_description  Simple DirectMedia Layer (SDL2) is a cross-platform multimedia library \
designed to provide fast access to the graphics frame buffer and audio device. \
This package contains a library that allows you to use TrueType fonts \
to render text in SDL2 applications.


# Win32
%package -n mingw32-SDL2_ttf
Summary: %{pkg_summary}

%description -n mingw32-SDL2_ttf

# Win64
%package -n mingw64-SDL2_ttf
Summary: %{pkg_summary}

%description -n mingw64-SDL2_ttf


%setup -q -n SDL2_ttf-%{version}

%mingw_configure \
    --disable-static \
    --disable-dependency-tracking \

%mingw_make %{?smp_mflags}

%mingw_make DESTDIR=%{buildroot} install

# Drop all .la files
find %{buildroot} -name "*.la" -delete

# Convert CRLF line endings to LF
sed -i 's/\r$//' README.txt CHANGES.txt COPYING.txt

# Win32
%files -n mingw32-SDL2_ttf
%doc CHANGES.txt README.txt
%license COPYING.txt

# Win64
%files -n mingw64-SDL2_ttf
%doc CHANGES.txt README.txt
%license COPYING.txt

* Sun Jul 07 2019 Artur Iwicki <> - 2.0.15-2
- Fix wrong License: tag (was "LGPLv2+", should be "zlib")
- Fix COPYING.txt being marked as %%doc instead of %%license
- Fix package description containing a leading newline

* Wed Jul 03 2019 Artur Iwicki <> - 2.0.15-1
- Initial packaging