Blob Blame History Raw
diff -urN moodle/lib/adodb/server.php moodle.adodb/lib/adodb/server.php
--- moodle/lib/adodb/server.php	2005-11-10 21:05:24.000000000 -0500
+++ moodle.adodb/lib/adodb/server.php	2006-01-03 21:07:46.000000000 -0500
@@ -1,98 +1,10 @@
- * @version V4.66 28 Sept 2005 (c) 2000-2005 John Lim ( All rights reserved.
- * Released under both BSD license and Lesser GPL library license. 
-  Whenever there is any discrepancy between the two licenses, 
-  the BSD license will take precedence. 
- */
-/* Documentation on usage is at
- *
- * Legal query string parameters:
- * 
- * sql = holds sql string
- * nrows = number of rows to return 
- * offset = skip offset rows of data
- * fetch = $ADODB_FETCH_MODE
- * 
- * example:
- *
- * http://localhost/php/server.php?select+*+from+table&nrows=10&offset=2
- */
- * Define the IP address you want to accept requests from 
- * as a security measure. If blank we accept anyone promisciously!
- */
-$ACCEPTIP = '';
- * Connection parameters
- */
-$driver = 'mysql';
-$host = 'localhost'; // DSN for odbc
-$uid = 'root';
-$pwd = '';
-$database = 'test';
-/*============================ DO NOT MODIFY BELOW HERE =================================*/
-// $sep must match csv2rs() in
-$sep = ' :::: ';
-function err($s)
-	die('**** '.$s.' ');
-// undo stupid magic quotes
-function undomq(&$m) 
-	if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
-		// undo the damage
-		$m = str_replace('\\\\','\\',$m);
-		$m = str_replace('\"','"',$m);
-		$m = str_replace('\\\'','\'',$m);
-	}
-	return $m;
-///////////////////////////////////////// DEFINITIONS
-$remote = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]; 
-if (empty($_REQUEST['sql'])) err('No SQL');
-if (!empty($ACCEPTIP))
- if ($remote != '' && $remote != $ACCEPTIP) 
- 	err("Unauthorised client: '$remote'");
-$conn = &ADONewConnection($driver);
-if (!$conn->Connect($host,$uid,$pwd,$database)) err($conn->ErrorNo(). $sep . $conn->ErrorMsg());
-$sql = undomq($_REQUEST['sql']);
-if (isset($_REQUEST['fetch']))
-if (isset($_REQUEST['nrows'])) {
-	$nrows = $_REQUEST['nrows'];
-	$offset = isset($_REQUEST['offset']) ? $_REQUEST['offset'] : -1;
-	$rs = $conn->SelectLimit($sql,$nrows,$offset);
-} else 
-	$rs = $conn->Execute($sql);
-if ($rs){ 
-	//$rs->timeToLive = 1;
-	echo _rs2serialize($rs,$conn,$sql);
-	$rs->Close();
-} else
-	err($conn->ErrorNo(). $sep .$conn->ErrorMsg());
+add_to_log(0, 'adodb', 'intrusion attempt', 'lib/adodb/server.php');
+trigger_error('SECURITY WARNING: intrusion attempt against lib/adodb/server.php from ' . getremoteaddr());
+error('SECURITY WARNING: logged intrusion attempt against lib/adodb/server.php');
\ No newline at end of file
diff -urN moodle/lib/adodb/tests/benchmark.php moodle.adodb/lib/adodb/tests/benchmark.php
--- moodle/lib/adodb/tests/benchmark.php	2005-11-10 21:05:25.000000000 -0500
+++ moodle.adodb/lib/adodb/tests/benchmark.php	1969-12-31 19:00:00.000000000 -0500
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
-	<title>ADODB Benchmarks</title>
-V4.66 28 Sept 2005  (c) 2000-2005 John Lim ( All rights reserved.
-  Released under both BSD license and Lesser GPL library license. 
-  Whenever there is any discrepancy between the two licenses, 
-  the BSD license will take precedence.
-  Benchmark code to test the speed to the ADODB library with different databases.
-  This is a simplistic benchmark to be used as the basis for further testing.
-  It should not be used as proof of the superiority of one database over the other.
-$testmssql = true;
-//$testvfp = true;
-$testoracle = true;
-$testado = true; 
-$testibase = true;
-$testaccess = true;
-$testmysql = true;
-$testsqlite = true;;
-set_time_limit(240); // increase timeout
-function testdb(&$db,$createtab="create table ADOXYZ (id int, firstname char(24), lastname char(24), created date)")
-	adodb_backtrace();
-	$max = 100;
-	$sql = 'select * from ADOXYZ';
-	//print "<h3>ADODB Version: $ADODB_version Host: <i>$db->host</i> &nbsp; Database: <i>$db->database</i></h3>";
-	// perform query once to cache results so we are only testing throughput 
-	$rs = $db->Execute($sql);
-	if (!$rs){
-		print "Error in recordset<p>";
-		return;
-	}	
-	$arr = $rs->GetArray();
-	//$db->debug = true;
-	$start = microtime();
-	for ($i=0; $i < $max; $i++) {
-		$rs =& $db->Execute($sql);	
-		$arr =& $rs->GetArray();
-	   //		 print $arr[0][1];
-	}
-	$end =  microtime();
-	$start = explode(' ',$start);
-	$end = explode(' ',$end);
-	//print_r($start);
-	//print_r($end);
-	  //  print_r($arr);
-	$total = $end[0]+trim($end[1]) - $start[0]-trim($start[1]);
-	printf ("<p>seconds = %8.2f for %d iterations each with %d records</p>",$total,$max, sizeof($arr));
-	flush();
-		//$db->Close();
diff -urN moodle/lib/adodb/tests/client.php moodle.adodb/lib/adodb/tests/client.php
--- moodle/lib/adodb/tests/client.php	2004-07-12 23:13:35.000000000 -0400
+++ moodle.adodb/lib/adodb/tests/client.php	1969-12-31 19:00:00.000000000 -0500
@@ -1,194 +0,0 @@
-<body bgcolor=white>
- * V4.50 6 July 2004  (c) 2001-2002 John Lim ( All rights reserved.
- * Released under both BSD license and Lesser GPL library license. 
-  Whenever there is any discrepancy between the two licenses, 
-  the BSD license will take precedence. 
- * 
- * set tabs to 8
- */
- // documentation on usage is at
- function &send2server($url,$sql)
- {
-	$url .= '?sql='.urlencode($sql);
-	print "<p>$url</p>";
-	$rs = csv2rs($url,$err);
-	if ($err) print $err;
-	return $rs;
- }
- function print_pre($s)
- {
- 	print "<pre>";print_r($s);print "</pre>";
- }
-$serverURL = 'http://localhost/php/phplens/adodb/server.php';
-$testhttp = false;
-$sql1 = "insertz into products (productname) values ('testprod 1')";
-$sql2 = "insert into products (productname) values ('testprod 1')";
-$sql3 = "insert into products (productname) values ('testprod 2')";
-$sql4 = "delete from products where productid>80";
-$sql5 = 'select * from products';
-if ($testhttp) {
-	print "<a href=#c>Client Driver Tests</a><p>";
-	print "<h3>Test Error</h3>";
-	$rs = send2server($serverURL,$sql1);
-	print_pre($rs);
-	print "<hr>";
-	print "<h3>Test Insert</h3>";
-	$rs = send2server($serverURL,$sql2);
-	print_pre($rs);
-	print "<hr>";
-	print "<h3>Test Insert2</h3>";
-	$rs = send2server($serverURL,$sql3);
-	print_pre($rs);
-	print "<hr>";
-	print "<h3>Test Delete</h3>";
-	$rs = send2server($serverURL,$sql4);
-	print_pre($rs);
-	print "<hr>";
-	print "<h3>Test Select</h3>";
-	$rs = send2server($serverURL,$sql5);
-	if ($rs) rs2html($rs);
-	print "<hr>";
-print "<a name=c><h1>CLIENT Driver Tests</h1>";
-$conn = ADONewConnection('csv');
-$conn->debug = true;
-print "<h3>Bad SQL</h3>";
-$rs = $conn->Execute($sql1);
-print "<h3>Insert SQL 1</h3>";
-$rs = $conn->Execute($sql2);
-print "<h3>Insert SQL 2</h3>";
-$rs = $conn->Execute($sql3);
-print "<h3>Select SQL</h3>";
-$rs = $conn->Execute($sql5);
-if ($rs) rs2html($rs);
-print "<h3>Delete SQL</h3>";
-$rs = $conn->Execute($sql4);
-print "<h3>Select SQL</h3>";
-$rs = $conn->Execute($sql5);
-if ($rs) rs2html($rs);
-Test Insert
-adorecordset Object
-	[dataProvider] => native
-	[fields] => 
-	[blobSize] => 64
-	[canSeek] => 
-	[EOF] => 1
-	[emptyTimeStamp] =>  
-	[emptyDate] =>  
-	[debug] => 
-	[timeToLive] => 0
-	[bind] => 
-	[_numOfRows] => -1
-	[_numOfFields] => 0
-	[_queryID] => 1
-	[_currentRow] => -1
-	[_closed] => 
-	[_inited] => 
-	[sql] => insert into products (productname) values ('testprod')
-	[affectedrows] => 1
-	[insertid] => 81
-Test Insert2
-adorecordset Object
-	[dataProvider] => native
-	[fields] => 
-	[blobSize] => 64
-	[canSeek] => 
-	[EOF] => 1
-	[emptyTimeStamp] =>  
-	[emptyDate] =>  
-	[debug] => 
-	[timeToLive] => 0
-	[bind] => 
-	[_numOfRows] => -1
-	[_numOfFields] => 0
-	[_queryID] => 1
-	[_currentRow] => -1
-	[_closed] => 
-	[_inited] => 
-	[sql] => insert into products (productname) values ('testprod')
-	[affectedrows] => 1
-	[insertid] => 82
-Test Delete
-adorecordset Object
-	[dataProvider] => native
-	[fields] => 
-	[blobSize] => 64
-	[canSeek] => 
-	[EOF] => 1
-	[emptyTimeStamp] =>  
-	[emptyDate] =>  
-	[debug] => 
-	[timeToLive] => 0
-	[bind] => 
-	[_numOfRows] => -1
-	[_numOfFields] => 0
-	[_queryID] => 1
-	[_currentRow] => -1
-	[_closed] => 
-	[_inited] => 
-	[sql] => delete from products where productid>80
-	[affectedrows] => 2
-	[insertid] => 0
-[more stuff deleted]
- .
- . 
- .
diff -urN moodle/lib/adodb/tests/pdo.php moodle.adodb/lib/adodb/tests/pdo.php
--- moodle/lib/adodb/tests/pdo.php	2005-11-10 21:05:25.000000000 -0500
+++ moodle.adodb/lib/adodb/tests/pdo.php	1969-12-31 19:00:00.000000000 -0500
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-try {
-	echo "New Connection\n";
-	$DB = NewADOConnection('pdo');
-	echo "Connect\n";
-	$u = ''; $p = '';
-	/*
-	$connstr = 'odbc:nwind';
-	$connstr = 'oci:';
-	$u = 'scott';
-	$p = 'natsoft';
-	$connstr ="sqlite:d:\inetpub\adodb\sqlite.db";
-	*/
-	$connstr = "mysql:dbname=northwind";
-	$u = 'root';
-	$connstr = "pgsql:dbname=test";
-	$u = 'tester';
-	$p = 'test';
-	$DB->Connect($connstr,$u,$p) || die("CONNECT FAILED");
-	echo "$connstr: Execute\n";
-	$rs = $DB->Execute("select * from ADOXYZ where id<3");
-	echo "*** e=".$DB->ErrorNo() . " ".($DB->ErrorMsg())."\n";
-	//print_r(get_class_methods($DB->_stmt));
-	if (!$rs) die("NO RS");
-	echo "Meta\n";
-	for ($i=0; $i < $rs->NumCols(); $i++) {
-		var_dump($rs->FetchField($i));
-		echo "<br>";
-	}
-	echo "FETCH\n";
-	$cnt = 0;
-	while (!$rs->EOF) {
-		adodb_pr($rs->fields); 
-		$rs->MoveNext();
-		if ($cnt++ > 1000) break;
-	}
-	echo "<br>--------------------------------------------------------<br>\n\n\n";
-	$stmt = $DB->PrepareStmt("select * from ADOXYZ");
-	$rs = $stmt->Execute();
-	$cols = $stmt->NumCols(); // execute required
-	echo "COLS = $cols";
-	for($i=1;$i<=$cols;$i++) {
-		$v = $stmt->_stmt->getColumnMeta($i);
-		var_dump($v);
-	}
-	echo "e=".$stmt->ErrorNo() . " ".($stmt->ErrorMsg())."\n";
-	while ($arr = $rs->FetchRow()) {
-		adodb_pr($arr);
-	}
-	die("DONE\n");
-} catch (exception $e) {
-	echo "<pre>";
-	echo $e;
-	echo "</pre>";
\ No newline at end of file
diff -urN moodle/lib/adodb/tests/test2.php moodle.adodb/lib/adodb/tests/test2.php
--- moodle/lib/adodb/tests/test2.php	2005-05-24 02:07:02.000000000 -0400
+++ moodle.adodb/lib/adodb/tests/test2.php	1969-12-31 19:00:00.000000000 -0500
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-// BASIC ADO test
-	include_once('../');
-	$db = &ADONewConnection("ado_access");
-	$db->debug=1;
-	$access = 'd:\inetpub\wwwroot\php\NWIND.MDB';
-	$myDSN =  'PROVIDER=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;'
-		. 'DATA SOURCE=' . $access . ';';
-	echo "<p>PHP ",PHP_VERSION,"</p>";
-	$db->Connect($myDSN) || die('fail');
-	print_r($db->ServerInfo());
-	try {
-	$rs = $db->Execute("select $db->sysTimeStamp,* from adoxyz where id>02xx");
-	print_r($rs->fields);
-	} catch(exception $e) {
-	print_r($e);
-	echo "<p> Date m/d/Y =",$db->UserDate($rs->fields[4],'m/d/Y');
-	}
\ No newline at end of file
diff -urN moodle/lib/adodb/tests/test3.php moodle.adodb/lib/adodb/tests/test3.php
--- moodle/lib/adodb/tests/test3.php	2005-11-10 21:05:25.000000000 -0500
+++ moodle.adodb/lib/adodb/tests/test3.php	1969-12-31 19:00:00.000000000 -0500
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-  V4.66 28 Sept 2005  (c) 2000-2005 John Lim ( All rights reserved.
-  Released under both BSD license and Lesser GPL library license. 
-  Whenever there is any discrepancy between the two licenses, 
-  the BSD license will take precedence.
-  Set tabs to 8.
- */
-$path = dirname(__FILE__);
-try {
-$db = NewADOConnection("oci8");
-$cnt = $db->GetOne("select count(*) from adoxyz");
-$rs = $db->Execute("select * from adoxyz order by id");
-$i = 0;
-foreach($rs as $k => $v) {
-	$i += 1;
-	echo $k; adodb_pr($v);
-	flush();
-if ($i != $cnt) die("actual cnt is $i, cnt should be $cnt\n");
-$rs = $db->Execute("select bad from badder");
-} catch (exception $e) {
-	adodb_pr($e);
-	$e = adodb_backtrace($e->trace);
\ No newline at end of file
diff -urN moodle/lib/adodb/tests/test4.php moodle.adodb/lib/adodb/tests/test4.php
--- moodle/lib/adodb/tests/test4.php	2005-05-24 02:07:02.000000000 -0400
+++ moodle.adodb/lib/adodb/tests/test4.php	1969-12-31 19:00:00.000000000 -0500
@@ -1,134 +0,0 @@
- * @version V4.50 6 July 2004 (c) 2000-2005 John Lim ( All rights reserved.
- * Released under both BSD license and Lesser GPL library license. 
- * Whenever there is any discrepancy between the two licenses, 
- * the BSD license will take precedence. 
- *
- * Set tabs to 4 for best viewing.
- * 
- * Latest version is available at
- *
- * Test GetUpdateSQL and GetInsertSQL.
- */
-function testsql()
-// This code tests an insert
-$sql = "
-// Select an empty record from the database 
-#$conn = &ADONewConnection("mssql");  // create a connection
-#$conn->PConnect("", "sa", "natsoft", "northwind"); // connect to MySQL, testdb
-$conn = &ADONewConnection("mysql");  // create a connection
-$conn->PConnect("localhost", "root", "", "test"); // connect to MySQL, testdb
-//$conn =& ADONewConnection('oci8');
-$conn->Execute("delete from adoxyz where lastname like 'Smi%'");
-$rs = $conn->Execute($sql); // Execute the query and get the empty recordset
-$record = array(); // Initialize an array to hold the record data to insert
-if (strpos($conn->databaseType,'mssql')!==false) $record['id'] = 751;
-$record["firstname"] = 'Jann';
-$record["lastname"] = "Smitts";
-$record["created"] = time();
-$insertSQL = $conn->GetInsertSQL($rs, $record);
-$conn->Execute($insertSQL); // Insert the record into the database
-if (strpos($conn->databaseType,'mssql')!==false) $record['id'] = 752;
-// Set the values for the fields in the record
-$record["firstname"] = 'null';
-$record["lastname"] = "Smith\$@//";
-$record["created"] = time();
-if (isset($_GET['f'])) $ADODB_FORCE_TYPE = $_GET['f'];
-//$record["id"] = -1;
-// Pass the empty recordset and the array containing the data to insert
-// into the GetInsertSQL function. The function will process the data and return
-// a fully formatted insert sql statement.
-$insertSQL = $conn->GetInsertSQL($rs, $record);
-$conn->Execute($insertSQL); // Insert the record into the database
-$insertSQL2 = $conn->GetInsertSQL($table='ADOXYZ', $record);
-if ($insertSQL != $insertSQL2) echo "<p><b>Walt's new stuff failed</b>: $insertSQL2</p>";
-// This code tests an update
-$sql = "
-FROM ADOXYZ WHERE lastname=".$conn->Param('var'). " ORDER BY 1"; 
-// Select a record to update 
-$varr = array('var'=>$record['lastname'].'');
-$rs = $conn->Execute($sql,$varr); // Execute the query and get the existing record to update
-if (!$rs || $rs->EOF) print "<p><b>No record found!</b></p>";
-$record = array(); // Initialize an array to hold the record data to update
-// Set the values for the fields in the record
-$record["firstName"] = "Caroline".rand();
-//$record["lasTname"] = ""; // Update Caroline's lastname from Miranda to Smith
-$record["creAted"] = '2002-12-'.(rand()%30+1);
-$record['num'] = '';
-// Pass the single record recordset and the array containing the data to update
-// into the GetUpdateSQL function. The function will process the data and return
-// a fully formatted update sql statement.
-// If the data has not changed, no recordset is returned
-$updateSQL = $conn->GetUpdateSQL($rs, $record);
-$conn->Execute($updateSQL,$varr); // Update the record in the database
-if ($conn->Affected_Rows() != 1)print "<p><b>Error1 </b>: Rows Affected=".$conn->Affected_Rows().", should be 1</p>";
-$record["firstName"] = "Caroline".rand();
-$record["lasTname"] = "Smithy Jones"; // Update Caroline's lastname from Miranda to Smith
-$record["creAted"] = '2002-12-'.(rand()%30+1);
-$record['num'] = 331;
-$updateSQL = $conn->GetUpdateSQL($rs, $record);
-$conn->Execute($updateSQL,$varr); // Update the record in the database
-if ($conn->Affected_Rows() != 1)print "<p><b>Error 2</b>: Rows Affected=".$conn->Affected_Rows().", should be 1</p>";
-$rs = $conn->Execute("select * from ADOXYZ where lastname like 'Sm%'");
-$record["firstName"] = "Carol-new-".rand();
-$record["lasTname"] = "Smithy"; // Update Caroline's lastname from Miranda to Smith
-$record["creAted"] = '2002-12-'.(rand()%30+1);
-$record['num'] = 331;
-$conn->AutoExecute('ADOXYZ',$record,'UPDATE', "lastname like 'Sm%'");
-$rs = $conn->Execute("select * from ADOXYZ where lastname like 'Sm%'");
\ No newline at end of file
diff -urN moodle/lib/adodb/tests/test5.php moodle.adodb/lib/adodb/tests/test5.php
--- moodle/lib/adodb/tests/test5.php	2005-11-10 21:05:25.000000000 -0500
+++ moodle.adodb/lib/adodb/tests/test5.php	1969-12-31 19:00:00.000000000 -0500
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-V4.66 28 Sept 2005  (c) 2000-2005 John Lim ( All rights reserved.
-  Released under both BSD license and Lesser GPL library license. 
-  Whenever there is any discrepancy between the two licenses, 
-  the BSD license will take precedence. 
-  Set tabs to 4 for best viewing.
-  Latest version is available at
-// Select an empty record from the database 
-if (0) {
-	$conn = &ADONewConnection('mysql');
-	$conn->debug=1;
-	$conn->PConnect("localhost","root","","xphplens");
-	print $conn->databaseType.':'.$conn->GenID().'<br>';
-if (0) {
-	$conn = &ADONewConnection("oci8");  // create a connection
-	$conn->debug=1;
-	$conn->PConnect("falcon", "scott", "tiger", ""); // connect to MySQL, testdb
-	print $conn->databaseType.':'.$conn->GenID();
-if (0) {
-	$conn = &ADONewConnection("ibase");  // create a connection
-	$conn->debug=1;
-	$conn->Connect("localhost:c:\\Interbase\\Examples\\Database\\employee.gdb", "sysdba", "masterkey", ""); // connect to MySQL, testdb
-	print $conn->databaseType.':'.$conn->GenID().'<br>';
-if (0) {
-	$conn = &ADONewConnection('postgres');
-	$conn->debug=1;
-	@$conn->PConnect("susetikus","tester","test","test");
-	print $conn->databaseType.':'.$conn->GenID().'<br>';
diff -urN moodle/lib/adodb/tests/testcache.php moodle.adodb/lib/adodb/tests/testcache.php
--- moodle/lib/adodb/tests/testcache.php	2005-11-10 21:05:25.000000000 -0500
+++ moodle.adodb/lib/adodb/tests/testcache.php	1969-12-31 19:00:00.000000000 -0500
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-V4.66 28 Sept 2005  (c) 2000-2005 John Lim ( All rights reserved.
-  Released under both BSD license and Lesser GPL library license. 
-  Whenever there is any discrepancy between the two licenses, 
-  the BSD license will take precedence. 
-  Set tabs to 4 for best viewing.
-  Latest version is available at
-$ADODB_CACHE_DIR = dirname(tempnam('/tmp',''));
-if (isset($access)) {
-	$db=ADONewConnection('access');
-	$db->PConnect('nwind');
-} else {
-	$db = ADONewConnection('mysql');
-	$db->PConnect('mangrove','root','','xphplens');
-if (isset($cache)) $rs = $db->CacheExecute(120,'select * from products');
-else $rs = $db->Execute('select * from products');
-$arr = $rs->GetArray();
-print sizeof($arr);
\ No newline at end of file
diff -urN moodle/lib/adodb/tests/ moodle.adodb/lib/adodb/tests/
--- moodle/lib/adodb/tests/	2005-11-10 21:05:25.000000000 -0500
+++ moodle.adodb/lib/adodb/tests/	1969-12-31 19:00:00.000000000 -0500
@@ -1,412 +0,0 @@
-V4.66 28 Sept 2005  (c) 2000-2005 John Lim ( All rights reserved.
-  Released under both BSD license and Lesser GPL library license. 
-  Whenever there is any discrepancy between the two licenses, 
-  the BSD license will take precedence.
- /* this file is used by the ADODB test program: test.php */
- ?>
-<table><tr valign=top><td>
-<form method=get>
-<input type=checkbox name="testaccess" value=1 <?php echo !empty($testaccess) ? 'checked' : '' ?>> <b>Access</b><br>
-<input type=checkbox name="testibase" value=1 <?php echo !empty($testibase) ? 'checked' : '' ?>> <b>Interbase</b><br>
-<input type=checkbox name="testmssql" value=1 <?php echo !empty($testmssql) ? 'checked' : '' ?>> <b>MSSQL</b><br>
- <input type=checkbox name="testmysql" value=1 <?php echo !empty($testmysql) ? 'checked' : '' ?>> <b>MySQL</b><br>
-<input type=checkbox name="testmysqlodbc" value=1 <?php echo !empty($testmysqlodbc) ? 'checked' : '' ?>> <b>MySQL ODBC</b><br>
-<input type=checkbox name="testmysqli" value=1 <?php echo !empty($testmysqli) ? 'checked' : '' ?>> <b>MySQLi</b>
-<td><input type=checkbox name="testsqlite" value=1 <?php echo !empty($testsqlite) ? 'checked' : '' ?>> <b>SQLite</b><br>
-<input type=checkbox name="testproxy" value=1 <?php echo !empty($testproxy) ? 'checked' : '' ?>> <b>MySQL Proxy</b><br>
-<input type=checkbox name="testoracle" value=1 <?php echo !empty($testoracle) ? 'checked' : '' ?>> <b>Oracle (oci8)</b> <br>
-<input type=checkbox name="testpostgres" value=1 <?php echo !empty($testpostgres) ? 'checked' : '' ?>> <b>PostgreSQL</b><br>
-<input type=checkbox name="testpgodbc" value=1 <?php echo !empty($testpgodbc) ? 'checked' : '' ?>> <b>PostgreSQL ODBC</b><br>
-<input type=checkbox name="testpdopgsql" value=1 <?php echo !empty($testpdopgsql) ? 'checked' : '' ?>> <b>PgSQL PDO</b><br>
-<input type=checkbox name="testpdomysql" value=1 <?php echo !empty($testpdomysql) ? 'checked' : '' ?>> <b>MySQL PDO</b><br>
-<input type=checkbox name="testpdosqlite" value=1 <?php echo !empty($testpdosqlite) ? 'checked' : '' ?>> <b>SQLite PDO</b><br>
-<input type=checkbox name="testpdoaccess" value=1 <?php echo !empty($testpdoaccess) ? 'checked' : '' ?>> <b>Access PDO</b><br>
-<input type=checkbox name="testpdoora" value=1 <?php echo !empty($testpdoora) ? 'checked' : '' ?>> <b>OCI PDO</b><br>
-<td><input type=checkbox name="testdb2" value=1 <?php echo !empty($testdb2) ? 'checked' : '' ?>> DB2<br>
-<input type=checkbox name="testvfp" value=1 <?php echo !empty($testvfp) ? 'checked' : '' ?>> VFP+ODBTP<br>
-<input type=checkbox name="testado" value=1 <?php echo !empty($testado) ? 'checked' : '' ?>> ADO (for mssql and access)<br>
-<input type=checkbox name="nocountrecs" value=1 <?php echo !empty($nocountrecs) ? 'checked' : '' ?>> $ADODB_COUNTRECS=false<br>
-<input type=checkbox name="nolog" value=1 <?php echo !empty($nolog) ? 'checked' : '' ?>> No SQL Logging<br>
-<input type=checkbox name="time" value=1 <?php echo !empty($_GET['time']) ? 'checked' : '' ?>> ADOdb time test
-<input type=submit>
-if (isset($nocountrecs)) $ADODB_COUNTRECS = false;
-// cannot test databases below, but we include them anyway to check
-// if they parse ok...
-if (!strpos(PHP_VERSION,'5') === 0) {
-	ADOLoadCode("sybase");
-	//ADOLoadCode("postgres");
-	//ADOLoadCode("postgres7");
-	ADOLoadCode("firebird");
-	ADOLoadCode("borland_ibase");
-	ADOLoadCode("informix");
-	ADOLoadCode("sqlanywhere");
-//	ADOLoadCode('mysqli');
-if (!empty($testpostgres)) {
-	//ADOLoadCode("postgres");
-	$db = &ADONewConnection('postgres');
-	print "<h1>Connecting $db->databaseType...</h1>";
-	if ($db->Connect("localhost","tester","test","test")) {
-		testdb($db,"create table ADOXYZ (id integer, firstname char(24), lastname varchar,created date)");
-	}else
-		print "ERROR: PostgreSQL requires a database called test on server, user tester, password test.<BR>".$db->ErrorMsg();
-if (!empty($testpgodbc)) { 
-	$db = &ADONewConnection('odbc');
-	$db->hasTransactions = false;
-	print "<h1>Connecting $db->databaseType...</h1>";
-	if ($db->PConnect('Postgresql')) {
-		$db->hasTransactions = true;
-		testdb($db,
-		"create table ADOXYZ (id int, firstname char(24), lastname char(24), created date) type=innodb");
-	} else print "ERROR: PostgreSQL requires a database called test on server, user tester, password test.<BR>".$db->ErrorMsg();
-if (!empty($testibase)) {
-	//$_GET['nolog'] = true;
-	$db = &ADONewConnection('firebird');
-	print "<h1>Connecting $db->databaseType...</h1>";
-	if ($db->PConnect("localhost:d:\\firebird\\151\\examples\\EMPLOYEE.fdb", "sysdba", "masterkey", ""))
-		testdb($db,"create table ADOXYZ (id integer, firstname char(24), lastname char(24),price numeric(12,2),created date)");
-	 else print "ERROR: Interbase test requires a database called employee.gdb".'<BR>'.$db->ErrorMsg();
-if (!empty($testsqlite)) {
-	$path =urlencode('d:\inetpub\adodb\sqlite.db');
-	$dsn = "sqlite://$path/";
-	$db = ADONewConnection($dsn);
-	echo $dsn;
-//	$db = &ADONewConnection('sqlite');
-	print "<h1>Connecting $db->databaseType...</h1>";
-	if (1)
-	//if ($db->PConnect("d:\\inetpub\\adodb\\sqlite.db", "", "", ""))
-		testdb($db,"create table ADOXYZ (id int, firstname char(24), lastname char(24),created datetime)");
-	else print "ERROR: SQLite";
-if (!empty($testpdopgsql)) {
-	$connstr = "pgsql:dbname=test";
-	$u = 'tester';$p='test';
-	$db = &ADONewConnection('pdo');
-	print "<h1>Connecting $db->databaseType...</h1>";
-	$db->Connect($connstr,$u,$p) || die("CONNECT FAILED");
-	testdb($db,
-		"create table ADOXYZ (id int, firstname char(24), lastname char(24), created date)");
-if (!empty($testpdomysql)) {
-	$connstr = "mysql:dbname=northwind";
-	$u = 'root';$p='';
-	$db = &ADONewConnection('pdo');
-	print "<h1>Connecting $db->databaseType...</h1>";
-	$db->Connect($connstr,$u,$p) || die("CONNECT FAILED");
-	testdb($db,
-		"create table ADOXYZ (id int, firstname char(24), lastname char(24), created date)");
-if (!empty($testpdosqlite)) {
-	$connstr = "sqlite:d:/inetpub/adodb/sqlite-pdo.db3";
-	$u = '';$p='';
-	$db = &ADONewConnection('pdo');
-	$db->hasTransactions = false;
-	print "<h1>Connecting $db->databaseType...</h1>";
-	$db->Connect($connstr,$u,$p) || die("CONNECT FAILED");
-	testdb($db,
-		"create table ADOXYZ (id int, firstname char(24), lastname char(24), created date)");
-if (!empty($testpdoaccess)) {
-	$connstr = 'odbc:nwind';
-	$u = '';$p='';
-	$db = &ADONewConnection('pdo');
-	$db->hasTransactions = false;
-	print "<h1>Connecting $db->databaseType...</h1>";
-	$db->Connect($connstr,$u,$p) || die("CONNECT FAILED");
-	testdb($db,
-		"create table ADOXYZ (id int, firstname char(24), lastname char(24), created date)");
-if (!empty($testpdoora)) {
-	$connstr = 'oci:';
-	$u = 'scott';$p='natsoft';
-	$db = &ADONewConnection('pdo');
-	#$db->hasTransactions = false;
-	print "<h1>Connecting $db->databaseType...</h1>";
-	$db->Connect($connstr,$u,$p) || die("CONNECT FAILED");
-	testdb($db,
-		"create table ADOXYZ (id int, firstname char(24), lastname char(24), created date)");
-if (!empty($testaccess)) {
-	$db = &ADONewConnection('access');
-	print "<h1>Connecting $db->databaseType...</h1>";
-	$access = 'd:\inetpub\wwwroot\php\NWIND.MDB';
-	$dsn = "nwind";
-	$dsn = "Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};Dbq=$access;Uid=Admin;Pwd=;";
-	//$dsn =  'Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;DATA SOURCE=' . $access . ';';
-	if ($db->PConnect($dsn, "", "", ""))
-		testdb($db,"create table ADOXYZ (id int, firstname char(24), lastname char(24),created datetime)");
-	else print "ERROR: Access test requires a Windows ODBC DSN=nwind, Access driver";
-if (!empty($testaccess) && !empty($testado)) { // ADO ACCESS
-	$db = &ADONewConnection("ado_access");
-	print "<h1>Connecting $db->databaseType...</h1>";
-	$access = 'd:\inetpub\wwwroot\php\NWIND.MDB';
-	$myDSN =  'PROVIDER=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;'
-		. 'DATA SOURCE=' . $access . ';';
-		//. 'USER ID=;PASSWORD=;';
-	$_GET['nolog'] = 1;
-	if ($db->PConnect($myDSN, "", "", "")) {
-		print "ADO version=".$db->_connectionID->version."<br>";
-		testdb($db,"create table ADOXYZ (id int, firstname char(24), lastname char(24),created datetime)");
-	} else print "ERROR: Access test requires a Access database $access".'<BR>'.$db->ErrorMsg();
-if (!empty($testvfp)) { // ODBC
-	$db = &ADONewConnection('vfp');
-	print "<h1>Connecting $db->databaseType...</h1>";flush();
-	if ( $db->PConnect("vfp-adoxyz")) {
-		testdb($db,"create table d:\\inetpub\\adodb\\ADOXYZ (id int, firstname char(24), lastname char(24),created date)");
-	 } else print "ERROR: Visual FoxPro test requires a Windows ODBC DSN=vfp-adoxyz, VFP driver";
-	echo "<hr>";
-	$db = &ADONewConnection('odbtp');
-	if ( $db->PConnect('localhost','DRIVER={Microsoft Visual FoxPro Driver};SOURCETYPE=DBF;SOURCEDB=d:\inetpub\adodb;EXCLUSIVE=NO;')) {
-	print "<h1>Connecting $db->databaseType...</h1>";flush();
-	testdb($db,"create table d:\\inetpub\\adodb\\ADOXYZ (id int, firstname char(24), lastname char(24),created date)");
-	 } else print "ERROR: Visual FoxPro odbtp requires a Windows ODBC DSN=vfp-adoxyz, VFP driver";
-// REQUIRES MySQL server at localhost with database 'test'
-if (!empty($testmysql)) { // MYSQL
-	if (PHP_VERSION >= 5 || $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] == 'localhost') $server = 'localhost';
-	else $server = "mangrove";
-	$user = 'root'; $password = ''; $database = 'northwind';
-	$db = &ADONewConnection("mysqlt://$user:$password@$server/$database?persist");
-	print "<h1>Connecting $db->databaseType...</h1>";
-	if (true || $db->PConnect($server, "root", "", "northwind")) {
-		//$db->Execute("DROP TABLE ADOXYZ") || die('fail drop');
-		//$db->debug=1;$db->Execute('drop table ADOXYZ');
-		testdb($db,
-		"create table ADOXYZ (id int, firstname char(24), lastname char(24), created date) Type=InnoDB");
-	} else print "ERROR: MySQL test requires a MySQL server on localhost, userid='admin', password='', database='test'".'<BR>'.$db->ErrorMsg();
-// REQUIRES MySQL server at localhost with database 'test'
-if (!empty($testmysqli)) { // MYSQL
-	$db = &ADONewConnection('mysqli');
-	print "<h1>Connecting $db->databaseType...</h1>";
-	if (PHP_VERSION >= 5 || $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] == 'localhost') $server = 'localhost';
-	else $server = "mangrove";
-	if ($db->PConnect($server, "root", "", "northwind")) {
-		//$db->debug=1;$db->Execute('drop table ADOXYZ');
-		testdb($db,
-		"create table ADOXYZ (id int, firstname char(24), lastname char(24), created date)");
-	} else print "ERROR: MySQL test requires a MySQL server on localhost, userid='admin', password='', database='test'".'<BR>'.$db->ErrorMsg();
-// REQUIRES MySQL server at localhost with database 'test'
-if (!empty($testmysqlodbc)) { // MYSQL
-	$db = &ADONewConnection('odbc');
-	$db->hasTransactions = false;
-	print "<h1>Connecting $db->databaseType...</h1>";
-	if ($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] == 'localhost') $server = 'localhost';
-	else $server = "mangrove";
-	if ($db->PConnect('mysql', "root", ""))
-		testdb($db,
-		"create table ADOXYZ (id int, firstname char(24), lastname char(24), created date) type=innodb");
-	else print "ERROR: MySQL test requires a MySQL server on localhost, userid='admin', password='', database='test'".'<BR>'.$db->ErrorMsg();
-if (!empty($testproxy)){
-	$db = &ADONewConnection('proxy');
-	print "<h1>Connecting $db->databaseType...</h1>";
-	if ($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] == 'localhost') $server = 'localhost';
-	if ($db->PConnect('http://localhost/php/phplens/adodb/server.php'))
-		testdb($db,
-		"create table ADOXYZ (id int, firstname char(24), lastname char(24), created date) type=innodb");
-	else print "ERROR: MySQL test requires a MySQL server on localhost, userid='admin', password='', database='test'".'<BR>'.$db->ErrorMsg();
-if (!empty($testoracle)) {
-	$dsn = "oci8po://juris10:natsoft@sherkhan?persist";
-	$db = ADONewConnection($dsn);
-	print "<h1>Connecting $db->databaseType...</h1>";
-	if (true || $db->Connect('', "scott", "natsoft",''))
-		testdb($db,"create table ADOXYZ (id int, firstname varchar(24), lastname varchar(24),created date)");
-	else print "ERROR: Oracle test requires an Oracle server setup with scott/natsoft".'<BR>'.$db->ErrorMsg();
-ADOLoadCode("oracle"); // no longer supported
-if (false && !empty($testoracle)) { 
-	$db = ADONewConnection();
-	print "<h1>Connecting $db->databaseType...</h1>";
-	if ($db->PConnect("", "scott", "tiger", "natsoft.domain"))
-		testdb($db,"create table ADOXYZ (id int, firstname varchar(24), lastname varchar(24),created date)");
-	else print "ERROR: Oracle test requires an Oracle server setup with scott/tiger".'<BR>'.$db->ErrorMsg();
-ADOLoadCode("db2"); // no longer supported
-if (!empty($testdb2)) { 
-	$db = ADONewConnection();
-	print "<h1>Connecting $db->databaseType...</h1>";
-	$dsn = "db2_sample";
-	$dsn = "driver={IBM db2 odbc DRIVER};Database=sample;hostname=localhost;port=50000;protocol=TCPIP; uid=root; pwd=natsoft";
-	if ($db->Connect($dsn)) {
-	//	testdb($db,"create table ADOXYZ (id int, firstname varchar(24), lastname varchar(24),created date)");
-	} else print "ERROR: DB2 test requires an server setup with odbc data source db2_sample".'<BR>'.$db->ErrorMsg();
-echo "<hr>";
-	$dsn = "driver={IBM db2 odbc DRIVER};Database=sample;hostname=localhost;port=50000;protocol=TCPIP; uid=root; pwd=natsoft";
-	$db = ADONewConnection('odbtp');
-	if ($db->Connect('',$dsn)) {
-		$db->debug=1;
-		 $arr = $db->GetArray( "||SQLProcedures" ); adodb_pr($arr);
-	     $arr = $db->GetArray( "||SQLProcedureColumns|||GET_ROUTINE_SAR" );adodb_pr($arr);
-		testdb($db,"create table ADOXYZ (id int, firstname varchar(24), lastname varchar(24),created date)");
-	} else echo ("ERROR Connection");
-	echo $db->ErrorMsg();
-$server = 'sherkhan';
-if (!empty($testmssql)) { // MS SQL Server via ODBC
-	$db = ADONewConnection();
-	print "<h1>Connecting $db->databaseType...</h1>";
-	$dsn = "PROVIDER=MSDASQL;Driver={SQL Server};Server=$server;Database=northwind;";
-	if ($db->PConnect($dsn, "adodb", "natsoft", ""))  {
-		testdb($db,"create table ADOXYZ (id int, firstname char(24) null, lastname char(24) null,created datetime null)");
-	}
-	else print "ERROR: MSSQL test 1 requires a MS SQL 7 server setup with DSN setup";
-if (!empty($testmssql) && !empty($testado) ) { // ADO ACCESS MSSQL -- thru ODBC -- DSN-less
-	$db = &ADONewConnection("ado_mssql");
-	//$db->debug=1;
-	print "<h1>Connecting DSN-less $db->databaseType...</h1>";
-		. "SERVER=$server;DATABASE=NorthWind;UID=adodb;PWD=natsoft;Trusted_Connection=No";
-	if ($db->PConnect($myDSN, "", "", ""))
-		testdb($db,"create table ADOXYZ (id int, firstname char(24) null, lastname char(24) null,created datetime null)");
-	else print "ERROR: MSSQL test 2 requires MS SQL 7";
-if (!empty($testmssql)) { // MS SQL Server -- the extension is buggy -- probably better to use ODBC
-	$db = ADONewConnection("mssqlpo");
-	//$db->debug=1;
-	print "<h1>Connecting $db->databaseType...</h1>";
-	$ok = $db->Connect('','adodb','natsoft','northwind');
-	if ($ok or $db->PConnect("mangrove", "sa", "natsoft", "ai")) {
-		AutoDetect_MSSQL_Date_Order($db);
-	//	$db->Execute('drop table adoxyz');
-		testdb($db,"create table ADOXYZ (id int, firstname char(24) null, lastname char(24) null,created datetime null)");
-	} else print "ERROR: MSSQL test 2 requires a MS SQL 7 on a server='', userid='adodb', password='natsoft', database='ai'".'<BR>'.$db->ErrorMsg();
-if (!empty($testmssql) && !empty($testado)) { // ADO ACCESS MSSQL with OLEDB provider
-	$db = &ADONewConnection("ado_mssql");
-	print "<h1>Connecting DSN-less OLEDB Provider $db->databaseType...</h1>";
-	//$db->debug=1;
-	$myDSN="SERVER=localhost;DATABASE=northwind;Trusted_Connection=yes";
-	if ($db->PConnect($myDSN, "adodb", "natsoft", 'SQLOLEDB')) {
-		testdb($db,"create table ADOXYZ (id int, firstname char(24), lastname char(24),created datetime)");
-	} else print "ERROR: MSSQL test 2 requires a MS SQL 7 on a server='mangrove', userid='sa', password='', database='ai'";
-if (extension_loaded('odbtp') && !empty($testmssql)) { // MS SQL Server via ODBC
-	$db = ADONewConnection('odbtp');
-	$dsn = "PROVIDER=MSDASQL;Driver={SQL Server};Server=$server;Database=northwind;uid=adodb;pwd=natsoft";
-	if ($db->PConnect('localhost',$dsn, "", ""))  {
-		print "<h1>Connecting $db->databaseType...</h1>";				
-		testdb($db,"create table ADOXYZ (id int, firstname char(24) null, lastname char(24) null,created datetime null)");
-	}
-	else print "ERROR: MSSQL test 1 requires a MS SQL 7 server setup with DSN setup";
-print "<h3>Tests Completed</h3>";
diff -urN moodle/lib/adodb/tests/test-datadict.php moodle.adodb/lib/adodb/tests/test-datadict.php
--- moodle/lib/adodb/tests/test-datadict.php	2005-11-10 21:05:25.000000000 -0500
+++ moodle.adodb/lib/adodb/tests/test-datadict.php	1969-12-31 19:00:00.000000000 -0500
@@ -1,248 +0,0 @@
-  V4.66 28 Sept 2005  (c) 2000-2005 John Lim ( All rights reserved.
-  Released under both BSD license and Lesser GPL library license. 
-  Whenever there is any discrepancy between the two licenses, 
-  the BSD license will take precedence.
-  Set tabs to 4 for best viewing.
-foreach(array('sapdb','sybase','mysqlt','access','oci8','postgres','odbc_mssql','odbc','db2','firebird','informix') as $dbType) {
-	echo "<h3>$dbType</h3><p>";
-	$db = NewADOConnection($dbType);
-	$dict = NewDataDictionary($db);
-	if (!$dict) continue;
-	$dict->debug = 1;
-	$opts = array('REPLACE','mysql' => 'TYPE=INNODB', 'oci8' => 'TABLESPACE USERS');
-/*	$flds = array(
-		array('id',	'I',								
-							'AUTO','KEY'),
-		array('name' => 'firstname', 'type' => 'varchar','size' => 30,
-							'DEFAULT'=>'Joan'),
-		array('lastname','varchar',28,
-							'DEFAULT'=>'Chen','key'),
-		array('averylonglongfieldname','X',1024,
-							'NOTNULL','default' => 'test'),
-		array('price','N','7.2',
-							'NOTNULL','default' => '0.00'),
-		array('MYDATE', 'D', 
-							'DEFDATE'),
-		array('TS','T',
-	);*/
-	$flds = "
-ID            I           AUTO KEY,
-LASTNAME      VARCHAR(28) DEFAULT 'Chen' key,
-averylonglongfieldname X(1024) DEFAULT 'test',
-price         N(7.2)  DEFAULT '0.00',
-MYDATE        D      DEFDATE,
-TS            T      DEFTIMESTAMP";
-	$sqla = $dict->CreateDatabase('KUTU',array('postgres'=>"LOCATION='/u01/postdata'"));
-	$dict->SetSchema('KUTU');
-	$sqli = ($dict->CreateTableSQL('testtable',$flds, $opts));
-	$sqla = array_merge($sqla,$sqli);
-	$sqli = $dict->CreateIndexSQL('idx','testtable','firstname,lastname',array('BITMAP','FULLTEXT','CLUSTERED','HASH'));
-	$sqla = array_merge($sqla,$sqli);
-	$sqli = $dict->CreateIndexSQL('idx2','testtable','price,lastname');//,array('BITMAP','FULLTEXT','CLUSTERED'));
-	$sqla = array_merge($sqla,$sqli);
-	$addflds = array(array('height', 'F'),array('weight','F'));
-	$sqli = $dict->AddColumnSQL('testtable',$addflds);
-	$sqla = array_merge($sqla,$sqli);
-	$addflds = array(array('height', 'F','NOTNULL'),array('weight','F','NOTNULL'));
-	$sqli = $dict->AlterColumnSQL('testtable',$addflds);
-	$sqla = array_merge($sqla,$sqli);
-	printsqla($dbType,$sqla);
-	if (file_exists('d:\inetpub\wwwroot\php\phplens\adodb\'))
-	if ($dbType == 'mysqlt') {
-		$db->Connect('localhost', "root", "", "test");
-		$dict->SetSchema('');
-		$sqla2 = $dict->ChangeTableSQL('adoxyz',$flds);
-		if ($sqla2) printsqla($dbType,$sqla2);
-	}
-	if ($dbType == 'postgres') {
-		if (@$db->Connect('localhost', "tester", "test", "test"));
-		$dict->SetSchema('');
-		$sqla2 = $dict->ChangeTableSQL('adoxyz',$flds);
-		if ($sqla2) printsqla($dbType,$sqla2);
-	}
-	if ($dbType == 'odbc_mssql') {
-		$dsn = $dsn = "PROVIDER=MSDASQL;Driver={SQL Server};Server=localhost;Database=northwind;";
-		if (@$db->Connect($dsn, "sa", "natsoft", "test"));
-		$dict->SetSchema('');
-		$sqla2 = $dict->ChangeTableSQL('adoxyz',$flds);
-		if ($sqla2) printsqla($dbType,$sqla2);
-	}
-	adodb_pr($dict->databaseType);
-	printsqla($dbType, $dict->DropColumnSQL('table',array('my col','`col2_with_Quotes`','A_col3','col3(10)')));
-	printsqla($dbType, $dict->ChangeTableSQL('adoxyz','LASTNAME varchar(32)'));
-function printsqla($dbType,$sqla)
-	print "<pre>";
-	//print_r($dict->MetaTables());
-	foreach($sqla as $s) {
-		$s = htmlspecialchars($s);
-		print "$s;\n";
-		if ($dbType == 'oci8') print "/\n";
-	}
-	print "</pre><hr>";
-Generated SQL:
-DROP TABLE KUTU.testtable;
-CREATE TABLE KUTU.testtable (
-firstname        VARCHAR(30) DEFAULT 'Joan',
-lastname         VARCHAR(28) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'Chen',
-averylonglongfieldname LONGTEXT NOT NULL,
-price            NUMERIC(7,2) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0.00,
-                 PRIMARY KEY (id, lastname)
-CREATE FULLTEXT INDEX idx ON KUTU.testtable (firstname,lastname);
-CREATE INDEX idx2 ON KUTU.testtable (price,lastname);
-ALTER TABLE KUTU.testtable  ADD height           DOUBLE;
-ALTER TABLE KUTU.testtable  ADD weight           DOUBLE;
-CREATE TABLE KUTU.testtable (
-id               NUMBER(16) NOT NULL,
-firstname        VARCHAR(30) DEFAULT 'Joan',
-lastname         VARCHAR(28) DEFAULT 'Chen' NOT NULL,
-averylonglongfieldname CLOB NOT NULL,
-price            NUMBER(7,2) DEFAULT 0.00 NOT NULL,
-                 PRIMARY KEY (id, lastname)
-		  select KUTU.SEQ_testtable.nextval into from dual;
-		END;
-CREATE BITMAP INDEX idx ON KUTU.testtable (firstname,lastname);
-CREATE INDEX idx2 ON KUTU.testtable (price,lastname);
-ALTER TABLE testtable ADD (
- height           NUMBER,
- weight           NUMBER);
- height           NUMBER NOT NULL,
- weight           NUMBER NOT NULL);
-AlterColumnSQL not supported for PostgreSQL
-DROP TABLE KUTU.testtable;
-CREATE TABLE KUTU.testtable (
-id               SERIAL,
-firstname        VARCHAR(30) DEFAULT 'Joan',
-lastname         VARCHAR(28) DEFAULT 'Chen' NOT NULL,
-averylonglongfieldname TEXT NOT NULL,
-price            NUMERIC(7,2) DEFAULT 0.00 NOT NULL,
-                 PRIMARY KEY (id, lastname)
-CREATE INDEX idx ON KUTU.testtable USING HASH (firstname,lastname);
-CREATE INDEX idx2 ON KUTU.testtable (price,lastname);
-ALTER TABLE KUTU.testtable  ADD height           FLOAT8;
-ALTER TABLE KUTU.testtable  ADD weight           FLOAT8;
-DROP TABLE KUTU.testtable;
-CREATE TABLE KUTU.testtable (
-id               INT IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
-firstname        VARCHAR(30) DEFAULT 'Joan',
-lastname         VARCHAR(28) DEFAULT 'Chen' NOT NULL,
-averylonglongfieldname TEXT NOT NULL,
-price            NUMERIC(7,2) DEFAULT 0.00 NOT NULL,
-                 PRIMARY KEY (id, lastname)
-CREATE CLUSTERED INDEX idx ON KUTU.testtable (firstname,lastname);
-CREATE INDEX idx2 ON KUTU.testtable (price,lastname);
- height           REAL,
- weight           REAL;
-ALTER TABLE KUTU.testtable  ALTER COLUMN height           REAL NOT NULL;
-ALTER TABLE KUTU.testtable  ALTER COLUMN weight           REAL NOT NULL;
-echo "<h1>Test XML Schema</h1>";
-$ff = file('xmlschema.xml');
-echo "<pre>";
-foreach($ff as $xml) echo htmlspecialchars($xml);
-echo "</pre>";
\ No newline at end of file
diff -urN moodle/lib/adodb/tests/testgenid.php moodle.adodb/lib/adodb/tests/testgenid.php
--- moodle/lib/adodb/tests/testgenid.php	2004-07-12 23:13:35.000000000 -0400
+++ moodle.adodb/lib/adodb/tests/testgenid.php	1969-12-31 19:00:00.000000000 -0500
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-	V4.50 6 July 2004 
-	Run multiple copies of this php script at the same time
-	to test unique generation of id's in multiuser mode
-$testaccess = true;
-function testdb(&$db,$createtab="create table ADOXYZ (id int, firstname char(24), lastname char(24), created date)")
-	$table = 'adodbseq';
-	$db->Execute("drop table $table");
-	//$db->debug=true;
-	$ctr = 5000;
-	$lastnum = 0;
-	while (--$ctr >= 0) {
-		$num = $db->GenID($table);
-		if ($num === false) {	
-			print "GenID returned false";
-			break;
-		}
-		if ($lastnum + 1 == $num) print " $num ";
-		else {
-			print " <font color=red>$num</font> ";
-			flush();
-		}
-		$lastnum = $num;
-	}
\ No newline at end of file
diff -urN moodle/lib/adodb/tests/testmssql.php moodle.adodb/lib/adodb/tests/testmssql.php
--- moodle/lib/adodb/tests/testmssql.php	2005-11-10 21:05:25.000000000 -0500
+++ moodle.adodb/lib/adodb/tests/testmssql.php	1969-12-31 19:00:00.000000000 -0500
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
- * @version V4.50 6 July 2004 (c) 2000-2005 John Lim ( All rights reserved.
- * Released under both BSD license and Lesser GPL library license. 
- * Whenever there is any discrepancy between the two licenses, 
- * the BSD license will take precedence. 
- *
- * Set tabs to 4 for best viewing.
- * 
- * Latest version is available at
- *
- * Test GetUpdateSQL and GetInsertSQL.
- */
-// This code tests an insert
-$conn = &ADONewConnection("mssql");  // create a connection
-$conn->Connect('','adodb','natsoft','northwind') or die('Fail');
-$conn->debug =1;
-$query = 'select * from products';
-$rs = $conn->Execute($query);
-echo "<pre>";
-while( !$rs->EOF ) {
-	$output[] = $rs->fields;
-	var_dump($rs->fields);
-	$rs->MoveNext();
-	print "<p>";
-$p = $conn->Prepare('insert into products (productname,unitprice,dcreated) values (?,?,?)');
-echo "<pre>";
-$p = $conn->Prepare('select * from products where productname like ?');
-$arr = $conn->getarray($p,array('V%'));
-//$conn = &ADONewConnection("mssql");
-$conn->Execute('delete from blobtest');
-$conn->Execute('insert into blobtest (id) values(1)');
-$rs = $conn->Execute('select b1 from blobtest where id=1');
-$output = "c:\\temp\\test_out-".date('H-i-s').".gif"; 
-print "Saving file <b>$output</b>, size=".strlen($rs->fields[0])."<p>";
-$fd = fopen($output, "wb"); 
-fwrite($fd, $rs->fields[0]); 
-print " <a href=file://$output>View Image</a>";
-//$rs = $conn->Execute('SELECT id,SUBSTRING(b1, 1, 10) FROM blobtest');
\ No newline at end of file
diff -urN moodle/lib/adodb/tests/testoci8cursor.php moodle.adodb/lib/adodb/tests/testoci8cursor.php
--- moodle/lib/adodb/tests/testoci8cursor.php	2005-11-10 21:05:25.000000000 -0500
+++ moodle.adodb/lib/adodb/tests/testoci8cursor.php	1969-12-31 19:00:00.000000000 -0500
@@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
-V4.66 28 Sept 2005  (c) 2000-2005 John Lim ( All rights reserved.
-  Released under both BSD license and Lesser GPL library license. 
-  Whenever there is any discrepancy between the two licenses, 
-  the BSD license will take precedence. 
-  Set tabs to 4 for best viewing.
-  Latest version is available at
-	Test for Oracle Variable Cursors, which are treated as ADOdb recordsets.
-	We have 2 examples. The first shows us using the Parameter statement. 
-	The second shows us using the new ExecuteCursor($sql, $cursorName)
-	function.
-PROCEDURE open_tab (tabcursor IN OUT TabType,tablenames in varchar);
-PROCEDURE data_out(input IN varchar, output OUT varchar); 
-procedure myproc (p1 in number, p2 out number);
-END adodb;
-PROCEDURE open_tab (tabcursor IN OUT TabType,tablenames in varchar) IS
-		OPEN tabcursor FOR SELECT * FROM tab where tname like tablenames;
-	END open_tab;
-PROCEDURE data_out(input IN varchar, output OUT varchar) IS
-		output := 'Cinta Hati '||input;
-	END;
-procedure myproc (p1 in number, p2 out number) as
-p2 := p1;
-END adodb;
-	error_reporting(E_ALL);
-	$db = ADONewConnection('oci8');
-	$db->PConnect('','scott','natsoft');
-	$db->debug = 99;
-	define('MYNUM',5);
-	$rs = $db->ExecuteCursor("BEGIN adodb.open_tab(:RS,'A%'); END;");
-	if ($rs && !$rs->EOF) {
-		print "Test 1 RowCount: ".$rs->RecordCount()."<p>";
-	} else {
-		print "<b>Error in using Cursor Variables 1</b><p>";
-	}
-	print "<h4>Testing Stored Procedures for oci8</h4>";
-	$stid = $db->PrepareSP('BEGIN adodb.myproc('.MYNUM.', :myov); END;');
-	$db->OutParameter($stid, $myov, 'myov');
-	$db->Execute($stid);
-	if ($myov != MYNUM) print "<p><b>Error with myproc</b></p>";
-	$stmt = $db->PrepareSP("BEGIN adodb.data_out(:a1, :a2); END;",true);
-	$a1 = 'Malaysia';
-	//$a2 = ''; # a2 doesn't even need to be defined!
-	$db->InParameter($stmt,$a1,'a1');
-	$db->OutParameter($stmt,$a2,'a2');
-	$rs = $db->Execute($stmt);
-	if ($rs) {
-		if ($a2 !== 'Cinta Hati Malaysia') print "<b>Stored Procedure Error: a2 = $a2</b><p>";
-		else echo  "OK: a2=$a2<p>";
-	} else {
-		print "<b>Error in using Stored Procedure IN/Out Variables</b><p>";
-	}
-	$tname = 'A%';
-	$stmt = $db->PrepareSP('select * from tab where tname like :tablename');
-	$db->Parameter($stmt,$tname,'tablename');
-	$rs = $db->Execute($stmt);
-	rs2html($rs);
\ No newline at end of file
diff -urN moodle/lib/adodb/tests/testoci8.php moodle.adodb/lib/adodb/tests/testoci8.php
--- moodle/lib/adodb/tests/testoci8.php	2005-11-10 21:05:25.000000000 -0500
+++ moodle.adodb/lib/adodb/tests/testoci8.php	1969-12-31 19:00:00.000000000 -0500
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
-V4.66 28 Sept 2005  (c) 2000-2005 John Lim ( All rights reserved.
-  Released under both BSD license and Lesser GPL library license. 
-  Whenever there is any discrepancy between the two licenses, 
-  the BSD license will take precedence. 
-  Set tabs to 4 for best viewing.
-  Latest version is available at
-if (0) {
-	$db = ADONewConnection('oci8po');
-	$db->PConnect('','scott','natsoft');
-	if (!empty($testblob)) {
-		$varHoldingBlob = 'ABC DEF GEF John TEST';
-		$num = time()%10240;
-		// create table atable (id integer, ablob blob);
-		$db->Execute('insert into ATABLE (id,ablob) values('.$num.',empty_blob())');
-		$db->UpdateBlob('ATABLE', 'ablob', $varHoldingBlob, 'id='.$num, 'BLOB');
-		$rs = &$db->Execute('select * from atable');
-		if (!$rs) die("Empty RS");
-		if ($rs->EOF) die("EOF RS");
-		rs2html($rs);
-	}
-	$stmt = $db->Prepare('select * from adoxyz where id=?');
-	for ($i = 1; $i <= 10; $i++) {
-	$rs = &$db->Execute(
-		$stmt,
-		array($i));
-		if (!$rs) die("Empty RS");
-		if ($rs->EOF) die("EOF RS");
-		rs2html($rs);
-	}
-if (1) {
-	$db = ADONewConnection('oci8');
-	$db->PConnect('','scott','natsoft');
-	$db->debug = true;
-	$db->Execute("delete from emp where ename='John'");
-	print $db->Affected_Rows().'<BR>';
-	$stmt = &$db->Prepare('insert into emp (empno, ename) values (:empno, :ename)');
-	$rs = $db->Execute($stmt,array('empno'=>4321,'ename'=>'John'));
-	// prepare not quite ready for prime time
-	//$rs = $db->Execute($stmt,array('empno'=>3775,'ename'=>'John'));
-	if (!$rs) die("Empty RS");
-	$db->setfetchmode(ADODB_FETCH_NUM);
-	$vv = 'A%';
-	$stmt = $db->PrepareSP("BEGIN adodb.open_tab2(:rs,:tt); END;",true);
-	$db->OutParameter($stmt, $cur, 'rs', -1, OCI_B_CURSOR);
-	$db->OutParameter($stmt, $vv, 'tt');
-	$rs = $db->Execute($stmt);
-	while (!$rs->EOF) {
-		adodb_pr($rs->fields);
-		$rs->MoveNext();
-	}
-	echo " val = $vv";
-if (0) {
-	$db = ADONewConnection('odbc_oracle');
-	if (!$db->PConnect('local_oracle','scott','tiger')) die('fail connect');
-	$db->debug = true;
-	$rs = &$db->Execute(
-		'select * from adoxyz where firstname=? and trim(lastname)=?',
-		array('first'=>'Caroline','last'=>'Miranda'));
-	if (!$rs) die("Empty RS");
-	if ($rs->EOF) die("EOF RS");
-	rs2html($rs);
\ No newline at end of file
diff -urN moodle/lib/adodb/tests/testpaging.php moodle.adodb/lib/adodb/tests/testpaging.php
--- moodle/lib/adodb/tests/testpaging.php	2005-11-10 21:05:25.000000000 -0500
+++ moodle.adodb/lib/adodb/tests/testpaging.php	1969-12-31 19:00:00.000000000 -0500
@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
-V4.66 28 Sept 2005  (c) 2000-2005 John Lim ( All rights reserved.
-  Released under both BSD license and Lesser GPL library license. 
-  Whenever there is any discrepancy between the two licenses, 
-  the BSD license will take precedence. 
-  Set tabs to 4 for best viewing.
-  Latest version is available at
-$driver = 'oci8';
-$sql = 'select  ID, firstname as "First Name", lastname as "Last Name" from adoxyz  order  by  id';
-//$sql = 'select count(*),firstname from adoxyz group by firstname order by 2 ';
-//$sql = 'select distinct firstname, lastname from adoxyz  order  by  firstname';
-if ($driver == 'postgres') {
-	$db = NewADOConnection('postgres');
-	$db->PConnect('localhost','tester','test','test');
-if ($driver == 'access') {
-	$db = NewADOConnection('access');
-	$db->PConnect("nwind", "", "", "");
-if ($driver == 'ibase') {
-	$db = NewADOConnection('ibase');
-	$db->PConnect("localhost:e:\\firebird\\examples\\employee.gdb", "sysdba", "masterkey", "");
-	$sql = 'select distinct firstname, lastname  from adoxyz  order  by  firstname';
-if ($driver == 'mssql') {
-	$db = NewADOConnection('mssql');
-	$db->Connect('JAGUAR\vsdotnet','adodb','natsoft','northwind');
-if ($driver == 'oci8') {
-	$db = NewADOConnection('oci8');
-	$db->Connect('','scott','natsoft');
-$sql = "select * from (select  ID, firstname as \"First Name\", lastname as \"Last Name\" from adoxyz 
-	 order  by  (1))";
-if ($driver == 'access') {
-	$db = NewADOConnection('access');
-	$db->Connect('nwind');
-if (empty($driver) or $driver == 'mysql') {
-	$db = NewADOConnection('mysql');
-	$db->Connect('localhost','root','','test');
-//$db->pageExecuteCountRows = false;
-$db->debug = true;
-if (0) {
-$rs = &$db->Execute($sql);
-print "<pre>";
-print rs2csv($rs); # return a string
-print '<hr>';
-$rs->MoveFirst(); # note, some databases do not support MoveFirst
-print rs2tab($rs); # return a string
-print '<hr>';
-rs2tabout($rs); # send to stdout directly
-print "</pre>";
-$pager = new ADODB_Pager($db,$sql);
-$pager->showPageLinks = true;
-$pager->linksPerPage = 10;
-$pager->cache = 60;
\ No newline at end of file
diff -urN moodle/lib/adodb/tests/testpear.php moodle.adodb/lib/adodb/tests/testpear.php
--- moodle/lib/adodb/tests/testpear.php	2005-11-10 21:05:25.000000000 -0500
+++ moodle.adodb/lib/adodb/tests/testpear.php	1969-12-31 19:00:00.000000000 -0500
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-V4.66 28 Sept 2005  (c) 2000-2005 John Lim ( All rights reserved.
-  Released under both BSD license and Lesser GPL library license. 
-  Whenever there is any discrepancy between the two licenses, 
-  the BSD license will take precedence. 
-  Set tabs to 4 for best viewing.
-  Latest version is available at
-$username = 'root';
-$password = '';
-$hostname = 'localhost';
-$databasename = 'xphplens';
-$driver = 'mysql';
-$dsn = "$driver://$username:$password@$hostname/$databasename";
-$db = DB::Connect($dsn);
-$rs = $db->Query('select firstname,lastname from adoxyz');
-$cnt = 0;
-while ($arr = $rs->FetchRow()) {
-	print_r($arr);
-	print "<br>";
-	$cnt += 1;
-if ($cnt != 50) print "<b>Error in \$cnt = $cnt</b>";
\ No newline at end of file
diff -urN moodle/lib/adodb/tests/test-perf.php moodle.adodb/lib/adodb/tests/test-perf.php
--- moodle/lib/adodb/tests/test-perf.php	2003-10-22 04:52:42.000000000 -0400
+++ moodle.adodb/lib/adodb/tests/test-perf.php	1969-12-31 19:00:00.000000000 -0500
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-if (isset($_GET)) {
-	foreach($_GET as $k => $v) {
-		if (strncmp($k,'test',4) == 0) $_SESSION['_db'] = $k;
-	}
-if (isset($_SESSION['_db'])) {
-	$_db = $_SESSION['_db'];
-	$_GET[$_db] = 1;
-	$$_db = 1;
-echo "<h1>Performance Monitoring</h1>";
-function testdb($db) 
-	if (!$db) return;
-	echo "<font size=1>";print_r($db->ServerInfo()); echo " user=".$db->user."</font>";
-	$perf = NewPerfMonitor($db); 
-	# unit tests
-	if (0) {
-		//$DB->debug=1;
-		echo "Data Cache Size=".$perf->DBParameter('data cache size').'<p>';
-		echo $perf->HealthCheck();
-		echo($perf->SuspiciousSQL());
-		echo($perf->ExpensiveSQL());
-		echo($perf->InvalidSQL());
-		echo $perf->Tables();
-		echo "<pre>";
-		echo $perf->HealthCheckCLI();
-		$perf->Poll(3);
-		die();
-	}
-	if ($perf) $perf->UI(3);
diff -urN moodle/lib/adodb/tests/test-pgblob.php moodle.adodb/lib/adodb/tests/test-pgblob.php
--- moodle/lib/adodb/tests/test-pgblob.php	2004-03-06 21:33:26.000000000 -0500
+++ moodle.adodb/lib/adodb/tests/test-pgblob.php	1969-12-31 19:00:00.000000000 -0500
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
-function getmicrotime()
-	$t = microtime();
-	$t = explode(' ',$t);
-	return (float)$t[1]+ (float)$t[0];
-function doloop()
-global $db,$MAX;
-	$sql = "select id,firstname,lastname from adoxyz where 
-		firstname not like ? and lastname not like ? and id=?";
-	$offset = 0;
-	/*$sql = "select * from juris9.employee join juris9.emp_perf_plan on epp_empkey = emp_id 
-		where emp_name not like ? and emp_name not like ? and emp_id=28000+?";
-	$offset = 28000;*/
-	for ($i=1; $i <= $MAX; $i++) {
-		$db->Param(false);
-		$x = (rand() % 10) + 1;
-		$db->debug= ($i==1);
-		$id = $db->GetOne($sql,
-			array('Z%','Z%',$x));
-		if($id != $offset+$x) {
-			print "<p>Error at $x";
-			break;
-		}
-	}
-$db = NewADOConnection('postgres7');
-$db->PConnect('localhost','tester','test','test') || die("failed connection");
-$enc = "GIF89a%01%00%01%00%80%FF%00%C0%C0%C0%00%00%00%21%F9%04%01%00%00%00%00%2C%00%00%00%00%01%00%01%00%00%01%012%00%3Bt_clear.gif%0D";
-$val = rawurldecode($enc);
-$MAX = 1000;
-echo "<h4>Testing PREPARE/EXECUTE PLAN</h4>";
-$db->_bindInputArray = true; // requires postgresql 7.3+ and ability to modify database
-$t = getmicrotime();
-echo '<p>',$MAX,' times, with plan=',getmicrotime() - $t,'</p>';
-$db->_bindInputArray = false;
-$t = getmicrotime();
-echo '<p>',$MAX,' times, no plan=',getmicrotime() - $t,'</p>';
-echo "<h4>Testing UPDATEBLOB</h4>";
-$db->Execute("insert into photos (id,name) values(9999,'dot.gif')");
-$v = $db->GetOne('select photo from photos where id=9999');
-$db->Execute("delete from photos where id=9999");
-if ($v !== $val) echo "<b>*** ERROR: Inserted value does not match downloaded val<b>";
-else echo "<b>*** OK: Passed</b>";
-echo "<pre>";
-echo "INSERTED: ", $enc;
-echo "<hr>";
-echo"RETURNED: ", rawurlencode($v);
-echo "<hr><p>";
-echo "INSERTED: ", $val;
-echo "<hr>";
-echo "RETURNED: ", $v;
\ No newline at end of file
diff -urN moodle/lib/adodb/tests/test.php moodle.adodb/lib/adodb/tests/test.php
--- moodle/lib/adodb/tests/test.php	2005-11-10 21:05:25.000000000 -0500
+++ moodle.adodb/lib/adodb/tests/test.php	1969-12-31 19:00:00.000000000 -0500
@@ -1,1705 +0,0 @@
-V4.66 28 Sept 2005  (c) 2000-2005 John Lim ( All rights reserved.
-  Released under both BSD license and Lesser GPL library license. 
-  Whenever there is any discrepancy between the two licenses, 
-  the BSD license will take precedence. 
-  Set tabs to 4 for best viewing.
-  Latest version is available at
-$ADODB_FLUSH = true;
-function getmicrotime()
-	$t = microtime();
-	$t = explode(' ',$t);
-	return (float)$t[1]+ (float)$t[0];
-if (PHP_VERSION < 5) include_once('../');
-function Err($msg)
-	print "<b>$msg</b><br>";
-	flush();
-function CheckWS($conn)
-	include_once('../session/adodb-session.php');
-	if (defined('CHECKWSFAIL')){ echo " TESTING $conn ";flush();}
-	$saved = $ADODB_EXTENSION;
-	$db = ADONewConnection($conn);
-	$ADODB_EXTENSION = $saved;
-	if (headers_sent()) {
-		print "<p><b>White space detected in adodb-$ or include file...</b></p>";
-		//die();
-	}
-function do_strtolower(&$arr)
-	foreach($arr as $k => $v) {
-		if (is_object($v)) $arr[$k] = adodb_pr($v,true);
-		else $arr[$k] = strtolower($v);
-	}
-function CountExecs($db, $sql, $inputarray)
-global $EXECS;  $EXECS++;
-function CountCachedExecs($db, $secs2cache, $sql, $inputarray)
-global $CACHED; $CACHED++;
-// the table creation code is specific to the database, so we allow the user 
-// to define their own table creation stuff
-function testdb(&$db,$createtab="create table ADOXYZ (id int, firstname char(24), lastname char(24), created date)")
-?>	<form method=GET>
-	</p>
-	<table width=100% ><tr><td bgcolor=beige>&nbsp;</td></tr></table>
-	</p>
-	$create =false;
-	$rs = $db->Execute('select lastname,firstname,lastname,id from adoxyz');
-	$arr = $rs->GetAssoc();
-	echo "<pre>";print_r($arr);
-	die();*/
-	$EXECS = 0;
-	$CACHED = 0;
-	//$db->Execute("drop table adodb_logsql");
-	if ((rand()%3) == 0) @$db->Execute("delete from adodb_logsql");
-	$db->debug=1;
-	$db->fnExecute = 'CountExecs';
-	$db->fnCacheExecute = 'CountCachedExecs';
-	if (empty($_GET['nolog'])) {
-		echo "<h3>SQL Logging enabled</h3>";
-		$db->LogSQL();/*
-		$sql =
-"SELECT t1.sid, t1.sid, t1.title, t1.hometext, t1.notes, t1.aid, t1.informant, 
-t2.url,, t1.catid, t3.title, t1.topic, t4.topicname, t4.topicimage, 
-t4.topictext, t1.score, t1.ratings, t1.counter, t1.comments, t1.acomm 
-FROM `nuke_stories` `t1`, `nuke_authors` `t2`, `nuke_stories_cat` `t3`, `nuke_topics` `t4` 
-	WHERE ((t2.aid=t1.aid) AND (t3.catid=t1.catid) AND (t4.topicid=t1.topic) 
-	AND ((t1.alanguage='german') OR (t1.alanguage='')) AND (t1.ihome='0')) 
-	ORDER BY t1.time DESC";
-		$db->SelectLimit($sql);
-		echo $db->ErrorMsg();*/
-	}
-	$ADODB_CACHE_DIR = dirname(TempNam('/tmp','testadodb'));
-	$db->debug = false;
-	//print $db->UnixTimeStamp('2003-7-22 23:00:00');
-	$phpv = phpversion();
-	if (defined('ADODB_EXTENSION')) $ext = ' &nbsp; Extension '.ADODB_EXTENSION.' installed';
-	else $ext = '';
-	print "<h3>ADODB Version: $ADODB_vers Host: <i>$db->host</i> &nbsp; Database: <i>$db->database</i> &nbsp; PHP: $phpv $ext</h3>";
-	flush();
-	$arr = $db->ServerInfo();
-	print_r($arr);
-	echo "<br>";
-	$e = error_reporting(E_ALL-E_WARNING);
-	flush();
-	$tt  = $db->Time(); 
-	if ($tt == 0) echo '<br><b>$db->Time failed</b>';
-	else echo "<br>db->Time: ".date('d-m-Y H:i:s',$tt);
-	echo '<br>';
-	echo "Date=",$db->UserDate('2002-04-07'),'<br>';
-	print "<i>date1</i> (1969-02-20) = ".$db->DBDate('1969-2-20');
-	print "<br><i>date1</i> (1999-02-20) = ".$db->DBDate('1999-2-20');
-	print "<br><i>date1.1</i> 1999 = ".$db->DBDate("'1999'");
-	print "<br><i>date2</i> (1970-1-2) = ".$db->DBDate(24*3600)."<p>";
-	print "<i>ts1</i> (1999-02-20 13:40:50) = ".$db->DBTimeStamp('1999-2-20 1:40:50 pm');
-	print "<br><i>ts1.1</i> (1999-02-20 13:40:00) = ".$db->DBTimeStamp('1999-2-20 13:40');
-	print "<br><i>ts2</i> (1999-02-20) = ".$db->DBTimeStamp('1999-2-20');
-	print "<br><i>ts3</i> (1970-1-2 +/- timezone) = ".$db->DBTimeStamp(24*3600);
-	print "<br> Fractional TS (1999-2-20 13:40:50.91): ".$db->DBTimeStamp($db->UnixTimeStamp('1999-2-20 13:40:50.91+1'));
-	 $dd = $db->UnixDate('1999-02-20');
-	print "<br>unixdate</i> 1999-02-20 = ".date('Y-m-d',$dd)."<p>";
-	print "<br><i>ts4</i> =".($db->UnixTimeStamp("19700101000101")+8*3600);
-	print "<br><i>ts5</i> =".$db->DBTimeStamp($db->UnixTimeStamp("20040110092123"));
-	print "<br><i>ts6</i> =".$db->UserTimeStamp("20040110092123");
-	print "<br><i>ts7</i> =".$db->DBTimeStamp("20040110092123");
-	flush();
-	// mssql too slow in failing bad connection
-	if (false && $db->databaseType != 'mssql') {
-		print "<p>Testing bad connection. Ignore following error msgs:<br>";
-		$db2 = ADONewConnection();
-		$rez = $db2->Connect("bad connection");
-		$err = $db2->ErrorMsg();
-		print "<i>Error='$err'</i></p>";
-		if ($rez) print "<b>Cannot check if connection failed.</b> The Connect() function returned true.</p>";
-	}
-	error_reporting($e);
-	flush();
-	$rs=$db->Execute('select * from adoxyz order by id');
-	if($rs === false) $create = true;
-	else $rs->Close();
-	//if ($db->databaseType !='vfp') $db->Execute("drop table ADOXYZ");
-	if ($create) {
-		if (false && $db->databaseType == 'ibase') {
-			print "<b>Please create the following table for testing:</b></p>$createtab</p>";
-			return;
-		} else {
-			$db->debug = 99;
-			$e = error_reporting(E_ALL-E_WARNING);
-			$db->Execute($createtab);
-			error_reporting($e);
-		}
-	}
-	echo "<p>Testing Metatypes</p>";
-	$t = $db->MetaType('varchar');
-	if ($t != 'C') Err("Bad Metatype for varchar");
-	$rs = &$db->Execute("delete from ADOXYZ"); // some ODBC drivers will fail the drop so we delete
-	if ($rs) {
-		if(! $rs->EOF) print "<b>Error: </b>RecordSet returned by Execute('delete...') should show EOF</p>";
-		$rs->Close();
-	} else print "err=".$db->ErrorMsg();
-	print "<p>Test select on empty table, FetchField when EOF, and GetInsertSQL</p>";
-	$rs = &$db->Execute("select id,firstname from ADOXYZ where id=9999");
-	if ($rs && !$rs->EOF) print "<b>Error: </b>RecordSet returned by Execute(select...') on empty table should show EOF</p>";
-	if ($rs->EOF && (($ox = $rs->FetchField(0)) && !empty($ox->name))) {
-		$record['id'] = 99;
-		$record['firstname'] = 'John';
-		$sql =  $db->GetInsertSQL($rs, $record);
-		if (strtoupper($sql) != strtoupper("INSERT INTO ADOXYZ ( id, firstname ) VALUES ( 99, 'John' )")) Err("GetInsertSQL does not work on empty table: $sql");
-	} else {
-		Err("FetchField does not work on empty recordset, meaning GetInsertSQL will fail...");
-	}
-	if ($rs) $rs->Close();
-	flush();
-	//$db->debug=true;	
-	print "<p>Testing Commit: ";
-	$time = $db->DBDate(time());
-	if (!$db->BeginTrans()) {
-		print '<b>Transactions not supported</b></p>';
-		if ($db->hasTransactions) Err("hasTransactions should be false");
-	} else { /* COMMIT */
-		if (!$db->hasTransactions) Err("hasTransactions should be true");
-		if ($db->transCnt != 1) Err("Invalid transCnt = $db->transCnt (should be 1)");
-		$rs = $db->Execute("insert into ADOXYZ (id,firstname,lastname,created) values (99,'Should Not','Exist (Commit)',$time)");
-		if ($rs && $db->CommitTrans()) {
-			$rs->Close();
-			$rs = &$db->Execute("select * from ADOXYZ where id=99");
-			if ($rs === false || $rs->EOF) {
-				print '<b>Data not saved</b></p>';
-				$rs = &$db->Execute("select * from ADOXYZ where id=99");
-				print_r($rs);
-				die();
-			} else print 'OK</p>';
-			if ($rs) $rs->Close();
-		} else {
-			if (!$rs) {
-				print "<b>Insert failed</b></p>";
-				$db->RollbackTrans();
-			} else print "<b>Commit failed</b></p>";
-		}
-		if ($db->transCnt != 0) Err("Invalid transCnt = $db->transCnt (should be 0)");
-		/* ROLLBACK */	
-		if (!$db->BeginTrans()) print "<p><b>Error in BeginTrans</b>()</p>";
-		print "<p>Testing Rollback: ";
-		$db->Execute("insert into ADOXYZ (id,firstname,lastname,created) values (100,'Should Not','Exist (Rollback)',$time)");
-		if ($db->RollbackTrans()) {
-			$rs = $db->Execute("select * from ADOXYZ where id=100");
-			if ($rs && !$rs->EOF) print '<b>Fail: Data should rollback</b></p>';
-			else print 'OK</p>';
-			if ($rs) $rs->Close();
-		} else
-			print "<b>Commit failed</b></p>";
-		$rs = &$db->Execute('delete from ADOXYZ where id>50');
-		if ($rs) $rs->Close();
-		if ($db->transCnt != 0) Err("Invalid transCnt = $db->transCnt (should be 0)");
-	}
-	if (1) {
-		print "<p>Testing MetaDatabases()</p>";
-		print_r( $db->MetaDatabases());
-		print "<p>Testing MetaTables() and MetaColumns()</p>";
-		$a = $db->MetaTables();
-		if ($a===false) print "<b>MetaTables not supported</b></p>";
-		else {
-			print "Array of tables and views: "; 
-			foreach($a as $v) print " ($v) ";
-			print '</p>';
-		}
-		$a = $db->MetaTables('VIEW');
-		if ($a===false) print "<b>MetaTables not supported (views)</b></p>";
-		else {
-			print "Array of views: "; 
-			foreach($a as $v) print " ($v) ";
-			print '</p>';
-		}
-		$a = $db->MetaTables(false,false,'aDo%');
-		if ($a===false) print "<b>MetaTables not supported (mask)</b></p>";
-		else {
-			print "Array of ado%: "; 
-			foreach($a as $v) print " ($v) ";
-			print '</p>';
-		}
-		$a = $db->MetaTables('TABLE');
-		if ($a===false) print "<b>MetaTables not supported</b></p>";
-		else {
-			print "Array of tables: "; 
-			foreach($a as $v) print " ($v) ";
-			print '</p>';
-		}
-		$db->debug=0;
-		$rez = $db->MetaColumns("NOSUCHTABLEHERE");
-		if ($rez !== false) {
-			Err("MetaColumns error handling failed");
-			var_dump($rez);
-		}
-		$db->debug=1;
-		$a = $db->MetaColumns('ADOXYZ');
-		if ($a===false) print "<b>MetaColumns not supported</b></p>";
-		else {
-			print "<p>Columns of ADOXYZ: <font size=1><br>";
-			foreach($a as $v) {print_r($v); echo "<br>";}
-			echo "</font>";
-		}
-		print "<p>Testing MetaIndexes</p>";
-		$a = $db->MetaIndexes(('ADOXYZ'),true);
-		if ($a===false) print "<b>MetaIndexes not supported</b></p>";
-		else {
-			print "<p>Indexes of ADOXYZ: <font size=1><br>";
-			adodb_pr($a);
-			echo "</font>";
-		}
-		print "<p>Testing MetaPrimaryKeys</p>";
-		$a = $db->MetaPrimaryKeys('ADOXYZ');
-		var_dump($a);
-	}
-	$rs = &$db->Execute('delete from ADOXYZ');
-	if ($rs) $rs->Close();
-	$db->debug = false;
-	switch ($db->databaseType) {
-	case 'vfp':
-		if (0) {
-			// memo test
-			$rs = $db->Execute("select data from memo");
-			rs2html($rs);
-		}
-		break;
-	case 'postgres7':
-	case 'postgres64':
-	case 'postgres':
-	case 'ibase':
-		print "<p>Encode=".$db->BlobEncode("abc\0d\"'
-		print "<p>Testing Foreign Keys</p>";
-		$arr = $db->MetaForeignKeys('adoxyz',false,true);
-		print_r($arr);
-		if (!$arr) Err("No MetaForeignKeys");
-		break;
-	case 'odbc_mssql':
-	case 'mssqlpo':
-		print "<p>Testing Foreign Keys</p>";
-		$arr = $db->MetaForeignKeys('Orders',false,true);
-		print_r($arr);
-		if (!$arr) Err("Bad MetaForeignKeys");
-		if ($db->databaseType == 'odbc_mssql') break;
-	case 'mssql': 
-ASSUME Northwind available...
-	@CategoryName nvarchar(15), @OrdYear nvarchar(4) = '1998'
-IF @OrdYear != '1996' AND @OrdYear != '1997' AND @OrdYear != '1998' 
-	SELECT @OrdYear = '1998'
-SELECT ProductName,
-	TotalPurchase=ROUND(SUM(CONVERT(decimal(14,2), OD.Quantity * (1-OD.Discount) * OD.UnitPrice)), 0)
-FROM [Order Details] OD, Orders O, Products P, Categories C
-WHERE OD.OrderID = O.OrderID 
-	AND OD.ProductID = P.ProductID 
-	AND P.CategoryID = C.CategoryID
-	AND C.CategoryName = @CategoryName
-	AND SUBSTRING(CONVERT(nvarchar(22), O.OrderDate, 111), 1, 4) = @OrdYear
-GROUP BY ProductName
-ORDER BY ProductName
-@a nvarchar(25)
-		print "<h4>Testing Stored Procedures for mssql</h4>";
-		$saved = $db->debug;
-		$db->debug=true;
-		$cmd = $db->PrepareSP('ADODBTestSP');
-		$ss = "You should see me in the output.";
-		$db->InParameter($cmd,$ss,'a');
-		$rs = $db->Execute($cmd);
-		echo $rs->fields['T']." --- ".$rs->fields['A']."---<br>";
-		$cat = 'Dairy Products';
-		$yr = '1998';
-		$stmt = $db->PrepareSP('SalesByCategory');
-		$db->InParameter($stmt,$cat,'CategoryName');
-		$db->InParameter($stmt,$yr,'OrdYear');
-		$rs = $db->Execute($stmt);
-		rs2html($rs);
-		$cat = 'Grains/Cereals';
-		$yr = 1998;
-		$stmt = $db->PrepareSP('SalesByCategory');
-		$db->InParameter($stmt,$cat,'CategoryName');
-		$db->InParameter($stmt,$yr,'OrdYear');
-		$rs = $db->Execute($stmt);
-		rs2html($rs);
-		/*
-		Test out params - works in PHP 4.2.3 and 4.3.3 and 4.3.8 but not 4.3.0:
-			CREATE PROCEDURE at_date_interval 
-				@days INTEGER, 
-				@start VARCHAR(20) OUT, 
-				@end VARCHAR(20) OUT 	
-			AS 
-			BEGIN 
-				set @start = CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), getdate(), 101) 
-				set @end =CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), dateadd(day, @days, getdate()), 101 ) 
-			END
-			GO
-		*/
-		$db->debug=1;
-		$stmt = $db->PrepareSP('at_date_interval');
-		$days = 10;
-		$begin_date = '';
-		$end_date = '';
-		$db->InParameter($stmt,$days,'days', 4, SQLINT4); 
-		$db->OutParameter($stmt,$begin_date,'start', 20, SQLVARCHAR ); 
-		$db->OutParameter($stmt,$end_date,'end', 20, SQLVARCHAR ); 
-		$db->Execute($stmt);
-		if (empty($begin_date) or empty($end_date) or $begin_date == $end_date) {
-			Err("MSSQL SP Test for OUT Failed");
-			print "begin=$begin_date end=$end_date<p>";
-		} else print "(Today +10days) = (begin=$begin_date end=$end_date)<p>";
-		$db->debug = $saved;
-		break;
-	case 'oci8': 
-	case 'oci8po':
-		if (0) {
-		$t = getmicrotime();
-		$arr = $db->GetArray('select * from abalone_tree');
-		$arr = $db->GetArray('select * from abalone_tree');
-		$arr = $db->GetArray('select * from abalone_tree');
-		echo "<p>t = ",getmicrotime() - $t,"</p>";
-		die();
-		}
-		# cleanup
-		$db->Execute("delete from photos where id=99 or id=1");
-		$db->Execute("insert into photos (id) values(1)");
-		$db->Execute("update photos set photo=null,descclob=null where id=1");
-		$saved = $db->debug;
-		$db->debug=true;
-		/*
-		(
-		  ID           NUMBER(16),
-		  PHOTO        BLOB,
-		);
-		*/
-		$s = '';
-		for ($i = 0; $i <= 500; $i++) {
-			$s .= '1234567890';
-		}
-		$sql = "INSERT INTO photos ( ID, photo) ".
-			"VALUES ( :id, empty_blob() )".
-			" RETURNING photo INTO :xx";
-		$blob_data = $s;
-		$id = 99;
- 		$stmt = $db->PrepareSP($sql);
-		$db->InParameter($stmt, $id, 'id');
-		$blob = $db->InParameter($stmt, $s, 'xx',-1, OCI_B_BLOB);
-		$db->StartTrans();
-		$result = $db->Execute($stmt);
-		$db->CompleteTrans();
-		$s2= $db->GetOne("select photo from photos where id=99");
-		echo "<br>---$s2";
-		if ($s !== $s2) Err("insert blob does not match");
-		print "<h4>Testing Blob: size=".strlen($s)."</h4>";
-		$ok = $db->Updateblob('photos','photo',$s,'id=1');
-		if (!$ok) Err("Blob failed 1");
-		else {
-			$s2= $db->GetOne("select photo from photos where id=1");
-			if ($s !== $s2) Err("updateblob does not match");
-		}
-		print "<h4>Testing Clob: size=".strlen($s)."</h4>";
-		$ok = $db->UpdateClob('photos','descclob',$s,'id=1');
-		if (!$ok) Err("Clob failed 1");
-		else {
-			$s2= $db->GetOne("select descclob from photos where id=1");
-			if ($s !== $s2) Err("updateclob does not match");
-		}
-		$s = '';
-		$s2 = '';
-		print "<h4>Testing Foreign Keys</h4>";
-		$arr = $db->MetaForeignKeys('emp','scott');
-		print_r($arr);
-		if (!$arr) Err("Bad MetaForeignKeys");
--- "Set scan off" turns off substitution variables. 
-Set scan off; 
-PROCEDURE open_tab (tabcursor IN OUT TabType,tablenames IN VARCHAR);
-PROCEDURE open_tab2 (tabcursor IN OUT TabType,tablenames IN OUT VARCHAR) ;
-PROCEDURE data_out(input IN VARCHAR, output OUT VARCHAR);
-PROCEDURE data_in(input IN VARCHAR);
-END Adodb;
-PROCEDURE open_tab (tabcursor IN OUT TabType,tablenames IN VARCHAR) IS
-		OPEN tabcursor FOR SELECT * FROM TAB WHERE tname LIKE tablenames;
-	END open_tab;
-	PROCEDURE open_tab2 (tabcursor IN OUT TabType,tablenames IN OUT VARCHAR) IS
-		OPEN tabcursor FOR SELECT * FROM TAB WHERE tname LIKE tablenames;
-		tablenames := 'TEST';
-	END open_tab2;
-PROCEDURE data_out(input IN VARCHAR, output OUT VARCHAR) IS
-		output := 'Cinta Hati '||input;
-	END;
-	ignore varchar(1000);
-		ignore := input;
-	END;
-p2 := p1;
-END Adodb;
-		print "<h4>Testing Cursor Variables</h4>";
-		$rs = $db->ExecuteCursor("BEGIN adodb.open_tab(:zz,'A%'); END;",'zz');
-		if ($rs && !$rs->EOF) {
-			$v = $db->GetOne("SELECT count(*) FROM tab where tname like 'A%'");
-			if ($v == $rs->RecordCount()) print "Test 1 RowCount: OK<p>";
-			else Err("Test 1 RowCount ".$rs->RecordCount().", actual = $v");
-		} else {
-			print "<b>Error in using Cursor Variables 1</b><p>";
-		}
-		$rs->Close();
-		print "<h4>Testing Stored Procedures for oci8</h4>";
-		$stmt = $db->PrepareSP("BEGIN adodb.data_out(:a1, :a2); END;");
-		$a1 = 'Malaysia';
-		//$a2 = ''; # a2 doesn't even need to be defined!
-		$db->InParameter($stmt,$a1,'a1');
-		$db->OutParameter($stmt,$a2,'a2');
-		$rs = $db->Execute($stmt);
-		if ($rs) {
-			if ($a2 !== 'Cinta Hati Malaysia') print "<b>Stored Procedure Error: a2 = $a2</b><p>";
-			else echo  "OK: a2=$a2<p>";
-		} else {
-			print "<b>Error in using Stored Procedure IN/Out Variables</b><p>";
-		}
-		$tname = 'A%';
-		$stmt = $db->PrepareSP('select * from tab where tname like :tablename');
-		$db->Parameter($stmt,$tname,'tablename');
-		$rs = $db->Execute($stmt);
-		rs2html($rs);
-		$stmt = $db->PrepareSP("begin adodb.data_in(:a1); end;");
-		$db->InParameter($stmt,$a1,'a1');
-		$db->Execute($stmt);
-		$db->debug = $saved;
-		break;
-	default:
-		break;
-	}
-	$arr = array(
-		array(1,'Caroline','Miranda'),
-		array(2,'John','Lim'),
-		array(3,'Wai Hun','See')
-	);
-	//$db->debug=1;
-	print "<p>Testing Bulk Insert of 3 rows</p>";
-	$sql = "insert into ADOXYZ (id,firstname,lastname) values (".$db->Param('0').",".$db->Param('1').",".$db->Param('2').")";
-	$db->StartTrans();
-	$db->Execute($sql,$arr);
-	$db->CompleteTrans();
-	$rs = $db->Execute('select * from ADOXYZ order by id');
-	if (!$rs || $rs->RecordCount() != 3) Err("Bad bulk insert");
-	rs2html($rs);
-	$db->Execute('delete from ADOXYZ');
-	print "<p>Inserting 50 rows</p>";
-	for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) {	
-	$time = $db->DBDate(time());
-	if (empty($_GET['hide'])) $db->debug = true;
-	switch($db->databaseType){
-	case 'mssqlpo':
-	case 'mssql':
-		$sqlt = "CREATE TABLE mytable (
-  row1 INT  IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
-  row2 varchar(16),
-  PRIMARY KEY  (row1))";
-  		//$db->debug=1;
-  		if (!$db->Execute("delete from mytable")) 
-			$db->Execute($sqlt);
-		$ok = $db->Execute("insert into mytable (row2) values ('test')");
-		$ins_id=$db->Insert_ID();
-		echo "Insert ID=";var_dump($ins_id);
-		if ($ins_id == 0) Err("Bad Insert_ID()");
-		$ins_id2 = $db->GetOne("select row1 from mytable");
-		if ($ins_id != $ins_id2) Err("Bad Insert_ID() 2");
-		$arr = array(0=>'Caroline',1=>'Miranda');
-		$sql = "insert into ADOXYZ (id,firstname,lastname,created) values ($i*10+0,?,?,$time)";
-		break;
-	case 'mysqli':
-	case 'mysqlt':
-	case 'mysql':
-		$sqlt = "CREATE TABLE `mytable` (
-  `row1` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
-  `row2` varchar(16) NOT NULL default '',
-  PRIMARY KEY  (`row1`),
-  KEY `myindex` (`row1`,`row2`)
-) ";
-		if (!$db->Execute("delete from mytable")) 
-			$db->Execute($sqlt);
-		$ok = $db->Execute("insert into mytable (row2) values ('test')");
-		$ins_id=$db->Insert_ID();
-		echo "Insert ID=";var_dump($ins_id);
-		if ($ins_id == 0) Err("Bad Insert_ID()");
-		$ins_id2 = $db->GetOne("select row1 from mytable");
-		if ($ins_id != $ins_id2) Err("Bad Insert_ID() 2");
-	default:
-		$arr = array(0=>'Caroline',1=>'Miranda');
-		$sql = "insert into ADOXYZ (id,firstname,lastname,created) values ($i*10+0,?,?,$time)";
-		break;
-	case 'oci8':
-	case 'oci805':
-		$arr = array('first'=>'Caroline','last'=>'Miranda');
-		$amt = rand() % 100;
-		$sql = "insert into ADOXYZ (id,firstname,lastname,created) values ($i*10+0,:first,:last,$time)";		
-		break;
-	}
-	if ($i & 1) {
-		$sql = $db->Prepare($sql);
-	}
-	$rs = $db->Execute($sql,$arr);
-	if ($rs === false) Err( 'Error inserting with parameters');
-	else $rs->Close();
-	$db->debug = false;
-	$db->Execute("insert into ADOXYZ (id,firstname,lastname,created) values ($i*10+1,'John','Lim',$time)");
-	/*$ins_id=$db->Insert_ID();
-	echo "Insert ID=";var_dump($ins_id);*/
-	if ($db->databaseType == 'mysql') if ($ins_id == 0) Err('Bad Insert_ID');
-	$db->Execute("insert into ADOXYZ (id,firstname,lastname,created) values ($i*10+2,'Mary','Lamb',$time )");
-	$db->Execute("insert into ADOXYZ (id,firstname,lastname,created) values ($i*10+3,'George','Washington',$time )");
-	$db->Execute("insert into ADOXYZ (id,firstname,lastname,created) values ($i*10+4,'Mr. Alan','Tam',$time )");
-	$db->Execute("insert into ADOXYZ (id,firstname,lastname,created) values ($i*10+5,'Alan',".$db->quote("Turing'ton").",$time )");
-	$db->Execute("insert into ADOXYZ (id,firstname,lastname,created)values ($i*10+6,'Serena','Williams',$time )");
-	$db->Execute("insert into ADOXYZ (id,firstname,lastname,created) values ($i*10+7,'Yat Sun','Sun',$time )");
-	$db->Execute("insert into ADOXYZ (id,firstname,lastname,created) values ($i*10+8,'Wai Hun','See',$time )");
-	$db->Execute("insert into ADOXYZ (id,firstname,lastname,created) values ($i*10+9,'Steven','Oey',$time )");
-	} // for
-	if (1) {
-	$db->debug=1;
-	$cnt = $db->GetOne("select count(*) from ADOXYZ");
-	$rs = $db->Execute('update ADOXYZ set id=id+1');	
-	if (!is_object($rs)) {
-		print_r($rs);
-		err("Update should return object");
-	} 
-	if (!$rs) err("Update generated error");
-	$nrows = $db->Affected_Rows();   
-	if ($nrows === false) print "<p><b>Affected_Rows() not supported</b></p>";
-	else if ($nrows != $cnt)  print "<p><b>Affected_Rows() Error: $nrows returned (should be 50) </b></p>";
-	else print "<p>Affected_Rows() passed</p>";
-	}
-	/*if ($db->dataProvider == 'oci8') */ $array = array('zid'=>1,'zdate'=>date('Y-m-d',time()));
-	/*else $array=array(1,date('Y-m-d',time()));*/
-	$id = $db->GetOne("select id from ADOXYZ 
-		where id=".$db->Param('zid')." and created>=".$db->Param('ZDATE')."",
-		$array);
-	if ($id != 1) Err("Bad bind; id=$id");
-	else echo "<br>Bind date/integer passed";
-	$db->debug = false;
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-	$rs = $db->Execute("select * from ADOXYZ where firstname = 'not known'");
-	if (!$rs ||  !$rs->EOF) print "<p><b>Error on empty recordset</b></p>";
-	else if ($rs->RecordCount() != 0) {
-		print "<p><b>Error on RecordCount. Should be 0. Was ".$rs->RecordCount()."</b></p>"; 
-		print_r($rs->fields);
-	}
-	if ($db->databaseType !== 'odbc') {
-		$rs = &$db->Execute("select id,firstname,lastname,created,".$db->random." from ADOXYZ order by id");
-		if ($rs) {
-			if ($rs->RecordCount() != 50) {
-				print "<p><b>RecordCount returns ".$rs->RecordCount().", should be 50</b></p>";
-				adodb_pr($rs->GetArray());
-				$poc = $rs->PO_RecordCount('ADOXYZ');
-				if ($poc == 50) print "<p> &nbsp; &nbsp; PO_RecordCount passed</p>";
-				else print "<p><b>PO_RecordCount returns wrong value: $poc</b></p>";
-			} else print "<p>RecordCount() passed</p>";
-			if (isset($rs->fields['firstname'])) print '<p>The fields columns can be indexed by column name.</p>';
-			else {
-				Err( '<p>The fields columns <i>cannot</i> be indexed by column name.</p>');
-				print_r($rs->fields);
-			}
-			if (empty($_GET['hide'])) rs2html($rs);
-		}
-		else print "<p><b>Error in Execute of SELECT with random</b></p>";
-	}
-	$val = $db->GetOne("select count(*) from ADOXYZ");
-	 if ($val == 50) print "<p>GetOne returns ok</p>";
-	 else print "<p><b>Fail: GetOne returns $val</b></p>";
-	$val = $db->GetRow("select count(*) from ADOXYZ");
-	 if ($val[0] == 50 and sizeof($val) == 1) print "<p>GetRow returns ok</p>";
-	 else {
-	 	print_r($val);
-	 	print "<p><b>Fail: GetRow returns {$val[0]}</b></p>";
-	}
-	print "<p>FetchObject/FetchNextObject Test</p>";
-	$rs = $db->Execute('select * from ADOXYZ');
-	if ($rs) {
-		if (empty($rs->connection)) print "<b>Connection object missing from recordset</b></br>";
-		while ($o = $rs->FetchNextObject()) { // calls FetchObject internally
-			if (!is_string($o->FIRSTNAME) || !is_string($o->LASTNAME)) {
-				print_r($o);
-				print "<p><b>Firstname is not string</b></p>";
-				break;
-			}
-		}
-	} else {
-		print "<p><b>Failed rs</b></p>";
-		die("<p>ADOXYZ table cannot be read - die()");
-	}
-	print "<p>FetchObject/FetchNextObject Test 2</p>";
-	#$db->debug=99;
-	$rs = $db->Execute('select * from ADOXYZ');
-	if (empty($rs->connection)) print "<b>Connection object missing from recordset</b></br>";
-	print_r($rs->fields);
-	while ($o = $rs->FetchNextObject()) { // calls FetchObject internally
-		if (!is_string($o->FIRSTNAME) || !is_string($o->LASTNAME)) {
-			print_r($o);
-			print "<p><b>Firstname is not string</b></p>";
-			break;
-		}
-	}
-	$savefetch = $ADODB_FETCH_MODE;
-	print "<p>CacheSelectLimit  Test</p>";
-	$db->debug=1;
-	$rs = $db->CacheSelectLimit('  select  id, firstname from  ADOXYZ order by id',2);
-	if ($rs && !$rs->EOF) {
-		if (isset($rs->fields[0])) {
-			Err("ASSOC has numeric fields");
-			print_r($rs->fields);
-		}
-		if ($rs->fields['id'] != 1)  {Err("Error"); print_r($rs->fields);};
-		if (trim($rs->fields['firstname']) != 'Caroline')  {print Err("Error 2"); print_r($rs->fields);};
-		$rs->MoveNext();
-		if ($rs->fields['id'] != 2)  {Err("Error 3"); print_r($rs->fields);};
-		$rs->MoveNext();
-		if (!$rs->EOF) {
-			Err("Error EOF");
-			print_r($rs);
-		}
-	}
-	print "<p>FETCH_MODE = ASSOC: Should get 1, Caroline</p>";
-	$rs = &$db->SelectLimit('select id,firstname from ADOXYZ order by id',2);
-	if ($rs && !$rs->EOF) {
-		if (ADODB_ASSOC_CASE == 2) {
-			$id = 'ID';
-			$fname = 'FIRSTNAME';
-		}else {
-			$id = 'id';
-			$fname = 'firstname';
-		}
-		if ($rs->fields[$id] != 1)  {Err("Error 1"); print_r($rs->fields);};
-		if (trim($rs->fields[$fname]) != 'Caroline')  {Err("Error 2"); print_r($rs->fields);};
-		$rs->MoveNext();
-		if ($rs->fields[$id] != 2)  {Err("Error 3"); print_r($rs->fields);};
-		$rs->MoveNext();
-		if (!$rs->EOF) Err("Error EOF");
-		else if (is_array($rs->fields) || $rs->fields) {
-			Err("Error: ## fields should be set to false on EOF");
-			print_r($rs->fields);
-		}
-	}
-	print "<p>FETCH_MODE = NUM: Should get 1, Caroline</p>";
-	$rs = &$db->SelectLimit('select id,firstname from ADOXYZ order by id',1);
-	if ($rs && !$rs->EOF) {
-		if (isset($rs->fields['id'])) Err("FETCH_NUM has ASSOC fields");
-		if ($rs->fields[0] != 1)  {Err("Error 1"); print_r($rs->fields);};
-		if (trim($rs->fields[1]) != 'Caroline')  {Err("Error 2");print_r($rs->fields);};
-		$rs->MoveNext();
-		if (!$rs->EOF) Err("Error EOF");
-	}
-	$ADODB_FETCH_MODE = $savefetch;
-	$db->debug = false;
-	print "<p>GetRowAssoc Upper: Should get 1, Caroline</p>";
-	$rs = &$db->SelectLimit('select id,firstname from ADOXYZ order by id',1);
-	if ($rs && !$rs->EOF) {
-		$arr = &$rs->GetRowAssoc();
-		if ($arr['ID'] != 1) {Err("Error 1");print_r($arr);};
-		if (trim($arr['FIRSTNAME']) != 'Caroline') {Err("Error 2"); print_r($arr);};
-		$rs->MoveNext();
-		if (!$rs->EOF) Err("Error EOF");
-	}
-	print "<p>GetRowAssoc Lower: Should get 1, Caroline</p>";
-	$rs = &$db->SelectLimit('select id,firstname from ADOXYZ order by id',1);
-	if ($rs && !$rs->EOF) {
-		$arr = &$rs->GetRowAssoc(false);
-		if ($arr['id'] != 1) {Err("Error 1"); print_r($arr);};
-		if (trim($arr['firstname']) != 'Caroline') {Err("Error 2"); print_r($arr);};
-	}
-	print "<p>GetCol Test</p>";
-	$col = $db->GetCol('select distinct firstname from adoxyz order by 1');
-	if (!is_array($col)) Err("Col size is wrong");
-	if (trim($col[0]) != 'Alan' or trim($col[9]) != 'Yat Sun') Err("Col elements wrong");
-	$db->debug = true;
-	echo "<p>Date Update Test</p>";
-	$zdate = date('Y-m-d',time()+3600*24);
-	$zdate = $db->DBDate($zdate);
-	$db->Execute("update ADOXYZ set created=$zdate where id=1");
-	$row = $db->GetRow("select created,firstname from ADOXYZ where id=1");
-	print_r($row); echo "<br>";
-	print "<p>SelectLimit Distinct Test 1: Should see Caroline, John and Mary</p>";
-	$rs = &$db->SelectLimit('select distinct * from ADOXYZ order by id',3);
-	if ($rs && !$rs->EOF) {
-		if (trim($rs->fields[1]) != 'Caroline') Err("Error 1 (exp Caroline), ".$rs->fields[1]);
-		$rs->MoveNext();
-		if (trim($rs->fields[1]) != 'John') Err("Error 2 (exp John), ".$rs->fields[1]);
-		$rs->MoveNext();
-		if (trim($rs->fields[1]) != 'Mary') Err("Error 3 (exp Mary),".$rs->fields[1]);
-		$rs->MoveNext();
-		if (! $rs->EOF) Err("Error EOF");
-		//rs2html($rs);
-	} else Err("Failed SelectLimit Test 1");
-	print "<p>SelectLimit Test 2: Should see Mary, George and Mr. Alan</p>";
-	$rs = &$db->SelectLimit('select * from ADOXYZ order by id',3,2);
-	if ($rs && !$rs->EOF) {
-		if (trim($rs->fields[1]) != 'Mary') Err("Error 1 - No Mary, instead: ".$rs->fields[1]);
-		$rs->MoveNext();
-		if (trim($rs->fields[1]) != 'George')Err("Error 2 - No George, instead: ".$rs->fields[1]);
-		$rs->MoveNext();
-		if (trim($rs->fields[1]) != 'Mr. Alan') Err("Error 3 - No Mr. Alan, instead: ".$rs->fields[1]);
-		$rs->MoveNext();
-		if (! $rs->EOF) Err("Error EOF");
-	//	rs2html($rs);
-	}
-	 else Err("Failed SelectLimit Test 2 ". ($rs ? 'EOF':'no RS'));
-	print "<p>SelectLimit Test 3: Should see Wai Hun and Steven</p>";
-	$db->debug=1;
-	global $A; $A=1;
-	$rs = &$db->SelectLimit('select * from ADOXYZ order by id',-1,48);
-	$A=0;
-	if ($rs && !$rs->EOF) {
-		if (empty($rs->connection)) print "<b>Connection object missing from recordset</b></br>";
-		if (trim($rs->fields[1]) != 'Wai Hun') Err("Error 1 ".$rs->fields[1]);
-		$rs->MoveNext();
-		if (trim($rs->fields[1]) != 'Steven') Err("Error 2 ".$rs->fields[1]);
-		$rs->MoveNext();
-		if (! $rs->EOF) {
-			Err("Error EOF");
-		}
-		//rs2html($rs);
-	}
-	 else Err("Failed SelectLimit Test 3");
-		$db->debug = false;
-	$rs = &$db->Execute("select * from ADOXYZ order by id");
-	print "<p>Testing Move()</p>";	
-	if (!$rs)Err( "Failed Move SELECT");
-	else {
-		if (!$rs->Move(2)) {
-			if (!$rs->canSeek) print "<p>$db->databaseType: <b>Move(), MoveFirst() nor MoveLast() not supported.</b></p>";
-			else print '<p><b>RecordSet->canSeek property should be set to false</b></p>';
-		} else {
-			$rs->MoveFirst();
-			if (trim($rs->Fields("firstname")) != 'Caroline') {
-				print "<p><b>$db->databaseType: MoveFirst failed -- probably cannot scroll backwards</b></p>";
-			}
-			else print "MoveFirst() OK<BR>";
-						// Move(3) tests error handling -- MoveFirst should not move cursor
-			$rs->Move(3);
-			if (trim($rs->Fields("firstname")) != 'George') {
-				print '<p>'.$rs->Fields("id")."<b>$db->databaseType: Move(3) failed</b></p>";
-			} else print "Move(3) OK<BR>";
-			$rs->Move(7);
-			if (trim($rs->Fields("firstname")) != 'Yat Sun') {
-				print '<p>'.$rs->Fields("id")."<b>$db->databaseType: Move(7) failed</b></p>";
-				print_r($rs);
-			} else print "Move(7) OK<BR>";
-			if ($rs->EOF) Err("Move(7) is EOF already");
-			$rs->MoveLast();
-			if (trim($rs->Fields("firstname")) != 'Steven'){
-				 print '<p>'.$rs->Fields("id")."<b>$db->databaseType: MoveLast() failed</b></p>";
-				 print_r($rs);
-			}else print "MoveLast() OK<BR>";
-			$rs->MoveNext();
-			if (!$rs->EOF) err("Bad MoveNext");
-			if ($rs->canSeek) {
-				$rs->Move(3);
-				if (trim($rs->Fields("firstname")) != 'George') {
-					print '<p>'.$rs->Fields("id")."<b>$db->databaseType: Move(3) after MoveLast failed</b></p>";
-				} else print "Move(3) after MoveLast() OK<BR>";
-			}
-			print "<p>Empty Move Test";
-			$rs = $db->Execute("select * from ADOXYZ where id > 0 and id < 0");
-			$rs->MoveFirst();
-			if (!$rs->EOF || $rs->fields) Err("Error in empty move first");
-		}
-	}
-	$rs = $db->Execute('select * from ADOXYZ where id = 2');
-	if ($rs->EOF || !is_array($rs->fields)) Err("Error in select");
-	$rs->MoveNext();
-	if (!$rs->EOF) Err("Error in EOF (xx) ");
- //	$db->debug=true;
-	print "<p>Testing ADODB_FETCH_ASSOC and concat: concat firstname and lastname</p>";
-	$save = $ADODB_FETCH_MODE;
-	if ($db->dataProvider == 'postgres') {
-		$sql = "select ".$db->Concat('cast(firstname as varchar)',$db->qstr(' '),'lastname')." as fullname,id,".$db->sysTimeStamp." as d from ADOXYZ";
-		$rs = &$db->Execute($sql);
-	} else {
-		$sql = "select distinct ".$db->Concat('firstname',$db->qstr(' '),'lastname')." as fullname,id,".$db->sysTimeStamp." as d from ADOXYZ";
-		$rs = &$db->Execute($sql);
-	}
-	if ($rs) {
-		if (empty($_GET['hide'])) rs2html($rs);
-	} else {
-		Err( "Failed Concat:".$sql);
-	}
-	$ADODB_FETCH_MODE = $save;
-	print "<hr>Testing GetArray() ";
-	$rs = &$db->Execute("select * from ADOXYZ order by id");
-	if ($rs) {
-		$arr = &$rs->GetArray(10);
-		if (sizeof($arr) != 10 || trim($arr[1][1]) != 'John' || trim($arr[1][2]) != 'Lim') print $arr[1][1].' '.$arr[1][2]."<b> &nbsp; ERROR</b><br>";
-		else print " OK<BR>";
-	}
-	$arr = $db->GetArray("select x from ADOXYZ");
-	$e = $db->ErrorMsg(); $e2 = $db->ErrorNo();
-	echo "Testing error handling, should see illegal column 'x' error=<i>$e ($e2) </i><br>";
-	if (!$e || !$e2) Err("Error handling did not work");
-	print "Testing FetchNextObject for 1 object ";
-	$rs = &$db->Execute("select distinct lastname,firstname from ADOXYZ where firstname='Caroline'");
-	$fcnt = 0;
-	if ($rs)
-	while ($o = $rs->FetchNextObject()) {
-		$fcnt += 1;	
-	}
-	if ($fcnt == 1) print " OK<BR>";
-	else print "<b>FAILED</b><BR>";
-	$stmt = $db->Prepare("select * from ADOXYZ where id < 3");
-	$rs = $db->Execute($stmt);
-	if (!$rs) Err("Prepare failed");
-	else {
-		$arr = $rs->GetArray();
-		if (!$arr) Err("Prepare failed 2");
-		if (sizeof($arr) != 2) Err("Prepare failed 3");
-	}
-	print "Testing GetAssoc() ";
-	$savecrecs = $ADODB_COUNTRECS;
-	//$arr = $db->GetArray("select  lastname,firstname from ADOXYZ");
-	//print_r($arr);
-	print "<hr>";
-	$rs =& $db->Execute("select distinct lastname,firstname,created from ADOXYZ");
-	if ($rs) {
-		$arr = $rs->GetAssoc();
-		//print_r($arr);
-		if (empty($arr['See']) || trim(reset($arr['See'])) != 'Wai Hun') print $arr['See']." &nbsp; <b>ERROR</b><br>";
-		else print " OK 1";
-	}
-	$arr = &$db->GetAssoc("select distinct lastname,firstname from ADOXYZ");
-	if ($arr) {
-		//print_r($arr);
-		if (empty($arr['See']) || trim($arr['See']) != 'Wai Hun') print $arr['See']." &nbsp; <b>ERROR</b><br>";
-		else print " OK 2<BR>";
-	}
-	// Comment this out to test countrecs = false
-	$ADODB_COUNTRECS = $savecrecs;
-	$db->debug=1;
-	$query = $db->Prepare("select count(*) from ADOXYZ");
-	$rs = $db->CacheExecute(10,$query);
-	if (reset($rs->fields) != 50) echo Err("$cnt wrong for Prepare/CacheGetOne");
-	for ($loop=0; $loop < 1; $loop++) {
-	print "Testing GetMenu() and CacheExecute<BR>";
-	$db->debug = true;
-	$rs = &$db->CacheExecute(4,"select distinct firstname,lastname from ADOXYZ");
-	if ($rs) print 'With blanks, Steven selected:'. $rs->GetMenu('menu','Steven').'<BR>'; 
-	else print " Fail<BR>";
-	$rs = &$db->CacheExecute(4,"select distinct firstname,lastname from ADOXYZ");
-	if ($rs) print ' No blanks, Steven selected: '. $rs->GetMenu('menu','Steven',false).'<BR>';
-	else print " Fail<BR>";
-	$rs = &$db->CacheExecute(4,"select distinct firstname,lastname from ADOXYZ");
-	if ($rs) print ' Multiple, Alan selected: '. $rs->GetMenu('menu','Alan',false,true).'<BR>';
-	else print " Fail<BR>";
-	print '</p><hr>';
-	$rs = &$db->CacheExecute(4,"select distinct firstname,lastname from ADOXYZ");
-	if ($rs) {
-		print ' Multiple, Alan and George selected: '. $rs->GetMenu('menu',array('Alan','George'),false,true);
-		if (empty($rs->connection)) print "<b>Connection object missing from recordset</b></br>";
-	} else print " Fail<BR>";
-	print '</p><hr>';
-	print "Testing GetMenu3()<br>";
-	$rs = $db->Execute("select ".$db->Concat('firstname',"'-'",'id').",id, lastname from ADOXYZ order by lastname,id");
-	if ($rs) print "Grouped Menu: ".$rs->GetMenu3('name');
-	else Err('Grouped Menu GetMenu3()');
-	print "<hr>";
-	print "Testing GetMenu2() <BR>";
-	$rs = &$db->CacheExecute(4,"select distinct firstname,lastname from ADOXYZ");
-	if ($rs) print 'With blanks, Steven selected:'. $rs->GetMenu2('menu',('Oey')).'<BR>'; 
-	else print " Fail<BR>";
-	$rs = &$db->CacheExecute(6,"select distinct firstname,lastname from ADOXYZ");
-	if ($rs) print ' No blanks, Steven selected: '. $rs->GetMenu2('menu',('Oey'),false).'<BR>';
-	else print " Fail<BR>";
-	}
-	echo "<h3>CacheEXecute</h3>";
-	$rs = &$db->CacheExecute(6,"select distinct firstname,lastname from ADOXYZ");
-	print_r($rs->fields); echo $rs->fetchMode;echo "<br>";
-	echo $rs->Fields('firstname');
-	$rs = &$db->CacheExecute(6,"select distinct firstname,lastname from ADOXYZ");
-	print_r($rs->fields);echo "<br>";
-	echo $rs->Fields('firstname');
-	$db->debug = false;
-	// phplens
-	$sql = 'select * from ADOXYZ where 0=1';
-	echo "<p>**Testing '$sql' (phplens compat 1)</p>";
-	$rs = &$db->Execute($sql);
-	if (!$rs) err( "<b>No recordset returned for '$sql'</b>");
-	if (!$rs->FieldCount()) err( "<b>No fields returned for $sql</b>");
-	if (!$rs->FetchField(1)) err( "<b>FetchField failed for $sql</b>");
-	$sql = 'select * from ADOXYZ order by 1';
-	echo "<p>**Testing '$sql' (phplens compat 2)</p>";
-	$rs = &$db->Execute($sql);
-	if (!$rs) err( "<b>No recordset returned for '$sql'<br>".$db->ErrorMsg()."</b>");
-	$sql = 'select * from ADOXYZ order by 1,1';
-	echo "<p>**Testing '$sql' (phplens compat 3)</p>";
-	$rs = &$db->Execute($sql);
-	if (!$rs) err( "<b>No recordset returned for '$sql'<br>".$db->ErrorMsg()."</b>");
-	// Move
-	$rs1 = &$db->Execute("select id from ADOXYZ where id <= 2 order by 1");
-	$rs2 = &$db->Execute("select id from ADOXYZ where id = 3 or id = 4 order by 1");
-	if ($rs1) $rs1->MoveLast();
-	if ($rs2) $rs2->MoveLast();
-	if (empty($rs1) || empty($rs2) || $rs1->fields[0] != 2 || $rs2->fields[0] != 4) {
-		$a = $rs1->fields[0];
-		$b = $rs2->fields[0];
-		print "<p><b>Error in multiple recordset test rs1=$a rs2=$b (should be rs1=2 rs2=4)</b></p>";
-	} else
-		print "<p>Testing multiple recordsets OK</p>";
-	echo "<p> GenID test: ";
-	for ($i=1; $i <= 10; $i++) 
-		echo  "($i: ",$val = $db->GenID($db->databaseType.'abcseq6' ,5), ") ";
-	if ($val == 0) Err("GenID not supported");
-	if ($val) {
-		$db->DropSequence('abc_seq2');
-		$db->CreateSequence('abc_seq2');
-		$val = $db->GenID('abc_seq2');
-		$db->DropSequence('abc_seq2');
-		$db->CreateSequence('abc_seq2');
-		$val = $db->GenID('abc_seq2');
-		if ($val != 1) Err("Drop and Create Sequence not supported ($val)");
-	}
-	echo "<p>";
-	if (substr($db->dataProvider,0,3) != 'notused') { // used to crash ado
-		$sql = "select firstnames from adoxyz";
-		print "<p>Testing execution of illegal statement: <i>$sql</i></p>";
-		if ($db->Execute($sql) === false) {
-			print "<p>This returns the following ErrorMsg(): <i>".$db->ErrorMsg()."</i> and ErrorNo(): ".$db->ErrorNo().'</p>';
-		} else 
-			print "<p><b>Error in error handling -- Execute() should return false</b></p>";
-	} else 
-		print "<p><b>ADO skipped error handling of bad select statement</b></p>";
-	print "<p>ASSOC TEST 2<br>";
-	$rs = $db->query('select * from adoxyz order by id');
-	if ($ee = $db->ErrorMsg()) {
-		Err("Error message=$ee");
-	}
-	if ($ee = $db->ErrorNo()) {
-		Err("Error No = $ee");
-	}
-	print_r($rs->fields);
-	for($i=0;$i<$rs->FieldCount();$i++) 
-	{ 
-		$fld=$rs->FetchField($i); 
-		print "<br> Field name is ".$fld->name; 
-		print " ".$rs->Fields($fld->name); 
-	} 
-	print "<p>BOTH TEST 2<br>";
-	if ($db->dataProvider == 'ado') {
-		print "<b>ADODB_FETCH_BOTH not supported</b> for dataProvider=".$db->dataProvider."<br>";
-	} else {
-		$rs = $db->query('select * from adoxyz order by id');
-		for($i=0;$i<$rs->FieldCount();$i++) 
-		{ 
-			$fld=$rs->FetchField($i); 
-			print "<br> Field name is ".$fld->name; 
-			print " ".$rs->Fields($fld->name); 
-		} 
-	}
-	print "<p>NUM TEST 2<br>";
-	$rs = $db->query('select * from adoxyz order by id');
-	for($i=0;$i<$rs->FieldCount();$i++) 
-	{ 
-		$fld=$rs->FetchField($i); 
-		print "<br> Field name is ".$fld->name; 
-		print " ".$rs->Fields($fld->name); 
-	} 
-	print "<p>ASSOC Test of SelectLimit<br>";
-	$rs = $db->selectlimit('select * from adoxyz order by id',3,4);
-	$cnt = 0;
-	while ($rs && !$rs->EOF) {
-		$cnt += 1;
-		if (!isset($rs->fields['firstname'])) {
-			print "<br><b>ASSOC returned numeric field</b></p>";
-			break;
-		}
-		$rs->MoveNext();
-	}
-	if ($cnt != 3) print "<br><b>Count should be 3, instead it was $cnt</b></p>";
-	if ($db->sysDate) {
-		$saved = $db->debug;
-		$db->debug = 1;
-		$rs = $db->Execute("select {$db->sysDate} from adoxyz where id=1");
-		if (ADORecordSet::UnixDate(date('Y-m-d')) != $rs->UnixDate($rs->fields[0])) {
-			print "<p><b>Invalid date {$rs->fields[0]}</b></p>";
-		} else
-			print "<p>Passed \$sysDate test ({$rs->fields[0]})</p>";
-		print_r($rs->FetchField(0));
-		print time();
-		$db->debug=$saved;
-	} else {
-		print "<p><b>\$db->sysDate not defined</b></p>";
-	}
-	print "<p>Test CSV</p>";
-	include_once('../');
-	$rs = $db->SelectLimit('select id,firstname,lastname,created,\'He, he\' he,\'"\' q  from adoxyz',10);	
-	print "<pre>";
-	print rs2csv($rs);
-	print "</pre>";
-	$rs = $db->SelectLimit('select id,firstname,lastname,created,\'The	"young man", he said\' from adoxyz',10);	
-	if (PHP_VERSION < 5) {
-		print "<pre>";
-		rs2tabout($rs);
-		print "</pre>";
-	}
-	//print " CacheFlush ";
-	//$db->CacheFlush();
-	$date = $db->SQLDate('d-m-M-Y-\QQ h:i:s A');
-	$sql = "SELECT $date from ADOXYZ";
-	print "<p>Test SQLDate: ".htmlspecialchars($sql)."</p>";
-	$rs = $db->SelectLimit($sql,1);
-	$d = date('d-m-M-Y-').'Q'.(ceil(date('m')/3.0)).date(' h:i:s A');
-	if (!$rs) Err("SQLDate query returned no recordset");
-	else if ($d != $rs->fields[0]) Err("SQLDate 1 failed expected: <br>act:$d <br>sql:".$rs->fields[0]);
-	$date = $db->SQLDate('d-m-M-Y-\QQ h:i:s A',$db->DBDate("1974-02-25"));
-	$sql = "SELECT $date from ADOXYZ";
-	print "<p>Test SQLDate: ".htmlspecialchars($sql)."</p>";
-	$rs = $db->SelectLimit($sql,1);
-	$ts = ADOConnection::UnixDate('1974-02-25');
-	$d = date('d-m-M-Y-',$ts).'Q'.(ceil(date('m',$ts)/3.0)).date(' h:i:s A',$ts);
-	if (!$rs) {
-		Err("SQLDate query returned no recordset");
-		echo $db->ErrorMsg(),'<br>';
-	} else if ($d != $rs->fields[0]) Err("SQLDate 2 failed expected: <br>act:$d <br>sql:".$rs->fields[0]);
-	print "<p>Test Filter</p>";
-	$db->debug = 1;
-	$rs = $db->SelectLimit('select * from ADOXYZ where id < 3 order by id');
-	$rs = RSFilter($rs,'do_strtolower');
-	if (trim($rs->fields[1]) != 'caroline'  && trim($rs->fields[2]) != 'miranda') {
-		err('**** RSFilter failed');
-		print_r($rs->fields);
-	}
-	rs2html($rs);
-	$db->debug=1;
-	print "<p>Test Replace</p>";
-	$ret = $db->Replace('adoxyz', 
-		array('id'=>1,'firstname'=>'Caroline','lastname'=>'Miranda'),
-		array('id'),
-		$autoq = true);
-	if (!$ret) echo "<p>Error in replacing existing record</p>";
-	else {
-		$saved = $db->debug;
-		$db->debug = 0;
-		$savec = $ADODB_COUNTRECS;
-		$rs = $db->Execute('select * FROM ADOXYZ where id=1');
-		$db->debug = $saved;
-		if ($rs->RecordCount() != 1) {
-			$cnt = $rs->RecordCount();
-			rs2html($rs);
-			print "<b>Error - Replace failed, count=$cnt</b><p>";
-		}
-		$ADODB_COUNTRECS = $savec;
-	}
-	$ret = $db->Replace('adoxyz', 
-		array('id'=>1000,'firstname'=>'Harun','lastname'=>'Al-Rashid'),
-		array('id','firstname'),
-		$autoq = true);
-	if ($ret != 2) print "<b>Replace failed: </b>";
-	print "test A return value=$ret (2 expected) <p>";
-	$ret = $db->Replace('adoxyz', 
-		array('id'=>1000,'firstname'=>'Sherazade','lastname'=>'Al-Rashid'),
-		'id',
-		$autoq = true);
-	if ($ret != 1) 
-		if ($db->dataProvider == 'ibase' && $ret == 2);
-		else print "<b>Replace failed: </b>";
-	print "test B return value=$ret (1 or if ibase then 2 expected) <p>";
-	print "<h3>rs2rs Test</h3>";
-	$rs = $db->Execute('select * from adoxyz where id>= 1 order by id');
-	$rs = $db->_rs2rs($rs);
-	$rs->valueX = 'X';
-	$rs->MoveNext();
-	$rs = $db->_rs2rs($rs);
-	if (!isset($rs->valueX)) err("rs2rs does not preserve array recordsets");
-	if (reset($rs->fields) != 1) err("rs2rs does not move to first row: id=".reset($rs->fields));
-	/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-	include_once('../');
-	print "<h3>Pivot Test</h3>";
-	$db->debug=true;
- 	$sql = PivotTableSQL(
- 		$db,  			# adodb connection
- 		'adoxyz',  		# tables
-		'firstname',	# row fields
-		'lastname',		# column fields 
-		false,			# join
-		'ID', 			# sum
-		'Sum ',			# label for sum
-		'sum',			# aggregate function
-		true
-	);
-	$rs = $db->Execute($sql);
-	if ($rs) rs2html($rs);
-	else Err("Pivot sql error");
-	$pear = true; //true;
-	$db->debug=false;
-	if ($pear) {
-	include_once "PEAR.php";
-	$rs = $db->query('select * from adoxyz where id>0 and id<10 order by id');
-	$i = 0;
-	if ($rs && !$rs->EOF) {
-		while ($arr = $rs->fetchRow()) {
-			$i++;
-			//print "$i ";
-			if ($arr[0] != $i) {
-				print_r($arr);
-				print "<p><b>PEAR DB emulation error 1.</b></p>";
-				$pear = false;
-				break;
-			}
-		}
-		$rs->Close();
-	}
-	if ($i != $db->GetOne('select count(*) from adoxyz where id>0 and id<10')) {
-		print "<p><b>PEAR DB emulation error 1.1 EOF ($i)</b></p>";
-		$pear = false;
-	}
-	$rs = $db->limitQuery('select * from adoxyz where id>0 order by id',$i=3,$top=3);
-	$i2 = $i;
-	if ($rs && !$rs->EOF) {
-		while (!is_object($rs->fetchInto($arr))) {
-			$i2++;
-	//			print_r($arr);
-	//		print "$i ";print_r($arr);
-			if ($arr[0] != $i2) {
-				print "<p><b>PEAR DB emulation error 2.</b></p>";
-				$pear = false;
-				break;
-			}
-		}
-		$rs->Close();
-	}
-	if ($i2 != $i+$top) {
-		print "<p><b>PEAR DB emulation error 2.1 EOF (correct=$i+$top, actual=$i2)</b></p>";
-		$pear = false;
-	}
-	}
-	if ($pear) print "<p>PEAR DB emulation passed.</p>";
-	flush();
-	$rs = $db->SelectLimit("select ".$db->sysDate." from adoxyz",1);
-	$date = $rs->fields[0];
-	if (!$date) Err("Bad sysDate");
-	else {
-		$ds = $db->UserDate($date,"d m Y");
-		if ($ds != date("d m Y")) Err("Bad UserDate: ".$ds.' expected='.date("d m Y"));
-		else echo "Passed UserDate: $ds<p>";
-	}
-	$db->debug=1;
-	if ($db->dataProvider == 'oci8') 
-		$rs = $db->SelectLimit("select to_char(".$db->sysTimeStamp.",'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') from adoxyz",1);
-	else 
-		$rs = $db->SelectLimit("select ".$db->sysTimeStamp." from adoxyz",1);
-	$date = $rs->fields[0];
-	if (!$date) Err("Bad sysTimeStamp");
-	else {
-		$ds = $db->UserTimeStamp($date,"H \\h\\r\\s-d m Y");
-		if ($ds != date("H \\h\\r\\s-d m Y")) Err("Bad UserTimeStamp: ".$ds.", correct is ".date("H \\h\\r\\s-d m Y"));
-		else echo "Passed UserTimeStamp: $ds<p>";
-		$date = 100;
-		$ds = $db->UserTimeStamp($date,"H \\h\\r\\s-d m Y");
-		$ds2 = date("H \\h\\r\\s-d m Y",$date);
-		if ($ds != $ds2) Err("Bad UserTimeStamp 2: $ds: $ds2");
-		else echo "Passed UserTimeStamp 2: $ds<p>";
-	}
-	flush();
-	if ($db->hasTransactions) {
-		//$db->debug=1;
-		echo "<p>Testing StartTrans CompleteTrans</p>";
-		$db->raiseErrorFn = false;
-		$db->StartTrans();
-		$rs = $db->Execute('select * from notable');
-			$db->StartTrans();
-				$db->BeginTrans();
-			$db->Execute("update ADOXYZ set firstname='Carolx' where id=1");
-				$db->CommitTrans();
-			$db->CompleteTrans();
-		$rez = $db->CompleteTrans();
-		if ($rez !== false) {
-			if (is_null($rez)) Err("Error: _transOK not modified");
-			else Err("Error: CompleteTrans (1) should have failed");
-		} else {
-			$name = $db->GetOne("Select firstname from ADOXYZ where id=1");
-			if ($name == "Carolx") Err("Error: CompleteTrans (2) should have failed");
-			else echo "<p> -- Passed StartTrans test1 - rolling back</p>";
-		}
-		$db->StartTrans();
-			$db->BeginTrans();
-		$db->Execute("update ADOXYZ set firstname='Carolx' where id=1");
-			$db->RollbackTrans();
-		$rez = $db->CompleteTrans();
-		if ($rez !== true) Err("Error: CompleteTrans (1) should have succeeded");
-		else {
-			$name = $db->GetOne("Select firstname from ADOXYZ where id=1");
-			if (trim($name) != "Carolx") Err("Error: CompleteTrans (2) should have succeeded, returned name=$name");
-			else echo "<p> -- Passed StartTrans test2 - commiting</p>";
-		}
-	}
-	flush();
-	$saved = $db->debug;
-	$db->debug=1;
-	$cnt = _adodb_getcount($db, 'select * from ADOXYZ where firstname in (select firstname from ADOXYZ)');
-	echo "<b>Count=</b> $cnt";
-	$db->debug=$saved;
-	global $TESTERRS;
-	$debugerr = true;
-	global $ADODB_LANG;$ADODB_LANG = 'fr';
-	$db->debug = false;
-	$TESTERRS = 0;
-	$db->raiseErrorFn = 'adodb_test_err';
-	global $ERRNO; // from adodb_test_err
-	$db->Execute('select * from nowhere');
-	$metae = $db->MetaError($ERRNO);
-	if ($metae !== DB_ERROR_NOSUCHTABLE) print "<p><b>MetaError=".$metae." wrong</b>, should be ".DB_ERROR_NOSUCHTABLE."</p>";
-	else print "<p>MetaError ok (".DB_ERROR_NOSUCHTABLE."): ".$db->MetaErrorMsg($metae)."</p>";
-	if ($TESTERRS != 1) print "<b>raiseErrorFn select nowhere failed</b><br>";
-	$rs = $db->Execute('select * from adoxyz');
-	if ($debugerr) print " Move";
-	$rs->Move(100);
-	$rs->_queryID = false;
-	if ($debugerr) print " MoveNext";
-	$rs->MoveNext();
-	if ($debugerr) print " $rs=false";
-	$rs = false;
-	flush();
-	print "<p>SetFetchMode() tests</p>";
-	$db->SetFetchMode(ADODB_FETCH_ASSOC);
-	$rs = $db->SelectLimit('select firstname from adoxyz',1);
-	if (!isset($rs->fields['firstname'])) Err("BAD FETCH ASSOC");
-	$rs = $db->SelectLimit('select firstname from adoxyz',1);
-	//var_dump($rs->fields);
-	if (!isset($rs->fields['firstname'])) Err("BAD FETCH ASSOC");
-	$db->SetFetchMode(ADODB_FETCH_NUM);
-	$rs = $db->SelectLimit('select firstname from adoxyz',1);
-	if (!isset($rs->fields[0])) Err("BAD FETCH NUM");
-	flush();
-	print "<p>Test MetaTables again with SetFetchMode()</p>";
-	$db->SetFetchMode(ADODB_FETCH_ASSOC);
-	print_r($db->MetaTables());
-	print "<p>";
-	////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-	print "<p>Testing Bad Connection</p>";
-	flush();
-	if (true || PHP_VERSION < 5)  {
-		if ($db->dataProvider == 'odbtp') $db->databaseType = 'odbtp';
-		$conn = NewADOConnection($db->databaseType);
-		$conn->raiseErrorFn = 'adodb_test_err';
-		if (1) $conn->PConnect('abc','baduser','badpassword');
-		if ($TESTERRS == 2) print "raiseErrorFn tests passed<br>";
-		else print "<b>raiseErrorFn tests failed ($TESTERRS)</b><br>";
-		flush();
-	}
-	////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-	global $nocountrecs;
-	if (isset($nocountrecs) && $ADODB_COUNTRECS) err("Error: \$ADODB_COUNTRECS is set");
-	if (empty($nocountrecs) && $ADODB_COUNTRECS==false) err("Error: \$ADODB_COUNTRECS is not set");
-	flush();
-	</p>
-	<table width=100% ><tr><td bgcolor=beige>&nbsp;</td></tr></table>
-	</p></form>
-	if ($rs1) $rs1->Close();
-	if ($rs2) $rs2->Close();
-	if ($rs) $rs->Close();
-	$db->Close();
-	if ($db->transCnt != 0) Err("Error in transCnt=$db->transCnt (should be 0)");
-	printf("<p>Total queries=%d; total cached=%d</p>",$EXECS+$CACHED, $CACHED);
-	flush();
-function adodb_test_err($dbms, $fn, $errno, $errmsg, $p1=false, $p2=false)
-	$ERRNO = $errno;
-	$TESTERRS += 1;
-	print "<i>** $dbms ($fn): errno=$errno &nbsp; errmsg=$errmsg ($p1,$p2)</i><br>";
-@set_time_limit(240); // increase timeout
-/* White Space Check */
-if (isset($_SERVER['argv'][1])) {
-	//print_r($_SERVER['argv']);
-	$_GET[$_SERVER['argv'][1]] = 1;
-	CheckWS('mysqlt');
-	CheckWS('postgres');
-	CheckWS('oci8po');
-	CheckWS('firebird');
-	CheckWS('sybase');
-	if (!ini_get('safe_mode')) CheckWS('informix');
-	CheckWS('ado_mssql');
-	CheckWS('ado_access');
-	CheckWS('mssql');
-	CheckWS('vfp');
-	CheckWS('sqlanywhere');
-	CheckWS('db2');
-	CheckWS('access');
-	CheckWS('odbc_mssql');
-	CheckWS('firebird15');
-	//
-	CheckWS('oracle');
-	CheckWS('proxy');
-	CheckWS('fbsql');
-	print "White Space Check complete<p>";
-if (sizeof($_GET) == 0) $testmysql = true;
-foreach($_GET as $k=>$v)  {
-	//global $$k;
-	$$k = $v;
-if (strpos(PHP_VERSION,'5') === 0) {
-	//$testaccess=1;
-	//$testmssql = 1;
-	//$testsqlite=1;
-<title>ADODB Testing</title>
-<body bgcolor=white>
-<H1>ADODB Test</H1>
-This script tests the following databases: Interbase, Oracle, Visual FoxPro, Microsoft Access (ODBC and ADO), MySQL, MSSQL (ODBC, native, ADO). 
-There is also support for Sybase, PostgreSQL.</p>
-For the latest version of ADODB, visit <a href=></a>.</p>
-Test <a href=test4.php>GetInsertSQL/GetUpdateSQL</a> &nbsp; 
-	<a href=testsessions.php>Sessions</a> &nbsp;
-	<a href=testpaging.php>Paging</a> &nbsp;
-	<a href=test-perf.php>Perf Monitor</a><p>
-echo "<br>vers=",ADOConnection::Version();
-if (isset($_GET['time'])) adodb_date_test();
-<p><i>ADODB Database Library  (c) 2000-2005 John Lim. All rights reserved. Released under BSD and LGPL, PHP <?php echo PHP_VERSION ?>.</i></p>
diff -urN moodle/lib/adodb/tests/test-php5.php moodle.adodb/lib/adodb/tests/test-php5.php
--- moodle/lib/adodb/tests/test-php5.php	2005-11-10 21:05:25.000000000 -0500
+++ moodle.adodb/lib/adodb/tests/test-php5.php	1969-12-31 19:00:00.000000000 -0500
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
-  V4.66 28 Sept 2005  (c) 2000-2005 John Lim ( All rights reserved.
-  Released under both BSD license and Lesser GPL library license. 
-  Whenever there is any discrepancy between the two licenses, 
-  the BSD license will take precedence.
-  Set tabs to 8.
- */
-$path = dirname(__FILE__);
-echo "<h3>PHP ".PHP_VERSION."</h3>\n";
-try {
-$dbt = 'mysql';
-try {
-switch($dbt) {
-case 'oci8po':
-	$db = NewADOConnection("oci8po");
-	$db->Connect('','scott','natsoft');
-	break;
-case 'mysql':
-	$db = NewADOConnection("mysql");
-	$db->Connect('localhost','roots','','northwind');
-	break;
-case 'mysqli':
-	$db = NewADOConnection("mysqli://root:@localhost/northwind");
-	//$db->Connect('localhost','root','','test');
-	break;
-} catch (exception $e){
-	echo "Connect Failed";
-	adodb_pr($e);
-	die();
-$cnt = $db->GetOne("select count(*) from adoxyz where ?<id and id<?",array(10,20));
-$stmt = $db->Prepare("select * from adoxyz where ?<id and id<?");
-if (!$stmt) echo $db->ErrorMsg(),"\n";
-$rs = $db->Execute($stmt,array(10,20));
-echo  "<hr> Foreach Iterator Test (rand=".rand().")<hr>";
-$i = 0;
-foreach($rs as $v) {
-	$i += 1;
-	echo "rec $i: "; $s1 = adodb_pr($v,true); $s2 = adodb_pr($rs->fields,true);
-	if ($s1 != $s2 && !empty($v)) {adodb_pr($s1); adodb_pr($s2);}
-	else echo "passed<br>";
-	flush();
-if ($i != $cnt) die("actual cnt is $i, cnt should be $cnt\n");
-else echo "Count $i is correct<br>";
-$rs = $db->Execute("select bad from badder");
-} catch (exception $e) {
-	adodb_pr($e);
-	echo "<h3>adodb_backtrace:</h3>\n";
-	$e = adodb_backtrace($e->gettrace());
-$rs = $db->Execute("select distinct id, firstname,lastname from adoxyz order by id");
-echo "Result=\n",$rs;
\ No newline at end of file
diff -urN moodle/lib/adodb/tests/test_rs_array.php moodle.adodb/lib/adodb/tests/test_rs_array.php
--- moodle/lib/adodb/tests/test_rs_array.php	2005-05-24 02:07:02.000000000 -0400
+++ moodle.adodb/lib/adodb/tests/test_rs_array.php	1969-12-31 19:00:00.000000000 -0500
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-$rs = new ADORecordSet_array();
-$array = array(
-array ('Name', 'Age'),
-array ('John', '12'),
-array ('Jill', '8'),
-array ('Bill', '49')
-$typearr = array('C','I');
-while (!$rs->EOF) {
-	print_r($rs->fields);echo "<br>";
-	$rs->MoveNext();
-echo "<hr> 1 Seek<br>";
-while (!$rs->EOF) {
-	print_r($rs->fields);echo "<br>";
-	$rs->MoveNext();
-echo "<hr> 2 Seek<br>";
-while (!$rs->EOF) {
-	print_r($rs->fields);echo "<br>";
-	$rs->MoveNext();
-echo "<hr> 3 Seek<br>";
-while (!$rs->EOF) {
-	print_r($rs->fields);echo "<br>";
-	$rs->MoveNext();
\ No newline at end of file
diff -urN moodle/lib/adodb/tests/testsessions.php moodle.adodb/lib/adodb/tests/testsessions.php
--- moodle/lib/adodb/tests/testsessions.php	2005-11-10 21:05:25.000000000 -0500
+++ moodle.adodb/lib/adodb/tests/testsessions.php	1969-12-31 19:00:00.000000000 -0500
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-V4.66 28 Sept 2005  (c) 2000-2005 John Lim ( All rights reserved.
-  Released under both BSD license and Lesser GPL library license. 
-  Whenever there is any discrepancy between the two licenses, 
-  the BSD license will take precedence. 
-  Set tabs to 4 for best viewing.
-  Latest version is available at
-function NotifyExpire($ref,$key)
-	print "<p><b>Notify Expiring=$ref, sessionkey=$key</b></p>";
-if (0) {
-	$ADODB_SESSION_PWD ='natsoft';
-} else {
-	$ADODB_SESSION_DB ='xphplens_2';
-	$USER = 'JLIM'.rand();
-	$ADODB_SESSION_EXPIRE_NOTIFY = array('USER','NotifyExpire');
-#### INIT
-	ob_start();
-	include('../session/adodb-cryptsession.php');
-	session_start();
-	adodb_session_regenerate_id();
-	$_SESSION['MONKEY'] = array('1','abc',44.41);
-	if (!isset($_GET['nochange'])) @$_SESSION['AVAR'] += 1;
-	print "<h3>PHP ".PHP_VERSION."</h3>";
-	print "<p><b>\$_SESSION['AVAR']={$_SESSION['AVAR']}</b></p>";
-	print "<hr> <b>Cookies</b>: ";
-	print_r($_COOKIE);
-### RANDOMLY PERFORM Garbage Collection
-### In real-production environment, this is done for you
-### by php's session extension, which calls adodb_sess_gc()
-### automatically for you. See php.ini's
-### session.cookie_lifetime and session.gc_probability
-	if (rand() % 5 == 0) {
-		print "<hr><p><b>Garbage Collection</b></p>";
-		adodb_sess_gc(10);
-		if (rand() % 2 == 0) {
-			print "<p>Random session destroy</p>";
-			session_destroy();
-		}
-	}
\ No newline at end of file
diff -urN moodle/lib/adodb/tests/test-xmlschema.php moodle.adodb/lib/adodb/tests/test-xmlschema.php
--- moodle/lib/adodb/tests/test-xmlschema.php	2005-11-10 21:05:25.000000000 -0500
+++ moodle.adodb/lib/adodb/tests/test-xmlschema.php	1969-12-31 19:00:00.000000000 -0500
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-// V4.50 6 July 2004
-include_once( "../" );
-include_once( "../" );
-// To build the schema, start by creating a normal ADOdb connection:
-$db = ADONewConnection( 'mysql' );
-$db->Connect( 'localhost', 'root', '', 'schematest' );
-// To create a schema object and build the query array.
-$schema = new adoSchema( $db );
-// To upgrade an existing schema object, use the following 
-// To upgrade an existing database to the provided schema,
-// uncomment the following line:
-print "<b>SQL to build xmlschema.xml</b>:\n<pre>";
-// Build the SQL array
-$sql = $schema->ParseSchema( "xmlschema.xml" );
-print_r( $sql );
-print "</pre>\n";
-// Execute the SQL on the database
-//$result = $schema->ExecuteSchema( $sql );
-// Finally, clean up after the XML parser
-// (PHP won't do this for you!)
-print "<b>SQL to build xmlschema-mssql.xml</b>:\n<pre>";
-$db2 = ADONewConnection('mssql');
-$db2->Connect('','adodb','natsoft','northwind') || die("Fail 2");
-$db2->Execute("drop table simple_table");
-$schema = new adoSchema( $db2 );
-$sql = $schema->ParseSchema( "xmlschema-mssql.xml" );
-print_r( $sql );
-print "</pre>\n";
-foreach ($sql as $s)
\ No newline at end of file
diff -urN moodle/lib/adodb/tests/time.php moodle.adodb/lib/adodb/tests/time.php
--- moodle/lib/adodb/tests/time.php	2003-10-22 04:52:42.000000000 -0400
+++ moodle.adodb/lib/adodb/tests/time.php	1969-12-31 19:00:00.000000000 -0500
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-$datestring = "1963-12-04"; // string normally from mySQL 
-$stringArray = explode("-", $datestring);
-$date = adodb_mktime(0,0,0,$stringArray[1],$stringArray[2],$stringArray[0]); 
-$convertedDate = date("d-M-Y", $date); // converted string to UK style date
-echo( "Birthday: $convertedDate" ); //why is string returned as one day (3 not 4) less for this example??
\ No newline at end of file
diff -urN moodle/lib/adodb/tests/tmssql.php moodle.adodb/lib/adodb/tests/tmssql.php
--- moodle/lib/adodb/tests/tmssql.php	2005-11-10 21:05:25.000000000 -0500
+++ moodle.adodb/lib/adodb/tests/tmssql.php	2006-01-03 21:07:46.000000000 -0500
@@ -1,65 +1,10 @@
-function tmssql()
-	print "<h3>mssql</h3>";
-	$db = mssql_connect('JAGUAR\vsdotnet','adodb','natsoft') or die('No Connection');
-	mssql_select_db('northwind',$db);
-	$rs = mssql_query('select getdate() as date',$db);
-	$o = mssql_fetch_row($rs);
-	print_r($o);
-	mssql_free_result($rs);
-	print "<p>Delete</p>"; flush();
-	$rs2 = mssql_query('delete from adoxyz',$db);
-	$p = mssql_num_rows($rs2);
-	mssql_free_result($rs2);
+add_to_log(0, 'adodb', 'intrusion attempt', 'lib/adodb/tests/tmssql.php');
+trigger_error('SECURITY WARNING: intrusion attempt against lib/tests/tmssql.php from ' . getremoteaddr());
+error('SECURITY WARNING: logged intrusion attempt against lib/adodb/tests/tmssql.php');
-function tpear()
-	print "<h3>PEAR</h3>";
-	$username = 'adodb';
-	$password = 'natsoft';
-	$hostname = 'JAGUAR\vsdotnet';
-	$databasename = 'northwind';
-	$dsn = "mssql://$username:$password@$hostname/$databasename";
-	$conn = &DB::connect($dsn);
-	print "date=".$conn->GetOne('select getdate()')."<br>";
-	@$conn->query('create table tester (id integer)');
-	print "<p>Delete</p>"; flush();
-	$rs = $conn->query('delete from tester');
-	print "date=".$conn->GetOne('select getdate()')."<br>";
-function tadodb()
-	print "<h3>ADOdb</h3>";
-	$conn = NewADOConnection('mssql');
-	$conn->Connect('JAGUAR\vsdotnet','adodb','natsoft','northwind');
-//	$conn->debug=1;
-	print "date=".$conn->GetOne('select getdate()')."<br>";
-	$conn->Execute('create table tester (id integer)');
-	print "<p>Delete</p>"; flush();
-	$rs = $conn->Execute('delete from tester');
-	print "date=".$conn->GetOne('select getdate()')."<br>";
-<a href=tmssql.php?do=tmssql>mssql</a>
-<a href=tmssql.php?do=tpear>pear</a>
-<a href=tmssql.php?do=tadodb>adodb</a>
-if (!empty($_GET['do'])) {
-	$do = $_GET['do'];
-	$do();
\ No newline at end of file
diff -urN moodle/lib/adodb/tests/xmlschema.xml moodle.adodb/lib/adodb/tests/xmlschema.xml
--- moodle/lib/adodb/tests/xmlschema.xml	2005-11-10 21:05:25.000000000 -0500
+++ moodle.adodb/lib/adodb/tests/xmlschema.xml	1969-12-31 19:00:00.000000000 -0500
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0"?>
-<schema version="0.2">
-  <table name="mytable">
-    <field name="row1" type="I">
-      <descr>An integer row that's a primary key and autoincrements</descr>
-      <KEY/>
-    </field>
-    <field name="row2" type="C" size="16">
-      <descr>A 16 character varchar row that can't be null</descr>
-      <NOTNULL/>
-    </field>
-    <index name="myindex">
-      <col>row1</col>
-      <col>row2</col>
-    </index>
-  </table>
-  <sql>
-    <descr>SQL to be executed only on specific platforms</descr>
-    <query platform="postgres|postgres7">
-      insert into mytable ( row1, row2 ) values ( 12, 'postgres stuff' )
-    </query>
-    <query platform="mysql">
-      insert into mytable ( row1, row2 ) values ( 12, 'mysql stuff' )
-    </query>
-	<query platform="mssql">
-      insert into mytable ( row1, row2 ) values ( 12, 'Microsoft stuff' )
-    </query>
-  </sql>
-  <table name="obsoletetable">
-    <DROP/>
-  </table>
\ No newline at end of file