#2 Read lexer from .wasm files instead of base64-encoded .js
Opened 4 months ago by mochaa. Modified 15 days ago
rpms/ mochaa/nodejs-cjs-module-lexer rawhide  into  rawhide

file modified
+5 -3
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ 

- /cjs-module-lexer-1.2.3.tar.gz

- /cjs-module-lexer-1.2.3-nm-dev.tgz

- /cjs-module-lexer-1.2.3-bundled-licenses.txt

+ /cjs-module-lexer-*.tar.gz

+ /cjs-module-lexer-*.tgz

+ /cjs-module-lexer-*-bundled-licenses.txt


+ /94.patch

@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@ 

- From 182e2768a4029365144d287257be0ca606c0ab40 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001

- From: =?UTF-8?q?Jan=20Stan=C4=9Bk?= <jstanek@redhat.com>

- Date: Mon, 26 Jun 2023 09:05:38 +0200

- Subject: [PATCH] Parametrize WASM compilation process (#87)

- MIME-Version: 1.0

- Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit


- * Makefile: extract compilation flags to variables


- Previously, the WASM compilation step was hard to adjust for different

- systems, as it required re-writing the actual rule.


- This change extracts all the flags into make variables,

- and separates them into system- and project-specific ones.


- The system-specific ones are expected to change from machine to machine,

- and now can be easily overridden:


-     $ make WASM_CC=clang WASM_CFLAGS=--target=wasm32-wasi …


- The project-specific flags are also extracted to variables,

- although at this point this is mainly for consistency sake.


- * Makefile: parametrize all binaries


- Similarly to previous change,

- this allows for all binary paths to be easily adjusted.


- * Makefile: polish


- Tiny leftover nitpicks:


- - Mark `optimize` and `clean` targets as phony

- - Use separate target for `lib/` directory creation

- - Use make's built-in `$(RM)` command

- ---

-  Makefile | 39 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------

-  1 file changed, 28 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)


- diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile

- index 3098484..961b336 100755

- --- a/Makefile

- +++ b/Makefile

- @@ -1,16 +1,33 @@

- -lslib/lexer.wat: lib/lexer.wasm

- -	../wabt/bin/wasm2wat lib/lexer.wasm -o lib/lexer.wat

- +# These flags depend on the system and may be overridden

- +WASM_CC := ../wasi-sdk-12.0/bin/clang

- +WASM_CFLAGS := --sysroot=../wasi-sdk-12.0/share/wasi-sysroot

- +WASM_LDFLAGS := -nostartfiles


- -lib/lexer.wasm: include-wasm/cjs-module-lexer.h src/lexer.c

- -	@mkdir -p lib

- -	../wasi-sdk-12.0/bin/clang src/lexer.c -I include-wasm --sysroot=../wasi-sdk-12.0/share/wasi-sysroot -o lib/lexer.wasm -nostartfiles \

- -	-Wl,-z,stack-size=13312,--no-entry,--compress-relocations,--strip-all,--export=__heap_base,\

- -	--export=parseCJS,--export=sa,--export=e,--export=re,--export=es,--export=ee,--export=rre,--export=ree,--export=res,--export=ru,--export=us,--export=ue \

- -	-Wno-logical-op-parentheses -Wno-parentheses \

- -	-Oz

- +WASM2WAT := ../wabt/bin/wasm2wat

- +WASM_OPT := ../binaryen/bin/wasm-opt

- +

- +# These are project-specific and are expected to be kept intact

- +WASM_EXTRA_CFLAGS := -I include-wasm/ -Wno-logical-op-parentheses -Wno-parentheses -Oz

- +WASM_EXTRA_LDFLAGS := -Wl,-z,stack-size=13312,--no-entry,--compress-relocations,--strip-all

- +WASM_EXTRA_LDFLAGS += -Wl,--export=__heap_base,--export=parseCJS,--export=sa

- +WASM_EXTRA_LDFLAGS += -Wl,--export=e,--export=re,--export=es,--export=ee

- +WASM_EXTRA_LDFLAGS += -Wl,--export=rre,--export=ree,--export=res,--export=ru,--export=us,--export=ue

- +

- +.PHONY: optimize clean

- +

- +lib/lexer.wat: lib/lexer.wasm

- +	$(WASM2WAT) lib/lexer.wasm -o lib/lexer.wat

- +

- +lib/lexer.wasm: include-wasm/cjs-module-lexer.h src/lexer.c | lib/


- +		src/lexer.c -o lib/lexer.wasm \


- +

- +lib/:

- +	@mkdir -p $@


-  optimize: lib/lexer.wasm

- -	../binaryen/bin/wasm-opt -Oz lib/lexer.wasm -o lib/lexer.wasm

- +	$(WASM_OPT) -Oz lib/lexer.wasm -o lib/lexer.wasm


-  clean:

- -	rm lib/*

- +	$(RM) lib/*

file modified
+8 -7
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ 


  Name:       nodejs-%{npm_name}

  Summary:    A very fast lexer used to detect the named exports of a CommonJS module

- Version:    1.2.3

+ Version:    1.3.1

  Release:    %autorelease


  License:    MIT
@@ -14,8 +14,7 @@ 

  Source2:     %{npm_name}-%{version}-nm-dev.tgz

  Source3:     %{npm_name}-%{version}-bundled-licenses.txt


- # Adapt Makefile for easier rebuilds

- Patch:      0001-parametrize-wasm-compilation-process.patch

+ Patch0:      https://github.com/nodejs/cjs-module-lexer/pull/94.patch


  # Binary files in this package are aimed at the wasm32-wasi "architecture".

  %global     _binaries_in_noarch_packages_terminate_build 0
@@ -29,7 +28,7 @@ 

  ExclusiveArch: %{ix86} x86_64 aarch64 ppc64le riscv64 noarch



- BuildRequires: clang lld make wasi-libc-devel

+ BuildRequires: clang lld make wasi-libc-devel binaryen

  BuildRequires: nodejs-devel npm

  # for autosetup -S git_am

  BuildRequires: git-core
@@ -47,14 +46,16 @@ 


  rm -rf %{prebuilt_blobs}

  tar -xzf %{S:2} && ln -rsf node_modules_dev node_modules

+ mkdir dist


  %make_build -j1 \

-     WASM_CC=clang \

+     WASM_CC=clang WASM_OPT=wasm-opt \

      WASM_CFLAGS='--target=wasm32-wasi --sysroot=/usr/wasm32-wasi' \

      WASM_LDFLAGS='-nostartfiles -nodefaultlibs -lc' \

-     clean lib/lexer.wasm

+     clean optimize


- npm --offline run build

+ EXTERNAL_PATH="%{nodejs_sitelib}/%{npm_name}" npm --offline run build

+ npm --offline pkg set 'files[]=lib/lexer.wasm'

  npm --offline pack



file modified
+5 -3
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ 

- SHA512 (cjs-module-lexer-1.2.3.tar.gz) = dab77f606c0b0c12abf9e91994cd56b3492e45ecb6e615236abb948fa2a66146d25776bb895b4b25a1b3cb15168eb073b07ff405da47d3b2a1e62428171b4f76

- SHA512 (cjs-module-lexer-1.2.3-nm-dev.tgz) = 44d91bfe4e782a47d0506ec5d0bf12877083b263222535019efd0e0d50614d6688edde17571025ddd9c8f1c2a428974bfb59ee9d9c97d1b7e20150785cfab3de

- SHA512 (cjs-module-lexer-1.2.3-bundled-licenses.txt) = 3e591adb16e09b1c6fb75eb97a6ac51cd06e0aeae2bd5950a15902346e2c9626cb50203bfd0e15c7e8c98af8f24b81c1ce6617c359e7c0e7d0a6366457c844ba

+ SHA512 (cjs-module-lexer-1.3.1.tar.gz) = cfd082aeb096bfa1ca9213571c072b6e0a13ba8ffdff3e12def6ea3f21a9ab6fcd4ad1ce342dff0a2a89f999b3bd1609e37aa11139b3deef39341b28cc856f4f

+ SHA512 (cjs-module-lexer-1.3.1-nm-dev.tgz) = c6a3a780484636a9f93d04ac554ef5c5207f1c6cf896aa61662bcd705890ef73a3e910ed1c8e532b3c085bb6dbece6974507404fffabe167948a88f156713536

+ SHA512 (cjs-module-lexer-1.3.1-nm-prod.tgz) = 1fea1128fdb65a4ba2fcd41dce0ca7b80eab224adf72508216f16790e0e0f8b9647b31662b0761b6c87e3a718e812577b9ed79f06dca1aa00c12d75cc639353e

+ SHA512 (94.patch) = b9d6898dedf1d1124425c47107aa766d9d49037032031bfc57eb42b583e51f6aca801512ee966e8fdbad15bd931b63f8d9dd2dada5cd2accc954d03c69df7666

+ SHA512 (cjs-module-lexer-1.3.1-bundled-licenses.txt) = 3e591adb16e09b1c6fb75eb97a6ac51cd06e0aeae2bd5950a15902346e2c9626cb50203bfd0e15c7e8c98af8f24b81c1ce6617c359e7c0e7d0a6366457c844ba

rebased onto 58c36f1

4 months ago

rebased onto 3124970

4 months ago

Similarly to the undici PR: Thanks for the proposal, but try to push the idea to upstream first and see what they think about it; I do not want to maintain it separately.

rebased onto 40d75fe

4 months ago

rebased onto 47a5991

a month ago

Upstream merged this, but a release date is unclear.

I saw, thanks for it! I tried to backport the final patch(es) to the current version, but messing with the log files + regenerating the dependencies after patching is a bit more complicated than I would like.

Are you fine with waiting for the release, whenever it might come?

s/log/lock/… apparently some key combos are just hardwired to my fingers.

The release came out as 1.3.0, I will update this PR accordingly

rebased onto be09892

17 days ago

@jstanek I guess we are good to go (for now?)

Well, kind of – I'm not thrilled about the changes being reverted upstream immediately after the version release. It does not fill me with optimism – if this breaks, I'll have no way of fixing this in the future without your help.

I'm willing to merge this even as proof-of-concept, provided you plan to follow up with upstream and getting "something that makes sense" (in their words) accepted and maintained there.

I hate to be that guy, but as stated above, I would have a hard time maintaining this myself if you decide enough was enough; that would also mean I would have to revert this in the future anyway.

There is https://github.com/nodejs/cjs-module-lexer/pull/98 now - let's see wait for upstream's feedback.