Blob Blame History Raw
%global year 2013
%global month 01
%global parrot_version 5.0.0

%global PAR_LIB_DIR %{_libdir}/parrot/%{parrot_version}
%global parrot_dynext %{PAR_LIB_DIR}/dynext

Name:		nqp
Version:	0.0.%{year}.%{month}
Release:	1%{?dist}
Summary:	Not Quite Perl (6)

Group:		Development/Libraries
License:	Artistic 2.0 and ISC and WTFPL

BuildRequires:	readline-devel, gmp-devel, libicu-devel
BuildRequires:	perl(Test::Harness)
BuildRequires:	parrot >= %{parrot_version}
BuildRequires:	parrot-devel >= %{parrot_version}
BuildRequires:	parrot-tools >= %{parrot_version}

Requires:	parrot >= %{parrot_version}

This is "Not Quite Perl" -- a compiler for quickly generating PIR routines
from Perl6-like code. The key feature of NQP is that it's
designed to be a very small compiler (as compared with, say, perl6
or Rakudo) and is focused on being a high-level way to create
compilers and libraries for virtual machines (such as the Parrot
Virtual Machine). Unlike a full-fledged implementation of Perl 6,
NQP strives to have as small a run-time footprint as it can, while
still providing a Perl 6 object model and regular expression engine
for the virtual machine.

%setup -q -n %{name}-%{year}.%{month}


CFLAGS="$RPM_OPT_FLAGS -fPIC" %{__make} # %{?_smp_mflags}

%{__make} install DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT

# Force executable permission on shared objects so they get stripped
%{__chmod} 755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{parrot_dynext}/nqp*.so

%ifarch %{ix86}
  # This test fails on this architecture
  %{__rm} -f t/nqp/60-bigint.t
%{?!_without_tests: make test}


# The unversioned shared system library files are needed for the essential work
# of the nqp executable, otherwise the executing of nqp fails
# with error message "PARROT VM: Could not load bytecode ..."



* Thu Jan 31 2013 Gerd Pokorra <> 0.0.2013.01-1
- update to 2013.01
- add additional header files
- change the source to the new URL

* Wed Nov 07 2012 Gerd Pokorra <> 0.0.2012.10-1
- update to 2012.10

* Wed Nov  7 2012 Peter Robinson <> 0.0.2012.08.1-2
- compile with distro CFLAGs and -fPIC

* Mon Sep 03 2012 Gerd Pokorra <> 0.0.2012.08.1-1
- update to 2012.08.1

* Tue Aug 14 2012 Gerd Pokorra <> 0.0.2012.07-5
- added check section
- removed clean section
- added ISC to License tag

* Mon Aug 13 2012 Gerd Pokorra <> 0.0.2012.07-4
- changed License tag  
- removed defattr

* Mon Aug 13 2012 Gerd Pokorra <> 0.0.2012.07-3
- replaced "define" with "global"
- removed BuildRoot tag

* Wed Aug 08 2012 Gerd Pokorra <> 0.0.2012.07-2
- fixed description error from rpmlint

* Tue Aug 07 2012 Gerd Pokorra <> 0.0.2012.07-1
- did not build with _smp_mflags
- initial .spec file created