rpms / ocaml-yaml

Created a year ago
Maintained by jjames
[This](https://avsm.github.io/ocaml-yaml/) is an OCaml library to parse and generate the YAML file format. It is intended to be interoperable with the [Ezjsonm](https://github.com/mirage/ezjsonm) JSON handling library, if the simple common subset of Yaml is used. Anchors and other advanced Yaml features are not implemented in the JSON compatibility layer.  |  https://avsm.github.io/ocaml-yaml/
Richard W.M. Jones committed 8 days ago


This is an OCaml library to parse and generate the YAML file format. It is intended to be interoperable with the Ezjsonm JSON handling library, if the simple common subset of Yaml is used. Anchors and other advanced Yaml features are not implemented in the JSON compatibility layer.