Blob Blame History Raw
diff --git a/server/odcs/server/ b/server/odcs/server/
index 295974f..6d93f36 100644
--- a/server/odcs/server/
+++ b/server/odcs/server/
@@ -30,47 +30,45 @@ from odcs.common.types import (
-def _load_allowed_clients_attrs(key, attrs):
+def _set_default_client_allowed_attrs(ret_attrs, attrs):
-    Loads attributes from the
-    conf.allowed_clients[key][user_name/group_name] dict. If the requested
-    attribute is not found in the loaded dict, the conf.allowed_$attr_name
-    is used as a default.
+    Helper method adding default allowed_client_attrs into `ret_attrs`.
-    :param str key: "users" or "groups".
-    :param list attrs: List of attribute names to load from the dict.
-    :return: Dict with loaded attributes.
+    If some requested attributes from `attrs` are missing in `ret_attrs` list,
+    try to get them from "conf.allowed_$attr_name". If they are not there
+    too, use empty list to disallow everything.
-    clients = conf.allowed_clients.get(key, {})
-    ret_attrs = []
-    if key == "users":
-        # Check if the user is defined in clients, if not, return None.
-        if flask.g.user.username in clients:
-            ret_attrs = dict(copy.deepcopy(clients[flask.g.user.username]))
-        else:
-            return None
-    elif key == "groups":
-        # Check if the group is defined in clients, if not, return None
-        for group in flask.g.groups:
-            if group in clients:
-                ret_attrs = dict(copy.deepcopy(clients[group]))
-                break
-        else:
-            return None
-    else:
-        raise ValueError(
-            "Unknown key %r passed to _load_allowed_clients_attrs" % key)
-    # If some requested attributes are missing in allowed_clients variable,
-    # try to get them from "conf.allowed_$attr_name". If they are not there
-    # too, use empty list to disallow everything.
     for attr in attrs:
         if attr not in ret_attrs:
             ret_attrs[attr] = getattr(conf, "allowed_%s" % attr, [])
     return ret_attrs
+def _load_allowed_clients_attr(attrs):
+    """
+    Loads attributes from the conf.allowed_clients dict based on the logged
+    in user and its groups. If the requested attribute is not found in
+    the loaded dict, the conf.allowed_$attr_name is used as a default.
+    :param list attrs: List of attribute names to load from the dict.
+    :return: Generator of Dicts with loaded attributes.
+    """
+    # Check if logged user exists in "users" definition of allowed_clients.
+    clients = conf.allowed_clients.get("users", {})
+    if flask.g.user.username in clients:
+        ret_attrs = dict(copy.deepcopy(clients[flask.g.user.username]))
+        ret_attrs = _set_default_client_allowed_attrs(ret_attrs, attrs)
+        yield ret_attrs
+    else:
+        # Check if group is defined in allowed_clients "groups".
+        clients = conf.allowed_clients.get("groups", {})
+        for group in flask.g.groups:
+            if group in clients:
+                ret_attrs = dict(copy.deepcopy(clients[group]))
+                ret_attrs = _set_default_client_allowed_attrs(ret_attrs, attrs)
+                yield ret_attrs
 def _enum_int_to_str_list(enum_dict, val):
     Convenient method converting int value to list of strings
@@ -105,42 +103,47 @@ def raise_if_input_not_allowed(**kwargs):
     if conf.auth_backend == 'noauth':
-    # Prefer args for particular user - these overrides group ones.
-    attrs = _load_allowed_clients_attrs("users", kwargs.keys())
-    if not attrs:
-        attrs = _load_allowed_clients_attrs("groups", kwargs.keys())
-        if not attrs:
-            raise Forbidden("User %s not allowed to operate with any "
-                            "compose" % flask.g.user.username)
-    for name, values in kwargs.items():
-        if name not in attrs:
-            # This should not happen, but be defensive in this part of code...
-            raise Forbidden(
-                "User %s not allowed to operate with compose with %s=%r"
-                % (flask.g.user.username, name, values))
-        # Conver integers from db format to string list.
-        if name == "source_types":
-            values = INVERSE_PUNGI_SOURCE_TYPE_NAMES[values]
-        elif name == "flags":
-            values = _enum_int_to_str_list(COMPOSE_FLAGS, values)
-        elif name == "results":
-            values = _enum_int_to_str_list(COMPOSE_RESULTS, values)
-        if type(values) == int:
-            values = [values]
-        elif isinstance(values, six.string_types):
-            # `arches` and `sources` are white-space separated lists.
-            values = values.split(" ")
-        for value in values:
-            allowed_values = attrs[name]
-            if ((not allowed_values or value not in allowed_values) and
-                    allowed_values != [""]):
-                raise Forbidden(
-                    "User %s not allowed to operate with compose with %s=%s"
-                    % (flask.g.user.username, name, value))
+    errors = set()
+    for attrs in _load_allowed_clients_attr(kwargs.keys()):
+        found_error = False
+        for name, values in kwargs.items():
+            if name not in attrs:
+                # This should not happen, but be defensive in this part of code...
+                errors.add(
+                    "User %s not allowed to operate with compose with %s=%r."
+                    % (flask.g.user.username, name, values))
+                continue
+            # Convert integers from db format to string list.
+            if name == "source_types":
+                values = INVERSE_PUNGI_SOURCE_TYPE_NAMES[values]
+            elif name == "flags":
+                values = _enum_int_to_str_list(COMPOSE_FLAGS, values)
+            elif name == "results":
+                values = _enum_int_to_str_list(COMPOSE_RESULTS, values)
+            if type(values) == int:
+                values = [values]
+            elif isinstance(values, six.string_types):
+                # `arches` and `sources` are white-space separated lists.
+                values = values.split(" ")
+            for value in values:
+                allowed_values = attrs[name]
+                if ((not allowed_values or value not in allowed_values) and
+                        allowed_values != [""]):
+                    errors.add(
+                        "User %s not allowed to operate with compose with %s=%s."
+                        % (flask.g.user.username, name, value))
+                    found_error = True
+                    break
+        if not found_error:
+            return
+    if errors:
+        raise Forbidden(" ".join(list(errors)))
+    else:
+        raise Forbidden(
+            "User %s not allowed to operate with any compose." % flask.g.user.username)
 def validate_json_data(dict_or_list, level=0, last_dict_key=None):
diff --git a/server/tests/ b/server/tests/
index bb59541..0441bd0 100644
--- a/server/tests/
+++ b/server/tests/
@@ -105,6 +105,9 @@ class ViewBaseTest(ModelsBaseTest):
                 'composer': {},
                 'dev2': {
                     'source_types': ['module']
+                },
+                'dev3': {
+                    'source_types': ['raw_config']
             'users': {
@@ -114,6 +117,9 @@ class ViewBaseTest(ModelsBaseTest):
                 'dev2': {
                     'source_types': ['module', 'raw_config'],
                     'compose_types': ["test", "nightly"]
+                },
+                'dev3': {
+                    'source_types': ['tag']
@@ -692,7 +698,7 @@ class TestViews(ViewBaseTest):
-            'User dev not allowed to operate with compose with source_types=repo')
+            'User dev not allowed to operate with compose with source_types=repo.')
     @patch.object(odcs.server.config.Config, 'raw_config_urls',
                   new={"pungi_cfg": "http://localhost/pungi.conf#%s"})
@@ -709,7 +715,7 @@ class TestViews(ViewBaseTest):
-            'User dev2 not allowed to operate with compose with compose_types=production')
+            'User dev2 not allowed to operate with compose with compose_types=production.')
     def test_submit_build_unknown_source_type(self):
         with self.test_request_context(user='dev'):
@@ -777,7 +783,7 @@ class TestViews(ViewBaseTest):
-            'User dev2 not allowed to operate with compose with source_types=tag')
+            'User dev2 not allowed to operate with compose with source_types=tag.')
     def test_submit_build_per_group_source_type_allowed(self):
         with self.test_request_context(user="unknown", groups=['dev2', "x"]):
@@ -804,7 +810,7 @@ class TestViews(ViewBaseTest):
-            'User unknown not allowed to operate with compose with source_types=tag')
+            'User unknown not allowed to operate with compose with source_types=tag.')
     def test_query_compose(self):
         resp = self.client.get('/api/1/composes/1')
@@ -988,6 +994,38 @@ class TestViews(ViewBaseTest):
         c = db.session.query(Compose).filter(Compose.source == 'testmodule:rawhide').one()
         self.assertEqual(c.state, COMPOSE_STATES["wait"])
+    def test_can_create_compose_with_user_in_multiple_groups(self):
+        with self.test_request_context(user='another_user', groups=['dev3', 'dev2']):
+            flask.g.oidc_scopes = [
+                '{0}{1}'.format(conf.oidc_base_namespace, 'new-compose')
+            ]
+            resp ='/api/1/composes/', data=json.dumps(
+                {'source': {'type': 'module', 'source': 'testmodule:rawhide'}}))
+        db.session.expire_all()
+        self.assertEqual(resp.status, '200 OK')
+        self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 200)
+        c = db.session.query(Compose).filter(Compose.source == 'testmodule:rawhide').one()
+        self.assertEqual(c.state, COMPOSE_STATES["wait"])
+    def test_cannot_create_compose_with_user_in_multiple_groups(self):
+        with self.test_request_context(user='another_user', groups=['dev3', 'dev2']):
+            flask.g.oidc_scopes = [
+                '{0}{1}'.format(conf.oidc_base_namespace, 'new-compose')
+            ]
+            resp ='/api/1/composes/', data=json.dumps(
+                {'source': {'type': 'tag', 'source': 'testmodule:rawhide'}}))
+            data = json.loads(resp.get_data(as_text=True))
+        db.session.expire_all()
+        self.assertEqual(resp.status, '403 FORBIDDEN')
+        self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 403)
+        self.assertEqual(
+            data['message'],
+            'User another_user not allowed to operate with compose with source_types=tag.')
     def test_can_delete_compose_with_user_in_configured_groups(self):
         c3 = Compose.create(
             db.session, "unknown", PungiSourceType.MODULE, "testmodule:testbranch",
@@ -1010,6 +1048,19 @@ class TestViews(ViewBaseTest):
         six.assertRegex(self, data['message'],
                         r"The delete request for compose \(id=%s\) has been accepted and will be processed by backend later." %
+    def test_can_create_compose_with_permission_overriden_by_username(self):
+        with self.test_request_context(user='dev3', groups=['dev2']):
+            flask.g.oidc_scopes = [
+                '{0}{1}'.format(conf.oidc_base_namespace, 'new-compose')
+            ]
+            resp ='/api/1/composes/', data=json.dumps(
+                {'source': {'type': 'module', 'source': 'testmodule:rawhide'}}))
+        db.session.expire_all()
+        self.assertEqual(resp.status, '403 FORBIDDEN')
+        self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 403)
     @patch.object(odcs.server.config.Config, 'max_seconds_to_live', new_callable=PropertyMock)
     @patch.object(odcs.server.config.Config, 'seconds_to_live', new_callable=PropertyMock)
     def test_use_seconds_to_live_in_request(self, mock_seconds_to_live, mock_max_seconds_to_live):