Blob Blame History Raw
commit fc768d34a543ca40cd4d84e38da522bcccf9ebe3
Author: Chris Ball <>
Date:   Sat Sep 27 20:50:43 2008 -0400

    dlo#7932: Fix failsafe script in the presence of pretty-boot.
    This is more complicated than I'd hoped.  In the presence of pretty-boot
    we're started with input coming in on tty2 but output happening on tty1.
    The resolution is to have one script that checks to see whether we're
    in pretty-boot and switches to VT2 if we are, and to move the script
    that actually does input/output to "diskspacerecover".  On ugly-boot
    it'll run on tty1 as normal, on pretty-boot it'll run on tty2.
    A long-term fix is to have /etc/init.d/z-boot-anim-stop return us to
    a more sane environment than this; it should set the controlling
    terminal back to tty1 and chvt 1, but I wasn't able to make this work.

diff --git a/etc/rc.d/init.d/diskspacecheck b/etc/rc.d/init.d/diskspacecheck
index c4411a5..7095fa2 100755
--- a/etc/rc.d/init.d/diskspacecheck
+++ b/etc/rc.d/init.d/diskspacecheck
@@ -2,110 +2,38 @@
 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
 # chkconfig: 345 02 02
-# description: If the NAND doesn't have enough free space, delete datastore\
-#              objects until it does.  This doesn't modify the datastore's\
-#              index.
+# description: If the NAND doesn't have enough free space, set up a VT for\
+#              diskspacerecover.
 # processname: diskspacecheck
 # Author:      Chris Ball <>
-import os, sys, statvfs, subprocess, shutil
+import os, sys, statvfs, pyvt, time
 THRESHOLD = 1024 * 20  # 20MB
 DATASTORE_PATH = "/home/olpc/.sugar/default/datastore/store/*-*"
 ACTIVITY_PATH  = "/home/olpc/Activities/*"
-def main():
-    # First, check to see whether we have enough free space.
-    if find_freespace() < THRESHOLD:
-        print "Not enough disk space."
-        # Per Trac #5637, delete orphaned leaks in .sugar/default/data.
-        # This is safe on any build.
-        try:
-            shutil.rmtree("/home/olpc/.sugar/default/data")
-        except OSError:
-            pass
-        if find_freespace() >= THRESHOLD:
-            # The above gained enough free space.
-            return
-        # Okay, we'll have to delete some real data.
-        # Add datastore files to filelist string
-        lines = os.popen("du -s %s" % DATASTORE_PATH).readlines()
-        # Add activities to filelist
-        lines += (os.popen("du -s %s" % ACTIVITY_PATH).readlines())
-        filesizes = [line.split('\t') for line in lines]
-        for file in filesizes:
-           file[0] = int(file[0])     # size
-           file[1] = file[1].rstrip() # path
-        filesizes.sort()
-        filelist = [file[1] for file in filesizes]
-        # Unfreeze the DCON, print a message.
-        unfreeze_dcon()
-        # The below string is in latin-1, because Unicode isn't present
-        # in the environment when this script runs.
-        string = u"""
-Your disk is nearly full.  The system cannot operate with a full disk.
-To create free space, some of the entries in your Journal will now be
-deleted.  If you wish to avoid having items deleted, power down your
-XO and bring it to an expert for backup and recovery.
-Error code:  DISKFULL
-Press the return key to delete some Journal entries, or the 'c' key 
-and then return key to attempt to boot anyway.
-Su disco está casi lleno.  El sistema no puede funcionar si el disco
-está lleno.  Para liberar espacio, se deben borrar algunas entradas de
-su Diario ahora.  Si prefiere no tener que borrar datos, apague su XO y
-llévelo a un experto para que haga una copia de seguridad y
-recuperación de datos.
-Código del error:  DISKFULL
-Pulse retorno tecla para borrar algunas entradas del Diario, o presiona 
-'c' y retorno para iniciar de cualquier manera.
-        key = raw_input(string.encode('utf-8'))
-        if key is 'c':
-           return
-        # Now, delete files/directories one at a time.
-        while find_freespace() < THRESHOLD and len(filelist) > 0:
-            delete_entry(filelist.pop())
-def find_freespace():
-    # Determine free space on /.
-    stat = os.statvfs("/")
-    freebytes  = stat[statvfs.F_BSIZE] * stat[statvfs.F_BAVAIL]
-    freekbytes = freebytes / 1024
-    return freekbytes
-def delete_entry(entry):
-    # Delete a single file from the datastore, or an activity directory
-    print "Deleting " + entry
-    try:
-        if os.path.isdir(entry):
-            shutil.rmtree(entry)
-        else:
-            os.remove(entry)                
-    except OSError:
-        print "Couldn't delete " + entry
-def unfreeze_dcon():
-    # Don't think there's anything useful I can do if this write fails.
-    dcon = open('/sys/class/backlight/dcon-bl/device/freeze', 'w')
-    dcon.write('0')
-    dcon.close()
-    os.system("/sbin/setsysfont")
-    os.system("/bin/unicode_start sun12x22")
+# Determine free space on /.
+stat = os.statvfs("/")
+freebytes  = stat[statvfs.F_BSIZE] * stat[statvfs.F_BAVAIL]
+freekbytes = freebytes / 1024
+# If we have enough disk space, exit.
+if freekbytes > THRESHOLD:
+    exit
+# Disable pretty-boot.
+if os.system("ps awux | grep 0-boot-anim-start | grep -v grep") == 0:
+    # Pretty-boot is running.  Kill it, and set up a new VT for the next script.
+    os.system("/etc/init.d/z-boot-anim-stop start")
+    pyvt.chcon("/dev/tty1")
+    pyvt.chcon("/dev/console")
+    pyvt.chvt(2)
+# Don't think there's anything useful I can do if this write fails.
+dcon = open('/sys/class/backlight/dcon-bl/device/freeze', 'w')
+os.system("/bin/unicode_start sun12x22")
diff --git a/etc/rc.d/init.d/diskspacerecover b/etc/rc.d/init.d/diskspacerecover
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..050a051
--- /dev/null
+++ b/etc/rc.d/init.d/diskspacerecover
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# chkconfig: 345 03 03
+# description: If the NAND doesn't have enough free space, delete datastore\
+#              objects until it does.  This doesn't modify the datastore's\
+#              index.
+# processname: diskspacerecover
+# Author:      Chris Ball <>
+import os, sys, statvfs, subprocess, shutil, fcntl
+THRESHOLD = 1024 * 600  # 20MB
+DATASTORE_PATH = "/home/olpc/.sugar/default/datastore/store/*-*"
+ACTIVITY_PATH  = "/home/olpc/Activities/*"
+def main():
+    # First, check to see whether we have enough free space.
+    if find_freespace() < THRESHOLD:
+        print "Not enough disk space."
+        # Per Trac #5637, delete orphaned leaks in .sugar/default/data.
+        # This is safe on any build.
+        try:
+            shutil.rmtree("/home/olpc/.sugar/default/data")
+        except OSError:
+            pass
+        if find_freespace() >= THRESHOLD:
+            # The above gained enough free space.
+            return
+        # Okay, we'll have to delete some real data.
+        # Add datastore files to filelist string
+        lines = os.popen("du -s %s" % DATASTORE_PATH).readlines()
+        # Add activities to filelist
+        lines += (os.popen("du -s %s" % ACTIVITY_PATH).readlines())
+        filesizes = [line.split('\t') for line in lines]
+        for file in filesizes:
+           file[0] = int(file[0])     # size
+           file[1] = file[1].rstrip() # path
+        filesizes.sort()
+        filelist = [file[1] for file in filesizes]
+        # The below string is in latin-1, because Unicode isn't present
+        # in the environment when this script runs.
+        string = u"""
+Your disk is nearly full.  The system cannot operate with a full disk.
+To create free space, some of the entries in your Journal will now be
+deleted.  If you wish to avoid having items deleted, power down your
+XO and bring it to an expert for backup and recovery.
+Error code:  DISKFULL
+Press the return key to delete some Journal entries, or the 'c' key 
+and then return key to attempt to boot anyway.
+Su disco está casi lleno.  El sistema no puede funcionar si el disco
+está lleno.  Para liberar espacio, se deben borrar algunas entradas de
+su Diario ahora.  Si prefiere no tener que borrar datos, apague su XO y
+llévelo a un experto para que haga una copia de seguridad y
+recuperación de datos.
+Código del error:  DISKFULL
+Pulse retorno tecla para borrar algunas entradas del Diario, o presiona 
+'c' y retorno para iniciar de cualquier manera.
+        key = raw_input(string.encode('utf-8'))
+        if key is 'c':
+           return
+        # Now, delete files/directories one at a time.
+        while find_freespace() < THRESHOLD and len(filelist) > 0:
+            delete_entry(filelist.pop())
+def find_freespace():
+    # Determine free space on /.
+    stat = os.statvfs("/")
+    freebytes  = stat[statvfs.F_BSIZE] * stat[statvfs.F_BAVAIL]
+    freekbytes = freebytes / 1024
+    return freekbytes
+def delete_entry(entry):
+    # Delete a single file from the datastore, or an activity directory
+    print "Deleting " + entry
+    try:
+        if os.path.isdir(entry):
+            shutil.rmtree(entry)
+        else:
+            os.remove(entry)                
+    except OSError:
+        print "Couldn't delete " + entry