Blob Blame History Raw
# Copy this file to ~/.xsession to customize your X session
# Contents of this file are preserved on updates because it lives in your $HOME
# Check the master copy in /etc/skel/.xsession-example for updates

# Uncomment the following lines to turn on many sugar debugging
# log files and features
#export LM_DEBUG=net
#export GABBLE_DEBUG=all
#export GABBLE_LOGFILE=/home/olpc/.sugar/default/logs/telepathy-gabble.log
#export SALUT_DEBUG=all
#export SALUT_LOGFILE=/home/olpc/.sugar/default/logs/telepathy-salut.log
#export GIBBER_DEBUG=all
#export SUGAR_LOGGER_LEVEL=debug

# Uncomment the following line to enable core dumps
#ulimit -c unlimited

# Uncomment the following line to debug sugar startup problems
#exec xterm

# If you drop out of this script, the normal olpc-session will proceed
# Uncomment the following line to prevent it
#exit 0