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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<component type="desktop-application">
  <summary>Number Theory-oriented Computer Algebra System</summary>
      PARI is a widely used computer algebra system designed for fasti
      computations in number theory (factorizations, algebraic number theory,
      elliptic curves...), but also contains a large number of other useful
      functions to compute with mathematical entities such as matrices,
      polynomials, power series, algebraic numbers, etc., and a lot of
      transcendental functions.
      PARI/GP is an advanced programmable calculator, which computes
      symbolically as long as possible, numerically where needed, and contains
      a wealth of number-theoretic functions.
  <launchable type="desktop-id">fr.u-bordeaux.math.pari.desktop</launchable>
    <screenshot type="default">
      <caption>A GP session with TeXmacs</caption>
      <caption>A GP session in an X terminal</caption>
      <caption>Another GP session in an X terminal</caption>
  <developer_name>PARI/GP Development Headquarters</developer_name>
  <url type="homepage"></url>
  <url type="bugtracker"></url>
  <url type="help"></url>
  <content_rating type="oars-1.1"></content_rating>