Blob Blame History Raw
Basic steps:

1. To create a base tarball with the chroot environment, type

  - for Debian:

    sudo dnf install debian-keyring
    sudo pbuilder create --mirror --debootstrapopts "--keyring=/usr/share/keyrings/debian-archive-keyring.gpg" --distribution <distro> --architecture <arch>

  - for Ubuntu:

    sudo dnf install ubu-keyring
    sudo pbuilder create --mirror --debootstrapopts "--keyring=/usr/share/keyrings/ubuntu-archive-keyring.gpg" --distribution <distro> --architecture <arch>

  - distro: a distro name, such as squeeze, wheezy, sid, lucid, quantal, etc
  - architecture: i386, amd64, etc

2. To build a package:
  - From within an extracted source tarball with a "debian" folder, in that folder just type


  - Or by using a <package>.dsc file, type

      sudo pbuilder build <package>.dsc

3. To update the chroot tarball, type

      sudo pbuilder update <distro>

Helpful tips:

1. Enable components other tham main (for instance, universe) by adding them to the COMPONENTS variable in pbuilderrc:

    COMPONENTS="main universe"
2. To include local packages in the buildroot, see

Performance enhancements:

1. To build on tmpfs
  - Add to /etc/fstab

      tmpfs           /var/cache/pbuilder/build   tmpfs   mode=0755,auto           0   0

  - Ensure the partition is mounted:

      sudo mount /var/cache/pbuilder/build

  - Set in /etc/pbuilderrc:


2. To use ccache
  - Install ccache

  - Uncomment the lines under #ccache in /etc/pbuilderrc