rpms / perl-Alien-Build-MB

Created 3 years ago
Maintained by jplesnik
This is a Module::Build subclass that uses Alien::Build to help create Alien distributions. The author recommends Alien::Build::MM, which use ExtUtils::MakeMaker instead. The primary rationale for this class, is to prove independence from any particular installer, so that other installers may be added in the future if they become available. If you really do prefer to work with Module::Build though, this may be the installer for you!  |  https://metacpan.org/release/Alien-Build-MB


This is a Module::Build subclass that uses Alien::Build to help create Alien distributions. The author recommends Alien::Build::MM, which use ExtUtils::MakeMaker instead. The primary rationale for this class, is to prove independence from any particular installer, so that other installers may be added in the future if they become available. If you really do prefer to work with Module::Build though, this may be the installer for you!