Blob Blame History Raw
--- Crypt-SSLeay-0.57/Makefile.PL	Mon Sep 17 16:36:59 2007
+++ Crypt-SSLeay-0.57/Makefile.PL	Thu Oct 25 13:45:53 2007
@@ -9,12 +9,13 @@
 eval "use ExtUtils::MakeMaker::Coverage";
 $@ or print "Adding testcover target\n";
-use vars qw($opt_default $opt_libpath $opt_static);
+use vars qw($opt_default $opt_libpath $opt_static $opt_live_tests);
     "default", \$opt_default,
     "lib=s",   \$opt_libpath,
     "static",  \$opt_static,
+    "live-tests!", \$opt_live_tests,
 $opt_default ||= $ENV{CRYPT_SSLEAY_DEFAULT};
@@ -275,17 +276,23 @@
 cc $Config{cc}
-    print <<"INFO";
+    my $network_tests = 'n';
+    if (not defined $opt_live_tests) {
+        print <<"INFO";
 The test suite can attempt to connect to public servers
 to ensure that the code is working properly. If you are
 behind a strict firewall or have no network connectivity,
 these tests may fail (through no fault of the code).
-    my $network_tests = prompt
-        "Do you want to run the live tests (y/N) ?",
-        'N';
+        $network_tests = prompt "Do you want to run the live tests (y/N) ?", 'N';
+    }
+    elsif ($opt_live_tests) {
+        $network_tests = 'y';
+    }
     print OUT "network_tests ", ($network_tests =~ /y/i) ? 1 : 0, "\n";
     close OUT;