Blob Blame History Raw
"""Convenience functions built on top of `make_vjp`."""
from __future__ import absolute_import
from functools import partial
from collections import OrderedDict
from inspect import getargspec
import warnings

from .wrap_util import unary_to_nary
from .builtins import tuple as atuple
from .core import make_vjp as _make_vjp, make_jvp as _make_jvp
from .extend import primitive, defvjp_argnum, vspace

import autograd.numpy as np

make_vjp = unary_to_nary(_make_vjp)
make_jvp = unary_to_nary(_make_jvp)

def grad(fun, x):
    Returns a function which computes the gradient of `fun` with respect to
    positional argument number `argnum`. The returned function takes the same
    arguments as `fun`, but returns the gradient instead. The function `fun`
    should be scalar-valued. The gradient has the same type as the argument."""
    vjp, ans = _make_vjp(fun, x)
    if not vspace(ans).size == 1:
        raise TypeError("Grad only applies to real scalar-output functions. "
                        "Try jacobian, elementwise_grad or holomorphic_grad.")
    return vjp(vspace(ans).ones())

def elementwise_grad(fun, x):
    Returns a function that computes the sum of each column of the Jacobian of
    `fun`, in one pass. If the Jacobian is diagonal, then this is the diagonal
    of the Jacobian.
    vjp, ans = _make_vjp(fun, x)
    if vspace(ans).iscomplex:
        raise TypeError("Elementwise_grad only applies to real-output functions.")
    return vjp(vspace(ans).ones())

def deriv(fun, x):
    return _make_jvp(fun, x)(vspace(x).ones())[1]

def jacobian(fun, x):
    Returns a function which computes the Jacobian of `fun` with respect to
    positional argument number `argnum`, which must be a scalar or array. Unlike
    `grad` it is not restricted to scalar-output functions, but also it cannot
    take derivatives with respect to some argument types (like lists or dicts).
    If the input to `fun` has shape (in1, in2, ...) and the output has shape
    (out1, out2, ...) then the Jacobian has shape (out1, out2, ..., in1, in2, ...).
    vjp, ans = _make_vjp(fun, x)
    ans_vspace = vspace(ans)
    jacobian_shape = ans_vspace.shape + vspace(x).shape
    grads = map(vjp, ans_vspace.standard_basis())
    return np.reshape(np.stack(grads), jacobian_shape)

def holomorphic_grad(fun, x):
    if not vspace(x).iscomplex:
        warnings.warn("Input to holomorphic_grad is not complex")
    return grad(lambda x: np.real(fun(x)))(x)

def grad_named(fun, argname):
    '''Takes gradients with respect to a named argument.
       Doesn't work on *args or **kwargs.'''
    arg_index = getargspec(fun).args.index(argname)
    return grad(fun, arg_index)

def hessian(fun, x):
    "Returns a function that computes the exact Hessian."
    return jacobian(jacobian(fun))(x)

def make_hvp(fun, x):
    """Builds a function for evaluating the Hessian-vector product at a point,
    which may be useful when evaluating many Hessian-vector products at the same
    point while caching the results of the forward pass."""
    return _make_vjp(grad(fun), x)

def hessian_tensor_product(fun, argnum=0):
    """Builds a function that returns the exact Hessian-tensor product.
    The returned function has arguments (*args, tensor, **kwargs), and for
    vectors takes roughly 4x as long to evaluate as the original function."""
    fun_grad = grad(fun, argnum)
    def vector_dot_grad(*args, **kwargs):
        args, vector = args[:-1], args[-1]
        return np.tensordot(fun_grad(*args, **kwargs), vector, np.ndim(vector))
    return grad(vector_dot_grad, argnum)
hessian_vector_product = hessian_tensor_product

def tensor_jacobian_product(fun, argnum=0):
    """Builds a function that returns the exact tensor-Jacobian product, that
    is the Jacobian matrix left-multiplied by tensor. The returned function
    has arguments (*args, tensor, **kwargs)."""
    def vector_dot_fun(*args, **kwargs):
        args, vector = args[:-1], args[-1]
        return np.tensordot(vector, fun(*args, **kwargs), axes=np.ndim(vector))
    return jacobian(vector_dot_fun, argnum)
vector_jacobian_product = tensor_jacobian_product

def make_jvp_reversemode(fun, x):
    """Builds a function for evaluating the Jacobian-vector product at a
    point. Roughly 1.5x more FLOPs than forward-mode, plus memory requirements
    that scale with the number of primitives applied in the evaluation of f, as
    well as other overheads. See"""
    vjp, y = _make_vjp(fun, x)
    vjp_vjp, _ = _make_vjp(vjp, vspace(y).zeros())
    return vjp_vjp  # vjp_vjp is just jvp by linearity

# TODO(mattjj): update this function using make_jvp and const_graph
def make_ggnvp(f, g=lambda x: 1./2*np.sum(x**2, axis=-1), f_argnum=0):
    """Builds a function for evaluating generalized-Gauss-Newton-vector products
    at a point. Slightly more expensive than mixed-mode."""
    def _make_ggnvp(f, x):
        f_vjp, f_x = _make_vjp(f, x)
        g_hvp, grad_g_x = _make_vjp(grad(g), f_x)
        f_jvp, _ = _make_vjp(f_vjp, vspace(grad_g_x).zeros())
        def ggnvp(v): return f_vjp(g_hvp(f_jvp(v)))
        return ggnvp
    return _make_ggnvp(f, f_argnum)

def value_and_grad(fun, x):
    """Returns a function that returns both value and gradient. Suitable for use
    in scipy.optimize"""
    vjp, ans = _make_vjp(fun, x)
    if not vspace(ans).size == 1:
        raise TypeError("value_and_grad only applies to real scalar-output "
                        "functions. Try jacobian, elementwise_grad or "
    return ans, vjp(vspace(ans).ones())

def grad_and_aux(fun, x):
    """Builds a function that returns the gradient of the first output and the
    (unmodified) second output of a function that returns two outputs."""
    vjp, (ans, aux) = _make_vjp(lambda x: atuple(fun(x)), x)
    return vjp((vspace(ans).ones(), vspace(aux).zeros())), aux

def multigrad_dict(fun):
    "Takes gradients wrt all arguments simultaneously,"
    "returns a dict mapping 'argname' to 'gradval'"

    import funcsigs
    sig = funcsigs.signature(fun)

    def select(preds, lst):
        idx = lambda item: next(
            (i for i, pred in enumerate(preds) if pred(item)), len(preds))
        results = [[] for _ in preds] + [[]]
        for item in lst:
        return results

    is_var_pos = lambda name: sig.parameters[name].kind == sig.parameters[name].VAR_POSITIONAL
    is_var_kwd = lambda name: sig.parameters[name].kind == sig.parameters[name].VAR_KEYWORD
    var_pos, var_kwd, argnames = select([is_var_pos, is_var_kwd], sig.parameters)

    todict = lambda dct: {key:dct[key] for key in dct}

    def apply_defaults(arguments):
        defaults = {name: param.default for name, param in sig.parameters.items()
                    if param.default is not param.empty}
        return OrderedDict((name, arguments[name] if name in arguments else defaults[name])
                           for name in sig.parameters)

    def gradfun(*args, **kwargs):
        bindings = sig.bind(*args, **kwargs)

        args = lambda dct: tuple(dct[var_pos[0]]) if var_pos else ()
        kwargs = lambda dct: todict(dct[var_kwd[0]]) if var_kwd else {}
        others = lambda dct: tuple(dct[argname] for argname in argnames
                                   if argname not in var_kwd + var_pos)

        newfun = lambda dct: fun(*(others(dct) + args(dct)), **kwargs(dct))

        argdict = apply_defaults(bindings.arguments)
        grad_dict = grad(newfun)(dict(argdict))
        return OrderedDict((argname, grad_dict[argname]) for argname in argdict)

    return gradfun

def checkpoint(fun):
    """Returns a checkpointed version of `fun`, where intermediate values
    computed during the forward pass of `fun` are discarded and then recomputed
    for the backward pass. Useful to save memory, effectively trading off time
    and memory. See e.g.
    def wrapped_grad(argnum, ans, args, kwargs):
        return make_vjp(fun, argnum)(*args, **kwargs)[0]
    wrapped = primitive(fun)
    defvjp_argnum(wrapped, wrapped_grad)
    return wrapped