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CherryPy 2.x

CherryPy 2.x for Fedora is being provided so that apps written for
TurboGears 1.x can continue to run.  It relies on eggs to enable multiple
versions to be installed.

If you are using CherryPy via TurboGears, everything should work out of the
box for new projects quickstarted with the Fedora 8 packages.  Existing projects
will need a small adjustment to run correctly.  In your project's
script you need to change the commands that import TurboGears from this::

  import pkg_resources

to this::

  __requires__ = 'TurboGears'
  import pkg_resources

with the packages provided by Fedora 8+.

If you are using CherryPY via your own code and absolutely must use the 2.x
version rather than 3.x, you will need to do one of the following to make it
work in your code:

1) Manually change your python path to place the egg directory before
   site-packages.  Note that if you do it this way you will either have to
   change your code whenever a new version comes out (for instance, if a
   bugfix release, CherryPy-2.3.1, is released.)  The code would look
   something like this::

     import sys, os
     from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib
     compatCherryPyPath = os.path.join(
            get_python_lib(), 'CherryPy-2.3.0-py2.5.egg')
     sys.path.insert(0, compatCherryPyPath)
     import cherrypy

2) Use setuptools and entrypoints. To do this you have a function in a python
   module that is your main function.  You define this as an entry point in  For instance, if you wanted your script to be called
   "nifty-foo" and the entry point was the main() function in the module, you would use this in

     # List the versions of CherryPy that will work
     install_requires = [
        'CherryPy >= 2.2,<3.0alpha'
     # Add the information necessary to create the script that requires
     # the CherryPy version
     setup (
        entry_points = '''
          nifty-foo =

   When you use to install this script it will create a script that
   looks like this::

      __requires__ = 'Nifty==1.0'
      import sys
      from pkg_resources import load_entry_point

        load_entry_point('Nifty==1.0', 'console_scripts', 'nifty-foo')()

   The script in turn, references the egg metadata for your module which
   lists the dependency from Nifty to CherryPy>=2.2, < 3.0alpha.

Note that although there may be other methods of making this work in some
circumstances, these are the only methods that the setuptools author and
we are able to say will work in all circumstances in this environment.  Other
methods may not work reliably in some versions of setuptools.

In particular, if you have both the python-cherrypy (at version 3.x) and
python-cherrypy2 packages installed, this will not work::

  from pkg_resources import require
  import cherrypy
  print cherrypy.__version__