Blob Blame History Raw
# sitelib for noarch packages, sitearch for others (remove the unneeded one)
%{!?__python2: %global __python2 %__python}
%{!?python2_sitelib: %global python2_sitelib %(%{__python2} -c "from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib; print(get_python_lib())")}

%if 0%{?fedora}
%bcond_without python3
%bcond_with python3

%global pkgname click-completion

Name:           python-click-completion
Version:        0.2.1
Release:        2%{?dist}
Summary:        Add automatic completion support for fish, Zsh, Bash and PowerShell to Click
License:        MIT
BuildArch:      noarch

BuildRequires:  python2-devel
BuildRequires:  python2-six
BuildRequires:  python2-jinja2
BuildRequires:  python2-click
%if %{with python3}
BuildRequires:  python3-devel
BuildRequires:  python3-six
BuildRequires:  python3-jinja2
BuildRequires:  python3-click
%endif # with python3

Enhanced completion for Click

Add automatic completion support for fish, Zsh, Bash and PowerShell to Click.

All the supported shells are able to complete all the command line arguments
and options defined with click. In addition, fish and Zsh are also displaying
the options and commands help during the completion.

%package     -n python2-%{pkgname}
Summary:        %{summary}
%{?python_provide:%python_provide python2-%{pkgname}}
Requires:       python2-click
Requires:       python2-jinja2
%description -n python2-%{pkgname}
Enhanced completion for Click

Add automatic completion support for fish, Zsh, Bash and PowerShell to Click.

All the supported shells are able to complete all the command line arguments
and options defined with click. In addition, fish and Zsh are also displaying
the options and commands help during the completion.

%if %{with python3}
%package     -n python3-%{pkgname}
Summary:        %{summary}
%{?python_provide:%python_provide python3-%{pkgname}}
Requires:       python3-click
Requires:       python3-jinja2
%description -n python3-%{pkgname}
Enhanced completion for Click

Add automatic completion support for fish, Zsh, Bash and PowerShell to Click.

All the supported shells are able to complete all the command line arguments
and options defined with click. In addition, fish and Zsh are also displaying
the options and commands help during the completion.
%endif # with python3

%autosetup -n %{pkgname}-%{version}
sed -i 's|^#!/usr/bin/env python||'
sed -i 's|^#!/usr/bin/env python||' examples/click-completion-*
chmod -x examples/click-completion-*


%if %{with python3}
%endif # with python3


%if %{with python3}
%endif # with python3

%{__python2} test

%if %{with python3}
%{__python3} test

%files -n python2-%{pkgname}
%license LICENSE
%doc examples

%if %{with python3}
%files -n python3-%{pkgname}
%license LICENSE
%doc examples
%endif # with python3

* Tue Jun 19 2018 Miro HronĨok <> - 0.2.1-2
- Rebuilt for Python 3.7

* Tue Apr  3 2018 Brett Lentz <> - 0.2.1-1
- initial package