Blob Blame History Raw
diff -U3 -r -N no-tests/tests/ 4651bb3a865c77008ac261443899fe25f88173f2-tests/tests/
--- no-tests/tests/	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ 4651bb3a865c77008ac261443899fe25f88173f2-tests/tests/	2017-05-29 16:44:06.615481956 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
+# Copyright 2013 The py-lmdb authors, all rights reserved.
+# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+# modification, are permitted only as authorized by the OpenLDAP
+# Public License.
+# A copy of this license is available in the file LICENSE in the
+# top-level directory of the distribution or, alternatively, at
+# <>.
+# OpenLDAP is a registered trademark of the OpenLDAP Foundation.
+# Individual files and/or contributed packages may be copyright by
+# other parties and/or subject to additional restrictions.
+# This work also contains materials derived from public sources.
+# Additional information about OpenLDAP can be obtained at
+# <>.
+# This is not a test suite! More like a collection of triggers for previously
+# observed crashes. Want to contribute to py-lmdb? Please write a test suite!
+# what happens when empty keys/ values passed to various funcs
+# incorrect types
+# try to break cpython arg parsing - too many/few/incorrect args
+# Various efforts to cause Python-level leaks.
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+from __future__ import with_statement
+import itertools
+import os
+import random
+import unittest
+import lmdb
+import testlib
+from testlib import B
+from testlib import O
+    next(iter([1]))
+except NameError: # Python2.5.
+    def next(it):
+        return
+class CrashTest(unittest.TestCase):
+    def tearDown(self):
+        testlib.cleanup()
+    # Various efforts to cause segfaults.
+    def setUp(self):
+        self.path, self.env = testlib.temp_env()
+        with self.env.begin(write=True) as txn:
+            txn.put(B('dave'), B(''))
+            txn.put(B('dave2'), B(''))
+    def testOldCrash(self):
+        txn = self.env.begin()
+        dir(iter(txn.cursor()))
+    def testCloseWithTxn(self):
+        txn = self.env.begin(write=True)
+        self.env.close()
+        self.assertRaises(Exception, (lambda: list(txn.cursor())))
+    def testDoubleClose(self):
+        self.env.close()
+        self.env.close()
+    def testDbDoubleClose(self):
+        db = self.env.open_db(key=B('dave3'))
+        #db.close()
+        #db.close()
+    def testTxnCloseActiveIter(self):
+        with self.env.begin() as txn:
+            it = txn.cursor().iternext()
+        self.assertRaises(Exception, (lambda: list(it)))
+    def testDbCloseActiveIter(self):
+        db = self.env.open_db(key=B('dave3'))
+        with self.env.begin(write=True) as txn:
+            txn.put(B('a'), B('b'), db=db)
+            it = txn.cursor(db=db).iternext()
+        self.assertRaises(Exception, (lambda: list(it)))
+class IteratorTest(unittest.TestCase):
+    def tearDown(self):
+        testlib.cleanup()
+    def setUp(self):
+        self.path, self.env = testlib.temp_env()
+        self.txn = self.env.begin(write=True)
+        self.c = self.txn.cursor()
+    def testEmpty(self):
+        self.assertEqual([], list(self.c))
+        self.assertEqual([], list(self.c.iternext()))
+        self.assertEqual([], list(self.c.iterprev()))
+    def testFilled(self):
+        testlib.putData(self.txn)
+        self.assertEqual(testlib.ITEMS, list(self.c))
+        self.assertEqual(testlib.ITEMS, list(self.c))
+        self.assertEqual(testlib.ITEMS, list(self.c.iternext()))
+        self.assertEqual(testlib.ITEMS[::-1], list(self.txn.cursor().iterprev()))
+        self.assertEqual(testlib.ITEMS[::-1], list(self.c.iterprev()))
+        self.assertEqual(testlib.ITEMS, list(self.c))
+    def testFilledSkipForward(self):
+        testlib.putData(self.txn)
+        self.c.set_range(B('b'))
+        self.assertEqual(testlib.ITEMS[1:], list(self.c))
+    def testFilledSkipReverse(self):
+        testlib.putData(self.txn)
+        self.c.set_range(B('b'))
+        self.assertEqual(testlib.REV_ITEMS[-2:], list(self.c.iterprev()))
+    def testFilledSkipEof(self):
+        testlib.putData(self.txn)
+        self.assertEqual(False, self.c.set_range(B('z')))
+        self.assertEqual(testlib.REV_ITEMS, list(self.c.iterprev()))
+class BigReverseTest(unittest.TestCase):
+    def tearDown(self):
+        testlib.cleanup()
+    # Test for issue with MDB_LAST+MDB_PREV skipping chunks of database.
+    def test_big_reverse(self):
+        path, env = testlib.temp_env()
+        txn = env.begin(write=True)
+        keys = [B('%05d' % i) for i in range(0xffff)]
+        for k in keys:
+            txn.put(k, k, append=True)
+        assert list(txn.cursor().iterprev(values=False)) == list(reversed(keys))
+class MultiCursorDeleteTest(unittest.TestCase):
+    def tearDown(self):
+        testlib.cleanup()
+    def setUp(self):
+        self.path, self.env = testlib.temp_env()
+    def test1(self):
+        """Ensure MDB_NEXT is ignored on `c1' when it was previously positioned
+        on the key that `c2' just deleted."""
+        txn = self.env.begin(write=True)
+        cur = txn.cursor()
+        while cur.first():
+            cur.delete()
+        for i in range(1, 10):
+            cur.put(O(ord('a') + i) * i, B(''))
+        c1 = txn.cursor()
+        c1f = c1.iternext(values=False)
+        while next(c1f) != B('ddd'):
+            pass
+        c2 = txn.cursor()
+        assert c2.set_key(B('ddd'))
+        c2.delete()
+        assert next(c1f) == B('eeee')
+    def test_monster(self):
+        # Generate predictable sequence of sizes.
+        rand = random.Random()
+        rand.seed(0)
+        txn = self.env.begin(write=True)
+        keys = []
+        for i in range(20000):
+            key = B('%06x' % i)
+            val = B('x' * rand.randint(76, 350))
+            assert txn.put(key, val)
+            keys.append(key)
+        deleted = 0
+        for key in txn.cursor().iternext(values=False):
+            assert txn.delete(key), key
+            deleted += 1
+        assert deleted == len(keys), deleted
+class TxnFullTest(unittest.TestCase):
+    def tearDown(self):
+        testlib.cleanup()
+    def test_17bf75b12eb94d9903cd62329048b146d5313bad(self):
+        """
+        me_txn0 previously cached MDB_TXN_ERROR permanently. Fixed by
+        17bf75b12eb94d9903cd62329048b146d5313bad.
+        """
+        path, env = testlib.temp_env(map_size=4096*9, sync=False, max_spare_txns=0)
+        for i in itertools.count():
+            try:
+                with env.begin(write=True) as txn:
+                    txn.put(B(str(i)), B(str(i)))
+            except lmdb.MapFullError:
+                break
+        # Should not crash with MDB_BAD_TXN:
+        with env.begin(write=True) as txn:
+            txn.delete(B('1'))
+class EmptyIterTest(unittest.TestCase):
+    def tearDown(self):
+        testlib.cleanup()
+    def test_python3_iternext_segfault(self):
+        #
+        _, env = testlib.temp_env()
+        txn = env.begin()
+        cur = txn.cursor()
+        ite = cur.iternext()
+        nex = getattr(ite, 'next',
+            getattr(ite, '__next__', None))
+        assert nex is not None
+        self.assertRaises(StopIteration, nex)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    unittest.main()
diff -U3 -r -N no-tests/tests/ 4651bb3a865c77008ac261443899fe25f88173f2-tests/tests/
--- no-tests/tests/	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ 4651bb3a865c77008ac261443899fe25f88173f2-tests/tests/	2017-05-29 16:44:06.615481956 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
+# Copyright 2013 The py-lmdb authors, all rights reserved.
+# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+# modification, are permitted only as authorized by the OpenLDAP
+# Public License.
+# A copy of this license is available in the file LICENSE in the
+# top-level directory of the distribution or, alternatively, at
+# <>.
+# OpenLDAP is a registered trademark of the OpenLDAP Foundation.
+# Individual files and/or contributed packages may be copyright by
+# other parties and/or subject to additional restrictions.
+# This work also contains materials derived from public sources.
+# Additional information about OpenLDAP can be obtained at
+# <>.
+# test delete(dupdata)
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+from __future__ import with_statement
+import unittest
+import testlib
+from testlib import B
+from testlib import BT
+class ContextManagerTest(unittest.TestCase):
+    def tearDown(self):
+        testlib.cleanup()
+    def test_ok(self):
+        path, env = testlib.temp_env()
+        txn = env.begin(write=True)
+        with txn.cursor() as curs:
+            curs.put(B('foo'), B('123'))
+        self.assertRaises(Exception, lambda: curs.get(B('foo')))
+    def test_crash(self):
+        path, env = testlib.temp_env()
+        txn = env.begin(write=True)
+        try:
+            with txn.cursor() as curs:
+                curs.put(123, 123)
+        except:
+            pass
+        self.assertRaises(Exception, lambda: curs.get(B('foo')))
+class CursorTestBase(unittest.TestCase):
+    def tearDown(self):
+        testlib.cleanup()
+    def setUp(self):
+        self.path, self.env = testlib.temp_env()
+        self.txn = self.env.begin(write=True)
+        self.c = self.txn.cursor()
+class CursorTest(CursorTestBase):
+    def testKeyValueItemEmpty(self):
+        self.assertEqual(B(''), self.c.key())
+        self.assertEqual(B(''), self.c.value())
+        self.assertEqual(BT('', ''), self.c.item())
+    def testFirstLastEmpty(self):
+        self.assertEqual(False, self.c.first())
+        self.assertEqual(False, self.c.last())
+    def testFirstFilled(self):
+        testlib.putData(self.txn)
+        self.assertEqual(True, self.c.first())
+        self.assertEqual(testlib.ITEMS[0], self.c.item())
+    def testLastFilled(self):
+        testlib.putData(self.txn)
+        self.assertEqual(True, self.c.last())
+        self.assertEqual(testlib.ITEMS[-1], self.c.item())
+    def testSetKey(self):
+        self.assertRaises(Exception, (lambda: self.c.set_key(B(''))))
+        self.assertEqual(False, self.c.set_key(B('missing')))
+        testlib.putData(self.txn)
+        self.assertEqual(True, self.c.set_key(B('b')))
+        self.assertEqual(False, self.c.set_key(B('ba')))
+    def testSetRange(self):
+        self.assertEqual(False, self.c.set_range(B('x')))
+        testlib.putData(self.txn)
+        self.assertEqual(False, self.c.set_range(B('x')))
+        self.assertEqual(True, self.c.set_range(B('a')))
+        self.assertEqual(B('a'), self.c.key())
+        self.assertEqual(True, self.c.set_range(B('ba')))
+        self.assertEqual(B('baa'), self.c.key())
+        self.c.set_range(B(''))
+        self.assertEqual(B('a'), self.c.key())
+    def testDeleteEmpty(self):
+        self.assertEqual(False, self.c.delete())
+    def testDeleteFirst(self):
+        testlib.putData(self.txn)
+        self.assertEqual(False, self.c.delete())
+        self.c.first()
+        self.assertEqual(BT('a', ''), self.c.item())
+        self.assertEqual(True, self.c.delete())
+        self.assertEqual(BT('b', ''), self.c.item())
+        self.assertEqual(True, self.c.delete())
+        self.assertEqual(BT('baa', ''), self.c.item())
+        self.assertEqual(True, self.c.delete())
+        self.assertEqual(BT('d', ''), self.c.item())
+        self.assertEqual(True, self.c.delete())
+        self.assertEqual(BT('', ''), self.c.item())
+        self.assertEqual(False, self.c.delete())
+        self.assertEqual(BT('', ''), self.c.item())
+    def testDeleteLast(self):
+        testlib.putData(self.txn)
+        self.assertEqual(True, self.c.last())
+        self.assertEqual(BT('d', ''), self.c.item())
+        self.assertEqual(True, self.c.delete())
+        self.assertEqual(BT('', ''), self.c.item())
+        self.assertEqual(False, self.c.delete())
+        self.assertEqual(BT('', ''), self.c.item())
+    def testCount(self):
+        self.assertRaises(Exception, (lambda: self.c.count()))
+        testlib.putData(self.txn)
+        self.c.first()
+        # TODO: complete dup key support.
+        #self.assertEqual(1, self.c.count())
+    def testPut(self):
+        pass
+class PutmultiTest(CursorTestBase):
+    def test_empty_seq(self):
+        consumed, added = self.c.putmulti(())
+        assert consumed == added == 0
+    def test_2list(self):
+        l = [BT('a', ''), BT('a', '')]
+        consumed, added = self.c.putmulti(l)
+        assert consumed == added == 2
+        li = iter(l)
+        consumed, added = self.c.putmulti(li)
+        assert consumed == added == 2
+    def test_2list_preserve(self):
+        l = [BT('a', ''), BT('a', '')]
+        consumed, added = self.c.putmulti(l, overwrite=False)
+        assert consumed == 2
+        assert added == 1
+        assert self.c.set_key(B('a'))
+        assert self.c.delete()
+        li = iter(l)
+        consumed, added = self.c.putmulti(li, overwrite=False)
+        assert consumed == 2
+        assert added == 1
+    def test_bad_seq1(self):
+        self.assertRaises(Exception,
+             lambda: self.c.putmulti(range(2)))
+class ReplaceTest(CursorTestBase):
+    def test_replace(self):
+        assert None is self.c.replace(B('a'), B(''))
+        assert B('') == self.c.replace(B('a'), B('x'))
+        assert B('x') == self.c.replace(B('a'), B('y'))
+class ContextManagerTest(CursorTestBase):
+    def test_enter(self):
+        with self.c as c:
+            assert c is self.c
+            c.put(B('a'), B('a'))
+            assert c.get(B('a')) == B('a')
+        self.assertRaises(Exception,
+            lambda: c.get(B('a')))
+    def test_exit_success(self):
+        with self.txn.cursor() as c:
+            c.put(B('a'), B('a'))
+        self.assertRaises(Exception,
+            lambda: c.get(B('a')))
+    def test_exit_failure(self):
+        try:
+            with self.txn.cursor() as c:
+                c.put(B('a'), B('a'))
+            raise ValueError
+        except ValueError:
+            pass
+        self.assertRaises(Exception,
+            lambda: c.get(B('a')))
+    def test_close(self):
+        self.c.close()
+        self.assertRaises(Exception,
+            lambda: c.get(B('a')))
+    def test_double_close(self):
+        self.c.close()
+        self.c.close()
+        self.assertRaises(Exception,
+            lambda: self.c.put(B('a'), B('a')))
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    unittest.main()
diff -U3 -r -N no-tests/tests/ 4651bb3a865c77008ac261443899fe25f88173f2-tests/tests/
--- no-tests/tests/	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ 4651bb3a865c77008ac261443899fe25f88173f2-tests/tests/	2017-06-12 23:54:54.737797526 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,845 @@
+# Copyright 2013 The py-lmdb authors, all rights reserved.
+# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+# modification, are permitted only as authorized by the OpenLDAP
+# Public License.
+# A copy of this license is available in the file LICENSE in the
+# top-level directory of the distribution or, alternatively, at
+# <>.
+# OpenLDAP is a registered trademark of the OpenLDAP Foundation.
+# Individual files and/or contributed packages may be copyright by
+# other parties and/or subject to additional restrictions.
+# This work also contains materials derived from public sources.
+# Additional information about OpenLDAP can be obtained at
+# <>.
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+from __future__ import with_statement
+import os
+import signal
+import sys
+import unittest
+import weakref
+import testlib
+from testlib import B
+from testlib import BT
+from testlib import OCT
+from testlib import INT_TYPES
+from testlib import UnicodeType
+import lmdb
+NO_READERS = UnicodeType('(no active readers)\n')
+    PAGE_SIZE = os.sysconf(os.sysconf_names['SC_PAGE_SIZE'])
+except (AttributeError, KeyError, OSError):
+    PAGE_SIZE = 4096
+class VersionTest(unittest.TestCase):
+    def tearDown(self):
+        testlib.cleanup()
+    def test_version(self):
+        ver = lmdb.version()
+        assert len(ver) == 3
+        assert all(isinstance(i, INT_TYPES) for i in ver)
+        assert all(i >= 0 for i in ver)
+class OpenTest(unittest.TestCase):
+    def tearDown(self):
+        testlib.cleanup()
+    def test_bad_paths(self):
+        self.assertRaises(Exception,
+            lambda:'/doesnt/exist/at/all'))
+        self.assertRaises(Exception,
+            lambda:
+    def test_ok_path(self):
+        path, env = testlib.temp_env()
+        assert os.path.exists(path)
+        assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, 'data.mdb'))
+        assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, 'lock.mdb'))
+        assert env.path() == path
+    def test_bad_size(self):
+        self.assertRaises(OverflowError,
+            lambda: testlib.temp_env(map_size=-123))
+    def test_tiny_size(self):
+        _, env = testlib.temp_env(map_size=10)
+        def txn():
+            with env.begin(write=True) as txn:
+                txn.put(B('a'), B('a'))
+        self.assertRaises(lmdb.MapFullError, txn)
+    def test_subdir_false_junk(self):
+        path = testlib.temp_file()
+        fp = open(path, 'wb')
+        fp.write(B('A' * 8192))
+        fp.close()
+        self.assertRaises(lmdb.InvalidError,
+            lambda:, subdir=False))
+    def test_subdir_false_ok(self):
+        path = testlib.temp_file(create=False)
+        _, env = testlib.temp_env(path, subdir=False)
+        assert os.path.exists(path)
+        assert os.path.isfile(path)
+        assert os.path.isfile(path + '-lock')
+        assert not env.flags()['subdir']
+    def test_subdir_true_noexist_nocreate(self):
+        path = testlib.temp_dir(create=False)
+        self.assertRaises(lmdb.Error,
+            lambda: testlib.temp_env(path, subdir=True, create=False))
+        assert not os.path.exists(path)
+    def test_subdir_true_noexist_create(self):
+        path = testlib.temp_dir(create=False)
+        path_, env = testlib.temp_env(path, subdir=True, create=True)
+        assert path_ == path
+        assert env.path() == path
+    def test_subdir_true_exist_nocreate(self):
+        path, env = testlib.temp_env()
+        assert, subdir=True, create=False).path() == path
+    def test_subdir_true_exist_create(self):
+        path, env = testlib.temp_env()
+        assert, subdir=True, create=True).path() == path
+    def test_readonly_false(self):
+        path, env = testlib.temp_env(readonly=False)
+        with env.begin(write=True) as txn:
+            txn.put(B('a'), B(''))
+        with env.begin() as txn:
+            assert txn.get(B('a')) == B('')
+        assert not env.flags()['readonly']
+    def test_readonly_true_noexist(self):
+        path = testlib.temp_dir(create=False)
+        # Open readonly missing store should fail.
+        self.assertRaises(lmdb.Error,
+            lambda:, readonly=True, create=True))
+        # And create=True should not have mkdir'd it.
+        assert not os.path.exists(path)
+    def test_readonly_true_exist(self):
+        path, env = testlib.temp_env()
+        env2 =, readonly=True)
+        assert env2.path() == path
+        # Attempting a write txn should fail.
+        self.assertRaises(lmdb.ReadonlyError,
+            lambda: env2.begin(write=True))
+        # Flag should be set.
+        assert env2.flags()['readonly']
+    def test_metasync(self):
+        for flag in True, False:
+            path, env = testlib.temp_env(metasync=flag)
+            assert env.flags()['metasync'] == flag
+    def test_lock(self):
+        for flag in True, False:
+            path, env = testlib.temp_env(lock=flag)
+            lock_path = os.path.join(path, 'lock.mdb')
+            assert env.flags()['lock'] == flag
+            assert flag == os.path.exists(lock_path)
+    def test_sync(self):
+        for flag in True, False:
+            path, env = testlib.temp_env(sync=flag)
+            assert env.flags()['sync'] == flag
+    def test_map_async(self):
+        for flag in True, False:
+            path, env = testlib.temp_env(map_async=flag)
+            assert env.flags()['map_async'] == flag
+    def test_mode_subdir_create(self):
+        if sys.platform == 'win32':
+            # Mode argument is ignored on Windows; see lmdb.h
+            return
+        oldmask = os.umask(0)
+        try:
+            for mode in OCT('777'), OCT('755'), OCT('700'):
+                path = testlib.temp_dir(create=False)
+                env =, subdir=True, create=True, mode=mode)
+                fmode = mode & ~OCT('111')
+                assert testlib.path_mode(path) == mode
+                assert testlib.path_mode(path+'/data.mdb') == fmode
+                assert testlib.path_mode(path+'/lock.mdb') == fmode
+        finally:
+            os.umask(oldmask)
+    def test_mode_subdir_nocreate(self):
+        if sys.platform == 'win32':
+            # Mode argument is ignored on Windows; see lmdb.h
+            return
+        oldmask = os.umask(0)
+        try:
+            for mode in OCT('777'), OCT('755'), OCT('700'):
+                path = testlib.temp_dir()
+                env =, subdir=True, create=False, mode=mode)
+                fmode = mode & ~OCT('111')
+                assert testlib.path_mode(path+'/data.mdb') == fmode
+                assert testlib.path_mode(path+'/lock.mdb') == fmode
+        finally:
+            os.umask(oldmask)
+    def test_readahead(self):
+        for flag in True, False:
+            path, env = testlib.temp_env(readahead=flag)
+            assert env.flags()['readahead'] == flag
+    def test_writemap(self):
+        for flag in True, False:
+            path, env = testlib.temp_env(writemap=flag)
+            assert env.flags()['writemap'] == flag
+    def test_meminit(self):
+        for flag in True, False:
+            path, env = testlib.temp_env(meminit=flag)
+            assert env.flags()['meminit'] == flag
+    def test_max_readers(self):
+        self.assertRaises(lmdb.InvalidParameterError,
+            lambda: testlib.temp_env(max_readers=0))
+        for val in 123, 234:
+            _, env = testlib.temp_env(max_readers=val)
+            assert['max_readers'] == val
+    def test_max_dbs(self):
+        self.assertRaises(OverflowError,
+            lambda: testlib.temp_env(max_dbs=-1))
+        for val in 0, 10, 20:
+            _, env = testlib.temp_env(max_dbs=val)
+            dbs = [env.open_db(B('db%d' % i)) for i in range(val)]
+            self.assertRaises(lmdb.DbsFullError,
+                lambda: env.open_db(B('toomany')))
+class SetMapSizeTest(unittest.TestCase):
+    def tearDown(self):
+        testlib.cleanup()
+    def test_invalid(self):
+        _, env = testlib.temp_env()
+        env.close()
+        self.assertRaises(Exception,
+            lambda: env.set_mapsize(999999))
+    def test_negative(self):
+        _, env = testlib.temp_env()
+        self.assertRaises(OverflowError,
+            lambda: env.set_mapsize(-2015))
+    def test_applied(self):
+        _, env = testlib.temp_env(map_size=PAGE_SIZE * 8)
+        assert['map_size'] == PAGE_SIZE * 8
+        env.set_mapsize(PAGE_SIZE * 16)
+        assert['map_size'] == PAGE_SIZE * 16
+class CloseTest(unittest.TestCase):
+    def tearDown(self):
+        testlib.cleanup()
+    def test_close(self):
+        _, env = testlib.temp_env()
+        # Attempting things should be ok.
+        txn = env.begin(write=True)
+        txn.put(B('a'), B(''))
+        cursor = txn.cursor()
+        list(cursor)
+        cursor.first()
+        it = iter(cursor)
+        env.close()
+        # Repeated calls are ignored:
+        env.close()
+        # Attempting to use invalid objects should crash.
+        self.assertRaises(Exception, lambda: txn.cursor())
+        self.assertRaises(Exception, lambda: txn.commit())
+        self.assertRaises(Exception, lambda: cursor.first())
+        self.assertRaises(Exception, lambda: list(it))
+        # Abort should be OK though.
+        txn.abort()
+        # Attempting to start new txn should crash.
+        self.assertRaises(Exception,
+            lambda: env.begin())
+class ContextManagerTest(unittest.TestCase):
+    def tearDown(self):
+        testlib.cleanup()
+    def test_ok(self):
+        path, env = testlib.temp_env()
+        with env as env_:
+            assert env_ is env
+            with env.begin() as txn:
+                txn.get(B('foo'))
+        self.assertRaises(Exception, lambda: env.begin())
+    def test_crash(self):
+        path, env = testlib.temp_env()
+        try:
+            with env as env_:
+                assert env_ is env
+                with env.begin() as txn:
+                    txn.get(123)
+        except:
+            pass
+        self.assertRaises(Exception, lambda: env.begin())
+class InfoMethodsTest(unittest.TestCase):
+    def tearDown(self):
+        testlib.cleanup()
+    def test_path(self):
+        path, env = testlib.temp_env()
+        assert path == env.path()
+        assert isinstance(env.path(), UnicodeType)
+        env.close()
+        self.assertRaises(Exception,
+            lambda: env.path())
+    def test_stat(self):
+        _, env = testlib.temp_env()
+        stat = env.stat()
+        for k in 'psize', 'depth', 'branch_pages', 'overflow_pages',\
+                 'entries':
+            assert isinstance(stat[k], INT_TYPES), k
+            assert stat[k] >= 0
+        assert stat['entries'] == 0
+        txn = env.begin(write=True)
+        txn.put(B('a'), B('b'))
+        txn.commit()
+        stat = env.stat()
+        assert stat['entries'] == 1
+        env.close()
+        self.assertRaises(Exception,
+            lambda: env.stat())
+    def test_info(self):
+        _, env = testlib.temp_env()
+        info =
+        for k in 'map_addr', 'map_size', 'last_pgno', 'last_txnid', \
+                 'max_readers', 'num_readers':
+            assert isinstance(info[k], INT_TYPES), k
+            assert info[k] >= 0
+        assert info['last_txnid'] == 0
+        txn = env.begin(write=True)
+        txn.put(B('a'), B(''))
+        txn.commit()
+        info =
+        assert info['last_txnid'] == 1
+        env.close()
+        self.assertRaises(Exception,
+            lambda:
+    def test_flags(self):
+        _, env = testlib.temp_env()
+        info = env.flags()
+        for k in 'subdir', 'readonly', 'metasync', 'sync', 'map_async',\
+                 'readahead', 'writemap':
+            assert isinstance(info[k], bool)
+        env.close()
+        self.assertRaises(Exception,
+            lambda: env.flags())
+    def test_max_key_size(self):
+        _, env = testlib.temp_env()
+        mks = env.max_key_size()
+        assert isinstance(mks, INT_TYPES)
+        assert mks > 0
+        env.close()
+        self.assertRaises(Exception,
+            lambda: env.max_key_size())
+    def test_max_readers(self):
+        _, env = testlib.temp_env()
+        mr = env.max_readers()
+        assert isinstance(mr, INT_TYPES)
+        assert mr > 0 and mr ==['max_readers']
+        env.close()
+        self.assertRaises(Exception,
+            lambda: env.max_readers())
+    def test_readers(self):
+        _, env = testlib.temp_env(max_spare_txns=0)
+        r = env.readers()
+        assert isinstance(r, UnicodeType)
+        assert r == NO_READERS
+        rtxn = env.begin()
+        r2 = env.readers()
+        assert isinstance(env.readers(), UnicodeType)
+        assert env.readers() != r
+        env.close()
+        self.assertRaises(Exception,
+            lambda: env.readers())
+class OtherMethodsTest(unittest.TestCase):
+    def tearDown(self):
+        testlib.cleanup()
+    def test_copy(self):
+        _, env = testlib.temp_env()
+        txn = env.begin(write=True)
+        txn.put(B('a'), B('b'))
+        txn.commit()
+        dest_dir = testlib.temp_dir()
+        env.copy(dest_dir)
+        assert os.path.exists(dest_dir + '/data.mdb')
+        cenv =
+        ctxn = cenv.begin()
+        assert ctxn.get(B('a')) == B('b')
+        env.close()
+        self.assertRaises(Exception,
+            lambda: env.copy(testlib.temp_dir()))
+    def test_copy_compact(self):
+        _, env = testlib.temp_env()
+        txn = env.begin(write=True)
+        txn.put(B('a'), B('b'))
+        txn.commit()
+        dest_dir = testlib.temp_dir()
+        env.copy(dest_dir, compact=True)
+        assert os.path.exists(dest_dir + '/data.mdb')
+        cenv =
+        ctxn = cenv.begin()
+        assert ctxn.get(B('a')) == B('b')
+        env.close()
+        self.assertRaises(Exception,
+            lambda: env.copy(testlib.temp_dir()))
+    def test_copyfd(self):
+        path, env = testlib.temp_env()
+        txn = env.begin(write=True)
+        txn.put(B('a'), B('b'))
+        txn.commit()
+        dst_path = testlib.temp_file(create=False)
+        fp = open(dst_path, 'wb')
+        env.copyfd(fp.fileno())
+        dstenv =, subdir=False)
+        dtxn = dstenv.begin()
+        assert dtxn.get(B('a')) == B('b')
+        env.close()
+        self.assertRaises(Exception,
+            lambda: env.copyfd(fp.fileno()))
+        fp.close()
+    def test_copyfd_compact(self):
+        path, env = testlib.temp_env()
+        txn = env.begin(write=True)
+        txn.put(B('a'), B('b'))
+        txn.commit()
+        dst_path = testlib.temp_file(create=False)
+        fp = open(dst_path, 'wb')
+        env.copyfd(fp.fileno(), compact=True)
+        dstenv =, subdir=False)
+        dtxn = dstenv.begin()
+        assert dtxn.get(B('a')) == B('b')
+        env.close()
+        self.assertRaises(Exception,
+            lambda: env.copyfd(fp.fileno()))
+        fp.close()
+    def test_sync(self):
+        _, env = testlib.temp_env()
+        env.sync(False)
+        env.sync(True)
+        env.close()
+        self.assertRaises(Exception,
+            lambda: env.sync(False))
+    @staticmethod
+    def _test_reader_check_child(path):
+        """Function to run in child process since we can't use fork() on
+        win32."""
+        env =, max_spare_txns=0)
+        txn = env.begin()
+        os._exit(0)
+    def test_reader_check(self):
+        if sys.platform == 'win32':
+            # Stale writers are cleared automatically on Windows, see lmdb.h
+            return
+        path, env = testlib.temp_env(max_spare_txns=0)
+        rc = env.reader_check()
+        assert rc == 0
+        # We need to open a separate env since Transaction.abort() always calls
+        # reset for a read-only txn, the actual abort doesn't happen until
+        # __del__, when Transaction discovers there is no room for it on the
+        # freelist.
+        env1 =
+        txn1 = env1.begin()
+        assert env.readers() != NO_READERS
+        assert env.reader_check() == 0
+        # Start a child, open a txn, then crash the child.
+        rc = os.spawnl(os.P_WAIT, sys.executable, sys.executable,
+                       __file__, 'test_reader_check_child', path)
+        assert rc == 0
+        assert env.reader_check() == 1
+        assert env.reader_check() == 0
+        assert env.readers() != NO_READERS
+        txn1.abort()
+        env1.close()
+        assert env.readers() == NO_READERS
+        env.close()
+        self.assertRaises(Exception,
+            lambda: env.reader_check())
+class BeginTest(unittest.TestCase):
+    def tearDown(self):
+        testlib.cleanup()
+    def test_begin_closed(self):
+        _, env = testlib.temp_env()
+        env.close()
+        self.assertRaises(Exception,
+            lambda: env.begin())
+    def test_begin_readonly(self):
+        _, env = testlib.temp_env()
+        txn = env.begin()
+        # Read txn can't write.
+        self.assertRaises(lmdb.ReadonlyError,
+            lambda: txn.put(B('a'), B('')))
+        txn.abort()
+    def test_begin_write(self):
+        _, env = testlib.temp_env()
+        txn = env.begin(write=True)
+        # Write txn can write.
+        assert txn.put(B('a'), B(''))
+        txn.commit()
+    def test_bind_db(self):
+        _, env = testlib.temp_env()
+        main = env.open_db(None)
+        sub = env.open_db(B('db1'))
+        txn = env.begin(write=True, db=sub)
+        assert txn.put(B('b'), B(''))           # -> sub
+        assert txn.put(B('a'), B(''), db=main)  # -> main
+        txn.commit()
+        txn = env.begin()
+        assert txn.get(B('a')) == B('')
+        assert txn.get(B('b')) is None
+        assert txn.get(B('a'), db=sub) is None
+        assert txn.get(B('b'), db=sub) == B('')
+        txn.abort()
+    def test_parent_readonly(self):
+        _, env = testlib.temp_env()
+        parent = env.begin()
+        # Nonsensical.
+        self.assertRaises(lmdb.InvalidParameterError,
+            lambda: env.begin(parent=parent))
+    def test_parent(self):
+        _, env = testlib.temp_env()
+        parent = env.begin(write=True)
+        parent.put(B('a'), B('a'))
+        child = env.begin(write=True, parent=parent)
+        assert child.get(B('a')) == B('a')
+        assert child.put(B('a'), B('b'))
+        child.abort()
+        # put() should have rolled back
+        assert parent.get(B('a')) == B('a')
+        child = env.begin(write=True, parent=parent)
+        assert child.put(B('a'), B('b'))
+        child.commit()
+        # put() should be visible
+        assert parent.get(B('a')) == B('b')
+    def test_buffers(self):
+        _, env = testlib.temp_env()
+        txn = env.begin(write=True, buffers=True)
+        assert txn.put(B('a'), B('a'))
+        b = txn.get(B('a'))
+        assert b is not None
+        assert len(b) == 1
+        assert not isinstance(b, type(B('')))
+        txn.commit()
+        txn = env.begin(buffers=False)
+        b = txn.get(B('a'))
+        assert b is not None
+        assert len(b) == 1
+        assert isinstance(b, type(B('')))
+        txn.abort()
+class OpenDbTest(unittest.TestCase):
+    def tearDown(self):
+        testlib.cleanup()
+    def test_main(self):
+        _, env = testlib.temp_env()
+        # Start write txn, so we cause deadlock if open_db attempts txn.
+        txn = env.begin(write=True)
+        # Now get main DBI, we should already be open.
+        db = env.open_db(None)
+        # w00t, no deadlock.
+        flags = db.flags(txn)
+        assert not flags['reverse_key']
+        assert not flags['dupsort']
+        txn.abort()
+    def test_unicode(self):
+        _, env = testlib.temp_env()
+        assert env.open_db(B('myindex')) is not None
+        self.assertRaises(TypeError,
+            lambda: env.open_db(UnicodeType('myindex')))
+    def test_sub_notxn(self):
+        _, env = testlib.temp_env()
+        assert['last_txnid'] == 0
+        db1 = env.open_db(B('subdb1'))
+        assert['last_txnid'] == 1
+        db2 = env.open_db(B('subdb2'))
+        assert['last_txnid'] == 2
+        env.close()
+        self.assertRaises(Exception,
+            lambda: env.open_db('subdb3'))
+    def test_sub_rotxn(self):
+        _, env = testlib.temp_env()
+        txn = env.begin(write=False)
+        self.assertRaises(lmdb.ReadonlyError,
+            lambda: env.open_db(B('subdb'), txn=txn))
+    def test_sub_txn(self):
+        _, env = testlib.temp_env()
+        txn = env.begin(write=True)
+        db1 = env.open_db(B('subdb1'), txn=txn)
+        db2 = env.open_db(B('subdb2'), txn=txn)
+        for db in db1, db2:
+            assert db.flags(txn) == {
+                'dupfixed': False,
+                'dupsort': False,
+                'integerdup': False,
+                'integerkey': False,
+                'reverse_key': False,
+            }
+        txn.commit()
+    def test_reopen(self):
+        path, env = testlib.temp_env()
+        db1 = env.open_db(B('subdb1'))
+        env.close()
+        env =, max_dbs=10)
+        db1 = env.open_db(B('subdb1'))
+    FLAG_SETS = [
+        (flag, val)
+        for flag in (
+            'reverse_key', 'dupsort', 'integerkey', 'integerdup', 'dupfixed'
+        )
+        for val in (True, False)
+    ]
+    def test_flags(self):
+        path, env = testlib.temp_env()
+        txn = env.begin(write=True)
+        for flag, val in self.FLAG_SETS:
+            key = B('%s-%s' % (flag, val))
+            db = env.open_db(key, txn=txn, **{flag: val})
+            assert db.flags(txn)[flag] == val
+        txn.commit()
+        # Test flag persistence.
+        env.close()
+        env =, max_dbs=10)
+        txn = env.begin(write=True)
+        for flag, val in self.FLAG_SETS:
+            key = B('%s-%s' % (flag, val))
+            db = env.open_db(key, txn=txn)
+            assert db.flags(txn)[flag] == val
+    def test_readonly_env_main(self):
+        path, env = testlib.temp_env()
+        env.close()
+        env =, readonly=True)
+        db = env.open_db(None)
+    def test_readonly_env_sub_noexist(self):
+        #
+        path, env = testlib.temp_env()
+        env.close()
+        env =, max_dbs=10, readonly=True)
+        self.assertRaises(lmdb.NotFoundError,
+            lambda: env.open_db(B('node_schedules'), create=False))
+    def test_readonly_env_sub_eperm(self):
+        #
+        path, env = testlib.temp_env()
+        env.close()
+        env =, max_dbs=10, readonly=True)
+        self.assertRaises(lmdb.ReadonlyError,
+            lambda: env.open_db(B('node_schedules'), create=True))
+    def test_readonly_env_sub(self):
+        #
+        path, env = testlib.temp_env()
+        assert env.open_db(B('node_schedules')) is not None
+        env.close()
+        env =, max_dbs=10, readonly=True)
+        db = env.open_db(B('node_schedules'), create=False)
+        assert db is not None
+reader_count = lambda env: env.readers().count('\n') - 1
+class SpareTxnTest(unittest.TestCase):
+    def tearDown(self):
+        testlib.cleanup()
+    def test_none(self):
+        _, env = testlib.temp_env(max_spare_txns=0)
+        assert 0 == reader_count(env)
+        t1 = env.begin()
+        assert 1 == reader_count(env)
+        t2 = env.begin()
+        assert 2 == reader_count(env)
+        t1.abort()
+        del t1
+        assert 1 == reader_count(env)
+        t2.abort()
+        del t2
+        assert 0 == reader_count(env)
+    def test_one(self):
+        _, env = testlib.temp_env(max_spare_txns=1)
+        # 1 here, since CFFI uses a temporary reader during init.
+        assert 1 >= reader_count(env)
+        t1 = env.begin()
+        assert 1 == reader_count(env)
+        t2 = env.begin()
+        assert 2 == reader_count(env)
+        t1.abort()
+        del t1
+        assert 2 == reader_count(env)  # 1 live, 1 cached
+        t2.abort()
+        del t2
+        assert 1 == reader_count(env)  # 1 cached
+        t3 = env.begin()
+        assert 1 == reader_count(env)  # 1 live
+        t3.abort()
+        del t3
+        assert 1 == reader_count(env)  # 1 cached
+class LeakTest(unittest.TestCase):
+    def tearDown(self):
+        testlib.cleanup()
+    def test_open_unref_does_not_leak(self):
+        temp_dir = testlib.temp_dir()
+        env =
+        ref = weakref.ref(env)
+        env = None
+        testlib.debug_collect()
+        assert ref() is None
+    def test_open_close_does_not_leak(self):
+        temp_dir = testlib.temp_dir()
+        env =
+        env.close()
+        ref = weakref.ref(env)
+        env = None
+        testlib.debug_collect()
+        assert ref() is None
+    def test_weakref_callback_invoked_once(self):
+        temp_dir = testlib.temp_dir()
+        env =
+        env.close()
+        count = [0]
+        def callback(ref):
+            count[0] += 1
+        ref = weakref.ref(env, callback)
+        env = None
+        testlib.debug_collect()
+        assert ref() is None
+        assert count[0] == 1
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    if len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] == 'test_reader_check_child':
+        OtherMethodsTest._test_reader_check_child(sys.argv[2])
+    else:
+        unittest.main()
diff -U3 -r -N no-tests/tests/ 4651bb3a865c77008ac261443899fe25f88173f2-tests/tests/
--- no-tests/tests/	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ 4651bb3a865c77008ac261443899fe25f88173f2-tests/tests/	2017-05-29 16:44:06.615481956 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,257 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright 2013 The py-lmdb authors, all rights reserved.
+# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+# modification, are permitted only as authorized by the OpenLDAP
+# Public License.
+# A copy of this license is available in the file LICENSE in the
+# top-level directory of the distribution or, alternatively, at
+# <>.
+# OpenLDAP is a registered trademark of the OpenLDAP Foundation.
+# Individual files and/or contributed packages may be copyright by
+# other parties and/or subject to additional restrictions.
+# This work also contains materials derived from public sources.
+# Additional information about OpenLDAP can be obtained at
+# <>.
+# test delete(dupdata)
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+from __future__ import with_statement
+import unittest
+import testlib
+from testlib import B
+from testlib import BT
+from testlib import KEYS, ITEMS, KEYS2, ITEMS2
+from testlib import putData, putBigData
+class IterationTestBase(unittest.TestCase):
+    def tearDown(self):
+        testlib.cleanup()
+    def setUp(self):
+        self.path, self.env = testlib.temp_env()  # creates 10 databases
+        self.txn = self.env.begin(write=True)
+        putData(self.txn)
+        self.c = self.txn.cursor()
+        self.empty_entry = (B(''), B(''))
+    def matchList(self, ls_a, ls_b):
+        return all(map(lambda x, y: x == y, ls_a, ls_b))
+class IterationTestBase2(unittest.TestCase):
+    """ This puts more data than its predecessor"""
+    def tearDown(self):
+        testlib.cleanup()
+    def setUp(self):
+        self.path, self.env = testlib.temp_env()  # creates 10 databases
+        self.txn = self.env.begin(write=True)
+        putBigData(self.txn)  # HERE!
+        self.c = self.txn.cursor()
+        self.empty_entry = ('', '')
+    def matchList(self, ls_a, ls_b):
+        return all(map(lambda x, y: x == y, ls_a, ls_b))
+class IterationTest(IterationTestBase):
+    def testFromStart(self):
+        # From start
+        self.c.first()
+        self.assertEqual(self.c.key(), KEYS[0])  # start of db
+        test_list = [i for i in iter(self.c)]
+        self.assertEqual(self.matchList(test_list, ITEMS), True)
+        self.assertEqual(self.c.item(), self.empty_entry)  # end of db
+    def testFromStartWithIternext(self):
+        # From start with iternext
+        self.c.first()
+        self.assertEqual(self.c.key(), KEYS[0])  # start of db
+        test_list = [i for i in self.c.iternext()]
+        # remaining elements in db
+        self.assertEqual(self.matchList(test_list, ITEMS), True)
+        self.assertEqual(self.c.item(), self.empty_entry)  # end of db
+    def testFromStartWithNext(self):
+        # From start with next
+        self.c.first()
+        self.assertEqual(self.c.key(), KEYS[0])  # start of db
+        test_list = []
+        while 1:
+            test_list.append(self.c.item())
+            if not
+                break
+        self.assertEqual(self.matchList(test_list, ITEMS), True)
+    def testFromExistentKeySetKey(self):
+        self.c.first()
+        self.c.set_key(KEYS[1])
+        self.assertEqual(self.c.key(), KEYS[1])
+        test_list = [i for i in self.c.iternext()]
+        self.assertEqual(self.matchList(test_list, ITEMS[1:]), True)
+    def testFromExistentKeySetRange(self):
+        self.c.first()
+        self.c.set_range(KEYS[1])
+        self.assertEqual(self.c.key(), KEYS[1])
+        test_list = [i for i in self.c.iternext()]
+        self.assertEqual(self.matchList(test_list, ITEMS[1:]), True)
+    def testFromNonExistentKeySetRange(self):
+        self.c.first()
+        self.c.set_range(B('c'))
+        self.assertEqual(self.c.key(), B('d'))
+        test_list = [i for i in self.c.iternext()]
+        test_items = [i for i in ITEMS if i[0] > B('c')]
+        self.assertEqual(self.matchList(test_list, test_items), True)
+    def testFromLastKey(self):
+        self.c.last()
+        self.assertEqual(self.c.key(), KEYS[-1])
+        test_list = [i for i in self.c.iternext()]
+        self.assertEqual(self.matchList(test_list, ITEMS[-1:]), True)
+    def testFromNonExistentKeyPastEnd(self):
+        self.c.last()
+        self.assertEqual(self.c.key(), KEYS[-1])
+        # next() fails, leaving iterator in an unpositioned state.
+        self.assertEqual(self.c.item(), self.empty_entry)
+        # iternext() from an unpositioned state proceeds from start of DB.
+        test_list = list(self.c.iternext())
+        self.assertEqual(test_list, ITEMS)
+class ReverseIterationTest(IterationTestBase):
+    def testFromStartRev(self):
+        # From start
+        self.c.first()
+        self.assertEqual(self.c.key(), KEYS[0])  # start of db
+        test_list = [i for i in self.c.iterprev()]
+        self.assertEqual(self.matchList(test_list, ITEMS[:1][::-1]), True)
+        self.assertEqual(self.c.item(), self.empty_entry)  # very start of db
+    def testFromExistentKeySetKeyRev(self):
+        self.c.first()
+        self.c.set_key(KEYS[2])
+        self.assertEqual(self.c.key(), KEYS[2])
+        test_list = [i for i in self.c.iterprev()]
+        self.assertEqual(self.matchList(test_list, ITEMS[:3][::-1]), True)
+    def testFromExistentKeySetRangeRev(self):
+        self.c.first()
+        self.c.set_range(KEYS[2])
+        self.assertEqual(self.c.key(), KEYS[2])
+        test_list = [i for i in self.c.iterprev()]
+        self.assertEqual(self.matchList(test_list, ITEMS[:3][::-1]), True)
+    def testFromNonExistentKeySetRangeRev(self):
+        self.c.first()
+        self.c.set_range(B('c'))
+        self.assertEqual(self.c.key(), B('d'))
+        test_list = [i for i in self.c.iterprev()]
+        test_items = [i for i in ITEMS if i[0] <= B('d')]
+        test_items = test_items[::-1]
+        self.assertEqual(self.matchList(test_list, test_items), True)
+    def testFromLastKeyRev(self):
+        self.c.last()
+        self.assertEqual(self.c.key(), KEYS[-1])
+        test_list = [i for i in self.c.iterprev()]
+        self.assertEqual(self.matchList(test_list, ITEMS[::-1]), True)
+    def testFromLastKeyWithPrevRev(self):
+        self.c.last()
+        self.assertEqual(self.c.key(), KEYS[-1])  # end of db
+        test_list = []
+        while 1:
+            test_list.append(self.c.item())
+            if not self.c.prev():
+                break
+        self.assertEqual(self.matchList(test_list, ITEMS[::-1]), True)
+    def testFromNonExistentKeyPastEndRev(self):
+        self.c.first()
+        self.assertEqual(self.c.key(), KEYS[0])
+        # prev() fails, leaving iterator in an unpositioned state.
+        self.c.prev()
+        self.assertEqual(self.c.item(), self.empty_entry)
+        # iterprev() from an unpositioned state proceeds from end of DB.
+        test_list = list(self.c.iterprev())
+        self.assertEqual(test_list, ITEMS[::-1])
+class IterationTestWithDupsBase(unittest.TestCase):
+    def tearDown(self):
+        testlib.cleanup()
+    def setUp(self):
+        self.path, self.env = testlib.temp_env()
+        db = self.env.open_db(B('db1'), dupsort=True)
+        self.txn = self.env.begin(db, write=True)
+        for _ in range(2):
+            putData(self.txn)
+        self.c = self.txn.cursor()
+        self.empty_entry = ('', '')
+    def matchList(self, ls_a, ls_b):
+        return all(map(lambda x, y: x == y, ls_a, ls_b))
+class IterationTestWithDups(IterationTestWithDupsBase):
+    pass
+class SeekIterationTest(IterationTestBase2):
+    def testForwardIterationSeek(self):
+        self.c.first()
+        test_list = []
+        for i in self.c.iternext():
+            test_list.append(i)
+            # skips d and e
+            if self.c.key() == B('baa'):
+                self.c.set_key(B('e'))
+        test_item = [i for i in ITEMS2 if i[0] not in (B('d'), B('e'))]
+        self.assertEqual(test_list, test_item)
+    def testPutDuringIteration(self):
+        self.c.first()
+        test_list = []
+        c = self.txn.cursor()
+        for i in c.iternext():
+            test_list.append(i)
+            # adds 'i' upon seeing 'e'
+            if c.key() == B('e'):
+                self.c.put(B('i'), B(''))
+        test_item = ITEMS2 + [(B('i'), B(''))]
+        self.assertEqual(test_list, test_item)
+    def testDeleteDuringIteration(self):
+        self.c.first()
+        test_list = []
+        for i in self.c.iternext():
+            # deletes 'e' upon seeing it
+            if self.c.key() == B('e'):
+                # Causes 'e' to be deleted, and advances cursor to next
+                # element.
+                self.c.delete()
+                i = self.c.item()
+            test_list.append(i)
+        test_item = [i for i in ITEMS2 if i[0] != B('e')]
+        self.assertEqual(test_list, test_item)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    unittest.main()
diff -U3 -r -N no-tests/tests/ 4651bb3a865c77008ac261443899fe25f88173f2-tests/tests/
--- no-tests/tests/	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ 4651bb3a865c77008ac261443899fe25f88173f2-tests/tests/	2017-05-29 16:44:06.615481956 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+# Copyright 2013 The py-lmdb authors, all rights reserved.
+# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+# modification, are permitted only as authorized by the OpenLDAP
+# Public License.
+# A copy of this license is available in the file LICENSE in the
+# top-level directory of the distribution or, alternatively, at
+# <>.
+# OpenLDAP is a registered trademark of the OpenLDAP Foundation.
+# Individual files and/or contributed packages may be copyright by
+# other parties and/or subject to additional restrictions.
+# This work also contains materials derived from public sources.
+# Additional information about OpenLDAP can be obtained at
+# <>.
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+import unittest
+import lmdb
+class PackageExportsTest(unittest.TestCase):
+    """
+    Ensure the list of exported names matches a predefined list. Designed to
+    ensure future interface changes to and cpython.c don't break
+    consistency of "from lmdb import *".
+    """
+    def test_exports(self):
+        assert sorted(lmdb.__all__) == [
+            'BadDbiError',
+            'BadRslotError',
+            'BadTxnError',
+            'BadValsizeError',
+            'CorruptedError',
+            'Cursor',
+            'CursorFullError',
+            'DbsFullError',
+            'DiskError',
+            'Environment',
+            'Error',
+            'IncompatibleError',
+            'InvalidError',
+            'InvalidParameterError',
+            'KeyExistsError',
+            'LockError',
+            'MapFullError',
+            'MapResizedError',
+            'MemoryError',
+            'NotFoundError',
+            'PageFullError',
+            'PageNotFoundError',
+            'PanicError',
+            'ReadersFullError',
+            'ReadonlyError',
+            'TlsFullError',
+            'Transaction',
+            'TxnFullError',
+            'VersionMismatchError',
+            'enable_drop_gil',
+            'version',
+        ]
diff -U3 -r -N no-tests/tests/ 4651bb3a865c77008ac261443899fe25f88173f2-tests/tests/
--- no-tests/tests/	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ 4651bb3a865c77008ac261443899fe25f88173f2-tests/tests/	2017-05-29 16:44:06.615481956 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+# Copyright 2013 The py-lmdb authors, all rights reserved.
+# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+# modification, are permitted only as authorized by the OpenLDAP
+# Public License.
+# A copy of this license is available in the file LICENSE in the
+# top-level directory of the distribution or, alternatively, at
+# <>.
+# OpenLDAP is a registered trademark of the OpenLDAP Foundation.
+# Individual files and/or contributed packages may be copyright by
+# other parties and/or subject to additional restrictions.
+# This work also contains materials derived from public sources.
+# Additional information about OpenLDAP can be obtained at
+# <>.
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+import atexit
+import gc
+import os
+import shutil
+import stat
+import sys
+import tempfile
+import traceback
+    import __builtin__
+except ImportError:
+    import builtins as __builtin__
+import lmdb
+_cleanups = []
+def cleanup():
+    while _cleanups:
+        func = _cleanups.pop()
+        try:
+            func()
+        except Exception:
+            traceback.print_exc()
+def temp_dir(create=True):
+    path = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='lmdb_test')
+    assert path is not None, 'tempfile.mkdtemp failed'
+    if not create:
+        os.rmdir(path)
+    _cleanups.append(lambda: shutil.rmtree(path, ignore_errors=True))
+    if hasattr(path, 'decode'):
+        path = path.decode(sys.getfilesystemencoding())
+    return path
+def temp_file(create=True):
+    fd, path = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix='lmdb_test')
+    assert path is not None, 'tempfile.mkstemp failed'
+    os.close(fd)
+    if not create:
+        os.unlink(path)
+    _cleanups.append(lambda: os.path.exists(path) and os.unlink(path))
+    pathlock = path + '-lock'
+    _cleanups.append(lambda: os.path.exists(pathlock) and os.unlink(pathlock))
+    if hasattr(path, 'decode'):
+        path = path.decode(sys.getfilesystemencoding())
+    return path
+def temp_env(path=None, max_dbs=10, **kwargs):
+    if not path:
+        path = temp_dir()
+    env =, max_dbs=max_dbs, **kwargs)
+    _cleanups.append(env.close)
+    return path, env
+def path_mode(path):
+    return stat.S_IMODE(os.stat(path).st_mode)
+def debug_collect():
+    if hasattr(gc, 'set_debug') and hasattr(gc, 'get_debug'):
+        old = gc.get_debug()
+        gc.set_debug(gc.DEBUG_LEAK)
+        gc.collect()
+        gc.set_debug(old)
+    else:
+        for x in range(10):
+            # PyPy doesn't collect objects with __del__ on first attempt.
+            gc.collect()
+# Handle moronic Python >=3.0 <3.3.
+UnicodeType = getattr(__builtin__, 'unicode', str)
+BytesType = getattr(__builtin__, 'bytes', str)
+    INT_TYPES = (int, long)
+except NameError:
+    INT_TYPES = (int,)
+# B(ascii 'string') -> bytes
+    bytes('')     # Python>=2.6, alias for str().
+    B = lambda s: s
+except TypeError: # Python3.x, requires encoding parameter.
+    B = lambda s: bytes(s, 'ascii')
+except NameError: # Python<=2.5.
+    B = lambda s: s
+# BL('s1', 's2') -> ['bytes1', 'bytes2']
+BL = lambda *args: list(map(B, args))
+# TS('s1', 's2') -> ('bytes1', 'bytes2')
+BT = lambda *args: tuple(B(s) for s in args)
+# O(int) -> length-1 bytes
+O = lambda arg: B(chr(arg))
+# OCT(s) -> parse string as octal
+OCT = lambda s: int(s, 8)
+KEYS = BL('a', 'b', 'baa', 'd')
+ITEMS = [(k, B('')) for k in KEYS]
+VALUES = [B('') for k in KEYS]
+KEYS2 = BL('a', 'b', 'baa', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h')
+ITEMS2 = [(k, B('')) for k in KEYS2]
+REV_ITEMS2 = ITEMS2[::-1]
+VALUES2 = [B('') for k in KEYS2]
+def putData(t, db=None):
+    for k, v in ITEMS:
+        if db:
+            t.put(k, v, db=db)
+        else:
+            t.put(k, v)
+def putBigData(t, db=None):
+    for k, v in ITEMS2:
+        if db:
+            t.put(k, v, db=db)
+        else:
+            t.put(k, v)
diff -U3 -r -N no-tests/tests/ 4651bb3a865c77008ac261443899fe25f88173f2-tests/tests/
--- no-tests/tests/	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ 4651bb3a865c77008ac261443899fe25f88173f2-tests/tests/	2017-05-29 16:44:06.616481955 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+# Copyright 2013 The py-lmdb authors, all rights reserved.
+# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+# modification, are permitted only as authorized by the OpenLDAP
+# Public License.
+# A copy of this license is available in the file LICENSE in the
+# top-level directory of the distribution or, alternatively, at
+# <>.
+# OpenLDAP is a registered trademark of the OpenLDAP Foundation.
+# Individual files and/or contributed packages may be copyright by
+# other parties and/or subject to additional restrictions.
+# This work also contains materials derived from public sources.
+# Additional information about OpenLDAP can be obtained at
+# <>.
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+import unittest
+import lmdb
+import lmdb.tool
+class ToolTest(unittest.TestCase):
+    def test_ok(self):
+        # For now, simply ensure the module can be compiled (3.x compat).
+        pass
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    unittest.main()
diff -U3 -r -N no-tests/tests/ 4651bb3a865c77008ac261443899fe25f88173f2-tests/tests/
--- no-tests/tests/	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ 4651bb3a865c77008ac261443899fe25f88173f2-tests/tests/	2017-05-29 16:44:06.616481955 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,538 @@
+# Copyright 2013 The py-lmdb authors, all rights reserved.
+# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+# modification, are permitted only as authorized by the OpenLDAP
+# Public License.
+# A copy of this license is available in the file LICENSE in the
+# top-level directory of the distribution or, alternatively, at
+# <>.
+# OpenLDAP is a registered trademark of the OpenLDAP Foundation.
+# Individual files and/or contributed packages may be copyright by
+# other parties and/or subject to additional restrictions.
+# This work also contains materials derived from public sources.
+# Additional information about OpenLDAP can be obtained at
+# <>.
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+from __future__ import with_statement
+import struct
+import unittest
+import weakref
+import testlib
+from testlib import B
+from testlib import BT
+from testlib import OCT
+from testlib import INT_TYPES
+from testlib import BytesType
+from testlib import UnicodeType
+import lmdb
+UINT_0001 = struct.pack('I', 1)
+UINT_0002 = struct.pack('I', 2)
+ULONG_0001 = struct.pack('L', 1)  # L != size_t
+ULONG_0002 = struct.pack('L', 2)  # L != size_t
+class InitTest(unittest.TestCase):
+    def tearDown(self):
+        testlib.cleanup()
+    def test_closed(self):
+        _, env = testlib.temp_env()
+        env.close()
+        self.assertRaises(Exception,
+            lambda: lmdb.Transaction(env))
+    def test_readonly(self):
+        _, env = testlib.temp_env()
+        txn = lmdb.Transaction(env)
+        # Read txn can't write.
+        self.assertRaises(lmdb.ReadonlyError,
+            lambda: txn.put(B('a'), B('')))
+        txn.abort()
+    def test_begin_write(self):
+        _, env = testlib.temp_env()
+        txn = lmdb.Transaction(env, write=True)
+        # Write txn can write.
+        assert txn.put(B('a'), B(''))
+        txn.commit()
+    def test_bind_db(self):
+        _, env = testlib.temp_env()
+        main = env.open_db(None)
+        sub = env.open_db(B('db1'))
+        txn = lmdb.Transaction(env, write=True, db=sub)
+        assert txn.put(B('b'), B(''))           # -> sub
+        assert txn.put(B('a'), B(''), db=main)  # -> main
+        txn.commit()
+        txn = lmdb.Transaction(env)
+        assert txn.get(B('a')) == B('')
+        assert txn.get(B('b')) is None
+        assert txn.get(B('a'), db=sub) is None
+        assert txn.get(B('b'), db=sub) == B('')
+        txn.abort()
+    def test_bind_db_methods(self):
+        _, env = testlib.temp_env()
+        maindb = env.open_db(None)
+        db1 = env.open_db(B('d1'))
+        txn = lmdb.Transaction(env, write=True, db=db1)
+        assert txn.put(B('a'), B('d1'))
+        assert txn.get(B('a'), db=db1) == B('d1')
+        assert txn.get(B('a'), db=maindb) is None
+        assert txn.replace(B('a'), B('d11')) == B('d1')
+        assert txn.pop(B('a')) == B('d11')
+        assert txn.put(B('a'), B('main'), db=maindb, overwrite=False)
+        assert not txn.delete(B('a'))
+        txn.abort()
+    def test_parent_readonly(self):
+        _, env = testlib.temp_env()
+        parent = lmdb.Transaction(env)
+        # Nonsensical.
+        self.assertRaises(lmdb.InvalidParameterError,
+            lambda: lmdb.Transaction(env, parent=parent))
+    def test_parent(self):
+        _, env = testlib.temp_env()
+        parent = lmdb.Transaction(env, write=True)
+        parent.put(B('a'), B('a'))
+        child = lmdb.Transaction(env, write=True, parent=parent)
+        assert child.get(B('a')) == B('a')
+        assert child.put(B('a'), B('b'))
+        child.abort()
+        # put() should have rolled back
+        assert parent.get(B('a')) == B('a')
+        child = lmdb.Transaction(env, write=True, parent=parent)
+        assert child.put(B('a'), B('b'))
+        child.commit()
+        # put() should be visible
+        assert parent.get(B('a')) == B('b')
+    def test_buffers(self):
+        _, env = testlib.temp_env()
+        txn = lmdb.Transaction(env, write=True, buffers=True)
+        assert txn.put(B('a'), B('a'))
+        b = txn.get(B('a'))
+        assert b is not None
+        assert len(b) == 1
+        assert not isinstance(b, type(B('')))
+        txn.commit()
+        txn = lmdb.Transaction(env, buffers=False)
+        b = txn.get(B('a'))
+        assert b is not None
+        assert len(b) == 1
+        assert isinstance(b, type(B('')))
+        txn.abort()
+class ContextManagerTest(unittest.TestCase):
+    def tearDown(self):
+        testlib.cleanup()
+    def test_ok(self):
+        path, env = testlib.temp_env()
+        txn = env.begin(write=True)
+        with txn as txn_:
+            assert txn is txn_
+            txn.put(B('foo'), B('123'))
+        self.assertRaises(Exception, lambda: txn.get(B('foo')))
+        with env.begin() as txn:
+            assert txn.get(B('foo')) == B('123')
+    def test_crash(self):
+        path, env = testlib.temp_env()
+        txn = env.begin(write=True)
+        try:
+            with txn as txn_:
+                txn.put(B('foo'), B('123'))
+                txn.put(123, 123)
+        except:
+            pass
+        self.assertRaises(Exception, lambda: txn.get(B('foo')))
+        with env.begin() as txn:
+            assert txn.get(B('foo')) is None
+class IdTest(unittest.TestCase):
+    def tearDown(self):
+        testlib.cleanup()
+    def test_readonly_new(self):
+        _, env = testlib.temp_env()
+        with env.begin() as txn:
+            assert == 0
+    def test_write_new(self):
+        _, env = testlib.temp_env()
+        with env.begin(write=True) as txn:
+            assert == 1
+    def test_readonly_after_write(self):
+        _, env = testlib.temp_env()
+        with env.begin(write=True) as txn:
+            txn.put(B('a'), B('a'))
+        with env.begin() as txn:
+            assert == 1
+    def test_invalid_txn(self):
+        _, env = testlib.temp_env()
+        txn = env.begin()
+        txn.abort()
+        self.assertRaises(Exception, lambda:
+class StatTest(unittest.TestCase):
+    def tearDown(self):
+        testlib.cleanup()
+    def test_stat(self):
+        _, env = testlib.temp_env()
+        db1 = env.open_db(B('db1'))
+        db2 = env.open_db(B('db2'))
+        txn = lmdb.Transaction(env)
+        for db in db1, db2:
+            stat = txn.stat(db)
+            for k in 'psize', 'depth', 'branch_pages', 'overflow_pages',\
+                     'entries':
+                assert isinstance(stat[k], INT_TYPES), k
+                assert stat[k] >= 0
+            assert stat['entries'] == 0
+        txn = lmdb.Transaction(env, write=True)
+        txn.put(B('a'), B('b'), db=db1)
+        txn.commit()
+        txn = lmdb.Transaction(env)
+        stat = txn.stat(db1)
+        assert stat['entries'] == 1
+        stat = txn.stat(db2)
+        assert stat['entries'] == 0
+        txn.abort()
+        self.assertRaises(Exception,
+            lambda: env.stat(db1))
+        env.close()
+        self.assertRaises(Exception,
+            lambda: env.stat(db1))
+class DropTest(unittest.TestCase):
+    def tearDown(self):
+        testlib.cleanup()
+    def test_empty(self):
+        _, env = testlib.temp_env()
+        db1 = env.open_db(B('db1'))
+        txn = env.begin(write=True)
+        txn.put(B('a'), B('a'), db=db1)
+        assert txn.get(B('a'), db=db1) == B('a')
+        txn.drop(db1, False)
+        assert txn.get(B('a')) is None
+        txn.drop(db1, False)  # should succeed.
+        assert txn.get(B('a')) is None
+    def test_delete(self):
+        _, env = testlib.temp_env()
+        db1 = env.open_db(B('db1'))
+        txn = env.begin(write=True)
+        txn.put(B('a'), B('a'), db=db1)
+        txn.drop(db1)
+        self.assertRaises(lmdb.InvalidParameterError,
+            lambda: txn.get(B('a'), db=db1))
+        self.assertRaises(lmdb.InvalidParameterError,
+            lambda: txn.drop(db1))
+class CommitTest(unittest.TestCase):
+    def tearDown(self):
+        testlib.cleanup()
+    def test_bad_txn(self):
+        _, env = testlib.temp_env()
+        txn = env.begin()
+        txn.abort()
+        self.assertRaises(Exception,
+            lambda: txn.commit())
+    def test_bad_env(self):
+        _, env = testlib.temp_env()
+        txn = env.begin()
+        env.close()
+        self.assertRaises(Exception,
+            lambda: txn.commit())
+    def test_commit_ro(self):
+        _, env = testlib.temp_env()
+        txn = env.begin()
+        txn.commit()
+        self.assertRaises(Exception,
+            lambda: txn.commit())
+    def test_commit_rw(self):
+        _, env = testlib.temp_env()
+        txn = env.begin(write=True)
+        assert txn.put(B('a'), B('a'))
+        txn.commit()
+        self.assertRaises(Exception,
+            lambda: txn.commit())
+        txn = env.begin()
+        assert txn.get(B('a')) == B('a')
+        txn.abort()
+class AbortTest(unittest.TestCase):
+    def tearDown(self):
+        testlib.cleanup()
+    def test_abort_ro(self):
+        _, env = testlib.temp_env()
+        txn = env.begin()
+        assert txn.get(B('a')) is None
+        txn.abort()
+        self.assertRaises(Exception,
+            lambda: txn.get(B('a')))
+        env.close()
+        self.assertRaises(Exception,
+            lambda: txn.get(B('a')))
+    def test_abort_rw(self):
+        _, env = testlib.temp_env()
+        txn = env.begin(write=True)
+        assert txn.put(B('a'), B('a'))
+        txn.abort()
+        txn = env.begin()
+        assert txn.get(B('a')) is None
+class GetTest(unittest.TestCase):
+    def tearDown(self):
+        testlib.cleanup()
+    def test_bad_txn(self):
+        _, env = testlib.temp_env()
+        txn = env.begin()
+        txn.abort()
+        self.assertRaises(Exception,
+            lambda: txn.get(B('a')))
+    def test_bad_env(self):
+        _, env = testlib.temp_env()
+        txn = env.begin()
+        env.close()
+        self.assertRaises(Exception,
+            lambda: txn.get(B('a')))
+    def test_missing(self):
+        _, env = testlib.temp_env()
+        txn = env.begin()
+        assert txn.get(B('a')) is None
+        assert txn.get(B('a'), default='default') is 'default'
+    def test_empty_key(self):
+        _, env = testlib.temp_env()
+        txn = env.begin()
+        self.assertRaises(lmdb.BadValsizeError,
+            lambda: txn.get(B('')))
+    def test_db(self):
+        _, env = testlib.temp_env()
+        maindb = env.open_db(None)
+        db1 = env.open_db(B('db1'))
+        txn = env.begin()
+        assert txn.get(B('a'), db=db1) is None
+        txn.abort()
+        txn = env.begin(write=True)
+        txn.put(B('a'), B('a'), db=db1)
+        txn.commit()
+        txn = env.begin()
+        assert txn.get(B('a')) is None
+        txn.abort()
+        txn = env.begin(db=db1)
+        assert txn.get(B('a')) == B('a')
+        assert txn.get(B('a'), db=maindb) is None
+    def test_buffers_no(self):
+        _, env = testlib.temp_env()
+        txn = env.begin(write=True)
+        assert txn.put(B('a'), B('a'))
+        assert type(txn.get(B('a'))) is BytesType
+    def test_buffers_yes(self):
+        _, env = testlib.temp_env()
+        txn = env.begin(write=True, buffers=True)
+        assert txn.put(B('a'), B('a'))
+        assert type(txn.get(B('a'))) is not BytesType
+    def test_dupsort(self):
+        _, env = testlib.temp_env()
+        db1 = env.open_db(B('db1'), dupsort=True)
+        txn = env.begin(write=True, db=db1)
+        assert txn.put(B('a'), B('a'))
+        assert txn.put(B('a'), B('b'))
+        assert txn.get(B('a')) == B('a')
+    def test_integerkey(self):
+        _, env = testlib.temp_env()
+        db1 = env.open_db(B('db1'), integerkey=True)
+        txn = env.begin(write=True, db=db1)
+        assert txn.put(UINT_0001, B('a'))
+        assert txn.put(UINT_0002, B('b'))
+        assert txn.get(UINT_0001) == B('a')
+        assert txn.get(UINT_0002) == B('b')
+    def test_integerdup(self):
+        _, env = testlib.temp_env()
+        db1 = env.open_db(B('db1'), dupsort=True, integerdup=True)
+        txn = env.begin(write=True, db=db1)
+        assert txn.put(UINT_0001, UINT_0002)
+        assert txn.put(UINT_0001, UINT_0001)
+        assert txn.get(UINT_0001) == UINT_0001
+    def test_dupfixed(self):
+        _, env = testlib.temp_env()
+        db1 = env.open_db(B('db1'), dupsort=True, dupfixed=True)
+        txn = env.begin(write=True, db=db1)
+        assert txn.put(B('a'), B('a'))
+        assert txn.put(B('a'), B('b'))
+        assert txn.get(B('a')) == B('a')
+class PutTest(unittest.TestCase):
+    def tearDown(self):
+        testlib.cleanup()
+    def test_bad_txn(self):
+        _, env = testlib.temp_env()
+        txn = env.begin(write=True)
+        txn.abort()
+        self.assertRaises(Exception,
+            lambda: txn.put(B('a'), B('a')))
+    def test_bad_env(self):
+        _, env = testlib.temp_env()
+        txn = env.begin(write=True)
+        env.close()
+        self.assertRaises(Exception,
+            lambda: txn.put(B('a'), B('a')))
+    def test_ro_txn(self):
+        _, env = testlib.temp_env()
+        txn = env.begin()
+        self.assertRaises(lmdb.ReadonlyError,
+            lambda: txn.put(B('a'), B('a')))
+    def test_empty_key_value(self):
+        _, env = testlib.temp_env()
+        txn = env.begin(write=True)
+        self.assertRaises(lmdb.BadValsizeError,
+            lambda: txn.put(B(''), B('a')))
+    def test_dupsort(self):
+        _, env = testlib.temp_env()
+    def test_dupdata_no_dupsort(self):
+        _, env = testlib.temp_env()
+        txn = env.begin(write=True)
+        assert txn.put(B('a'), B('a'), dupdata=True)
+        assert txn.put(B('a'), B('b'), dupdata=True)
+        txn.get(B('a'))
+class ReplaceTest(unittest.TestCase):
+    def tearDown(self):
+        testlib.cleanup()
+    def test_bad_txn(self):
+        _, env = testlib.temp_env()
+        txn = env.begin(write=True)
+        txn.abort()
+        self.assertRaises(Exception,
+            lambda: txn.replace(B('a'), B('a')))
+    def test_bad_env(self):
+        _, env = testlib.temp_env()
+        txn = env.begin(write=True)
+        env.close()
+        self.assertRaises(Exception,
+            lambda: txn.replace(B('a'), B('a')))
+    def test_ro_txn(self):
+        _, env = testlib.temp_env()
+        txn = env.begin()
+        self.assertRaises(lmdb.ReadonlyError,
+            lambda: txn.replace(B('a'), B('a')))
+    def test_empty_key_value(self):
+        _, env = testlib.temp_env()
+        txn = env.begin(write=True)
+        self.assertRaises(lmdb.BadValsizeError,
+            lambda: txn.replace(B(''), B('a')))
+    def test_dupsort_noexist(self):
+        _, env = testlib.temp_env()
+        db = env.open_db(B('db1'), dupsort=True)
+        txn = env.begin(write=True, db=db)
+        assert None == txn.replace(B('a'), B('x'))
+        assert B('x') == txn.replace(B('a'), B('y'))
+        assert B('y') == txn.replace(B('a'), B('z'))
+        cur = txn.cursor()
+        assert cur.set_key(B('a'))
+        assert [B('z')] == list(cur.iternext_dup())
+    def test_dupdata_no_dupsort(self):
+        _, env = testlib.temp_env()
+        txn = env.begin(write=True)
+        assert txn.put(B('a'), B('a'), dupdata=True)
+        assert txn.put(B('a'), B('b'), dupdata=True)
+        txn.get(B('a'))
+class LeakTest(unittest.TestCase):
+    def tearDown(self):
+        testlib.cleanup()
+    def test_open_close(self):
+        temp_dir = testlib.temp_dir()
+        env =
+        with env.begin() as txn:
+            pass
+        env.close()
+        r1 = weakref.ref(env)
+        r2 = weakref.ref(txn)
+        env = None
+        txn = None
+        testlib.debug_collect()
+        assert r1() is None
+        assert r2() is None
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    unittest.main()