Blob Blame History Raw
From 7843a67be68bf72d91bf304afb6867f4353af334 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: liuweicai <>
Date: Wed, 28 May 2014 10:07:43 +0800
Subject: [PATCH] Fix listing security group rules

It was failing when there are too many security groups, since we're
hitting a RequestURITooLong exception.

Co-Authored-By: Vincent Untz <>
Co-Authored-By: Ilya Shakhat <>
Change-Id: If94b6a2ed6878efad1224e056ecf43e65e85e821
Closes-Bug: 1271462
 neutronclient/neutron/v2_0/        | 29 ++++++-
 .../tests/unit/         | 97 ++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 123 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/neutronclient/neutron/v2_0/ b/neutronclient/neutron/v2_0/
index 7e66e8a..af8e8f0 100644
--- a/neutronclient/neutron/v2_0/
+++ b/neutronclient/neutron/v2_0/
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
 import argparse
 import logging
+from neutronclient.common import exceptions
 from neutronclient.neutron import v2_0 as neutronV20
 from neutronclient.openstack.common.gettextutils import _
@@ -141,9 +142,31 @@ class ListSecurityGroupRule(neutronV20.ListCommand):
         for rule in data:
             for key in self.replace_rules:
-        search_opts.update({"id": sec_group_ids})
-        secgroups = neutron_client.list_security_groups(**search_opts)
-        secgroups = secgroups.get('security_groups', [])
+        sec_group_ids = list(sec_group_ids)
+        def _get_sec_group_list(sec_group_ids):
+            search_opts['id'] = sec_group_ids
+            return neutron_client.list_security_groups(
+                **search_opts).get('security_groups', [])
+        try:
+            secgroups = _get_sec_group_list(sec_group_ids)
+        except exceptions.RequestURITooLong as uri_len_exc:
+            # Length of a query filter on security group rule id
+            # id=<uuid>& (with len(uuid)=36)
+            sec_group_id_filter_len = 40
+            # The URI is too long because of too many sec_group_id filters
+            # Use the excess attribute of the exception to know how many
+            # sec_group_id filters can be inserted into a single request
+            sec_group_count = len(sec_group_ids)
+            max_size = ((sec_group_id_filter_len * sec_group_count) -
+                        uri_len_exc.excess)
+            chunk_size = max_size / sec_group_id_filter_len
+            secgroups = []
+            for i in range(0, sec_group_count, chunk_size):
+                secgroups.extend(
+                    _get_sec_group_list(sec_group_ids[i: i + chunk_size]))
         sg_dict = dict([(sg['id'], sg['name'])
                         for sg in secgroups if sg['name']])
         for rule in data:
diff --git a/neutronclient/tests/unit/ b/neutronclient/tests/unit/
index e6127ff..554471d 100644
--- a/neutronclient/tests/unit/
+++ b/neutronclient/tests/unit/
@@ -17,7 +17,10 @@
 import sys
 from mox3 import mox
+import six
+from neutronclient.common import exceptions
+from neutronclient.common import utils
 from neutronclient.neutron.v2_0 import securitygroup
 from neutronclient.tests.unit import test_cli20
@@ -186,6 +189,100 @@ class CLITestV20SecurityGroupsJSON(test_cli20.CLITestV20Base):
         self._test_list_resources(resources, cmd, True)
+    def _test_extend_list(self, mox_calls):
+        resources = "security_groups"
+        data = [{'name': 'default',
+                 'security_group_id': 'secgroupid%02d' % i,
+                 'remote_group_id': 'remgroupid%02d' % i}
+                for i in range(10)]
+        cmd = securitygroup.ListSecurityGroupRule(
+            test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
+        self.mox.StubOutWithMock(cmd, "get_client")
+        self.mox.StubOutWithMock(self.client.httpclient, "request")
+        cmd.get_client().MultipleTimes().AndReturn(self.client)
+        path = getattr(self.client, resources + '_path')
+        mox_calls(path, data)
+        self.mox.ReplayAll()
+        known_args, _vs = cmd.get_parser(
+            'list' + resources).parse_known_args()
+        cmd.extend_list(data, known_args)
+        self.mox.VerifyAll()
+        self.mox.UnsetStubs()
+    def _build_test_data(self, data, excess=0):
+        # Length of a query filter on security group rule id
+        # in these testcases, id='secgroupid%02d' (with len(id)=12)
+        sec_group_id_filter_len = 12
+        response = []
+        replace_rules = {'security_group_id': 'security_group',
+                         'remote_group_id': 'remote_group'}
+        search_opts = {'fields': ['id', 'name']}
+        sec_group_ids = set()
+        for rule in data:
+            for key in replace_rules:
+                sec_group_ids.add(rule[key])
+                response.append({'id': rule[key], 'name': 'default'})
+        sec_group_ids = list(sec_group_ids)
+        result = []
+        sec_group_count = len(sec_group_ids)
+        max_size = ((sec_group_id_filter_len * sec_group_count) - excess)
+        chunk_size = max_size / sec_group_id_filter_len
+        for i in range(0, sec_group_count, chunk_size):
+            search_opts['id'] = sec_group_ids[i: i + chunk_size]
+            params = utils.safe_encode_dict(search_opts)
+            resp_str = self.client.serialize({'security_groups': response})
+            result.append({
+                'filter': six.moves.urllib.parse.urlencode(params, doseq=1),
+                'response': (test_cli20.MyResp(200), resp_str),
+            })
+        return result
+    def test_extend_list(self):
+        def mox_calls(path, data):
+            responses = self._build_test_data(data)
+            self.client.httpclient.request(
+                test_cli20.MyUrlComparator(test_cli20.end_url(
+                    path, responses[0]['filter']), self.client),
+                'GET',
+                body=None,
+                headers=mox.ContainsKeyValue(
+                    'X-Auth-Token', test_cli20.TOKEN)).AndReturn(
+                        responses[0]['response'])
+        self._test_extend_list(mox_calls)
+    def test_extend_list_exceed_max_uri_len(self):
+        def mox_calls(path, data):
+            # 1 char of extra URI len will cause a split in 2 requests
+            self.mox.StubOutWithMock(self.client, '_check_uri_length')
+            self.client._check_uri_length(mox.IgnoreArg()).AndRaise(
+                exceptions.RequestURITooLong(excess=1))
+            responses = self._build_test_data(data, excess=1)
+            for item in responses:
+                self.client._check_uri_length(
+                    mox.IgnoreArg()).AndReturn(None)
+                self.client.httpclient.request(
+                    test_cli20.end_url(path, item['filter']),
+                    'GET',
+                    body=None,
+                    headers=mox.ContainsKeyValue(
+                        'X-Auth-Token', test_cli20.TOKEN)).AndReturn(
+                            item['response'])
+        self._test_extend_list(mox_calls)
     def test_list_security_group_rules_pagination(self):
         resources = "security_group_rules"
         cmd = securitygroup.ListSecurityGroupRule(