Blob Blame History Raw
# Any .gitignore file packaged in the examples is part of a sample project and
# is itself documentation, not an accidentally-packaged upstream VCS control
# file.
addFilter(r" hidden-file-or-dir /\S+/examples/(\S+/)?\.gitignore$")
addFilter(r" version-control-internal-file /\S+/examples/(\S+/)?\.gitignore$")
# Some small files in the documentation may incidentally have duplicate
# contents. Because they are small in size and few in number, it is not worth
# the spec-file complexity to hardlink them (which would itself trigger an
# rpmlint warning about cross-directory hardlinking).
addFilter(r" files-duplicate /\S+/python-opentelemetry-doc/.*/(version\.py|requirements\.txt)$")
# When upstream reorganized the libraries for the 1.0 release, it was necessary
# to Obsolete a number of subpackages to provide an upgrade path, but since the
# import names and APIs were different, it was not possible to offer drop-in
# compatible replacements with virtual Provides. Some subpackages have also
# been deprecated and then dropped without replacement in post-1.0 releases.
addFilter(r" obsolete-not-provided python3-opentelemetry-((auto-)?instrumentation|distro(\+otlp)?|test)$")
addFilter(r" obsolete-not-provided python3-opentelemetry-exporter-jaeger(-proto-grpc|-thrift)?$")
addFilter(r" obsolete-not-provided python3-opentelemetry-ext-.*$")
# These are valid words. (“ve” is part of “they’ve”)
addFilter(r" spelling-error \('(proto|json|grpc|github|ve)', ")