Blob Blame History Raw
import os
import subprocess
import sys
import textwrap

import pytest

X_Y = f'{sys.version_info[0]}.{sys.version_info[1]}'
XY = f'{sys.version_info[0]}{sys.version_info[1]}'

# Handy environment variable you can use to run the tests
# with modified macros files. Multiple files should be
# separated by colon.
# To get 'em all, run:
# ls -1 macros.* | tr "\n" ":"
# and then:
# TESTED_FILES="<output of previous command>" pytest -v
# or both combined:
# TESTED_FILES=$(ls -1 macros.* | tr "\n" ":") pytest -v
# Remember that some tests might need more macros files than just
# the local ones.
TESTED_FILES = os.getenv("TESTED_FILES", None)

def rpm_eval(expression, fails=False, **kwargs):
    cmd = ['rpmbuild']
        cmd += ['--macros', TESTED_FILES]
    for var, value in kwargs.items():
        if value is None:
            cmd += ['--undefine', var]
            cmd += ['--define', f'{var} {value}']
    cmd += ['--eval', expression]
    cp =, text=True, env={**os.environ, 'LANG': 'C.utf-8'},
                        stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
    if fails:
        assert cp.returncode != 0, cp.stdout
    elif fails is not None:
        assert cp.returncode == 0, cp.stdout
    return cp.stdout.strip().splitlines()

@pytest.mark.parametrize('argument, result', [
    ('a', 'a'),
    ('a-a', 'a-a'),
    ('a_a', 'a-a'),
    ('a.a', 'a-a'),
    ('a---a', 'a-a'),
    ('a-_-a', 'a-a'),
    ('a-_-a', 'a-a'),
    ('a[b]', 'a[b]'),
    ('Aha[Boom]', 'aha[boom]'),
    ('a.a[b.b]', 'a-a[b-b]'),
def test_pydist_name(argument, result):
    assert rpm_eval(f'%py_dist_name {argument}') == [result]

def test_py2_dist():
    assert rpm_eval(f'%py2_dist Aha[Boom] a') == ['python2dist(aha[boom]) python2dist(a)']

def test_py3_dist():
    assert rpm_eval(f'%py3_dist Aha[Boom] a') == ['python3dist(aha[boom]) python3dist(a)']

def test_py3_dist_with_python3_pkgversion_redefined():
    assert rpm_eval(f'%py3_dist Aha[Boom] a', python3_pkgversion="3.6") == ['python3.6dist(aha[boom]) python3.6dist(a)']

def test_python_provide_python():
    assert rpm_eval('%python_provide python-foo') == []

def test_python_provide_python3():
    lines = rpm_eval('%python_provide python3-foo', version='6', release='1.fc66')
    assert 'Obsoletes: python-foo < 6-1.fc66' in lines
    assert 'Provides: python-foo = 6-1.fc66' in lines
    assert f'Provides: python{X_Y}-foo = 6-1.fc66' in lines
    assert len(lines) == 3

def test_python_provide_python3_epoched():
    lines = rpm_eval('%python_provide python3-foo', epoch='1', version='6', release='1.fc66')
    assert 'Obsoletes: python-foo < 1:6-1.fc66' in lines
    assert 'Provides: python-foo = 1:6-1.fc66' in lines
    assert f'Provides: python{X_Y}-foo = 1:6-1.fc66' in lines
    assert len(lines) == 3

def test_python_provide_python3X():
    lines = rpm_eval(f'%python_provide python{X_Y}-foo', version='6', release='1.fc66')
    assert 'Obsoletes: python-foo < 6-1.fc66' in lines
    assert 'Provides: python-foo = 6-1.fc66' in lines
    assert 'Provides: python3-foo = 6-1.fc66' in lines
    assert len(lines) == 3

def test_python_provide_python3X_epoched():
    lines = rpm_eval(f'%python_provide python{X_Y}-foo', epoch='1', version='6', release='1.fc66')
    assert 'Obsoletes: python-foo < 1:6-1.fc66' in lines
    assert 'Provides: python-foo = 1:6-1.fc66' in lines
    assert 'Provides: python3-foo = 1:6-1.fc66' in lines
    assert len(lines) == 3

def test_python_provide_doubleuse():
    lines = rpm_eval('%{python_provide python3-foo}%{python_provide python3-foo}',
                     version='6', release='1.fc66')
    assert 'Obsoletes: python-foo < 6-1.fc66' in lines
    assert 'Provides: python-foo = 6-1.fc66' in lines
    assert f'Provides: python{X_Y}-foo = 6-1.fc66' in lines
    assert len(lines) == 6
    assert len(set(lines)) == 3

def test_py_provides_python():
    lines = rpm_eval('%py_provides python-foo', version='6', release='1.fc66')
    assert 'Provides: python-foo = 6-1.fc66' in lines
    assert len(lines) == 1

def test_py_provides_whatever():
    lines = rpm_eval('%py_provides whatever', version='6', release='1.fc66')
    assert 'Provides: whatever = 6-1.fc66' in lines
    assert len(lines) == 1

def test_py_provides_python3():
    lines = rpm_eval('%py_provides python3-foo', version='6', release='1.fc66')
    assert 'Provides: python3-foo = 6-1.fc66' in lines
    assert 'Provides: python-foo = 6-1.fc66' in lines
    assert f'Provides: python{X_Y}-foo = 6-1.fc66' in lines
    assert len(lines) == 3

def test_py_provides_python3_epoched():
    lines = rpm_eval('%py_provides python3-foo', epoch='1', version='6', release='1.fc66')
    assert 'Provides: python3-foo = 1:6-1.fc66' in lines
    assert 'Provides: python-foo = 1:6-1.fc66' in lines
    assert f'Provides: python{X_Y}-foo = 1:6-1.fc66' in lines
    assert len(lines) == 3

def test_py_provides_python3X():
    lines = rpm_eval(f'%py_provides python{X_Y}-foo', version='6', release='1.fc66')
    assert f'Provides: python{X_Y}-foo = 6-1.fc66' in lines
    assert 'Provides: python-foo = 6-1.fc66' in lines
    assert 'Provides: python3-foo = 6-1.fc66' in lines
    assert len(lines) == 3

def test_py_provides_python3X_epoched():
    lines = rpm_eval(f'%py_provides python{X_Y}-foo', epoch='1', version='6', release='1.fc66')
    assert f'Provides: python{X_Y}-foo = 1:6-1.fc66' in lines
    assert 'Provides: python-foo = 1:6-1.fc66' in lines
    assert 'Provides: python3-foo = 1:6-1.fc66' in lines
    assert len(lines) == 3

def test_py_provides_doubleuse():
    lines = rpm_eval('%{py_provides python3-foo}%{py_provides python3-foo}',
                     version='6', release='1.fc66')
    assert 'Provides: python3-foo = 6-1.fc66' in lines
    assert 'Provides: python-foo = 6-1.fc66' in lines
    assert f'Provides: python{X_Y}-foo = 6-1.fc66' in lines
    assert len(lines) == 6
    assert len(set(lines)) == 3

def test_py_provides_with_evr():
    lines = rpm_eval('%py_provides python3-foo 123',
                     version='6', release='1.fc66')
    assert 'Provides: python3-foo = 123' in lines
    assert 'Provides: python-foo = 123' in lines
    assert f'Provides: python{X_Y}-foo = 123' in lines
    assert len(lines) == 3

def test_pytest_passes_options_naturally():
    lines = rpm_eval('%pytest -k foo')
    assert '/usr/bin/pytest -k foo' in lines[-1]

def test_pytest_different_command():
    lines = rpm_eval('%pytest', __pytest='pytest-3')
    assert 'pytest-3' in lines[-1]

def test_pytest_command_suffix():
    lines = rpm_eval('%pytest -v')
    assert '/usr/bin/pytest -v' in lines[-1]
    lines = rpm_eval('%pytest -v', python3_pkgversion="3.6", python3_version="3.6")
    assert '/usr/bin/pytest-3.6 -v' in lines[-1]

def test_pypi_source_default_name():
    url = rpm_eval('%pypi_source',
                   name='foo', version='6')[0]
    assert url == ''

def test_pypi_source_default_srcname():
    url = rpm_eval('%pypi_source',
                   name='python-foo', srcname='foo', version='6')[0]
    assert url == ''

def test_pypi_source_default_pypi_name():
    url = rpm_eval('%pypi_source',
                   name='python-foo', pypi_name='foo', version='6')[0]
    assert url == ''

def test_pypi_source_default_name_uppercase():
    url = rpm_eval('%pypi_source',
                   name='Foo', version='6')[0]
    assert url == ''

def test_pypi_source_provided_name():
    url = rpm_eval('%pypi_source foo',
                   name='python-bar', pypi_name='bar', version='6')[0]
    assert url == ''

def test_pypi_source_provided_name_version():
    url = rpm_eval('%pypi_source foo 6',
                   name='python-bar', pypi_name='bar', version='3')[0]
    assert url == ''

def test_pypi_source_provided_name_version_ext():
    url = rpm_eval('%pypi_source foo 6 zip',
                   name='python-bar', pypi_name='bar', version='3')[0]
    assert url == ''

def test_pypi_source_prerelease():
    url = rpm_eval('%pypi_source',
                   name='python-foo', pypi_name='foo', version='6~b2')[0]
    assert url == ''

def test_pypi_source_explicit_tilde():
    url = rpm_eval('%pypi_source foo 6~6',
                   name='python-foo', pypi_name='foo', version='6')[0]
    assert url == ''

def test_py3_shebang_fix():
    cmd = rpm_eval('%py3_shebang_fix arg1 arg2 arg3')[-1].strip()
    assert cmd == '$pathfix -pni /usr/bin/python3 -ka s arg1 arg2 arg3'

def test_py3_shebang_fix_custom_flags():
    cmd = rpm_eval('%py3_shebang_fix arg1 arg2 arg3', py3_shebang_flags='Es')[-1].strip()
    assert cmd == '$pathfix -pni /usr/bin/python3 -ka Es arg1 arg2 arg3'

def test_py3_shebang_fix_empty_flags():
    cmd = rpm_eval('%py3_shebang_fix arg1 arg2 arg3', py3_shebang_flags=None)[-1].strip()
    assert cmd == '$pathfix -pni /usr/bin/python3 -k arg1 arg2 arg3'

def test_py_shebang_fix_custom():
    cmd = rpm_eval('%py_shebang_fix arg1 arg2 arg3', __python='/usr/bin/pypy')[-1].strip()
    assert cmd == '$pathfix -pni /usr/bin/pypy -ka s arg1 arg2 arg3'

def test_pycached_in_sitelib():
    lines = rpm_eval('%pycached %{python3_sitelib}/foo*.py')
    assert lines == [

def test_pycached_in_sitearch():
    lines = rpm_eval('%pycached %{python3_sitearch}/foo*.py')
    lib = rpm_eval('%_lib')[0]
    assert lines == [

def test_pycached_in_36():
    lines = rpm_eval('%pycached /usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/foo*.py')
    assert lines == [

def test_pycached_in_custom_dir():
    lines = rpm_eval('%pycached /bar/foo*.py')
    assert lines == [

def test_pycached_with_exclude():
    lines = rpm_eval('%pycached %exclude %{python3_sitelib}/foo*.py')
    assert lines == [
        f'%exclude /usr/lib/python{X_Y}/site-packages/foo*.py',
        f'%exclude /usr/lib/python{X_Y}/site-packages/__pycache__/foo*.cpython-{XY}{{,.opt-?}}.pyc'

def test_pycached_fails_with_extension_glob():
    lines = rpm_eval('%pycached %{python3_sitelib}/*', fails=True)
    assert lines[0] == 'error: %pycached can only be used with paths explicitly ending with .py'

def test_python_extras_subpkg_i():
    lines = rpm_eval('%python_extras_subpkg -n python3-setuptools_scm -i %{python3_sitelib}/*.egg-info toml yaml',
                     version='6', release='7')
    expected = textwrap.dedent(f"""
        %package -n python3-setuptools_scm+toml
        Summary: Metapackage for python3-setuptools_scm: toml extras
        Requires: python3-setuptools_scm = 6-7
        %description -n python3-setuptools_scm+toml
        This is a metapackage bringing in toml extras requires for python3-setuptools_scm.
        It contains no code, just makes sure the dependencies are installed.

        %files -n python3-setuptools_scm+toml
        %ghost /usr/lib/python{X_Y}/site-packages/*.egg-info

        %package -n python3-setuptools_scm+yaml
        Summary: Metapackage for python3-setuptools_scm: yaml extras
        Requires: python3-setuptools_scm = 6-7
        %description -n python3-setuptools_scm+yaml
        This is a metapackage bringing in yaml extras requires for python3-setuptools_scm.
        It contains no code, just makes sure the dependencies are installed.

        %files -n python3-setuptools_scm+yaml
        %ghost /usr/lib/python{X_Y}/site-packages/*.egg-info
    assert lines == expected

def test_python_extras_subpkg_f():
    lines = rpm_eval('%python_extras_subpkg -n python3-setuptools_scm -f ghost_filelist toml yaml',
                     version='6', release='7')
    expected = textwrap.dedent(f"""
        %package -n python3-setuptools_scm+toml
        Summary: Metapackage for python3-setuptools_scm: toml extras
        Requires: python3-setuptools_scm = 6-7
        %description -n python3-setuptools_scm+toml
        This is a metapackage bringing in toml extras requires for python3-setuptools_scm.
        It contains no code, just makes sure the dependencies are installed.

        %files -n python3-setuptools_scm+toml -f ghost_filelist

        %package -n python3-setuptools_scm+yaml
        Summary: Metapackage for python3-setuptools_scm: yaml extras
        Requires: python3-setuptools_scm = 6-7
        %description -n python3-setuptools_scm+yaml
        This is a metapackage bringing in yaml extras requires for python3-setuptools_scm.
        It contains no code, just makes sure the dependencies are installed.

        %files -n python3-setuptools_scm+yaml -f ghost_filelist
    assert lines == expected

def test_python_extras_subpkg_F():
    lines = rpm_eval('%python_extras_subpkg -n python3-setuptools_scm -F toml yaml',
                     version='6', release='7')
    expected = textwrap.dedent(f"""
        %package -n python3-setuptools_scm+toml
        Summary: Metapackage for python3-setuptools_scm: toml extras
        Requires: python3-setuptools_scm = 6-7
        %description -n python3-setuptools_scm+toml
        This is a metapackage bringing in toml extras requires for python3-setuptools_scm.
        It contains no code, just makes sure the dependencies are installed.

        %package -n python3-setuptools_scm+yaml
        Summary: Metapackage for python3-setuptools_scm: yaml extras
        Requires: python3-setuptools_scm = 6-7
        %description -n python3-setuptools_scm+yaml
        This is a metapackage bringing in yaml extras requires for python3-setuptools_scm.
        It contains no code, just makes sure the dependencies are installed.
    assert lines == expected

unversioned_macros = pytest.mark.parametrize('macro', [

def test_unversioned_python_errors(macro):
    lines = rpm_eval(macro, fails=True)
    assert lines[0] == ('error: attempt to use unversioned python, '
                        'define %__python to /usr/bin/python2 or /usr/bin/python3 explicitly')

def test_unversioned_python_works_when_defined(macro):
    macro3 = macro.replace('python', 'python3').replace('py_', 'py3_')
    assert rpm_eval(macro, __python='/usr/bin/python3') == rpm_eval(macro3)