Blob Blame History Raw
--- texext-0.6.7/texext/tests/	2022-06-02 08:06:17.000000000 -0600
+++ texext-0.6.7/texext/tests/	2023-10-30 09:42:46.313138512 -0600
@@ -36,8 +36,8 @@ FRAGMENTS = dict(code=r'(code|tt|span)',
                  math=r'"math( notranslate)?( nohighlight)?"')
 DOCSTRING_RE = re.compile(
 r'<p>Here is the module docstring:</p>\n'
-r'<span class="target" id="module-texext.tests.for_docstrings"></span>'
-r'<p>A module to test docstring parsing with math such as '
+r'(<span class="target" id="module-texext.tests.for_docstrings"></span>)?'
+r'<p( id="module-texext.tests.for_docstrings")?>A module to test docstring parsing with math such as '
 r'<span class={math}'
 r'>\\\(\\gamma = \\cos\(\\alpha\)\\\)</span></p>\n'
 r'<p>Need to test other markup - so: '
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ r'<span class="sig-paren">\(</span><span
 r'<big>\(</big><big>\)</big>'  # sphinx 1.1.3
 ')'  # end of regexp group
 r'<a class="headerlink" href="#texext.tests.for_docstrings\.func" '
-r'title="Permalink to this definition">.+</a></dt>\n'
+r'title="(Permalink|Link) to this definition">.+</a></dt>\n'
 r'<dd><p>A docstring with math in first line '
 r'<span class={math}>\\\(z = \\beta\\\)</span></p>\n'
 r'<p>With some more <span class={math}>\\\(a = 1\\\)</span> math\. '