Blob Blame History Raw
%bcond blender 0
%bcond skimage 1

Name:           python-trimesh
Version:        4.1.3
Release:        %autorelease
Summary:        Import, export, process, analyze and view triangular meshes

# The entire source is (SPDX) MIT, except:
#   - trimesh/ is BSD-3-Clause
#   - trimesh/exchange/ is Zlib
# Additionally, the following are under the same (SPDX) MIT license as the
# overall source, but with a different copyright statement:
License:        MIT AND BSD-3-Clause AND Zlib

# The combination of an arched package with only noarch binary packages makes
# it easier for us to detect arch-dependent test failures, since the tests will
# always be run on every platform, and easier for us to skip failing tests if
# necessary, since we can be sure that %%ifarch macros work as expected.
# Since the package still contains no compiled machine code, we still have no
# debuginfo.
%global debug_package %{nil}

ExcludeArch:    %{ix86}

# Turn off automatic python byte-compilation. One .py file,
# trimesh/resources/templates/, is actually a *template for a
# Python source* rather than an *actual Python source*, and trying to
# byte-compile it will break the build. We will byte-compile manually instead.
%undefine __brp_python_bytecompile

BuildRequires:  python3-devel

# Run tests in parallel:
BuildRequires:  python3dist(pytest-xdist)

# Command-line tools that are (optional) test dependencies:
# tests/
# Not yet packaged:
#BuildRequires:  /usr/bin/gltf_validator

%global _description %{expand:
Trimesh is a pure Python library for loading and using triangular meshes with
an emphasis on watertight meshes. The goal of the library is to provide a fully
featured and well tested Trimesh object which allows for easy manipulation and
analysis, in the style of the Polygon object in the Shapely library.}

%description %{_description}

%package -n     python3-trimesh
Summary:        %{summary}
BuildArch:      noarch

Recommends:     python3-trimesh+easy = %{version}-%{release}
Recommends:     python3-trimesh+recommend = %{version}-%{release}

# The [recommends] extra was renamed to [recommend] for v4.
Obsoletes:      python3-trimesh+recommends < 4.0.0~~dev0-1
# In v4, the [all] extra became the same as [easy,recommend,test]. Since we
# don’t want to package the [test] extra, we no longer package [all]. If any
# package depends on it (unlikely), the dependency should be changed to
# [easy,recommend], and it should be suggested to upstream that this is really
# what they needed anyway.
Obsoletes:      python3-trimesh+all < 4.0.0~~dev0-1

# A number of external command-line executables provide optional functionality.
# We choose to make these weak dependencies (Recommends). Hints (Suggests)
# would also be justifiable—although it should be noted that dnf does not do
# anything with hints. Any weak dependencies should also be BuildRequires so
# that their satisfiability is verified at build time; some may also enable
# additional tests.
# Cannot be packaged (closed-source):
#BuildRequires:  /usr/bin/binvox
#Recommends:     /usr/bin/binvox
%if %{with blender}
# trimesh.interfaces.blender
%ifnarch %{ix86}
BuildRequires:  /usr/bin/blender
Recommends:     /usr/bin/blender
# trimesh.graph
BuildRequires:  /usr/bin/dot
Recommends:     /usr/bin/dot
%ifnarch s390x
# ExportTest.test_export fails with:
#   subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command '['/usr/bin/draco_encoder', '-qp',
#   '28', '-i', '/tmp/tmpd1uz557y.ply', '-o', '/tmp/tmpkbowi3es.drc']' died
#   with <Signals.SIGABRT: 6>.
# and stderr is:
#   terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::bad_alloc'
#     what():  std::bad_alloc
# See also:
#   gtest failure on s390x
# We conclude that draco is not necessarily usable on this platform.
BuildRequires:  /usr/bin/draco_decoder
Recommends:     /usr/bin/draco_decoder
BuildRequires:  /usr/bin/draco_encoder
Recommends:     /usr/bin/draco_encoder
# “openscad”: trimesh.interfaces.scad
# Library would also recognize “OpenSCAD”
%ifnarch %{ix86}
BuildRequires:  /usr/bin/openscad
Recommends:     /usr/bin/openscad

# This probably should be in the [easy] extra but isn’t in the metadata at all;
# see README.rst and trimesh/ray/. However, it cannot be packaged until it
# supports the current version (3.x) of embree
# (
#Recommends:     python3dist(pyembree)

%description -n python3-trimesh %{_description}

%pyproject_extras_subpkg -n python3-trimesh easy recommend

# We elect not to build a documentation package, for the following reasons:
#  1. A (relatively simple) patch is required to build them offline without
#     pip-installing requirements from PyPI.
#  2. The documentation includes notebooks translated to HTML from .ipynb
#     using nbconvert.
#      a. Some conversions fail (wholly or on a per-cell basis, if continuing
#         on errors is requested) in architecture-dependent ways. This means
#         that the contents of the documentation package would depend on the
#         builder architecture, and it could not be noarch—an undesirable
#         situation.
#      b. An “HTML-ified” notebook contains a blob of JavaScript and other
#         web assets that is exceptionally difficult (at best, tedious) to
#         account for under current bundling guidelines.
#  3. Sphinx-generated HTML documentation is not suitable for packaging in
#     general—see for
#     discussion—and (because of the notebooks, if nothing else) the trimesh
#     documentation is not well-suited to building as a PDF instead of HTML.

%autosetup -n trimesh-%{version}

# Stub out unavailable pyinstrument test dependency; we don’t really need to do
# profiling anyway. Note that this does mean that API function
# trimesh.viewer.windowed.SceneViewer(…) will not work with “profile=True”.
# Packaging pyinstrument would be difficult due to a vue.js-based HTML
# renderer. Since guidelines forbid pre-built minified or compiled JS or CSS,
# this would have to be patched out, or the web asset pipeline would have to be
# somehow executed in the RPM build environment. (Or, of course, we can
# continue to do without pyinstrument.)
mkdir -p _stub
cat > _stub/ <<'EOF'
class Profiler(object):
    def __enter__(self, *args, **kwds):
        return self

    def __exit__(self, *args, **kwds):
        return False

    def output_text(self, *args, **kwds):
        return """
Profiling output would be here if pyinstrument were available.

# Patch out unavailable or dependencies from extras:
#   embreex: not packaged,; this would
#            require version 2.x of embree, which was once available in a
#            compat package ( but
#            was retired; the current version was 4.x.
#   glooey: not yet packaged,; needs fonts
#           that are not currently packaged unbundled from its assets
#   manifold3d: not yet packaged,
#   meshio: not yet packaged,
#   pymeshlab: not yet packaged,;
#              bundles MeshLab, which is a nontrivial package that has its own
#              bundling; see “Support a system/external copy of meshlab?”
#   python-fcl: not yet packaged; upstream is not compatible with the current
#               release of fcl,
#   xatlas: not yet packaged,;
#           depends on, also not yet packaged
# Those listed below are test-only dependencies: some are unavailable; the rest
# are unwanted under
#   black: linters/coverage/etc.
#   coveralls: linters/coverage/etc.
#   mypy: linters/coverage/etc.
#   pyinstrument: not packaged; see preceding “stub” patch
#   pytest-cov: linters/coverage/etc.
#   ruff: linters/coverage/etc.
for pkg in \
    black \
    coveralls \
    embreex \
    glooey \
    manifold3d \
    meshio \
    mypy \
    pyinstrument \
    pymeshlab \
    pytest-cov \
    python-fcl \
    ruff \
    %{?without_skimage:scikit-image} \
    xatlas \
  sed -r -i \
      "s/^([[:blank:]])*(\"${pkg}([><=][^\"]+)?\",?)/\\1# \\2/" \

# With v4, [all] = [easy,recommend,test].
%pyproject_buildrequires -x all


# Manual byte-compile, to skip that one troublesome “.py” template file:
find '%{buildroot}%{python3_sitelib}/trimesh' -type f \
    -name '*.py' ! -name '' |
  while read -r pyfile
    %py_byte_compile %{__python3} "${pyfile}"
# Cannot handle skipping byte-compilation for
#pyproject_save_files trimesh

while read -r t
  k="${k-}${k+ and }not ($(sed -r 's/::/ and /' <<<"${t}"))"
done < <(sed -r '/^[[:blank:]]*($|#)/d' <<'EOF'
%ifnarch x86_64
# CacheTest.test_hash fails, or may fail, because xxhash is not faster than CRC
# and/or MD5.
# This is not as intended, and upstream might or might not care, but it’s only
# a performance defect, so we just skip the test here.

%ifarch s390x
# Several test failures remain on s390x. For now, we choose to skip these tests
# rather than excluding the architecture, even though they certainly represent
# real defects.

export PYTHONPATH="${PWD}/_stub:%{buildroot}%{python3_sitelib}"
%pytest -v -k "${k-}" -n auto

%files -n python3-trimesh
# %%pyproject_save_files cannot handle skipping byte-compilation for
#, so we list files manually:
