Blob Blame History Raw
# The source tarball on PyPI contains generated sources. We are not required to
# produce the generated sources from scratch in the build process, but it is
# nice that we can do so.
# See
#   It is required that the original source files from which the code was
#   generated be included in the source package. Generally these files are part
#   of the source archive supplied by upstream, but it may be necessary to
#   fetch those files from an upstream source repository and include them in
#   the source package as separate Source: entries.
# The “true” source is, as noted in the description, grpc, along with release
# tarballs corresponding to third-party git submodules pulled in by grpc. Note
# that we do not treat these additional sources as bundled dependencies, since
# (provably) only the .proto files are used. Additionally, where possible, we
# depend on other packages that already provide the necessary generated Python
# files.
%global grpc_url
%global grpc_tag v1.40.0
#global grpc_commit xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
#global grpc_snapdate YYYYMMDD

# Check tools/distrib/python/xds_protos/ in the grpc tarball for a list
# of these third-party submodules, and
#{grpc_version}/third_party for the
# commit hashes used in the grpc release.
# This will probably never be separately packaged in Fedora, since upstream can
# only build with Bazel (and Bazel is such a mess of bundled dependencies that
# it is unlikely to every be successfully packaged under the Fedora packaging
# guidelines.
%global envoy_api_commit df3b1ab2773147f292c4f175f790c35448328161
# Upstream also only builds with Bazel:
%global udpa_proto_commit 6414d713912e988471d192940b62bf552b11793a
%global googleapis_commit 2f9af297c84c55c8b871ba4495e01ade42476c92
%global protoc_gen_validate_commit 59da36e59fef2267fc2b1849a05159e3ecdf24f3
# We can’t omit these two sources (and patch the corresponding proto
# compilations out of because the original .proto files are
# referenced from the envoy proto files, which we *do* need to compile.
%global opencensus_proto_commit 4aa53e15cbf1a47bc9087e6cfdca214c1eea4e89
%global opentelemetry_proto_commit 60fa8754d890b5c55949a8c68dcfd7ab5c2395df

# These minimum versions help keep track of what unbundled versions are needed.
# Since we are able to completely unbundle the generated proto wrappers for
# opencensus and opentelemetry, the version bounds are not extremely strict.
%global opencensus_proto_min_version 0.4.1
%global opentelemetry_proto_min_version 1.16
# It is unfortunate but unavoidable that this package must stuff additional
# files inside the unbundled googlapis-common-protos directories. This means
# than any update to python-googleapis-common-protos could potentially require
# python-xds-protos to be rebuilt. We therefore use an exact-version
# dependency.
%global googleapis_common_protos_version 1.59

Name:           python-xds-protos
Version:        0.0.11%{?grpc_commit:^%{grpc_snapdate}git%{grpc_commit}}
Release:        %autorelease -b 9
Summary:        ProtoBuf generated Python files for xDS protos

# The entire source (after removing unused non-.proto files in %%prep) is Apache-2.0, except:
# - The following .proto files are BSD-3-Clause. However, they are for
#   benchmarks and are not used to generate the proto bindings in this package,
#   so do not affect the license of the binary RPMs.
#   third_party/upb/benchmarks/descriptor.proto
#   third_party/upb/benchmarks/descriptor_sv.proto

License:        Apache-2.0
%global grpc_version %(echo '%{grpc_tag}' | sed -r 's/^v//')
Source0:        %{grpc_url}/archive/%{grpc_tag}/grpc-%{grpc_version}.tar.gz

%global envoy_api_url
%global udpa_proto_url
%global googleapis_url
%global protoc_gen_validate_url
%global opencensus_proto_url
%global opentelemetry_proto_url

%global envoy_api_dir data-plane-api-%{envoy_api_commit}
%global udpa_proto_dir udpa-%{udpa_proto_commit}
%global googleapis_dir googleapis-%{googleapis_commit}
%global protoc_gen_validate_dir protoc-gen-validate-%{protoc_gen_validate_commit}
%global opencensus_proto_dir opencensus-proto-%{opencensus_proto_commit}
%global opentelemetry_proto_dir opentelemetry-proto-%{opentelemetry_proto_commit}

Source1:        %{envoy_api_url}/archive/%{envoy_api_commit}/%{envoy_api_dir}.tar.gz
Source2:        %{udpa_proto_url}/archive/%{udpa_proto_commit}/%{udpa_proto_dir}.tar.gz
Source3:        %{googleapis_url}/archive/%{googleapis_commit}/%{googleapis_dir}.tar.gz
Source4:        %{protoc_gen_validate_url}/archive/%{protoc_gen_validate_commit}/%{protoc_gen_validate_dir}.tar.gz
Source5:        %{opencensus_proto_url}/archive/%{opencensus_proto_commit}/%{opencensus_proto_dir}.tar.gz
Source6:        %{opentelemetry_proto_url}/archive/%{opentelemetry_proto_commit}/%{opentelemetry_proto_dir}.tar.gz

# This Python script helps us handle cases where we have to “overlay”
# additional files on top of our dependencies by removing files in this package
# that are provided by dependencies.
Source100:      unbundle_dependencies
# This Python script helps us handle cases where we have to “overlay”
# additional files on top of our dependencies by re-combining this package and
# its dependencies in a single sitelib directory for testing.
Source101:      overlay_dependencies
# This Python script helps verify we have no file conflicts with our
# dependencies at the end.
Source102:      check_conflicts

BuildArch:      noarch

BuildRequires:  python3-devel

# Note that grpc has a circular dependency on this package (xds-protos). The
# bootstrapping is handled in the grpc package: it is possible to build
# everything except (as of grpc 1.40) the grpcio-admin Python package and the
# Python CSDS API package without xds-protos. This is sufficient, as xds-protos
# depends only on grpcio and grpcio-tools.
BuildRequires:  python3dist(grpcio-tools)

# Some of the files in this package duplicate (conflict with) those in
# googleapis-common-protos. We package only the “extra” files.
BuildRequires:  python3dist(googleapis-common-protos) == %{googleapis_common_protos_version}
# Everything this package would install under the opencensus package is
# already provided by opencensus-proto.
BuildRequires:  python3dist(opencensus-proto) >= %{opencensus_proto_min_version}
# Everything this package would install under the opentelemetry package is
# already provided by opentelemetry-proto.
BuildRequires:  python3dist(opentelemetry-proto) >= %{opentelemetry_proto_min_version}

# Working directory, relative to the extracted source distribution, from which
# the and scripts should be launched. This is a convenience
# macro specific to this spec file.
%global py_cwd tools/distrib/python/xds_protos

%global common_description %{expand:
Package “xds-protos” is a collection of ProtoBuf generated Python files for xDS
protos (or the data-plane-api,
You can find the source code of this project in
For any question or suggestion, please post to

Each generated Python file can be imported according to their proto package.
For example, if we are trying to import a proto located at
“envoy/service/status/v3/csds.proto”, whose proto package is
“package envoy.service.status.v3”, then we can import it as:

  # Import the message definitions
  from envoy.service.status.v3 import csds_pb2
  # Import the gRPC service and stub
  from envoy.service.status.v3 import csds_pb2_grpc}

%description %{common_description}

%package -n     python3-xds-protos
Summary:        %{summary}

Requires:       python3dist(googleapis-common-protos) == %{googleapis_common_protos_version}
Requires:       python3dist(opencensus-proto) >= %{opencensus_proto_min_version}
Requires:       python3dist(opentelemetry-proto) >= %{opentelemetry_proto_min_version}

%description -n python3-xds-protos %{common_description}

%autosetup -n grpc-%{grpc_version}

# Extract the source tarballs corresponding to the necessary git submodules.
%setup -q -T -D -b 1 -n grpc-%{grpc_version}
%setup -q -T -D -b 2 -n grpc-%{grpc_version}
%setup -q -T -D -b 3 -n grpc-%{grpc_version}
%setup -q -T -D -b 4 -n grpc-%{grpc_version}
%setup -q -T -D -b 5 -n grpc-%{grpc_version}
%setup -q -T -D -b 6 -n grpc-%{grpc_version}

  awk '$1 ~ /^(#|$)/ { next }; 1' <<'EOF'
../%{envoy_api_dir}/ third_party/envoy-api/
../%{udpa_proto_dir}/ third_party/udpa/
../%{googleapis_dir}/ third_party/googleapis/
../%{protoc_gen_validate_dir}/ third_party/protoc-gen-validate/
../%{opencensus_proto_dir}/ third_party/opencensus-proto/
../%{opentelemetry_proto_dir}/ third_party/opentelemetry/
} | while read -r fromdir todir
  # Remove the empty directory corresponding to the git submodule
  rm -rvf "${todir}"
  # Move the extracted source, to the location where the git submodule would be
  # in a git checkout that included it.
  mv "${fromdir}" "${todir}"
  # Later in %%prep, we will remove all of the extracted source except the
  # .proto files.

# Remove everything from the source tree that we don’t need, to prove that none
# of it is bundled.

# First, remove everything at the top level except the LICENSE file,
# third_party/ (which contains necessary .proto files), and tools/ (which is a
# parent directory of the actual source for this package).
find '.' -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 \
    ! \( -name 'LICENSE' -o -name 'third_party' -o -name 'tools' \) \
     -print -execdir rm -rf '{}' '+'
# Next, remove all files in third_party/ that are NOT .proto files; some but
# not all of them are bundled dependencies in grpc. (Bundled dependencies would
# not be used in this build anyway, but removing them proves this.) All known
# bundled dependencies in the grpc release are in third_party/.
# Note that all of the extracted source tarballs corresponding to git
# submodules were moved here, so nothing remains of them but .proto files.
find 'third_party/' -type f ! -name '*.proto' -print -delete
# Next, remove everything in tools/ except tools/distrib/ (which is a parent
# directory of the actual source for this package).
find 'tools/' -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 ! -name 'distrib' \
    -print -execdir rm -rf '{}' '+'
# Again for tools/distrib except tools/distrib/python
find 'tools/distrib' -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 ! -name 'python' \
    -print -execdir rm -rf '{}' '+'
# Finally, again for tools/distrib/python except
# tools/distrib/python/xds_protos
find 'tools/distrib/python' -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 ! -name 'xds_protos' \
    -print -execdir rm -rf '{}' '+'

cd %{py_cwd}

cd %{py_cwd}

cd %{py_cwd}
# We meddle with the installed files so much that %%pyproject_save_files is not
# useful.

# Both and get installed, even though
# upstream attempted to exclude them in Additionally, gets
# installed (inside the package). All of this is wrong.
for pyfile in build setup generated_file_import_test
  rm -vf "%{buildroot}%{python3_sitelib}/${pyfile}.py"

# Remove the files that conflict with other packages in the distribution, which
# we have added as dependencies.
%{python3} '%{SOURCE100}' \
    '%{buildroot}%{python3_sitelib}' \

echo "== Checking for file conflicts with dependencies =="
%{python3} '%{SOURCE102}' \
    '%{buildroot}%{python3_sitelib}' \

# To reliably “smoke-test” imports, we must re-combine the installed package
# with the unbundled dependencies that provide some of the imports, as would be
# the case once the resulting RPM is installed—at least in cases where they are
# “mixed” under the same namespace package.
# (We don’t need to copy anything for opencensus or opentelemetry, because this
# package installs nothing additional under those namespaces, so importing from
# the buildroot will always work fine.)
%{python3} '%{SOURCE101}' \
    '%{buildroot}%{python3_sitelib}' \
    "${dest}" \
    '%{python3_sitelib}/google' \
    '%{python3_sitelib}/opencensus' \
if [ -d '%{python3_sitearch}/google/protobuf' ]
  ln -s '%{python3_sitearch}/google/protobuf' "${dest}/google/protobuf"
find '%{python3_sitearch}' '%{python3_sitelib}' \
    -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 |
  while read -r dir
    mod="$(basename "${dir}")"
    if [ ! -e "${dest}/${mod}" ]
      ln -s "${dir}" "${dest}/${mod}"
    %{python3} -S < %{py_cwd}/

%files -n python3-xds-protos
%license LICENSE


# Commented-out directories are owned (or co-owned as namespace package
# directories) by python3dist(googleapis-common-protos); since we depend on it,
# we do not need to (co-)own them.
#%%dir %%{python3_sitelib}/google/
#%%dir %%{python3_sitelib}/google/api/
#%%dir %%{python3_sitelib}/google/logging/
#%%dir %%{python3_sitelib}/google/logging/type/
#%%dir %%{python3_sitelib}/google/longrunning/
#%%dir %%{python3_sitelib}/google/rpc/
#%%dir %%{python3_sitelib}/google/type/

# Commented-out directories are owned (or co-owned as namespace package
# directories) by python3dist(opencensus-proto); since we depend on it,
# we do not need to (co-)own them.
#%%dir %%{python3_sitelib}/opencensus/

# Commented-out directories are owned (or co-owned as namespace package
# directories) by python3dist(opentelemetry-proto); since we depend on it,
# we do not need to (co-)own them.
#%%dir %%{python3_sitelib}/opentelemetry
# Dropped from python-opentelemetry in v1.15, so it now comes from this
# package:

# This is a namespace package; another package could (but probably will not)
# co-own the directory.



# Note that there is no importable package or module named xds_protos!
%{python3_sitelib}/xds_protos-%(echo '%{version}' | cut -d '^' -f 1).dist-info/
