Blob Blame History Raw
diff -urN racket-7.0.orig/share/links.rktd racket-7.0/share/links.rktd
--- racket-7.0.orig/share/links.rktd	2018-08-03 15:23:48.604561727 -0400
+++ racket-7.0/share/links.rktd	2018-08-03 15:23:45.481540939 -0400
@@ -175,9 +175,7 @@
  ("sasl" "pkgs/sasl-doc")
  (root "pkgs/slideshow-exe")
  (root "pkgs/slideshow-plugin")
- (root "pkgs/srfi-lib-nonfree")
  (root "pkgs/srfi-doc")
- (root "pkgs/srfi-doc-nonfree")
  (root "pkgs/syntax-color-doc")
  (root "pkgs/web-server-lib")
  (root "pkgs/unix-socket-lib")
diff -urN racket-7.0.orig/share/pkgs/srfi/info.rkt racket-7.0/share/pkgs/srfi/info.rkt
--- racket-7.0.orig/share/pkgs/srfi/info.rkt	2018-08-03 15:23:48.891563638 -0400
+++ racket-7.0/share/pkgs/srfi/info.rkt	2018-08-03 15:23:45.424540559 -0400
@@ -1 +1 @@
-(module info setup/infotab (#%module-begin (define package-content-state (quote (built "7.0"))) (define collection (quote multi)) (define deps (quote ("srfi-lib" "srfi-lib-nonfree" "srfi-doc" "srfi-doc-nonfree"))) (define implies (quote ("srfi-lib" "srfi-lib-nonfree" "srfi-doc" "srfi-doc-nonfree"))) (define pkg-desc "Legacy SRFI (Scheme) libraries") (define pkg-authors (quote (mflatt noel chongkai jay)))))
+(module info setup/infotab (#%module-begin (define package-content-state (quote (built "7.0"))) (define collection (quote multi)) (define deps (quote ("srfi-lib" "srfi-doc"))) (define implies (quote ("srfi-lib" "srfi-doc"))) (define pkg-desc "Legacy SRFI (Scheme) libraries") (define pkg-authors (quote (mflatt noel chongkai jay)))))
diff -urN racket-7.0.orig/share/pkgs/srfi-doc-nonfree/info.rkt racket-7.0/share/pkgs/srfi-doc-nonfree/info.rkt
--- racket-7.0.orig/share/pkgs/srfi-doc-nonfree/info.rkt	2018-08-03 15:23:48.895563664 -0400
+++ racket-7.0/share/pkgs/srfi-doc-nonfree/info.rkt	1969-12-31 19:00:00.000000000 -0500
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-(module info setup/infotab (#%module-begin (define package-content-state (quote (built "7.0"))) (define collection (quote multi)) (define build-deps (quote ("mzscheme-doc" "scheme-lib" "base" "scribble-lib" "srfi-doc" "srfi-lib-nonfree" "racket-doc" "r5rs-doc" "r6rs-doc" "compatibility-lib"))) (define update-implies (quote ("srfi-lib-nonfree"))) (define pkg-desc "documentation part of \"srfi nonfree\"") (define pkg-authors (quote (mflatt noel chongkai jay)))))
diff -urN racket-7.0.orig/share/pkgs/srfi-doc-nonfree/srfi/scribblings/info.rkt racket-7.0/share/pkgs/srfi-doc-nonfree/srfi/scribblings/info.rkt
--- racket-7.0.orig/share/pkgs/srfi-doc-nonfree/srfi/scribblings/info.rkt	2018-08-03 15:23:48.895563664 -0400
+++ racket-7.0/share/pkgs/srfi-doc-nonfree/srfi/scribblings/info.rkt	1969-12-31 19:00:00.000000000 -0500
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-#lang info
-(define scribblings '(("srfi-nf.scrbl" (multi-page) (library 100))))
diff -urN racket-7.0.orig/share/pkgs/srfi-doc-nonfree/srfi/scribblings/srfi-nf.scrbl racket-7.0/share/pkgs/srfi-doc-nonfree/srfi/scribblings/srfi-nf.scrbl
--- racket-7.0.orig/share/pkgs/srfi-doc-nonfree/srfi/scribblings/srfi-nf.scrbl	2018-08-03 15:23:48.895563664 -0400
+++ racket-7.0/share/pkgs/srfi-doc-nonfree/srfi/scribblings/srfi-nf.scrbl	1969-12-31 19:00:00.000000000 -0500
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-#lang scribble/doc
-@(require srfi/scribblings/util
-          scribble/manual
-          scribble/eval
-          scriblib/render-cond
-          scribble/core
-          scribble/html-properties
-          (for-syntax scheme/base)
-          (for-label scheme/base
-                     racket/stream))
-@; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-@title{SRFI Nonfree Libraries and Documentation}
-The @link[#:style srfi-std ""]{Scheme Requests for
-Implementation} (a.k.a. @deftech{SRFI}) process allows individual
-members of the Scheme community to propose libraries and extensions to
-be supported by multiple Scheme implementations.
-Racket is distributed with implementations of many SRFIs, most of
-which can be implemented as libraries. To import the bindings of SRFI
-@math{n}, use
-(require @#,elem{@racketidfont{srfi/}@math{n}})
-This document lists the SRFIs that are supported by Racket and
-provides a link to the original SRFI specification (which is also
-distributed as part of Racket's documentation).
-The following SRFI specification documents are licensed restrictively.  
-@; ----------------------------------------
-@srfi[5]{A compatible let form with signatures and rest arguments}
-@redirect[5 '(
- (let #t "unnamed")
-Racket provides this SRFI in the @racket[srfi-lib-nonfree] package.
-@; ----------------------------------------
-@redirect[29 '(
- (current-language #f "current-language")
- (current-country #f "current-country")
- (current-locale-details #f "current-locale-details")
- (declare-bundle! #f "declare-bundle!")
- (store-bundle #f "store-bundle")
- (load-bundle! #f "load-bundle!")
- (localized-template #f "localized-template")
-Racket provides a free implementation of this SRFI in the @racket[srfi-lib] package.  Only the SRFI specification document is nonfree.
-@; ----------------------------------------
diff -urN racket-7.0.orig/share/pkgs/srfi-doc-nonfree/srfi/scribblings/srfi-std/srfi-29.html racket-7.0/share/pkgs/srfi-doc-nonfree/srfi/scribblings/srfi-std/srfi-29.html
--- racket-7.0.orig/share/pkgs/srfi-doc-nonfree/srfi/scribblings/srfi-std/srfi-29.html	2018-08-03 15:23:48.895563664 -0400
+++ racket-7.0/share/pkgs/srfi-doc-nonfree/srfi/scribblings/srfi-std/srfi-29.html	1969-12-31 19:00:00.000000000 -0500
@@ -1,507 +0,0 @@
-  <head>
-    <meta name="generator" content="HTML Tidy, see">
-    <title>SRFI 29: Localization</title>
-    <meta name="author" content="Scott G. Miller">
-    <meta name="description" content="Localization">
-  </head>
-  <body>
-    <H1>Title</H1>
-    SRFI 29: Localization 
-    <H1>Author</H1>
-    Scott G. Miller 
-    <H1>Abstract</H1>
-    This document specifies an interface to retrieving and
-    displaying locale sensitive messages. A Scheme program can
-    register one or more translations of templated messages, and
-    then write Scheme code that can transparently retrieve the
-    appropriate message for the locale under which the Scheme
-    system is running. <br>
-    <H1>Rationale</H1>
-    <p>As any programmer that has ever had to deal with making his
-    or her code readable in more than one locale, the process of
-    sufficiently abstracting program messages from their
-    presentation to the user is non-trivial without help from the
-    programming language. Most modern programming language
-    libraries do provide some mechanism for performing this
-    separation.</p>
-    <p>A portable API that allows a piece of code to run without
-    modification in different countries and under different
-    languages is a must for any non-trivial software project.
-    &nbsp;The interface should separate the logic of a program from
-    the myriad of translations that may be necessary.</p>
-    <p>The interface described in this document provides such
-    functionality. The underlying implementation is also allowed to
-    use whatever datastructures it likes to provide access to the
-    translations in the most efficient manner possible. &nbsp;In
-    addition, the implementation is provided with standardized
-    functions that programs will use for accessing an external,
-    unspecified repository of translations.</p>
-    <p>This interface <i>does not</i> cover all aspects of
-    localization, including support for non-latin characters,
-    number and date formatting, etc. Such functionality is the
-    scope of a future SRFI that may extend this one.</p>
-    <H1>Dependencies</H1>
-    An SRFI-29 conformant implementation must also implement
-    SRFI-28, Basic Format Strings. Message templates are strings
-    that must be processed by the <tt>format</tt> function
-    specified in that SRFI. 
-    <H1>Specification</H1>
-    <h3>Message Bundles</h3>
-    <p>A Message Bundle is a set of message templates and their
-    identifying keys. Each bundle contains one or more such
-    key/value pairs. The bundle itself is associated with a
-    <i>bundle specifier</i> which uniquely identifies the
-    bundle.</p>
-    <h3>Bundle Specifiers</h3>
-    <p>A Bundle Specifier is a Scheme list that describes, in order
-    of importance, the package and locale of a message bundle.
-    &nbsp;In most cases, a locale specifier will have between one
-    and three elements. The first element is a symbol denoting the
-    package for which this bundle applies. The second and third
-    elements denote a <i>locale</i>. The second element (first
-    element of the locale) if present, is the two letter, ISO 639-1
-    language code for the bundle. The third element, if present, is
-    a two letter ISO 3166-1 country code. &nbsp;In some cases, a
-    fourth element may be present, specifying the encoding used for
-    the bundle. &nbsp;All bundle specifier elements are Scheme
-    symbols.</p>
-    <p>If only one translation is provided, it should be designated
-    only by a package name, for example <tt>(mathlib)</tt>. This
-    translation is called the <i>default</i> translation.</p>
-    <h3>Bundle Searching</h3>
-    <p>When a message template is retrieved from a bundle, the
-    Scheme implementation will provide the locale under which the
-    system is currently running. When the template is retrieved,
-    the package name will be specified. The Scheme system should
-    construct a Bundle Specifier from the provided package name and
-    the active locale. For example, when retrieving a message
-    template for French Canadian, in the <tt>mathlib</tt> package,
-    the bundle specifier '<tt>(mathlib fr ca)</tt>' is used. A
-    program may also retrieve the elements of the current locale
-    using the no-argument procedures:</p>
-    <p><b><a name="current-language"></a><tt>current-language</tt></b> <tt>-&gt;
-    <i>symbol</i></tt><br>
-     <tt><b>current-language</b> <i>symbol</i> -&gt;
-    undefined</tt><br>
-    </p>
-    <blockquote>
-      When given no arguments, returns the current ISO 639-1
-      language code as a symbol. &nbsp;If provided with an
-      argument, the current language is set to that named by the
-      symbol for the currently executing Scheme thread (or for the
-      entire Scheme system if such a distinction is not possible).
-      &nbsp;
-    </blockquote>
-    <p><b><a name="current-country"></a><tt>current-country</tt></b> <tt>-&gt;
-    <i>symbol</i></tt><br>
-     <tt><b>current-country</b> <i>symbol</i> -&gt;
-    undefined</tt><br>
-    </p>
-    <blockquote>
-      returns the current ISO 3166-1 country code as a symbol.
-      &nbsp;If provided with an argument, the current country is
-      set to that named by the symbol for the currently executing
-      Scheme thread (or for the entire Scheme system if such a
-      distinction is not possible). &nbsp;&nbsp;
-    </blockquote>
-    <p><b><a name="current-locale-details"></a><tt>current-locale-details</tt></b> <tt>-&gt; <i>list of
-    symbol</i></tt>s<br>
-     <tt><b>current-locale-details</b> <i>list-of-symbols</i> -&gt;
-    undefined</tt><br>
-    </p>
-    <blockquote>
-      Returns a list of additional locale details as a list of
-      symbols. &nbsp;This list may contain information about
-      encodings or other more specific information. &nbsp;If
-      provided with an argument, the current locale details are set
-      to those given in the currently executing Scheme thread (or
-      for the entire Scheme system if such a distinction is not
-      possible).&nbsp;
-    </blockquote>
-    <p>The Scheme System should first check for a bundle with the
-    exact name provided. If no such bundle is found, the last
-    element from the list is removed and a search is tried for a
-    bundle with that name. If no bundle is then found, the list is
-    shortened by removing the last element again. If no message is
-    found and the bundle specifier is now the empty list, an error
-    should be raised.</p>
-    <p>The reason for this search order is to provide the most
-    locale sensitive template possible, but to fall back on more
-    general templates if a translation has not yet been provided
-    for the given locale.</p>
-    <h3>Message Templates</h3>
-    <p>A message template is a localized message that may or may
-    not contain one of a number of formatting codes. A message
-    template is a Scheme string. The string is of a form that can
-    be processed by the <tt>format</tt> procedure found in many
-    Scheme systems and formally specified in SRFI-28 (Basic Format
-    Strings).</p>
-    <p>This SRFI also extends SRFI-28 to provide an additional
-    <tt>format</tt> escape code:</p>
-    <blockquote>
-      <tt>~[n]@*</tt> - Causes a value-requiring escape code that
-      follows this code immediately to reference the [N]'th
-      optional value absolutely, rather than the next unconsumed
-      value. The referenced value is <i>not</i> consumed.
-    </blockquote>
-    This extension allows optional values to be positionally
-    referenced, so that message templates can be constructed that
-    can produce the proper word ordering for a language. 
-    <h3>Preparing Bundles</h3>
-    Before a bundle may be used by the Scheme system to retrieve
-    localized template messages, they must be made available to the
-    Scheme system. &nbsp;This SRFI specifies a way to portably
-    define the bundles, as well as store them in and retrieve them
-    from an unspecified system which may be provided by resources
-    outside the Scheme system.<br>
-    <p><b><a name="declare-bundle!"></a><tt>declare-bundle!</tt></b> <tt><i>bundle-specifier
-    association-list</i> -&gt; undefined<br>
-    </tt></p>
-    <blockquote>
-      Declares a new bundle named by the given bundle-specifier.
-      &nbsp;The contents of the bundle are defined by the provided
-      association list. &nbsp;The list contains associations
-      between Scheme symbols and the message templates (Scheme
-      strings) they name. &nbsp;If a bundle already exists with the
-      given name, it is overwritten with the newly declared
-      bundle.<br>
-    </blockquote>
-    <tt><a name="store-bundle"></a><b>store-bundle</b> <i>bundle-specifier</i> -&gt;
-    boolean</tt><br>
-    <blockquote>
-      Attempts to store a bundle named by the given bundle
-      specifier, and previously made available using
-      <tt>declare-bundle!</tt> or <tt>load-bundle!</tt>, in an
-      unspecified mechanism that may be persistent across Scheme
-      system restarts. &nbsp;If successful, a non-false value is
-      returned. &nbsp;If unsuccessful, <tt>#f</tt> is returned.<br>
-    </blockquote>
-    <tt><a name="load-bundle!"></a><b>load-bundle!</b> <i>bundle-specifier</i> -&gt;
-    boolean</tt><br>
-    <blockquote>
-      Attempts to retrieve a bundle from an unspecified mechanism
-      which stores bundles outside the Scheme system. &nbsp;If the
-      bundle was retrieved successfully, the function returns a
-      non-false value, and the bundle is immediately available to
-      the Scheme system. If the bundle could not be found or loaded
-      successfully, the function returns <tt>#f</tt>, and the
-      Scheme system's bundle registry remains unaffected.<br>
-    </blockquote>
-    A compliant Scheme system may choose not to provide any
-    external mechanism to store localized bundles. &nbsp;If it does
-    not, it must still provide implementations for
-    <tt>store-bundle</tt> and <tt>load-bundle!</tt>. In such a
-    case, both functions must return <tt>#f</tt> regardless of the
-    arguments given. Users of this SRFI should recognize that the
-    inability to load or store a localized bundle in an external
-    repository is <i>not</i> a fatal error.<br>
-    <h3>Retrieving Localized Message Templates</h3>
-    <p><a name="localized-template"></a><b><tt>localized-template</tt></b> <i><tt>package-name
-    message-template-name</tt></i> <tt>-&gt; <i>string or #f<br>
-    </i></tt></p>
-    <blockquote>
-      Retrieves a localized message template for the given package
-      name and the given message template name (both symbols).
-      &nbsp;If no such message could be found, false (#f) is
-      returned.<br>
-      <br>
-    </blockquote>
-    After retrieving a template, the calling program can use
-    <tt>format</tt> to produce a string that can be displayed to
-    the user.<br>
-    <h2>Examples</h2>
-    The below example makes use of SRFI-29 to display simple,
-    localized messages. &nbsp;It also defines its bundles in such a
-    way that the Scheme system may store and retrieve the bundles
-    from a more efficient system catalog, if available.<br>
-(let ((translations
-       '(((en) . ((time . "Its ~a, ~a.")
-                (goodbye . "Goodbye, ~a.")))
-         ((fr) . ((time . "~1@*~a, c'est ~a.")
-                (goodbye . "Au revoir, ~a."))))))
-  (for-each (lambda (translation)
-              (let ((bundle-name (cons 'hello-program (car translation))))
-                (if (not (load-bundle! bundle-name))
-                    (begin
-                     (declare-bundle! bundle-name (cdr translation))
-                     (store-bundle! bundle-name)))))
-             translations))
-(define localized-message
-  (lambda (message-name . args)
-    (apply format (cons (localized-template 'hello-program
-                                            message-name)
-                        args))))
-(let ((myname "Fred"))
-  (display (localized-message 'time "12:00" myname))
-  (display #\newline)
-  (display (localized-message 'goodbye myname))
-  (display #\newline))
-;; Displays (English):
-;; Its 12:00, Fred.
-;; Goodbye, Fred.
-;; French:
-;; Fred, c'est 12:00.
-;; Au revoir, Fred.
-    <H1>Implementation</H1>
-    <p>The implementation requires that the Scheme system provide a
-    definition for <tt>current-language</tt> and
-    <tt>current-country</tt> capable of distinguishing the correct
-    locale present during a Scheme session. The definitions of
-    those functions in the reference implementation are not capable
-    of that distinction. Their implementation is provided only so
-    that the following code can run in any R4RS scheme system.
-    &nbsp;<br>
-    </p>
-    <p>In addition, the below implementation of a compliant
-    <tt>format</tt> requires SRFI-6 (Basic String Ports) and
-    SRFI-23 (Error reporting)</p>
-;; The association list in which bundles will be stored
-(define *localization-bundles* '())
-;; The current-language and current-country functions provided
-;; here must be rewritten for each Scheme system to default to the
-;; actual locale of the session
-(define current-language
-  (let ((current-language-value 'en))
-    (lambda args
-      (if (null? args)
-          current-language-value
-          (set! current-language-value (car args))))))
-(define current-country
-  (let ((current-country-value 'us))
-    (lambda args
-      (if (null? args)
-          current-country-value
-          (set! current-country-value (car args))))))
-;; The load-bundle! and store-bundle! both return #f in this
-;; reference implementation.  A compliant implementation need
-;; not rewrite these procedures.
-(define load-bundle!
-  (lambda (bundle-specifier)
-    #f))
-(define store-bundle!
-  (lambda (bundle-specifier)
-    #f))
-;; Declare a bundle of templates with a given bundle specifier
-(define declare-bundle!
-  (letrec ((remove-old-bundle
-            (lambda (specifier bundle)
-              (cond ((null? bundle) '())
-                    ((equal? (caar bundle) specifier)
-                     (cdr bundle))
-                    (else (cons (car bundle)
-                                (remove-old-bundle specifier
-                                                   (cdr bundle))))))))
-    (lambda (bundle-specifier bundle-assoc-list)
-      (set! *localization-bundles*
-            (cons (cons bundle-specifier bundle-assoc-list)
-                  (remove-old-bundle bundle-specifier
-                                     *localization-bundles*))))))
-;;Retrieve a localized template given its package name and a template name
-(define localized-template
-  (letrec ((rdc
-            (lambda (ls)
-              (if (null? (cdr ls))
-                  '()
-                  (cons (car ls) (rdc (cdr ls))))))
-           (find-bundle
-            (lambda (specifier template-name)
-              (cond ((assoc specifier *localization-bundles*) =&gt;
-                     (lambda (bundle) bundle))
-                    ((null? specifier) #f)
-                    (else (find-bundle (rdc specifier)
-                                       template-name))))))
-    (lambda (package-name template-name)
-      (let loop ((specifier (cons package-name
-                                  (list (current-language)
-                                        (current-country)))))
-        (and (not (null? specifier))
-             (let ((bundle (find-bundle specifier template-name)))
-               (and bundle
-                    (cond ((assq template-name bundle) =&gt; cdr)
-                          ((null? (cdr specifier)) #f)
-                          (else (loop (rdc specifier)))))))))))
-;;An SRFI-28 and SRFI-29 compliant version of format.  It requires
-;;SRFI-23 for error reporting.
-(define format
-  (lambda (format-string . objects)
-    (let ((buffer (open-output-string)))
-      (let loop ((format-list (string-&gt;list format-string))
-                 (objects objects)
-                 (object-override #f))
-        (cond ((null? format-list) (get-output-string buffer))
-              ((char=? (car format-list) #\~)
-               (cond ((null? (cdr format-list))
-                      (error 'format "Incomplete escape sequence"))
-                     ((char-numeric? (cadr format-list))
-                      (let posloop ((fl (cddr format-list))
-                                    (pos (string-&gt;number
-                                          (string (cadr format-list)))))
-                        (cond ((null? fl)
-                               (error 'format "Incomplete escape sequence"))
-                              ((and (eq? (car fl) '#\@)
-                                    (null? (cdr fl)))
-                                    (error 'format "Incomplete escape sequence"))
-                              ((and (eq? (car fl) '#\@)
-                                    (eq? (cadr fl) '#\*))
-                               (loop (cddr fl) objects (list-ref objects pos)))
-                              (else
-                                (posloop (cdr fl)
-                                         (+ (* 10 pos)
-                                            (string-&gt;number
-                                             (string (car fl)))))))))
-                     (else
-                       (case (cadr format-list)
-                         ((#\a)
-                          (cond (object-override
-                                 (begin
-                                   (display object-override buffer)
-                                   (loop (cddr format-list) objects #f)))
-                                ((null? objects)
-                                 (error 'format "No value for escape sequence"))
-                                (else
-                                  (begin
-                                    (display (car objects) buffer)
-                                    (loop (cddr format-list)
-                                          (cdr objects) #f)))))
-                         ((#\s)
-                          (cond (object-override
-                                 (begin
-                                   (display object-override buffer)
-                                   (loop (cddr format-list) objects #f)))
-                                ((null? objects)
-                                 (error 'format "No value for escape sequence"))
-                                (else
-                                  (begin
-                                    (write (car objects) buffer)
-                                    (loop (cddr format-list)
-                                          (cdr objects) #f)))))
-                         ((#\%)
-                          (if object-override
-                              (error 'format "Escape sequence following positional override does not require a value"))
-                          (display #\newline buffer)
-                          (loop (cddr format-list) objects #f))
-                        ((#\~)
-                          (if object-override
-                              (error 'format "Escape sequence following positional override does not require a value"))
-                          (display #\~ buffer)
-                          (loop (cddr format-list) objects #f))
-                         (else
-                           (error 'format "Unrecognized escape sequence"))))))
-              (else (display (car format-list) buffer)
-                    (loop (cdr format-list) objects #f)))))))
-    <H1>Copyright</H1>
-    Copyright (C) Scott G. Miller (2002). All Rights Reserved. 
-    <p>This document and translations of it may be copied and
-    furnished to others, and derivative works that comment on or
-    otherwise explain it or assist in its implementation may be
-    prepared, copied, published and distributed, in whole or in
-    part, without restriction of any kind, provided that the above
-    copyright notice and this paragraph are included on all such
-    copies and derivative works. However, this document itself may
-    not be modified in any way, such as by removing the copyright
-    notice or references to the Scheme Request For Implementation
-    process or editors, except as needed for the purpose of
-    developing SRFIs in which case the procedures for copyrights
-    defined in the SRFI process must be followed, or as required to
-    translate it into languages other than English.</p>
-    <p>The limited permissions granted above are perpetual and will
-    not be revoked by the authors or their successors or
-    assigns.</p>
-    <p>This document and the information contained herein is
-    provided on an "AS IS" basis and THE AUTHOR AND THE SRFI
-    <hr>
-    <address>
-      Editor: <a href="">David
-      Rush</a>
-    </address>
-    <address>
-      Author: <a href="">Scott G.
-      Miller</a>
-    </address>
-    <!-- Created: Tue Sep 29 19:20:08 EDT 1998 -->
-    <!-- hhmts start -->Last modified: Mon Jun 17 12:00:08 Pacific
-    Daylight Time 2002 <!-- hhmts end --> <br>
-  </body>
diff -urN racket-7.0.orig/share/pkgs/srfi-doc-nonfree/srfi/scribblings/srfi-std/srfi-5.html racket-7.0/share/pkgs/srfi-doc-nonfree/srfi/scribblings/srfi-std/srfi-5.html
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-   <title>SRFI 5: A compatible let form with signatures and rest arguments</title>
-SRFI-5: A compatible <code>let</code> form with signatures and rest arguments
-Andy Gaynor
-This SRFI is currently in ``final'' status.  To see an explanation of each status that a SRFI can hold, see <A HREF="">here</A>.
-You can access the discussion on this SRFI via <A HREF="">the archive of the mailing list</A>.
-<LI>Received: 1999/2/2
-<LI>Draft: 1999/2/10-1999/04/12
-<LI>Final: 1999/4/26
-<LI>Revised reference implementation: 2003/01/27
-The <i>named-let</i> incarnation of the <code>let</code> form has two slight
-inconsistencies with the <code>define</code> form.  As defined, the <code>let</code>
-form makes no accommodation for rest arguments, an issue of functionality
-and consistency.  As defined, the <code>let</code> form does not accommodate
-signature-style syntax, an issue of aesthetics and consistency.  Both
-issues are addressed here in a manner which is compatible with the traditional
-<code>let</code> form but for minor extensions.
-<H2>Signature-style Syntax</H2>
-Consider the following two equivalent definitions:
-(define fibonacci
-  (lambda (n i f0 f1)
-    (if (= i n)
-      f0
-      (fibonacci n (+ i 1) f1 (+ f0 f1)))))
-(define (fibonacci n i f0 f1)
-  (if (= i n)
-    f0
-    (fibonacci n (+ i 1) f1 (+ f0 f1))))
-Although there is a named-let analog for the former form, there is none
-for the latter.  To wit, suppose one wished to compute the 10th element
-of the Fibonacci sequence using a named let:
-(let fibonacci ((n 10) (i 0) (f0 0) (f1 1))
-  (if (= i n)
-    f0
-    (fibonacci n (+ i 1) f1 (+ f0 f1))))
-Values: 55
-As it stands, one cannot equivalently write
-(let (fibonacci (n 10) (i 0) (f0 0) (f1 1))
-  (if (= i n)
-    f0
-    (fibonacci n (+ i 1) f1 (+ f0 f1))))
-which is consistent with <code>define</code>'s signature-style form.
-<p>Those that favor the signature style may prefer this extension. 
-In any case, it may be more appropriate to include all bound names within
-the binding section.  As presented, this straightforward extension
-introduces no ambiguity or incompatibility with the existing definition
-of let.
-<H2>Rest Arguments</H2>
-As it stands, one cannot write a named let with rest arguments, as in
-(let (blast (port (current-output-port)) . (x (+ 1 2) 4 5))
-  (if (null? x)
-    'just-a-silly-contrived-example
-    (begin
-      (write (car x) port)
-      (apply blast port (cdr x)))))
-otherwise equivalent to
-(letrec ((blast (lambda (port . x)
-		  (if (null? x)
-		      'just-a-silly-contrived-example
-		      (begin
-			(write (car x) port)
-			(apply blast port (cdr x)))))))
-  (blast (current-output-port) (+ 1 2) 4 5))
-While this example is rather contrived, the functionality is not. 
-There are several times when the author has used this construct in practice. 
-Regardless, there is little reason to deny the <code>let</code> form access to
-all the features of lambda functionality.
-<H2>Symbols in Binding Sections</H2>
-Both the features above rely upon the placement of symbols in <code>let</code>
-binding lists (this statement is intentially simplistic).  The only
-other apparent use of such symbol placement is to tersely bind variables
-to unspecified values.  For example, one might desire to use
-<code>(let (foo bar baz) ...)</code>
-to bind <code>foo</code>, <code>bar</code>, and <code>baz</code> to
-unspecified values.
-<p>This usage is considered less important in light of the rationales
-presented above, and an alternate syntax is immediately apparent, as
-in <code>(let ((foo) (bar) (baz)) ...)</code> This may even
-be preferable, consistently parenthesizing normal binding clauses.
-A formal specification of the syntax follows.  Below, body, expression,
-and identifier are free.  Each instantiation of binding-name must be
-            let = "(" "let" let-bindings body ")"
-    expressions = nothing | expression expressions
-   let-bindings = let-name bindings
-                | "(" let-name "." bindings ")"
-       let-name = identifier
-       bindings = "(" ")"
-                | rest-binding
-                | "(" normal-bindings ["." rest-binding] ")"
-normal-bindings = nothing
-                | normal-binding normal-bindings
- normal-binding = "(" binding-name expression ")"
-   binding-name = identifier
-   rest-binding = "(" binding-name expressions ")"
-For clarity and convenience, an informal specification follows.
-<li><a name="unnamed">Unnamed</a>
-(let ((&lt;parameter&gt; &lt;argument&gt;)...) 
-  &lt;body&gt;...)
-<li><a name="named-non-sig">
-Named, non-signature-style, no rest argument</a>
-(let &lt;name&gt; ((&lt;parameter&gt; &lt;argument&gt;)...)
-  &lt;body&gt;...)
-<li><a name="named-sig">Named, signature-style,  no rest argument</a>
-(let (&lt;name&gt; (&lt;parameter&gt; &lt;argument&gt;)...)
-  &lt;body&gt;...)
-<li><a name="named-non-sig-rest">Named, non-signature-style, rest argument</a>
-(let &lt;name&gt; ((&lt;parameter&gt; &lt;argument&gt;)...
-. (&lt;rest-parameter&gt; &lt;rest-argument&gt;...))
-  &lt;body&gt;...)
-<li><a name="named-sig-rest">Named, signature-style, rest argument</a>
-(let (&lt;name&gt; (&lt;parameter&gt; &lt;argument&gt;)...
-. (&lt;rest-parameter&gt; &lt;rest-argument&gt;...))
-  &lt;body&gt;...)
-Let <code>$lambda</code> and <code>$letrec</code> be hygienic bindings for the <code>lambda</code>
-and <code>letrec</code> forms, respectively.
-<li>For informal syntax 1:
-(($lambda (&lt;parameter&gt;...) &lt;body&gt;...) &lt;argument&gt;...)
-<li>For informal syntaxes 2 and 3:
-($letrec ((&lt;name&gt; ($lambda (&lt;parameter&gt;...) &lt;body&gt;...)))
-  (&lt;name&gt; &lt;argument&gt;...))
-<li>For informal syntaxes 4 and 5:
-($letrec ((&lt;name&gt; ($lambda (&lt;parameter&gt;...
-. &lt;rest-parameter&gt;) &lt;body&gt;...))) 
-  (&lt;name&gt; &lt;argument&gt;... &lt;rest-argument&gt;...))
-Here is an implementation using <code>SYNTAX-RULES</code>.
-;; Use your own standard let.
-;; Or call a lambda.
-;; (define-syntax standard-let
-;;   (syntax-rules ()
-;;     ((let ((var val) ...) body ...)
-;;      ((lambda (var ...) body ...) val ...))))
-(define-syntax let
-  (syntax-rules ()
-    ;; No bindings: use standard-let.
-    ((let () body ...)
-     (standard-let () body ...))
-    ;; Or call a lambda.
-    ;; ((lambda () body ...))
-    ;; All standard bindings: use standard-let.
-    ((let ((var val) ...) body ...)
-     (standard-let ((var val) ...) body ...))
-    ;; Or call a lambda.
-    ;; ((lambda (var ...) body ...) val ...)
-    ;; One standard binding: loop.
-    ;; The all-standard-bindings clause didn't match,
-    ;; so there must be a rest binding.
-    ((let ((var val) . bindings) body ...)
-     (let-loop #f bindings (var) (val) (body ...)))
-    ;; Signature-style name: loop.
-    ((let (name binding ...) body ...)
-     (let-loop name (binding ...) () () (body ...)))
-    ;; defun-style name: loop.
-    ((let name bindings body ...)
-     (let-loop name bindings () () (body ...)))))
-(define-syntax let-loop
-  (syntax-rules ()
-    ;; Standard binding: destructure and loop.
-    ((let-loop name ((var0 val0) binding ...) (var ...     ) (val ...     ) body)
-     (let-loop name (            binding ...) (var ... var0) (val ... val0) body))
-    ;; Rest binding, no name: use standard-let, listing the rest values.
-    ;; Because of let's first clause, there is no "no bindings, no name" clause.
-    ((let-loop #f (rest-var rest-val ...) (var ...) (val ...) body)
-     (standard-let ((var val) ... (rest-var (list rest-val ...))) . body))
-    ;; Or call a lambda with a rest parameter on all values.
-    ;; ((lambda (var ... . rest-var) . body) val ... rest-val ...))
-    ;; Or use one of several other reasonable alternatives.
-    ;; No bindings, name: call a letrec'ed lambda.
-    ((let-loop name () (var ...) (val ...) body)
-     ((letrec ((name (lambda (var ...) . body)))
-        name)
-      val ...))
-    ;; Rest binding, name: call a letrec'ed lambda.
-    ((let-loop name (rest-var rest-val ...) (var ...) (val ...) body)
-     ((letrec ((name (lambda (var ... . rest-var) . body)))
-        name)
-      val ... rest-val ...))))
-Copyright (C) Andy Gaynor (1999). All Rights Reserved.
-<p>This document and translations of it may be copied and furnished to
-others, and derivative works that comment on or otherwise explain it or
-assist in its implementation may be prepared, copied, published and distributed,
-in whole or in part, without restriction of any kind, provided that the
-above copyright notice and this paragraph are included on all such copies
-and derivative works. However, this document itself may not be modified
-in any way, such as by removing the copyright notice or references to the
-Scheme Request For Implementation process or editors, except as needed
-for the purpose of developing SRFIs in which case the procedures for copyrights
-defined in the SRFI process must be followed, or as required to translate
-it into languages other than English.
-<p>The limited permissions granted above are perpetual and will not be
-revoked by the authors or their successors or assigns.
-<p>This document and the information contained herein is provided on an
-    <hr>
-    <address>Editor: <a href="">Mike Sperber</a></address>
diff -urN racket-7.0.orig/share/pkgs/srfi-lib-nonfree/info.rkt racket-7.0/share/pkgs/srfi-lib-nonfree/info.rkt
--- racket-7.0.orig/share/pkgs/srfi-lib-nonfree/info.rkt	2018-08-03 15:23:48.906563738 -0400
+++ racket-7.0/share/pkgs/srfi-lib-nonfree/info.rkt	1969-12-31 19:00:00.000000000 -0500
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-(module info setup/infotab (#%module-begin (define package-content-state (quote (built "7.0"))) (define collection (quote multi)) (define deps (quote ("scheme-lib" "base" "r6rs-lib" "srfi-lib" "compatibility-lib"))) (define pkg-desc "implementation (no documentation) part of \"srfi nonfree\"") (define pkg-authors (quote (mflatt noel chongkai jay)))))
diff -urN racket-7.0.orig/share/pkgs/srfi-lib-nonfree/srfi/%3a5/let.rkt racket-7.0/share/pkgs/srfi-lib-nonfree/srfi/%3a5/let.rkt
--- racket-7.0.orig/share/pkgs/srfi-lib-nonfree/srfi/%3a5/let.rkt	2018-08-03 15:23:48.906563738 -0400
+++ racket-7.0/share/pkgs/srfi-lib-nonfree/srfi/%3a5/let.rkt	1969-12-31 19:00:00.000000000 -0500
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-#lang s-exp srfi/provider srfi/%3a5
diff -urN racket-7.0.orig/share/pkgs/srfi-lib-nonfree/srfi/%3a5.rkt racket-7.0/share/pkgs/srfi-lib-nonfree/srfi/%3a5.rkt
--- racket-7.0.orig/share/pkgs/srfi-lib-nonfree/srfi/%3a5.rkt	2018-08-03 15:23:48.906563738 -0400
+++ racket-7.0/share/pkgs/srfi-lib-nonfree/srfi/%3a5.rkt	1969-12-31 19:00:00.000000000 -0500
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-#lang s-exp srfi/provider srfi/5
-;; FIXME: "rest arguments" need to generate mutable lists
diff -urN racket-7.0.orig/share/pkgs/srfi-lib-nonfree/srfi/5/let.rkt racket-7.0/share/pkgs/srfi-lib-nonfree/srfi/5/let.rkt
--- racket-7.0.orig/share/pkgs/srfi-lib-nonfree/srfi/5/let.rkt	2018-08-03 15:23:48.906563738 -0400
+++ racket-7.0/share/pkgs/srfi-lib-nonfree/srfi/5/let.rkt	1969-12-31 19:00:00.000000000 -0500
@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
-;;; <let.rkt> ---- SRFI 5 A compatible let form with signatures and rest arguments
-;;; Time-stamp: <03/04/08 09:56:06 solsona>
-;;; Usually, I would add a copyright notice, and the announce that
-;;; this code is under the LGPL licence.  Nevertheless, I only did the
-;;; port to PLT Scheme v200, and here is the copyright notice,
-;;; comments, and licence from the original source:
-;;; Copyright (C) Andy Gaynor (1999-2003)
-;;; The version of my-let here was cleaned up by: Paul Schlie <>.
-;;; Renamed to s:let by Eli Barzilay
-#lang scheme/base
-(provide s:let)
-(define-syntax s:let
-  (syntax-rules ()
-    ;; standard
-    ((s:let () body ...)
-     (let () body ...))
-    ((s:let ((var val) ...) body ...)
-     (let ((var val) ...) body ...))
-    ;; rest style
-    ((s:let ((var val) . bindings) body ...)
-     (let-loop #f bindings (var) (val) (body ...)))
-    ;; signature style
-    ((s:let (name bindings ...) body ...)
-     (let-loop name (bindings ...) () () (body ...)))
-    ;; standard named style
-    ((s:let name (bindings ...) body ...)
-     (let-loop name (bindings ...) () () (body ...)))
-    ))
-;; A loop to walk down the list of bindings.
-(define-syntax let-loop
-  (syntax-rules ()
-    ;; No more bindings - make a LETREC.
-    ((let-loop name () (vars ...) (vals ...) body)
-     ((letrec ((name (lambda (vars ...) . body)))
-        name)
-      vals ...))
-    ;; Rest binding, no name
-    ((let-loop #f (rest-var rest-val ...) (var ...) (val ...) body)
-     (let ((var val) ... (rest-var (list rest-val ...))) . body))
-    ;; Process a (var val) pair.
-    ((let-loop name ((var val) more ...) (vars ...)     (vals ...)     body)
-     (let-loop name (more ...)           (vars ... var) (vals ... val) body))
-    ;; End with a rest variable - make a LETREC.
-    ((let-loop name (rest-var rest-vals ...) (vars ...) (vals ...) body)
-     ((letrec ((name (lambda (vars ... . rest-var) . body)))
-        name)
-      vals ... rest-vals ...))))
-;; Four loops - normal and `signature-style', each with and without a rest
-;; binding.
-;;(let fibonacci ((n 10) (i 0) (f0 0) (f1 1))
-;;  (if (= i n)
-;;      f0
-;;      (fibonacci n (+ i 1) f1 (+ f0 f1))))
-;;(let (fibonacci (n 10) (i 0) (f0 0) (f1 1))
-;;  (if (= i n)
-;;      f0
-;;      (fibonacci n (+ i 1) f1 (+ f0 f1))))
-;;(let fibonacci ((n 10) (i 0) . (f 0 1))
-;;  (if (= i n)
-;;      (car f)
-;;      (fibonacci n (+ i 1) (cadr f) (+ (car f) (cadr f)))))
-;;(let (fibonacci (n 10) (i 0) . (f 0 1))
-;;  (if (= i n)
-;;      (car f)
-;;      (fibonacci n (+ i 1) (cadr f) (+ (car f) (cadr f)))))
diff -urN racket-7.0.orig/share/pkgs/srfi-lib-nonfree/srfi/5.rkt racket-7.0/share/pkgs/srfi-lib-nonfree/srfi/5.rkt
--- racket-7.0.orig/share/pkgs/srfi-lib-nonfree/srfi/5.rkt	2018-08-03 15:23:48.906563738 -0400
+++ racket-7.0/share/pkgs/srfi-lib-nonfree/srfi/5.rkt	1969-12-31 19:00:00.000000000 -0500
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-;; module loader for SRFI-5
-#lang s-exp srfi/provider srfi/5/let #:unprefix s: