Blob Blame History Raw
%global commit cf5169bb3e29ce9db4a73e26164bec0e92b083fb
%global shortcommit %(c=%{commit}; echo ${c:0:7})

ExclusiveArch:  %{ix86} x86_64

# Disable 32-bit builds on architectures with multilibs
# to avoid attempting pulling in 32-bit in to koji build.
%ifarch x86_64
%global disable32bit -Ddisable32bit=ON
Summary:        Tool to record and replay execution of applications
Name:           rr
Version:        5.3.0
Release:        13.20200424git%{shortcommit}%{?dist}
# The entire source code is MIT with the exceptions of
# files in following directories:
#   third-party/blake2       CC0
#   third-party/gdb          BSD
#   third-party/proc-service BSD
License:        MIT and CC0 and BSD

%if  0%{?rhel} == 7
BuildRequires: cmake3
BuildRequires: python36-pexpect
BuildRequires: cmake
BuildRequires: python3-pexpect
BuildRequires: make gcc gcc-c++ gdb
BuildRequires: libgcc
BuildRequires: glibc-devel
BuildRequires: libstdc++-devel
BuildRequires: man-pages
BuildRequires: capnproto capnproto-libs capnproto-devel
BuildRequires: patchelf

rr is a lightweight tool for recording and replaying execution
of applications (trees of processes and threads).
For more information, please visit

%package testsuite
Summary: Testsuite for checking rr functionality
%description testsuite
rr-testsuite includes compiled test binaries and other files
which are used to test the functionality of rr.
%setup -q -n rr-%{commit}


mkdir obj && cd obj
%cmake3 .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DINSTALL_TESTSUITE=ON %{?disable32bit}

make %{?_smp_mflags}

cd obj

rm -rf %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/rr/src

# Using a small hack from the Dyninst testsuite which changes file permissions
# to prevent any stripping of debugging information. This is done for libraries
# and executables used by the testsuite.
find %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/rr/testsuite/obj/bin \
  -type f -name '*' -execdir chmod 644 '{}' '+'

find %{buildroot}%{_libdir} \
  -type f -name '*.so' -execdir chmod 644 '{}' '+'

# Some files contain invalid RPATHS.
patchelf --set-rpath '%{_libdir}/rr/' %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/rr/testsuite/obj/bin/constructor

%dir %{_libdir}/rr
%attr(755,root,root) %{_libdir}/rr/*.so
%exclude %{_libdir}/rr/libtest_lib*.so
%dir %{_datadir}/rr

%files testsuite
%dir %{_libdir}/rr/testsuite

%attr(755,root,root) %{_libdir}/rr/libtest_lib*.so
%attr(755,root,root) %{_libdir}/rr/testsuite/obj/bin/*

%license LICENSE

* Fri Apr 24 2020 Sagar Patel <> 12.20200424gitcf5169b
- Sync with upstream branch master,
  commit cf5169bb3e29ce9db4a73e26164bec0e92b083fb.
- Introduces support for installable testsuite.

* Mon Feb 24 2020 Sagar Patel <> 11.20200224git4513b23
- Sync with upstream branch master,
  commit 4513b23c8092097dc42c73f3cbaf4cfaebd04efe.
- New patches enable rr to be built on older compilers.

* Thu Feb 13 2020 Sagar Patel <> 10.20200213gitabd3442
- Sync with upstream branch master,
  commit abd344288878c9b4046e0b8664927992947a46eb.
- New patches enable rr to be built on RHEL7.2 and later.

* Tue Jan 14 2020 William Cohen <> 5.3.0-8.20200124git7908fea
- Sync with upstream branch master,
  commit 70ba28f7ab2923d4e36ffc9d5d2e32357353b25c.
- SRPM buildable on Fedora koji or other rpm build systems.