Blob Blame History Raw
# Keep matching patterns enough not to hide unintended errors and warnings.

# There is no way to implement this with `%{SOURCE0}` without `%{_sourcedir}`.
# The order in the .spec file could be possibly different.
addFilter(r'ruby\.(spec|src):20: E: use-of-RPM_SOURCE_DIR$')

# The used version is not obvious.
addFilter(r'ruby\.(spec|src):\d+: W: unversioned-explicit-provides bundled\(ccan-build_assert\)$')
addFilter(r'ruby\.(spec|src):\d+: W: unversioned-explicit-provides bundled\(ccan-check_type\)$')
addFilter(r'ruby\.(spec|src):\d+: W: unversioned-explicit-provides bundled\(ccan-container_of\)$')
addFilter(r'ruby\.(spec|src):\d+: W: unversioned-explicit-provides bundled\(ccan-list\)$')

# The template files do not have to have executable bits.
addFilter(r'^rubygem-bundler\.noarch: E: non-executable-script /usr/share/gems/gems/bundler-[\d\.]+/lib/bundler/templates/[\w/\.]+ 644 /usr/bin/env ')

# The bundled gem files permissions are overridden as 644 by `make install`.
addFilter(r'^.*: E: non-executable-script /usr/share/gems/gems/(debug|net-(ftp|imap|pop)|prime)-[\d\.]+/bin/\w+ 644 ')

# Ruby provides API to set the cipher list.
addFilter(r'^ruby-libs\.\w+: W: crypto-policy-non-compliance-openssl /usr/lib(64)?/ruby/ SSL_CTX_set_cipher_list$')

# `gethostbyname` is part of deprecated Ruby API. There is also request to drop the API altogether:
addFilter(r'^ruby-libs\.\w+: W: binary-or-shlib-calls-gethostbyname /usr/lib(64)?/ruby/$')

# Nothing referred and no dependency information should be no problem.
addFilter(r'^ruby-libs\.\w+: E: shared-library-without-dependency-information /usr/lib(64)?/ruby/enc/$')

# These are Ruby plugins, where Ruby always load glibc prior the library.
addFilter(r'^ruby-libs\.\w+: W: library-not-linked-against-libc /usr/lib(64)?/ruby/.*.so$')

# Rake ships some examples.
addFilter(r'^rubygem-rake.noarch: W: devel-file-in-non-devel-package /usr/share/gems/gems/rake-[\d\.]+/doc/example/\w+.c$')

# Some executables don't have their manual pages. Is it worth of use help2man?
addFilter(r'^.+: W: no-manual-page-for-binary (bundler|gem|rbs|rdbg|rdoc|ruby-mri|typeprof)$')

# Default gems does not come with any documentation.
addFilter(r'^rubygem-(bigdecimal|io-console|json|psych)\.\w+: W: no-documentation$')

# rubygems-devel ships only RPM macros and generators. Their placement is given
# by RPM and can't be modified.
addFilter(r'rubygems-devel.noarch: W: only-non-binary-in-usr-lib$')

# The empty gem.build_complete file is false positive. This error is gone in rpmlint 2.0+.
addFilter(r'^ruby(gem)?-(bigdecimal|bundled-gems|io-console|json|psych|rbs)\.\w+: E: zero-length /usr/lib(64)?/gems/ruby/.*/gem.build_complete')