Blob Blame History Raw
# Generated from redis-3.0.4.gem by gem2rpm -*- rpm-spec -*-
%global gem_name redis

Name: rubygem-%{gem_name}
Version: 3.0.4
Release: 3%{?dist}
Summary: A Ruby client library for Redis
Group: Development/Languages
License: MIT
Requires: ruby(release)
Requires: ruby(rubygems)
BuildRequires: ruby
BuildRequires: ruby(release)
BuildRequires: rubygems-devel
BuildRequires: rubygem(minitest)
BuildRequires: redis
BuildRequires: nmap-ncat
BuildArch: noarch
Provides: rubygem(%{gem_name}) = %{version}

A Ruby client that tries to match Redis' API one-to-one, while still
providing an idiomatic interface. It features thread-safety,
client-side sharding, pipelining, and an obsession for performance.

%package doc
Summary: Documentation for %{name}
Group: Documentation
Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
BuildArch: noarch

%description doc
Documentation for %{name}

gem unpack %{SOURCE0}

%setup -q -T -D -n  %{gem_name}-%{version}

gem spec %{SOURCE0} -l --ruby > %{gem_name}.gemspec

# Create the gem as gem install only works on a gem file
gem build %{gem_name}.gemspec

# %%gem_install compiles any C extensions and installs the gem into ./%%gem_dir
# by default, so that we can move it into the buildroot in %%install

pushd .%{gem_instdir}

## Running Redis server, which does not support IPv4, nc cannot connect to it using localhost.
## Use instead or else it hangs while testing.
sed -i "s/localhost/" test/publish_subscribe_test.rb

## Start a testing redis server instance
/usr/sbin/redis-server test/test.conf

## Set locale because two tests fail in mock.

testrb -Ilib test/*_test.rb

## Kill redis-server
kill -INT `cat test/db/`

mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{gem_dir}
cp -pa .%{gem_dir}/* \

%dir %{gem_instdir}
%doc %{gem_instdir}/LICENSE
%exclude %{gem_cache}
%exclude %{gem_instdir}/.*

%files doc
%doc %{gem_docdir}
%doc %{gem_instdir}/
%doc %{gem_instdir}/
%exclude %{gem_instdir}/test/db/.gitignore

* Tue Sep 03 2013 Axilleas Pipinellis <> - 3.0.4-3
- Move %exclude .gitignore to -doc
- Reference to redis related bug

* Thu Jun 27 2013 Axilleas Pipinellis <> - 3.0.4-2
- Fix failing test
- Remove redis from Requires
- Exclude dot file

* Sun Jun 23 2013 Axilleas Pipinellis <> - 3.0.4-1
- Initial package