Blob Blame History Raw
From e3d51c5adba339fe2f1f2434399db940a666034e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Fabio Valentini <>
Date: Mon, 12 Jun 2023 14:10:33 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] unconditionally use pkg-config to link with system libcurl

--- | 582 +------------------------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 577 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ b/
index aae0ac6..497789c 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,606 +1,34 @@
-use std::env;
-use std::fs;
-use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
 use std::process::Command;
 fn main() {
-    println!("cargo:rerun-if-changed=curl");
-    let target = env::var("TARGET").unwrap();
-    let windows = target.contains("windows");
-    if cfg!(feature = "mesalink") {
-        println!("cargo:warning=MesaLink support has been removed as of curl 7.82.0, will use default TLS backend instead.");
-    }
-    // This feature trumps all others, and is largely set by rustbuild to force
-    // usage of the system library to ensure that we're always building an
-    // ABI-compatible Cargo.
-    if cfg!(feature = "force-system-lib-on-osx") && target.contains("apple") {
-        return println!("cargo:rustc-flags=-l curl");
-    }
-    // If the static-curl feature is disabled, probe for a system-wide libcurl.
-    if !cfg!(feature = "static-curl") {
-        // OSX ships libcurl by default, so we just use that version
-        // so long as it has the right features enabled.
-        if target.contains("apple") && (!cfg!(feature = "http2") || curl_config_reports_http2()) {
-            return println!("cargo:rustc-flags=-l curl");
-        }
-        // Next, fall back and try to use pkg-config if its available.
-        if windows {
-            if try_vcpkg() {
-                return;
-            }
-        } else if try_pkg_config() {
-            return;
-        }
-    }
-    if !Path::new("curl/.git").exists() {
-        let _ = Command::new("git")
-            .args(&["submodule", "update", "--init"])
-            .status();
-    }
-    if target.contains("apple") {
-        // On (older) OSX we need to link against the clang runtime,
-        // which is hidden in some non-default path.
-        //
-        // More details at
-        if let Some(path) = macos_link_search_path() {
-            println!("cargo:rustc-link-lib=clang_rt.osx");
-            println!("cargo:rustc-link-search={}", path);
-        }
-    }
-    let dst = PathBuf::from(env::var_os("OUT_DIR").unwrap());
-    let include = dst.join("include");
-    let build = dst.join("build");
-    println!("cargo:root={}", dst.display());
-    println!("cargo:include={}", include.display());
-    println!("cargo:static=1");
-    println!("cargo:rustc-cfg=libcurl_vendored");
-    fs::create_dir_all(include.join("curl")).unwrap();
-    for header in [
-        "curl.h",
-        "curlver.h",
-        "easy.h",
-        "options.h",
-        "header.h",
-        "mprintf.h",
-        "multi.h",
-        "stdcheaders.h",
-        "system.h",
-        "urlapi.h",
-        "typecheck-gcc.h",
-        "websockets.h",
-    ]
-    .iter()
-    {
-        fs::copy(
-            format!("curl/include/curl/{}", header),
-            include.join("curl").join(header),
-        )
-        .unwrap();
-    }
-    let pkgconfig = dst.join("lib/pkgconfig");
-    fs::create_dir_all(&pkgconfig).unwrap();
-    let contents = fs::read_to_string("curl/").unwrap();
-    fs::write(
-        pkgconfig.join("libcurl.pc"),
-        contents
-            .replace("@prefix@", dst.to_str().unwrap())
-            .replace("@exec_prefix@", "")
-            .replace("@libdir@", dst.join("lib").to_str().unwrap())
-            .replace("@includedir@", include.to_str().unwrap())
-            .replace("@CPPFLAG_CURL_STATICLIB@", "-DCURL_STATICLIB")
-            .replace("@LIBCURL_LIBS@", "")
-            .replace("@SUPPORT_FEATURES@", "")
-            .replace("@SUPPORT_PROTOCOLS@", "")
-            .replace("@CURLVERSION@", "8.1.2"),
-    )
-    .unwrap();
-    let mut cfg = cc::Build::new();
-    cfg.out_dir(&build)
-        .include("curl/lib")
-        .include("curl/include")
-        .define("BUILDING_LIBCURL", None)
-        .define("CURL_DISABLE_DICT", None)
-        .define("CURL_DISABLE_GOPHER", None)
-        .define("CURL_DISABLE_IMAP", None)
-        .define("CURL_DISABLE_LDAP", None)
-        .define("CURL_DISABLE_LDAPS", None)
-        .define("CURL_DISABLE_POP3", None)
-        .define("CURL_DISABLE_RTSP", None)
-        .define("CURL_DISABLE_SMB", None)
-        .define("CURL_DISABLE_SMTP", None)
-        .define("CURL_DISABLE_TELNET", None)
-        .define("CURL_DISABLE_TFTP", None)
-        .define("CURL_STATICLIB", None)
-        .define("ENABLE_IPV6", None)
-        .define("HAVE_ASSERT_H", None)
-        .define("OS", "\"unknown\"") // TODO
-        .define("HAVE_ZLIB_H", None)
-        .define("HAVE_LONGLONG", None)
-        .define("HAVE_LIBZ", None)
-        .define("HAVE_BOOL_T", None)
-        .define("HAVE_STDBOOL_H", None)
-        .file("curl/lib/asyn-thread.c")
-        .file("curl/lib/altsvc.c")
-        .file("curl/lib/base64.c")
-        .file("curl/lib/bufq.c")
-        .file("curl/lib/bufref.c")
-        .file("curl/lib/cfilters.c")
-        .file("curl/lib/cf-h1-proxy.c")
-        .file("curl/lib/cf-haproxy.c")
-        .file("curl/lib/cf-https-connect.c")
-        .file("curl/lib/cf-socket.c")
-        .file("curl/lib/conncache.c")
-        .file("curl/lib/connect.c")
-        .file("curl/lib/content_encoding.c")
-        .file("curl/lib/cookie.c")
-        .file("curl/lib/curl_addrinfo.c")
-        .file("curl/lib/curl_get_line.c")
-        .file("curl/lib/curl_log.c")
-        .file("curl/lib/curl_memrchr.c")
-        .file("curl/lib/curl_range.c")
-        .file("curl/lib/curl_threads.c")
-        .file("curl/lib/doh.c")
-        .file("curl/lib/dynbuf.c")
-        .file("curl/lib/dynhds.c")
-        .file("curl/lib/easy.c")
-        .file("curl/lib/escape.c")
-        .file("curl/lib/file.c")
-        .file("curl/lib/fileinfo.c")
-        .file("curl/lib/fopen.c")
-        .file("curl/lib/formdata.c")
-        .file("curl/lib/getenv.c")
-        .file("curl/lib/getinfo.c")
-        .file("curl/lib/hash.c")
-        .file("curl/lib/headers.c")
-        .file("curl/lib/hmac.c")
-        .file("curl/lib/hostasyn.c")
-        .file("curl/lib/hostip.c")
-        .file("curl/lib/hostip6.c")
-        .file("curl/lib/hsts.c")
-        .file("curl/lib/http.c")
-        .file("curl/lib/http1.c")
-        .file("curl/lib/http_aws_sigv4.c")
-        .file("curl/lib/http_chunks.c")
-        .file("curl/lib/http_digest.c")
-        .file("curl/lib/http_proxy.c")
-        .file("curl/lib/idn.c")
-        .file("curl/lib/if2ip.c")
-        .file("curl/lib/inet_ntop.c")
-        .file("curl/lib/inet_pton.c")
-        .file("curl/lib/llist.c")
-        .file("curl/lib/md5.c")
-        .file("curl/lib/mime.c")
-        .file("curl/lib/mprintf.c")
-        .file("curl/lib/mqtt.c")
-        .file("curl/lib/multi.c")
-        .file("curl/lib/netrc.c")
-        .file("curl/lib/nonblock.c")
-        .file("curl/lib/noproxy.c")
-        .file("curl/lib/parsedate.c")
-        .file("curl/lib/progress.c")
-        .file("curl/lib/rand.c")
-        .file("curl/lib/rename.c")
-        .file("curl/lib/select.c")
-        .file("curl/lib/sendf.c")
-        .file("curl/lib/setopt.c")
-        .file("curl/lib/sha256.c")
-        .file("curl/lib/share.c")
-        .file("curl/lib/slist.c")
-        .file("curl/lib/socks.c")
-        .file("curl/lib/socketpair.c")
-        .file("curl/lib/speedcheck.c")
-        .file("curl/lib/splay.c")
-        .file("curl/lib/strcase.c")
-        .file("curl/lib/strdup.c")
-        .file("curl/lib/strerror.c")
-        .file("curl/lib/strtok.c")
-        .file("curl/lib/strtoofft.c")
-        .file("curl/lib/timeval.c")
-        .file("curl/lib/transfer.c")
-        .file("curl/lib/url.c")
-        .file("curl/lib/urlapi.c")
-        .file("curl/lib/version.c")
-        .file("curl/lib/vauth/digest.c")
-        .file("curl/lib/vauth/vauth.c")
-        .file("curl/lib/vquic/curl_msh3.c")
-        .file("curl/lib/vquic/curl_ngtcp2.c")
-        .file("curl/lib/vquic/curl_quiche.c")
-        .file("curl/lib/vquic/vquic.c")
-        .file("curl/lib/vtls/hostcheck.c")
-        .file("curl/lib/vtls/keylog.c")
-        .file("curl/lib/vtls/vtls.c")
-        .file("curl/lib/warnless.c")
-        .file("curl/lib/timediff.c")
-        .define("HAVE_GETADDRINFO", None)
-        .define("HAVE_GETPEERNAME", None)
-        .define("HAVE_GETSOCKNAME", None)
-        .warnings(false);
-    if cfg!(feature = "ntlm") {
-        cfg.file("curl/lib/curl_des.c")
-            .file("curl/lib/curl_endian.c")
-            .file("curl/lib/curl_gethostname.c")
-            .file("curl/lib/curl_ntlm_core.c")
-            .file("curl/lib/curl_ntlm_wb.c")
-            .file("curl/lib/http_ntlm.c")
-            .file("curl/lib/md4.c")
-            .file("curl/lib/vauth/ntlm.c")
-            .file("curl/lib/vauth/ntlm_sspi.c");
-    } else {
-        cfg.define("CURL_DISABLE_NTLM", None);
-    }
-    if cfg!(feature = "protocol-ftp") {
-        cfg.file("curl/lib/curl_fnmatch.c")
-            .file("curl/lib/ftp.c")
-            .file("curl/lib/ftplistparser.c")
-            .file("curl/lib/pingpong.c");
-    } else {
-        cfg.define("CURL_DISABLE_FTP", None);
-    }
-    if cfg!(feature = "http2") {
-        cfg.define("USE_NGHTTP2", None)
-            .define("NGHTTP2_STATICLIB", None)
-            .file("curl/lib/cf-h2-proxy.c")
-            .file("curl/lib/http2.c");
-        println!("cargo:rustc-cfg=link_libnghttp2");
-        if let Some(path) = env::var_os("DEP_NGHTTP2_ROOT") {
-            let path = PathBuf::from(path);
-            cfg.include(path.join("include"));
-        }
-    }
-    println!("cargo:rustc-cfg=link_libz");
-    if let Some(path) = env::var_os("DEP_Z_INCLUDE") {
-        cfg.include(path);
-    }
-    if cfg!(feature = "spnego") {
-        cfg.define("USE_SPNEGO", None)
-            .file("curl/lib/http_negotiate.c")
-            .file("curl/lib/vauth/vauth.c");
-    }
-    // Configure TLS backend. Since Cargo does not support mutually exclusive
-    // features, make sure we only compile one vtls.
-    if cfg!(feature = "rustls") {
-        cfg.define("USE_RUSTLS", None)
-            .file("curl/lib/vtls/rustls.c")
-            .include(env::var_os("DEP_RUSTLS_FFI_INCLUDE").unwrap());
-    } else if cfg!(feature = "windows-static-ssl") {
-        if windows {
-            cfg.define("USE_OPENSSL", None)
-                .file("curl/lib/vtls/openssl.c");
-            // We need both openssl and zlib
-            // Those can be installed with
-            // ```shell
-            // git clone
-            // cd vcpkg
-            // ./bootstrap-vcpkg.bat -disableMetrics
-            // ./vcpkg.exe integrate install
-            // ./vcpkg.exe install openssl:x64-windows-static-md
-            // ```
-            #[cfg(target_env = "msvc")]
-            vcpkg::Config::new().find_package("openssl").ok();
-            #[cfg(target_env = "msvc")]
-            vcpkg::Config::new().find_package("zlib").ok();
-        } else {
-            panic!("Not available on non windows platform")
-        }
-    } else if cfg!(feature = "ssl") {
-        if windows {
-            // For windows, spnego feature is auto on in case ssl feature is on.
-            // Please see definition of USE_SPNEGO in curl_setup.h for more info.
-            cfg.define("USE_WINDOWS_SSPI", None)
-                .define("USE_SCHANNEL", None)
-                .file("curl/lib/http_negotiate.c")
-                .file("curl/lib/curl_sspi.c")
-                .file("curl/lib/socks_sspi.c")
-                .file("curl/lib/vauth/spnego_sspi.c")
-                .file("curl/lib/vauth/vauth.c")
-                .file("curl/lib/vtls/schannel.c")
-                .file("curl/lib/vtls/schannel_verify.c")
-                .file("curl/lib/vtls/x509asn1.c");
-        } else if target.contains("-apple-") {
-            cfg.define("USE_SECTRANSP", None)
-                .file("curl/lib/vtls/sectransp.c")
-                .file("curl/lib/vtls/x509asn1.c");
-            if xcode_major_version().map_or(true, |v| v >= 9) {
-                // On earlier Xcode versions (<9), defining HAVE_BUILTIN_AVAILABLE
-                // would cause __bultin_available() to fail to compile due to
-                // unrecognized platform names, so we try to check for Xcode
-                // version first (if unknown, assume it's recent, as in >= 9).
-                cfg.define("HAVE_BUILTIN_AVAILABLE", "1");
-            }
-        } else {
-            cfg.define("USE_OPENSSL", None)
-                .file("curl/lib/vtls/openssl.c");
-            println!("cargo:rustc-cfg=link_openssl");
-            if let Some(path) = env::var_os("DEP_OPENSSL_INCLUDE") {
-                cfg.include(path);
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    // Configure platform-specific details.
-    if windows {
-        cfg.define("WIN32", None)
-            .define("USE_THREADS_WIN32", None)
-            .define("HAVE_IOCTLSOCKET_FIONBIO", None)
-            .define("USE_WINSOCK", None)
-            .file("curl/lib/bufref.c")
-            .file("curl/lib/system_win32.c")
-            .file("curl/lib/version_win32.c")
-            .file("curl/lib/vauth/digest_sspi.c")
-            .file("curl/lib/curl_multibyte.c");
-        if cfg!(feature = "spnego") {
-            cfg.file("curl/lib/vauth/spnego_sspi.c");
-        }
-    } else {
-        cfg.define("RECV_TYPE_ARG1", "int")
-            .define("HAVE_PTHREAD_H", None)
-            .define("HAVE_ARPA_INET_H", None)
-            .define("HAVE_ERRNO_H", None)
-            .define("HAVE_FCNTL_H", None)
-            .define("HAVE_NETDB_H", None)
-            .define("HAVE_NETINET_IN_H", None)
-            .define("HAVE_NETINET_TCP_H", None)
-            .define("HAVE_POLL_H", None)
-            .define("HAVE_FCNTL_O_NONBLOCK", None)
-            .define("HAVE_SYS_SELECT_H", None)
-            .define("HAVE_SYS_STAT_H", None)
-            .define("HAVE_SYS_TIME_H", None)
-            .define("HAVE_UNISTD_H", None)
-            .define("HAVE_RECV", None)
-            .define("HAVE_SELECT", None)
-            .define("HAVE_SEND", None)
-            .define("HAVE_SOCKET", None)
-            .define("HAVE_STERRROR_R", None)
-            .define("HAVE_SOCKETPAIR", None)
-            .define("HAVE_STRUCT_TIMEVAL", None)
-            .define("HAVE_SYS_UN_H", None)
-            .define("USE_THREADS_POSIX", None)
-            .define("USE_UNIX_SOCKETS", None)
-            .define("RECV_TYPE_ARG2", "void*")
-            .define("RECV_TYPE_ARG3", "size_t")
-            .define("RECV_TYPE_ARG4", "int")
-            .define("RECV_TYPE_RETV", "ssize_t")
-            .define("SEND_QUAL_ARG2", "const")
-            .define("SEND_TYPE_ARG1", "int")
-            .define("SEND_TYPE_ARG2", "void*")
-            .define("SEND_TYPE_ARG3", "size_t")
-            .define("SEND_TYPE_ARG4", "int")
-            .define("SEND_TYPE_RETV", "ssize_t")
-            .define("SIZEOF_CURL_OFF_T", "8")
-            .define("SIZEOF_INT", "4")
-            .define("SIZEOF_SHORT", "2");
-        if target.contains("-apple-") {
-            cfg.define("__APPLE__", None)
-                .define("HAVE_MACH_ABSOLUTE_TIME", None);
-        } else {
-            cfg.define("HAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME_MONOTONIC", None)
-                .define("HAVE_GETTIMEOFDAY", None)
-                // poll() on various versions of macOS are janky, so only use it
-                // on non-macOS unix-likes. This matches the official default
-                // build configuration as well.
-                .define("HAVE_POLL_FINE", None);
-        }
-        if cfg!(feature = "spnego") {
-            cfg.define("HAVE_GSSAPI", None)
-                .file("curl/lib/curl_gssapi.c")
-                .file("curl/lib/socks_gssapi.c")
-                .file("curl/lib/vauth/spnego_gssapi.c");
-            if let Some(path) = env::var_os("GSSAPI_ROOT") {
-                let path = PathBuf::from(path);
-                cfg.include(path.join("include"));
-            }
-            // Link against the MIT gssapi library. It might be desirable to add support for
-            // choosing between MIT and Heimdal libraries in the future.
-            println!("cargo:rustc-link-lib=gssapi_krb5");
-        }
-        let width = env::var("CARGO_CFG_TARGET_POINTER_WIDTH")
-            .unwrap()
-            .parse::<usize>()
-            .unwrap();
-        cfg.define("SIZEOF_SSIZE_T", Some(&(width / 8).to_string()[..]));
-        cfg.define("SIZEOF_SIZE_T", Some(&(width / 8).to_string()[..]));
-        cfg.define("SIZEOF_LONG", Some(&(width / 8).to_string()[..]));
-        cfg.flag("-fvisibility=hidden");
-    }
-    cfg.compile("curl");
-    if windows {
-        println!("cargo:rustc-link-lib=ws2_32");
-        println!("cargo:rustc-link-lib=crypt32");
-    }
-    // Illumos/Solaris requires explicit linking with libnsl
-    if target.contains("solaris") {
-        println!("cargo:rustc-link-lib=nsl");
-    }
-    if target.contains("-apple-") {
-        println!("cargo:rustc-link-lib=framework=Security");
-        println!("cargo:rustc-link-lib=framework=CoreFoundation");
-        println!("cargo:rustc-link-lib=framework=SystemConfiguration");
-    }
-#[cfg(not(target_env = "msvc"))]
-fn try_vcpkg() -> bool {
-    false
-#[cfg(target_env = "msvc")]
-fn try_vcpkg() -> bool {
-    // the import library for the dll is called libcurl_imp
-    let mut successful_probe_details = match vcpkg::Config::new()
-        .lib_names("libcurl_imp", "libcurl")
-        .emit_includes(true)
-        .probe("curl")
-    {
-        Ok(details) => Some(details),
-        Err(e) => {
-            println!("first run of vcpkg did not find libcurl: {}", e);
-            None
-        }
-    };
-    if successful_probe_details.is_none() {
-        match vcpkg::Config::new()
-            .lib_name("libcurl")
-            .emit_includes(true)
-            .probe("curl")
-        {
-            Ok(details) => successful_probe_details = Some(details),
-            Err(e) => println!("second run of vcpkg did not find libcurl: {}", e),
-        }
-    }
-    if successful_probe_details.is_some() {
-        // Found libcurl which depends on openssl, libssh2 and zlib
-        // in the a default vcpkg installation. Probe for them
-        // but do not fail if they are not present as we may be working
-        // with a customized vcpkg installation.
-        vcpkg::Config::new()
-            .lib_name("libeay32")
-            .lib_name("ssleay32")
-            .probe("openssl")
-            .ok();
-        vcpkg::probe_package("libssh2").ok();
-        vcpkg::Config::new()
-            .lib_names("zlib", "zlib1")
-            .probe("zlib")
-            .ok();
-        println!("cargo:rustc-link-lib=crypt32");
-        println!("cargo:rustc-link-lib=gdi32");
-        println!("cargo:rustc-link-lib=user32");
-        println!("cargo:rustc-link-lib=wldap32");
-        return true;
-    }
-    false
+    try_pkg_config();
-fn try_pkg_config() -> bool {
+fn try_pkg_config() {
     let mut cfg = pkg_config::Config::new();
-    let lib = match cfg.probe("libcurl") {
-        Ok(lib) => lib,
-        Err(e) => {
-            println!(
-                "Couldn't find libcurl from pkgconfig ({:?}), \
-                 compiling it from source...",
-                e
-            );
-            return false;
-        }
-    };
+    let lib = cfg.probe("libcurl").unwrap();
-    // Not all system builds of libcurl have http2 features enabled, so if we've
-    // got a http2-requested build then we may fall back to a build from source.
     if cfg!(feature = "http2") && !curl_config_reports_http2() {
-        return false;
+        panic!("System libcurl was built without HTTP/2 support.");
-    // Re-find the library to print cargo's metadata, then print some extra
-    // metadata as well.
     for path in lib.include_paths.iter() {
         println!("cargo:include={}", path.display());
-    true
-fn xcode_major_version() -> Option<u8> {
-    let status = Command::new("xcode-select").arg("-p").status().ok()?;
-    if status.success() {
-        let output = Command::new("xcodebuild").arg("-version").output().ok()?;
-        if output.status.success() {
-            let stdout = String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stdout);
-            println!("xcode version: {}", stdout);
-            let mut words = stdout.split_whitespace();
-            if == "Xcode" {
-                let version =;
-                return version[..version.find('.')?].parse().ok();
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    println!("unable to determine Xcode version, assuming >= 9");
-    None
 fn curl_config_reports_http2() -> bool {
-    let output = Command::new("curl-config").arg("--features").output();
-    let output = match output {
-        Ok(out) => out,
-        Err(e) => {
-            println!("failed to run curl-config ({}), building from source", e);
-            return false;
-        }
-    };
+    let output = Command::new("curl-config").arg("--features").output().unwrap();
     if !output.status.success() {
         println!("curl-config failed: {}", output.status);
         return false;
     let stdout = String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stdout);
     if !stdout.contains("HTTP2") {
-        println!(
-            "failed to find http-2 feature enabled in pkg-config-found \
-             libcurl, building from source"
-        );
         return false;
-fn macos_link_search_path() -> Option<String> {
-    let output = cc::Build::new()
-        .get_compiler()
-        .to_command()
-        .arg("--print-search-dirs")
-        .output()
-        .ok()?;
-    if !output.status.success() {
-        println!(
-            "failed to run 'clang --print-search-dirs', continuing without a link search path"
-        );
-        return None;
-    }
-    let stdout = String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stdout);
-    for line in stdout.lines() {
-        if line.contains("libraries: =") {
-            let path = line.split('=').nth(1)?;
-            if !path.is_empty() {
-                return Some(format!("{}/lib/darwin", path));
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    println!("failed to determine link search path, continuing without it");
-    None