Blob Blame History Raw
diff -up src/bin/sage.orig src/bin/sage
--- src/bin/sage.orig	2014-02-07 11:02:57.653623604 -0200
+++ src/bin/sage	2014-02-07 11:08:54.765637279 -0200
@@ -11,17 +11,14 @@ usage() {
     echo "  file.<sage|py|spyx> -- run given .sage, .py or .spyx files"
     echo "  -advanced           -- list all command line options"
     echo "  -c <cmd>            -- Evaluates cmd as sage code"
-    echo "  -experimental       -- list all experimental packages that can be installed"
     echo "  -gap [...]          -- run Sage's Gap with given arguments"
     echo "  -gp [...]           -- run Sage's PARI/GP calculator with given arguments"
     echo "  -h, -?              -- print this help message"
-    echo "  -i [packages]       -- install the given Sage packages"
     echo "  -inotebook [...]    -- start the *insecure* Sage notebook"
     echo "  -maxima [...]       -- run Sage's Maxima with given arguments"
     echo "  -mwrank [...]       -- run Sage's mwrank with given arguments"
     echo "  -n, -notebook [...] -- start the Sage notebook (options are the same"
     echo "                         as for the notebook command in Sage)"
-    echo "  -optional           -- list all optional packages that can be installed"
     echo "  -python [...]       -- run the Python interpreter"
     echo "  -R [...]            -- run Sage's R with given arguments"
     echo "  -singular [...]     -- run Sage's singular with given arguments"
@@ -37,10 +34,6 @@ usage() {
     echo "                           --optional - controls which optional tests are run"
     echo "                           --sagenb - test all sagenb files"
     echo "                           --help - show all testing options"
-    echo "  -upgrade [version]  -- download, build and install the given version. Here,"
-    echo "                         'version' is a git branch or tag name. Useful values"
-    echo "                         are 'master' (the currend development version, this"
-    echo "                         is the default) or a version number like '5.13'."
     echo "  -v, -version        -- print the Sage version"
     exit 0
@@ -64,14 +57,14 @@ usage_advanced() {
     echo "  -root               -- print the Sage root directory"
     echo "  -gthread, -qthread, -q4thread, -wthread, -pylab"
     echo "                      -- pass the option through to ipython"
+    echo "  -testall [options]  -- test all source files, docs, and examples.  options"
+    echo "                         like -t"
     echo "  -v, -version        -- print the Sage version"
     ####  1.......................26..................................................78
     ####  |.....................--.|...................................................|
     echo "Running the notebook:"
-    echo "  -bn, -build-and-notebook [...] -- build the Sage library then start"
-    echo "                         the Sage notebook"
     echo "  -inotebook [...]    -- start the *insecure* Sage notebook"
     echo "  -n, -notebook [...] -- start the Sage notebook (options are the same"
     echo "                         as for the notebook command in Sage)"
@@ -88,13 +81,9 @@ usage_advanced() {
     echo "  -gp [...]           -- run Sage's PARI/GP calculator with given arguments"
     echo "  -ipython [...]      -- run Sage's IPython using the default environment (not"
     echo "                         Sage), passing additional options to IPython"
-    echo "  -kash [...]         -- run Sage's Kash with given arguments"
-    command -v kash &>/dev/null || \
     echo "                         (not installed currently, run sage -i kash)"
     echo "  -lisp [...]         -- run Lisp interpreter included with Sage"
     echo "  -M2 [...]           -- run Sage's Macaulay2 with given arguments"
-    command -v M2 &>/dev/null || \
-    echo "                         (not installed currently, run sage -i macaulay2)"
     echo "  -maxima [...]       -- run Sage's Maxima with given arguments"
     echo "  -mwrank [...]       -- run Sage's mwrank with given arguments"
     echo "  -python [...]       -- run the Python interpreter"
@@ -108,80 +97,10 @@ usage_advanced() {
     ####  1.......................26..................................................78
     ####  |.....................--.|...................................................|
-    echo "Installing packages and upgrading:"
-    echo "  -experimental       -- list all experimental packages that can be installed"
-    echo "  -f [opts] [packages]-- shortcut for -i -f: force build of the given Sage"
-    echo "                         packages"
-    echo "  -i [opts] [packages]-- install the given Sage packages (unless they are"
-    echo "                         already installed); if no packages are given, print"
-    echo "                         a list of all installed packages.  Options:"
-    echo "                           -c -- run the packages' test suites"
-    echo "                           -f -- force build: install the packages even"
-    echo "                                 if they are already installed"
-    echo "                           -s -- do not delete the spkg/build directories"
-    echo "                                 after a successful build"
-    echo "  -info [packages]    -- print the SPKG.txt of the given packages"
-    echo "  -optional           -- list all optional packages that can be installed"
-    echo "  -standard           -- list all standard packages that can be installed"
-   #echo "  -update             -- download latest non-optional Sage packages (do not build them)"
-   #echo "  -update-build       -- build and install all downloaded non-optional Sage packages"
-    echo "  -upgrade [version]  -- download, build and install the given version. Here,"
-    echo "                         'version' is a git branch or tag name. Useful values"
-    echo "                         are 'master' (the currend development version, this"
-    echo "                         is the default) or a version number like '5.13'."
-    echo
-    ####  1.......................26..................................................78
-    ####  |.....................--.|...................................................|
-    echo "Building and testing the Sage library:"
-    echo "  -b [branch]         -- build Sage library.  If branch is given, switch to"
-    echo "                         branch in devel/sage-branch and build that branch"
-    echo "  -sync-build         -- delete old code and other files in the Sage library"
-    echo "                         that have already been deleted from devel/sage but"
-    echo "                         remain in the build directory.  This is sometimes"
-    echo "                         necessary because \`sage -b\` merely copies new or"
-    echo "                         modified files to the target directory."
-    echo "  -ba [branch]        -- same as -b and rebuild all Cython code"
-    echo "  -ba-force [branch]  -- same as -ba, but don't query before rebuilding"
-    echo "  -br [branch]        -- switch to, build, and run Sage given branch"
-    echo "  -bt [...]           -- build and test, options like -t below"
-    echo "  -btp <N> [...]      -- build and test parallel, options like -tp below"
-    echo "  -btnew [...]        -- build and test modified files, options like -tnew"
-    echo "  -fixdoctests <> [output_file] [--long]"
-    echo "                      -- writes a new version of to output_file"
-    echo "                         (defaults: to that will pass the doctests."
-    echo "                         With the optional --long argument the long time tests"
-    echo "                         are also checked."
-    echo "                         A patch for the new file is printed to stdout."
-    echo "  -startuptime [module] -- display how long each component of Sage takes to"
-    echo "                         start up; optionally specify a module to get more"
-    echo "                         details about that particular module"
-    echo "  -t [options] <--all|files|dir>"
-    echo "                      -- test examples in .py, .pyx, .sage, .tex or .rst files"
-    echo "                         selected options:"
-    echo "                           --long - include lines with the phrase 'long time'"
-    echo "                           --verbose - print debugging output during the test"
-    echo "                           --optional - controls which optional tests are run"
-    echo "                           --randorder[=seed] - randomize order of tests"
-    echo "                           --new - only test files modified since last commit"
-    echo "                           --initial - only show the first failure per block"
-    echo "                           --debug - drop into PDB after an unexpected error"
-    echo "                           --failed - only test files that failed last test"
-    echo "                           --sagenb - test all sagenb files"
-    echo "                           --help - show all testing options"
-    echo "  -tp <N> [...]       -- like -t above, but tests in parallel using N threads"
-    echo "                         with 0 interpreted as a sensible default"
-    echo "  -testall [options]  -- test all source files, docs, and examples.  options"
-    echo "                         like -t"
-    echo
-    ####  1.......................26..................................................78
-    ####  |.....................--.|...................................................|
     echo "Documentation:"
     echo "  -coverage <files>   -- give info about doctest coverage of files"
     echo "  -coverageall        -- give summary info about doctest coverage of all"
     echo "                         files in the Sage library"
-    echo "  -docbuild [lang/]<document> <html|pdf|...> -- Build the Sage documentation"
     echo "  -search_src <string> -- search through all the Sage library code for string"
     echo "  -search_doc <string> -- search through the Sage documentation for string"
     echo "  -grep <string>      -- same as -search_src"
@@ -201,17 +120,6 @@ usage_advanced() {
     ####  1.......................26..................................................78
     ####  |.....................--.|...................................................|
-    echo "Making Sage packages or distributions:"
-    echo "  -bdist VER          -- build a binary distribution of Sage"
-    echo "  -combinat [...]     -- run sage-combinat patch management script"
-    echo "  -crap sage-ver.tar  -- detect suspicious garbage in sage source tarball"
-    echo "  -pkg <dir>          -- create Sage package dir.spkg from a given directory"
-    echo "  -pkg_nc <dir>       -- as -pkg, but do not compress the package"
-    echo "  -sdist              -- build a source distribution of Sage"
-    echo
-    ####  1.......................26..................................................78
-    ####  |.....................--.|...................................................|
     echo "Valgrind memory debugging:"
     echo "  -cachegrind         -- run Sage using Valgrind's cachegrind tool.  The log"
     echo "                         files are named sage-cachegrind.PID can be found in"
@@ -225,9 +133,6 @@ usage_advanced() {
     echo "  -memcheck           -- run Sage using Valgrind's memcheck tool.  The log"
     echo "                         files are named sage-memcheck.PID can be found in"
     echo "                         $DOT_SAGE"
-    echo "  -omega              -- run Sage using Valgrind's omega tool.  The log"
-    echo "                         files are named sage-omega.PID can be found in"
-    echo "                         $DOT_SAGE"
     echo "  -valgrind           -- this is an alias for -memcheck"
     echo "You can also use -- before a long option, e.g., 'sage --optional'."
@@ -256,17 +161,6 @@ if [ "$1" = '-upgrade' -o "$1" = "--upgr
-# Source sage-env ($0 is the name of this "sage" script, so we can just
-# append -env to that). We redirect stdout to stderr, which is safer
-# for scripts.
-. "$0-env" >&2
-if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
-    echo >&2 "Error setting environment variables by sourcing '$0-env';"
-    echo >&2 "possibly contact sage-devel (see"
-    exit 1
 if [ $# -gt 0 ]; then
   if [ "$1" = '-h' -o "$1" = '-?' -o "$1" = '-help' -o "$1" = '--help' ]; then
@@ -279,25 +173,11 @@ fi
 # Prepare for running Sage, either interactively or non-interactively.
 sage_setup() {
-    # Check that we're not in a source tarball which hasn't been built yet (#13561).
-    if [ ! -d "$SAGE_LOCAL/lib/python/site-packages/sage" ]; then
-        echo >&2 '************************************************************************'
-        echo >&2 'It seems that you are attempting to run Sage from an unpacked source'
-        echo >&2 'tarball, but you have not compiled it yet (or maybe the build has not'
-        echo >&2 'finished). You should run `make` in the Sage root directory first.'
-        echo >&2 'If you did not intend to build Sage from source, you should download'
-        echo >&2 'a binary tarball instead. Read README.txt for more information.'
-        echo >&2 '************************************************************************'
-        exit 1
-    fi
     # Display the startup banner
     if [ "$SAGE_BANNER" != "no" ]; then
         cat "$SAGE_LOCAL/bin/sage-banner"
-    maybe_sage_location
     if [ ! -d "$IPYTHONDIR" ]; then
         # make sure that $DOT_SAGE exists so that ipython will happily
         # create its config directories there.  If DOT_SAGE doesn't
@@ -308,20 +188,6 @@ sage_setup() {
-# Check to see if the whole Sage install tree has moved.  If so,
-# change various hardcoded paths.  Skip this if we don't have write
-# access to $SAGE_LOCAL (e.g. when running as a different user) or
-# if Python and sage-location haven't been installed yet.
-    if [ -w "$SAGE_LOCAL" ]; then
-        if [ -x "$SAGE_LOCAL/bin/python" ] && [ -x "$SAGE_LOCAL/bin/sage-location" ]; then
-            sage-location || exit $?
-        fi
-    fi
 # Start an interactive Sage session, this function never returns.
 interactive_sage() {
@@ -371,11 +237,6 @@ if [ "$1" = '-axiom' -o "$1" = '--axiom'
     exec axiom "$@"
-if [ "$1" = '-combinat' -o "$1" = '--combinat' ]; then
-    shift
-    exec sage-combinat "$@"
 if [ "$1" = '-gap' -o "$1" = '--gap' ]; then
     exec gap "$@"
@@ -388,7 +249,7 @@ fi
 if [ "$1" = '-singular' -o "$1" = '--singular' ]; then
-    exec singular "$@"
+    exec Singular "$@"
 if [ "$1" = '-sqlite3' -o "$1" = '--sqlite3' ]; then
@@ -416,16 +277,6 @@ if [ "$1" = '-lisp' -o "$1" = '--lisp' ]
     exec ecl "$@"
-if [ "$1" = '-kash' -o "$1" = '--kash' ]; then
-    shift
-    exec kash "$@"
-if [ "$1" = '-fixdoctests' -o "$1" = '--fixdoctests' ]; then
-    shift
-    exec sage-fixdoctests "$@"
 if [ "$1" = '-maxima' -o "$1" = '--maxima' ]; then
     exec maxima "$@"
@@ -585,20 +436,6 @@ EOF
-# Test coverage of a module?
-if [ "$1" = "-coverage" -o "$1" = "--coverage" ]; then
-    shift
-    exec sage-coverage "$@"
-if [ "$1" = "-coverageall" -o "$1" = "--coverageall" ]; then
-    shift
-    exec sage-coverageall "$@"
 # File conversion
@@ -613,36 +450,15 @@ if [ "$1" = '-rst2sws' -o "$1" = '--rst2
-# Crap
-if [ "$1" = "-crap" -o "$1" = "--crap" ]; then
-    shift
-    exec sage-crap $@
 # Run Sage's versions of the standard Algebra/Geometry etc. software
-build_sage() {
-    maybe_sage_location
-    sage-build "$@" || exit $?
 if [ "$1" = "-notebook" -o "$1" = '--notebook' -o "$1" = '-n' ]; then
     sage-cleaner &>/dev/null &
     exec sage-notebook "$@"
-if [ "$1" = "-bn" -o "$1" = "--build-and-notebook" ]; then
-    shift
-    build_sage
-    sage-cleaner &>/dev/null &
-    exec sage-notebook "$@"
 if [ "$1" = "-inotebook" -o "$1" = '--inotebook' ]; then
     sage-cleaner &>/dev/null &
@@ -661,58 +477,12 @@ if [ "$1" = '-grepdoc' -o "$1" = "--grep
    exit 0
-if [ "$1" = '-b' ]; then
-    shift
-    time build_sage "$@"
-    exit $?
-if [ "$1" = '-br' -o "$1" = "--br" ]; then
-    shift
-    build_sage "$@"
-    interactive_sage
 if [ "$1" = '-r' ]; then
-if [ "$1" = '-ba' ]; then
-    shift
-    echo " *** WARNING ***"
-    echo " You are about to rebuild the entire Sage library."
-    echo " This will take a significant amount of time."
-    echo " (Use --ba-force instead of -ba to skip this prompt.)"
-    echo -n " Do you want to proceed? [y/n] "
-    read CHOICE
-    while [ "$CHOICE" != "y" -a "$CHOICE" != "n" ]; do
-        echo -n " Choose one of y, n: "
-        read CHOICE
-    done
-    if [ $CHOICE = 'n' ]; then
-        exit 0
-    fi
-    build_sage -b "$@"
-    exit $?
-if [ "$1" = '-ba-force' -o "$1" = '--ba-force' ]; then
-    shift
-    build_sage -b "$@"
-    exit $?
-if [ "$1" = '-sync-build' -o "$1" = '--sync-build' ]; then
-    shift
-    cd "$SAGE_ROOT"
-    exec "$@"
-if [ "$1" = '-t' -o "$1" = '-bt' -o "$1" = '-tp' -o "$1" = '-btp' ]; then
-    if [ "$1" = '-bt' -o "$1" = '-btp' ]; then
-        build_sage
-    fi
+if [ "$1" = '-t' -o "$1" = '-tp' ]; then
     if [ ! -f  "$DOT_SAGE"/init.sage ]; then
         echo >&2 "init.sage does not exist ... creating"
         touch "$DOT_SAGE"/init.sage
@@ -728,10 +498,7 @@ if [ "$1" = '-t' -o "$1" = '-bt' -o "$1"
-if [ "$1" = '-tnew' -o "$1" = '-btnew' ]; then
-    if [ "$1" = '-btnew' ]; then
-        build_sage
-    fi
+if [ "$1" = '-tnew' ]; then
@@ -745,12 +512,6 @@ if [ "$1" = '-testall' -o "$1" = "--test
     exec sage-runtests -a "$@"
-if [ "$1" = '-patchbot' -o "$1" = "--patchbot" ]; then
-    shift
-    cd "$SAGE_ROOT"
-    exec "$SAGE_LOCAL/bin/patchbot/" "$@"
 if [ "$1" = '-c' ]; then
@@ -759,124 +520,6 @@ if [ "$1" = '-c' ]; then
     exec sage-eval "$@"
-install() {
-    maybe_sage_location
-    mkdir -p "$SAGE_LOGS"
-    for PKG in "$@"
-    do
-        # Check for options
-        case "$PKG" in
-            -f) OPTF="-f"
-                continue;;
-            -m) OPTS="-s"
-                echo >&2 "Warning: the -m option is deprecated since Sage 5.0.  Use -s instead."
-                continue;;
-            -s) OPTS="-s"
-                continue;;
-            -c) OPTC="-c"
-                continue;;
-            --check) OPTC="-c"
-                continue;;
-            -info) OPTINFO="--info"
-                continue;;
-            --info) OPTINFO="--info"
-                continue;;
-            -*) echo >&2 "Error: unknown option '$PKG'"
-                exit 2;;
-        esac
-        PKG_NAME=`echo "$PKG" | sed -e "s/\.spkg$//"`
-        PKG_NAME=`basename "$PKG_NAME"`
-        "$SAGE_ROOT"/build/pipestatus \
-            "sage-spkg $OPTINFO $OPTF $OPTS $OPTC '$PKG' 2>&1" \
-            "(trap '' SIGINT; tee -a '$SAGE_ROOT/logs/install.log' '$SAGE_LOGS/$PKG_NAME.log')"
-        # Do not try to install further packages if one failed
-        if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
-            exit 1
-        fi
-    done
-    exit 0
-if [ "$1" = '-optional' -o "$1" = "--optional" ]; then
-    exec sage-list-optional
-if [ "$1" = '-experimental' -o "$1" = "--experimental" ]; then
-    exec sage-list-experimental
-if [ "$1" = '-standard' -o "$1" = "--standard" ]; then
-    exec sage-list-standard
-if [ "$1" = '-i' ]; then
-    shift
-    # If there are no further arguments, simply list all installed
-    # packages.
-    if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
-        exec sage-spkg
-    fi
-    install "$@"
-if [ "$1" = '-f' ]; then
-    shift
-    # If there are no further arguments, simply list all installed
-    # packages.
-    if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
-        exec sage-spkg
-    fi
-    install -f "$@"
-if [ "$1" = '-info' -o "$1" = '--info' ]; then
-    shift
-    for PKG in "$@"
-    do
-        sage-spkg --info "$PKG" || exit $?
-    done
-    exit 0
-if [ "$1" = '-pkg' -o "$1" = '-spkg' -o "$1" = "--pkg" -o "$1" = "--spkg" ]; then
-    shift
-    exec sage-pkg "$@"
-if [ "$1" = '-pkg_nc' -o "$1" = "--pkg_nc" ]; then
-    shift
-    exec sage-pkg -n "$@"
-if [ "$1" = '-sdist' -o "$1" = "--sdist" ]; then
-    maybe_sage_location
-    shift
-    exec sage-sdist "$@"
-if [ "$1" = '-rsyncdist' -o "$1" = "--rsyncdist" ]; then
-    if [ $# -ne 2 ]; then
-        echo >&2 "** MISSING VERSION NUMBER! **"
-        exit 2
-    fi
-    maybe_sage_location
-    exec sage-rsyncdist $2
-if [ "$1" = '-bdist' -o "$1" = "--bdist" ]; then
-    maybe_sage_location
-    shift
-    exec sage-bdist "$@"
-if [ "$1" = "-docbuild" -o "$1" = "--docbuild" ]; then
-    shift
-    exec python "$SAGE_DOC/common/" "$@"
 if [ "$1" = '-gdb' -o "$1" = "--gdb" ]; then
@@ -925,12 +568,6 @@ if [ "$1" = '-callgrind' -o "$1" = "--ca
     exec sage-callgrind "$@"
-if [ "$1" = '-omega' -o "$1" = "--omega" ]; then
-    shift
-    sage_setup
-    exec sage-omega "$@"
 if [ "$1" = '-startuptime' -o "$1" = '--startuptime' ]; then
     exec "$@"
diff -up src/bin/sage-runtests.orig src/bin/sage-runtests
--- src/bin/sage-runtests.orig	2014-02-07 11:09:24.776638428 -0200
+++ src/bin/sage-runtests	2014-02-07 11:09:41.780639079 -0200
@@ -54,10 +54,6 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
                       help="run doctests using Valgrind's cachegrind tool.  The log "
                          "files are named sage-cachegrind.PID and can be found in " +
                          os.path.join(os.environ["DOT_SAGE"], "valgrind"))
-    parser.add_option("--omega", action="store_true", default=False,
-                      help="run doctests using Valgrind's omega tool.  The log "
-                         "files are named sage-omega.PID and can be found in " +
-                         os.path.join(os.environ["DOT_SAGE"], "valgrind"))
     parser.add_option("-f", "--failed", action="store_true", default=False,
         help="doctest only those files that failed in the previous run")
diff -up src/bin/sage-valgrind.orig src/bin/sage-valgrind
--- src/bin/sage-valgrind.orig	2014-02-07 11:09:56.469639641 -0200
+++ src/bin/sage-valgrind	2014-02-07 11:10:06.804640037 -0200
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ fi
 echo "Log file is $LOG"
-MEMCHECK_FLAGS="--leak-resolution=high --log-file=$LOG --leak-check=full --num-callers=25 --suppressions=$SAGE_LOCAL/lib/valgrind/sage.supp "; export MEMCHECK_FLAGS
+MEMCHECK_FLAGS="--leak-resolution=high --log-file=$LOG --leak-check=full --num-callers=25 "; export MEMCHECK_FLAGS
 if [ "$SAGE_MEMCHECK_FLAGS" ]; then
     echo "Overwriting memcheck flags with:"